Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Watts Up (Page 13 of 23)

Surprise! Its Raining…

Given the current weather situation (and texts received), YHC guessed the lone attender in this morning’s gloom was going to be Dry Rub.

The Good News…. Dry Rub did show.
The Bad News…. No one else did.

Undaunted, we put our packs on and did what we came to do.

45 minutes later and nearly 3 miles we returned.

Much was discussed.

Until next time….


Watts Up Powering Down.

More Than Expected

Given the weather recently and forecasted, YHC wasn’t sure if this wasn’t going to be a solo Q.  But YHC found 1 already present upon arrival with 2 more following in short order.

0530 hits, so lets get started.

YHC sorta did a disclaimer since all present were F3 veterans and had posted recently.



GoofBalls x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
MNC x 10 IC

Mosey to shelter near Turd Shack in Martha’s by way of maintenance shack.

Upon arrival, YHC announced we would be doing some exercises and some running.  All present thought this a novel idea, so here is what we did….

3 Sets of:
15 Squats, 15 Overhead Presses, 10 Reverse Lunge
Run to 4th Light in parking lot and back.

3 Sets of:
15 Big Boys, 15 Calf Raises, 10 Burpees
Run to 4th Light in parking lot and back.

3 Sets of:
15 Monkey Humpers, 15 Rocky Balboas, 15 Reverse Crunch
Run to 4thLight in parking lot and back. (For the middle set, we did 65 SSH instead of the run)

3 Sets of:
15 Merkins, 15 Plank Jacks, 15 Mountain Climbers
Run to 4th Light in parking lot and back. (For the middle set, we did 65 SSH instead of the run)

3 Sets of:
15 LBCs, 15 American Hammers, 15 Crunchy Frogs
Run to 3rd Light in parking lot and back.

After the last set of exercises, we started the mosey back to home.  Along the way, there was also some Nurring.  We reached the entrance to the park.

Here we stopped for 15 Flutters before continuing on to where we started.


Prayer Requests:

  • Clavin’s M and Family
  • Gastone’s FIL

Tube took us out.


Until Next Time….

Watts Up Powering Down.

Ruck the Banks


No Warmup

We rucked to Hudson Road and back.  On the way out, we stopped at each bank and performed 20 ruck squats and a 30 second ruck plank.


Ville to Ville teams are forming.  See Slack if interested in joining a team.


Prayer Requests:

Hunchback’s friend with transplant.

YHC took us out.


Watts Up Powering Down.


And We Are Back… PainLab style

0700 hits and Roscoe asks if YHC wanted to lead warmup.

Sure!  Lets get after it.

Sargento brought a FNG, so the core principles were covered, but pretty sure the disclaimer was omitted.


Any way, on to the Pledge and Warmup.

10 Merkins IC
20?  LBCs IC

At this point, YHC called a split between PainLab and GasHouse.  But Whoopee requested one more warmup in honor of some Kotters.  The number done was fuzzy, but they were Joe Boos IC  (Monkey Humpers)

GasHouse ran off to do what they do and the PainLabbers gathered weights/bells/coupons and joined YHC in back part of the lot.

On today’s agenda is “Garage Boogie” from Rock Region:


  • Squats x15
  • Over Head Press X15
  • Reverse Lunge X10 each leg

Rinse and repeat X3 – 65 SSH between sets


  • Big boy sit ups x15
  • Bent rows x15
  • Burpees  X10

Rinse and repeat x3 – high knees one minute between sets


  • Coupon swing x15
  • Curls x15
  • Tricep extensions x15

Rinse and repeat x3 – Butt Kickers one minute between sets


  • Merkins x15
  • Moutain Climbers
  • Planks X15 second count

Rinse and Repeat x3 – 65 SSH between sets


  • Flutters x20
  • American Hammers x20
  • LBC x25

Rinse and Repeat x3 – 60ish SSH between sets


At this point GasHouse was starting to show back up.  We joined them for the last bit of time and the rest of the frivolity.

It was really great to see those that posted.


SYITG somewhere.


Watts Up Powering Down.

Rucking, Merkins and Squats – Oh My!

0530 hits with 4 joining YHC for his 4th Q in a row.

We knock out The Pledge before heading out on a trek to the yellow and black beacon a ways away (Waffle House).

Every 5:00 minutes for the first half of the trek, we stopped for 10 Merkins and 20 Squats.

On the way back, we stopped once or twice more.

Nuff Said.

Nothing new to announce at this point.

Prayer concerns centered around COVID-19.

YHC took us out.

These are unprecedented times.  There is no playbook or even guidance on how to deal with what we are living through.  Everyone everywhere is flying by the seat of their pants.  Everyone that is, but God.  He has this.  Look to Him, Pray.  Rely on Him.  With Him, no matter the outcome, there will be peace and joy forevermore.  Together, as a group of believers, we will persevere.

Watts Up powering down.

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