Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Tiger (Page 18 of 21)

Beautiful Sunrise

Low in numbers first day of July.  What we lacked in numbers was made up for by serious effort.  We went to some new places and did some familiar things. Show to know.

Moleskin:  took the chance to use mid year as a chance to re-set. Good time to use month of July to read a chapter from Proverbs each day.

Prayer requests: we started our prayer week with praying for our leadership: Stroganoff, Sister Act, Roadie,Def Leppard, Hucklebery, Hipaa, Mayor.  Also pray for Monk and his family

Always an honor


Hope this works

Painlab needed a Q, never done it before but let’s give it shot.

Stroganoff led the warmup, then three HIM’s and me broke off on our own.

12 stations set up for one minute per station, 30 second break.  Stations were, derkins, weighted turkish get up, weighted big boy sit up, jump merkins, burpees, weighted squat with press at the top, bobby hurley, smurf jack, crunchy frogs, bonnie blairs, merkins.

After completing a round we lunge walked to the end of parking lot and back.  Completed two rounds and then had time to pick our five least favorites and do those one more time

Met back with the group for COT

Always on honor



Somebody turn up the heat!!  Hot day for sure at Midoriyama, in spite of that Q tells the pax that today we are going to be excited  and enthusiastic, regardless of what is called.  Response was  overwhelming!  Let’s get going

SSH IC 10x, 5 burpees, IW IC 10x, 5 burpees, Don Q IC 10x 5 burpees, Merkins IC 10x, 5 burpees.  Pledge

Mosey to long hill beside the lake for triple nickel.  Enthusiasm is contagious!  Suspension merkins at bottom and Bobby Hurleys at top.  This is tough running the hill on a cool day, extra difficult on a hot one.  Nice push men!

Mosey back to parking lot, for 11’s, tiger squat and cdd’s.  Leg already took a beating on the hill, this finished them off.

Back to flag.

Q knew that request at beginning of workout was a little off the wall.  As the word, Q spoke about reaction to situations that occur in our lives.  Reactions to spouse, children, co-worker, etc and how we react often defines how tense or relaxed the next several minutes to several hours are.  And also that enough of those situations strung together can define our relationship with others.  We spoke of John chapter 8, when Jesus was confronted with the woman caught in the act of adultery.  Jesus reaction completely diffused the entire situation and woman left not being condemned.

Announcements: June 29 convergence at Gashouse, meeting upcoming for Tuna participants, Oct 5 Ragnar, Tubing on Green river June 22

Prayer requests:  Oompa Loompa and his family, Sargento traveling, Slaw starting a new job

Q took us out

Always an honor


How Many is That??

Q came in hot in a bad mood, 20 Burpees!!!  That was after a short disclaimer due to Broke and visiting Band Camp from the Fort EHing a couple of FNGs, welcome to Red Ribbon (Ben Harkey) and Chalkboard (Joel Lineberger).  Get the pledge after round of burpees.  Mosey to the BBT.

Get to BBT and Q calls walls of Jericho.   Exercies were merkins, werkins, Diamond merkins, hand release merkins, stagger merkins right, stagger merkins, left, and merkins that Q had no name for.  Feet on the wall about a foot off the ground and do merkins.  Tesla called them suspension merkins.  Good name Tesla!  Suspension merkins are TOUGH!  By round two chatter was hot, by round four Q name taken in vain.  This one was tough.  Got about 15 minutes left, so Q calls for rugby sprints.  Exercises were, LBC, flutter crunches, V ups, Heels to Heaven, American Hammers.  Mosey back to flag.

Good work men on a tough workout, rock pushers out there.

Word for the day came from Q church sermon from day before, based on 1 Peter, chapter 4 verse 8 “above all, love deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins” .  Jesus calls us to love, even when it is really hard to even like or forgive someone.

Events upcoming:  Mt Mitchell hike this coming weekedn, Speed for Need in Belmont May 25, Murph on Memorial Day at 7am, Monday AO’s closed.

Many prayer requests and our prayer list for the week is Mayor, Pizza Man and his family, Gastone and his family, Roadie and his family, Sargento mother in law, my buddy Sprinkler and his family (lost his mother in Mississippi last week.

Q took us out

Always an honor to lead


Go Pet A Cat

It was an honor to step out to Folsom and lead a great group of HIMs.  I don’t get to Dallas often enough, but I knew that I would have some serious rock pushers counting on me, hope everybody got their money’s worth.  Here’s how it went

Warmup: 12 Burpees, 12 SSH, 12 Don Q’s. Pledge.  Mosey to lower end of parking lot.

