Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Tube (Page 7 of 10)

Minimum of 2 to play the game

Its looking like it’s just me a Voodoo for the split to Painlab. The group separates and me and Voodoo grab a corner of the parking lot, crank up our favorite 80’s hair band and proceed to put the work in. Then here comes Tax Break sneaking in with his EV. Sweet, and he brought some toys for us to play with. Now we have a curl bar, abs wheel and dumbbells for stations. Let’s start with warm-ups. Now for the meat and potatoes.
Set 1: 50 secs of work/ 10 secs to transition
Merkins, curl your kettle, o/h press w/kettle, o/h triceps ext. w/kettle, isolated row switch arms half way, decline chest press on six w/ kettle & hips up, shadow boxing in squat position. R&R
Set 2: 50 secs of work/ 10 secs to transition
Crunches, rev. crunches, flutters, American hammers, big boys, Superman’s, baby makers. R&R
Set 3: Stations 50 secs of work/ 10 secs to transition
Romanian deadlifts w/ dumbbells’, abs roller – extend as far as you can go, slam ball, curl bar w/ 35lbs.

We put the work in today and kept the cardio up. Good work men!

Prayers for Tax Break and his family. He lost his mother last week unexpectedly when he thought she was getting out of the hospital. The Lord has other plans. Prayers to all other Hims dealing right now, we all have something going on.

Three seems to be a popular number

I think we pulled in at the same time but on opposite sides of the parking lot. Orangeman present and accounted for, but where was everyone else? As he and I start talking Waffle House, low and behold here comes Spiderman. I yell to Peter Parker across the parking lot to bring his bell and he laughs and says hell no. Apparently, this super hero hurt his shoulder (slinging bad guys) and has been jacked up and on the IR list for 2 weeks! But does his vajaja hurt bad enough to fartsack? Hale no, dude improvised as needed. 
We get a few stretches in and start on… you guessed it, CORE.  50 seconds on/ 10 seconds to transition

Crunches, baby makers, heels to heaven, reverse crunches, star crunches, American hammers, boat hold, mosey around the parking lot. R&R

Burpees, curls, overhead press, tricep o/h extensions, squat shadow boxing, isolated curls, mosey around the lot. R&R

6 minutes of Marry

Good work men! Spidy admits that his mobility improved a little. Use it or loose it, right? Mad respect man, now go ice up and get you that deep tissue massage.

Close out with a prayer for everyone that is dealing with one thing or another. We all have our issue or someone else’s issues on our plate. Lean on the guy next to you, ask for help. Offer some help. We are in this together and there is no reason to try an do it by yourself. Prayers for all the ones said and unsaid. God Bless this country and pray we don’t go to war.


Looks like an Epic turnout today with a packed out parking lot

Looks can be deceiving. The Schiele Museum just had a Camp-in over the weekend. But we did have a great turn-out anyway. As the clock nears 7am, I’m still looking for my FNG. It was a great surprise to see the Kotter that I’ve been EH’n since last year. Welcome back Hunchback!!

As we finished our warm ups served by Boudin, who do I see? My FNG rollin in on stealth mode in his EV. Let’s get started!

Abs: 50 sec work/10 sec of rest 

High knee taps, KB Thruster, Seated in/out, American hammers, crunches, rev crunches, reach ups, star crunches, Freddy Mercury, Supermans RR

Let’s mosey around the parking lot, stop at the benches for some triceps dips, incline pushups and step-ups. Now mosey back to out circle.

Arms: 50 sec work/10 sec rest

BURPEES, curls, clean & press, hammer curls, single arm rows, overhead press RR

6 minutes of Mary.

During the workout, we got to know a little bit about our FNG. Voodoo was jealous when he heard that the FNG has 8 kids. He was quick to throw in a suggestion for his name, Octomom. I have to admit, that was the strong front runner for his name. but only time will tell. We finish up PL and meet back with the group. Voodoo had to jet early, so he didn’t get to fight for his 1st pick. While there were some good suggestions that came up, the winner was decided unanimously as Tax Break. Good work men!



Gastonia is Internationally known

Me and Bandit roll in within minutes of each other and wait a few minutes, but where is our Q?
5:31 rolls around and were looking at each other aimlessly. Ok, I got this!
Let’s mosey to the park. From there we ruck and stop here and there for random exercises that we make up along the way. What we really enjoyed was sharing our experiences in Europe and learning that both our dads were in the military. We both had been to France, but in different areas. Between Paris, Nice and Aix-en-Provece, we had a lot to talk about. It was a good ruck, but we had great mumblechatter.
Prayers for friends, relatives and the homeless.

Who has the Q?

I show up first, for the first time ever. There is no him in sight. Oh, wait, here comes Spiderman and Nutria. We circle up and begin to ask who has the Q? ….crickets, ….crickets and more crickets.

Well, let share the responsibility then.

We took turns calling out Mary for the next 45 minutes working 50 and off 10. We improvised nicely and gave ourselves a good strong workout.

