Lots of Love at The Storm on Valentine’s Day! Begin with the mission of F3 “To plant grow and serve small work out groups for men, for the invigoration of male commnity leadership.” Pledge.
Warm up of SSH, IW, gravel pickers, arms circles, burpees and some stretching. Breaker Breaker was kind enough to bring some blocks for the morning festivities, thank you Breaker!
Grab blocks and head to the side parking lot. Modified four corners – divide into four groups- each corner has a list of exercises totaling 100 reps, each pax does all exercises. Once all are complete run to the next corner. Corner one was all blocks -10 blockie, 20 squat thruster, 30 swings, 40 curls. Corner 2 10 blockie, 20 hand release merkins, 30 sand bag squats, 40 lbc. Corner 3 -10 blockie, 20 diamond merkins, 30 smurf jacks, 40 high knees. Corner 4 – 10 big boys, 20 burpees, 30 toe touch jacks, 40 merkins. Run between stations with your team.
All groups got in one full round, one station of round 2, and partial second station of round 2.
Grab the coupons and head back to flag.
Show of hands on who attends Q Source, another show on who has done a Grow Ruck Training Event. Several attend Q Source, but many do not, likely representative of the pax in the region as a whole. Q Source is a really good curriculum developed by Dredd that defines personal growth and leadership. The workouts are just the starting point. Grow Ruck events are really good at pulling together the tools in a big picture way.
Our region has had very little participation in Grow Ruck. This year’s schedule is published. There are two single day events, with one being on June 10 in Charleston. Urge everyone to give an event some consideration.
Announcements: Extinction run March 4, Viking Dash coming up at Poston Park, 2nd F lunch later this month, Q vs Q tournament – voting closes 2/18.
Prayer requests: Turtleman, Huckleberry, Breaker Breaker father in law, Radar sister, Tooth Fairy daughter, Wirenut family, Boudin and family, Stinky Bird cousin and father, Tiger mother and brother
YHC took us out
Always an honor