From where we stood, it was about 90 yards to the other end of the parking lot, and up hill.  Q calls an exercise that we do for one minute.  After that minute we sprint to other end of parking lot and do the same exercise for another minute and then sprint back for next exercise. Exercises were: Merkins, Baby Flutter crunches, Werkins, Knee ups, Diamond Merkins, American Hammer, CDD, Bobby Hurley, Hand Release Merkins, Squats, Stagger Merkins, Bonnie Blairs.

Still have about 15 minutes remaining, so mosey to upper parking lot for 11’s.  Can’t let this group pass without experiencing some tiger squats.  Tiger squats and Mike Tysons.

Mosey back to flag.

Moleskin:  Q goes to a Wednesday morning men’s group led by minister of First Presbyterian Church Belmont.  A few weeks ago, the minister prepared a summary of points Jordon Peterson’s book 12 Rules for Life.  Q shared those points: 1) Stand straight with shoulders back 2) Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping, 3) Make friends with people who want best for you, 4) Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today 5) Don t let your children do anything that makes you dislike them, 6) Put your own house in order – if you are doing anything that you know is wrong stop it, right now 7) Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient, 8) Always tell the truth 9) Assume that the person you are listening to may know something you don’t 10) Be precise with your speech 11) Leave children alone when the are skateboarding – sometimes children need to make mistakes to learn 12) Pet a cat when you see one – take time to enjoy pleasant things of life- you can always find hardship

Numerous prayer requests Q failed to take note of them all.

Q took us out with prayer.

Thanks for the men of Folsom of allowing me to lead!  Was an honor


Where Is Everybody??

Rolled in to Holly this morning expecting a big crowd…didn’t happen.  Broke, Doodles, and FNG.  That’s it.  Come on guys, we can do better than that.  Time to get back in there.

Start with SSH, Hillbilly’s, Don Q all 15x IC.  Pledge

Mosey to parking lot behind BBT.  Q brought back a workout from last summer at the Yank.  Call it 15 to 1.  Very simple.  Start at one end parking lot and do 15 burpees, run across parking lot for 15 Bobby Hurley.  Run back and do 14.  All the way to one.  Simple does not mean easy.  Had enough time left for some Iron Hulk to 10.  Mosey back to start.

Q talked briefly about Daniel, and how Daniel stood on his faith in the face of adversity.  Our greatest call to serve God first.  Everything else will fall in place.

Announcements: 3rd F, this Friday evening, Speed for Need on Saturday, Mt Mitchell hike on May 5.

Prayer Requests: FNG asked for prayers for himself, the Pax we are praying for this week:  Hacksaw, Stone Cold, Stepdown, Sledgeomatic, Shocker, Scribbles, Positraction, Pastor Clever

Welcome to Devan Williams, now known as Beetle Bailey.  Doodles brought him out as he has with several others over last few weeks.  Good to have you brother!

Q took us out

Always a pleasure


Hollywood Rock Pushers

Good crowd at Hollywood, a few faces haven’t seen in a while.  Glad it’s dark.

Warmup: 15 SSH, 20 burpees.  Pledge

Mosey.  Stop at short wall in front of library.  50 Jumps, 50 dips, 50 derkins.  Rinse repeat, 40, 30, all the way to 10.  Mosey to the pit for 11’s.  Hip Slappers and diamond merkins.  Get some core work in.  60 second plank with feet on wall, 25 American hammers.  45 second plank, 25 big boys, 30 second plank, 25 baby flutter crunches, 15 second plank, 25 LBC

Mosey back to start.

Word for the day is from Titus 3:1-2 “Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone. ”

Announcements: convergence March 30, 2nd F on Fridays at 5 at Station in Belmont. Mug Shot coffee shop has moved in as well.  It is a good time, come join

Prayer requests: Pax running P200 in a couple of weeks.  Also, Mt Hollywood is committed to praying for different Pax each week.  Not for any reason other than we believe on lifting our brothers to God.  This week we pray for Clavin, Dfib, Hunkajunk, Boudin, Diva, Edison, Floppy Disk and Gumby


Always on an honor


Welcome to the Yank FNG

0650 and not many cars at the Yank.   0655 here comes a care we don’t recognize, welcome FNG Aaron Mashburn!  Small crowd but big effort made up for it. 0700 let’s get rolling.

Warmup: Disclaimer and 20 burpees

Mosey up the Nichol’s hill to parking lot at First Pres.  Team up for some Dora: 50 diamond merkins, 100 wide arm, 150 stagger, 200 merkins partner runs to end of parking lot and back.  Arms and shoulders blasted after this one.  Train penalty.  Break for just a moment to name one principle of F3 – men only. More Dora but this time 200 bobby hurley, 150 squats, 100 smurf jacks, 50 sumo squats while partner runs.  Another principle of F3- free of charge.  Train penalty.  Mosey to the wall in front of First Baptist for box jumps 10, 15, then 20 with a round of 10 dips in cadence in between.  Third principle – always outdoors rain or shine.