Word is, that Spiderman is taking the Bulldog in February. He will have no excuses of being late, lol. He can walk to the AO.

Thanks Hims, we made it happen, good work!

With snow in the forecast, I said it wouldn’t stick

It is a cold morning with a hint of snow in the air. Will it stick, or will it be the traditionally dusting with accumulation of ice and sleet like we are accustom too. We shall see.!

We split from Gashouse and circle up in the parking lot. It pretty cold, so lets did a few warm-ups first.

Set 1: 50/10 while we jam out to our favorite 80’s rock. 

side straddle hop, squats, grass pickers, Imperial walkers and best for last Burpees. R&R

Set 2: 50/10

crunches, flutters, American hammers, bug boys, heels to Heaven, mountain climbers. R&R

Set 3: grab your ruck sacks and follow me down the nature trail

Along the way we stop to do step ups, lunges, incline pushups, big arm circles and rifle carry.

We returned just n time to do Mary for a few  minutes.

Good work men!

Let it snow!!

Layer up Buttercup!

It was 6:57 and not a single Painlaber was in sight. I began to worry that I’ld be running a solo this morning. But then what did I see? Hermie, then Castle Rock pulling into the lot. Hell yeah, we got a party! Today was core and arms day, so let’s make it happen. 

Abs: 50 sec. work/ 10 sec. rest R&R

crunches, baby makers, heels to heaven, reverse crunches, American hammers, then boat hold,

Mosey around the parking lot.

Arms: 50 sec. work/ 10 sec. rest R&R

Burpees, curls w/kettle, overhead press w/k, o/h triceps w/k, squat/shadow boxing, isolated curls w/k, inside curls w/k

Mosey around the parking lot

Return and Mary for the last 3 minutes.

We returned to the lot to finish up with Gashouse. Good work men!

Waisted away

One of my personal goals is to reduce my waist line and keep the clothes that I have. And the M said something about 6 pack abs.

I rolled in a little earlier than usual in hopes for a little extra mumble chatter.  Low and behold and who do I see? Voodoo. After a a few words, we both seem to be on the same page. Our abs have been forgotten about and need some attention. Well that was my goal for the morning, to remind us that abs day is just as important as leg day. 

Whoopee planned an awesome workout called 8 Block. Had I been paying attention to  SLACK, then I would have picked up on it before hand. I’m still reading his book/backblast on it now. He makes it very clear as to why ever Him should take on this structured assessment before 2022. Good work Whoopee!

We split to the circle to begin our Painlab focus on Abs day!

Set 1: 50/10 R&R

Crunches, flutters, R&R, American hammers, Big Boys, R&R, Mosey around the parking lot

Set 2:

Reverse crunches, Heels to Heaven, R&R, Freddy Mercuries, Star crunches, R&R, Mosey around the parking lot

Set 3: 

Crucifix, laying windshield wipers, R&R

Mary for 6 minutes

I for one know that I am definitely not where I want to be, so I will be looking in to the CSPAN 8 Block.


Core and More

Hope all you fat turkeys had a beautiful Thanksgiving Holiday with family & friends! If you were at an AO this morning than shame on you. I can talk shit cause this happens to be the day that I showed up.
Back by popular demand…Welcome Back Kotter aka Sledge, lol. It was good to see you today. Your M is right, you need to get up of your ars and show her who the Boss is. Good work!
Hermie, you have been back with steady commitment, thank you and good work!
We break from Gashouse and go circle up. My arthritis in my left hand is killing me, so we improvise.
Legs set 1: 50/10 Rinse & Repeat after 1 minute rest
High knees, butt kicks, squats w/kettle, lunges, gorilla squats, sidle straddle hop, single leg Romanian deadlift w/wo kettle,
Abs set 2: 50/10 Rinse & Repeat after 1 minute rest
Baby makers, crunches, rev. crunches, wall sits, star crunches, flutter kicks, jack knifes, laying windshield wipers.
More core set 3: 50/10 Rinse & Repeat after 1 minute rest
Squat shadow boxing, alternating upper cuts, alt. overhead punches, overhead press, Superman pushups, mountain climbers.

See you Monday at the Sandlot

48 Days till Christmas

What are you giving your M for Christmas? How about 6pack abs! 5 Hims showed up in the cold gloom. We grabbed our kettles and some bricks and met in the center of the parking lot. Kicked up the heat with some Pyromania. Lets get it on.
Set 1: Core 50/10
crunches, American hammers, baby makers, reverse crunches and heels to heaven. R&R
Set 2: Arms 50/10
burpees, curls w/bricks, single arm row w/kettle, up right curls w/kettle, concentration curls w/ kettle. R&R

Set 3: Core/Arms 50/10

Why is it giving me an extra line? kettlebell swings, alternating kettlebell pushups, squats with overhead kettle press, clean press w/kettle and kettle L-sit toe reaches w/kettle. R&R

This was a good solid workout. Good work men!!

Shout out to Easy Rider for running 50 miles the week of his 50th Birthday!👊



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