Get in plank position and plank with feet on the wall, not too high.  Hold for one minute.  Another round for 45 seconds.  I think this is the most difficult ab exercise we do.  You really have to engage your core to hold the wall, especially if your body is in a straight line.

Mosey to turd shack for three rounds of hip slappers (10) and wall sits with 25 shoulder presses.  Fourth principle – peer led workouts.  Mosey to the Yank.  Pledge.  Fifth principle – end in COT.

Strong work today men in a tough workout.

Announcements: Convergence on March 30, order Storm shirts by today (March 2), Q Source Sunday mornings at Coconut Horse and Crossroads.

YHC reading a book called Endurance.  Premise of book is the brain’s role in endurance performance, basically exploring how to train your mind to take the limits off performance.  But also how the same principle applies in other areas of life, in particular spiritual life.  Often we can days when the evil one is going the extra mile in tempting us or pushing obstacles in our life that cause us to want to seize control ourselves.  But always know God is the ultimate strength, we can train ourselves to rely on Him more and more by consciously turning to Him each day and again when we feel the pressure mounting.

Prayer requests:  Doodles has a friend that is going through a difficult time and attempted suicide a few days ago, Orangeman has friend of friend who had a baby but wife died giving birth so new dad lost his wife and the child’s mom.  Remember our weekly Pax in prayer, Arial, Tyson, Bubbles, Sly, Cheesehead, DDC, Rockabilly, Slaw, Sly.

Always an honor to lead


The Hills Are Alive

Word got out that Tiger had one of the Q’s today and whole group decided it was a better idea to go all the way to New Orleans.  Wise decision.  Safe travel to you all and good luck in the races.

For those of us who decided to stay home and step out on a Saturday morning, here’s how it went:

Pledge.  Mosey up Nichols hill and back down Myrtle street to corner of Stowe Park.  Q calls for some hill work.  From Main to Central up Myrtle street is a hill.  Hills are not fun.  Let’s do it.  Eleven utility poles on left side. At each pole 10 merkins, back to start of hill for 10 squats.  Go from start to next pole, rinse and repeat at each utility pole.  First few not too bad, but the last about five were tough having done the hill so many times.  At last pole stay at top of hill

Mosey to Davis Park.  Modified triple nickel.  Five step ups each leg on picnic table (that’s 10 total for Midoryama goers)  then to park for five pull ups, run up the hill for five merkins.

Got about 10 minutes left, mosey (up another hill of course) and back to Stowe park for Mary.  Go to Yank.  Time.  Really tough workout today, way to push the rock men!!

Q spoke a moment on Galatians 5:22-23, Fruit of the Spirit, and how important being disciplined is in maintaining a healthy spirit.

Announcements: CSAUP upcoming in two weeks, 2nd F at Wild Wing Café the afternoon of CSAUP time to be determined, rooster, looking for another runner for P200, 2nd F on Fridays on Main Street Belmont at Station.

Prayer requests: Pizza Man M, Top Hat and family, brother from Lake Norman who committed suicide – his family and friends, others who struggle with depression or problems, brothers traveling to New Orleans and their families, this week Pax Anchorman, Virus, Swimmer, Broke, Gold Digger, Roscoe, Bed Pan, Linus and families

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Monday Morning Fartsacking

Hope Dark Knight had a good turn out this morning, otherwise Gastonia region had a serious fartsack problem this morning.  Do you think Tom Brady stays in the bed all morning?  Me either

Anyway five HIM showed and got better for it.

Warm – up: Big arm circles, SSH, Imperial Walker, Don Q, all 10X IC. Pledge.

Mosey to entrance to school.  YHC dialed up a self serving Q this morning.  Keeping Quiche theme of 5000 reps, Q called 25 merkins, 25 lbc, 25 squats and do a lap around parking lot.  Keep going till Q says stop.

Time, mosey to flag.  YHC got 14 rounds, Broke a couple more.

Announcements: CSAUP and Rooster sign up ongoing, Q source on Sunday mornings, 2nd F opportunity at Station on Main Street Belmont at 5:00 Friday afternoon, BRR team in the making, and hike up Mt Mitchell in May

YHC had a word regarding serving.  Mentioned that the Q today was self serving as I had to catch up on my challenge.  But our ultimate call to service is service to God first and our fellow man.  Take every opportunity, and create opportunity to be a shining light in a dark world.  That is our greatest call.

Prayer requests: Pizzaman M, Hushpuppy surgery, brothers returned from Chimbote, brothers headed to New Orleans.

Pax we praying for this week: Broke, Gold Digger, Roscoe, Linus, Bed Pan, Swimmer, Virus, Anchor Man

YCH took us out

Always and honor


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