Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Tiger (Page 17 of 21)

Easy Like Saturday Morning

Several weeks ago Big  Pappy invited YHC to Q at Folsom.  I don’t post at Folsom too often, so I was quick to agree.  Always good to shake it up a bit and go to sites you don’t attend very often.  A few went out for some EC, but everyone got back, let’s get started.

SSH 12X, Imperial walkers 10X, Cotton Pickers 10X, all IC.  Pledge.  Mosey to lower parking lot.

YHC called 15 to 1’s.  First did this at the Yank, was a crowd pleaser there, and did not disappoint at Folsom.  15 burpees run across parking lot for 15 Bobby Hurley’s.  Run back for 14, repeat until get to 1.  120 reps total.  Mosey up the hill toward front of park.

Stop at street light for 10 crunchy frogs.  Go to next light, 10 crunchy frogs, 10 American hammers. Next light, 10 of first two, add LBFC. Next first three, and LBC.  Mosey to the wall.

Another YHC favorite on the wall, suspension merkins.  These are tough.  Feet on the wall about 12 inches. Hold plank for 30 seconds and 10 merkins.  Three rounds is enough.  Head to parking lot for Dora, partner up for 100 SSH, 200 squats, 300 flutter kicks.  Mosey back to flag.

Had a word about choices from a Billy Graham devotional.  Reminded us that God loves us so much that he does not allow anyone to lead a sinful life. When we make choices that separate us from God, we are either rationalizing our behavior, or elevating ourselves above God.  God loves us so much that he gave us his son so that we can be reconciled. There is no love greater.

Announcements: End of 40/50 challenge service ruck the 21st, convergence the 28th at Gashouse, Christmas party Jan 4 at Lewis Farm.

Remember Broke M, Tiger father, and those on the weekly prayer list.

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Thursday Evening Push

Perfect evening for a Christmas season push.  Dirt came out for his first taste of midoryama.  Glad to have him.

Start with 10 burpees.  Mosey to the hill leading to the lake for triple nickel.  Deconstructed burpees at the top and Turkish get ups at the bottom.  The hill makes it tough.  Good work men.  Mosey toward the back of the park, but stop on the road before getting to back parking lot.   Another hill leads up beside the road.  Q calls 11’s with incline merkins with inverted hands on the curb at the bottom run up hill for hand release.

A little time left so we get in a little ab work.  Crunch frog IC 10x at the street light, run to next light for 10 IC American hammer, run to next light for 10 LBFC IC.  Sprint back to flag.  Pledge.

YHC wasn’t prepared with a word, but did mention how the Christmas season can be bad time for some.  Life circumstance can deepen the emotional state for some people this time of year. Be vigilant to those we encounter.  Def Leppard and Dfib also mentioned how acts of kindness can lift people and encourage them to pay kindness forward.  Good words men!

Reminder of Hipaa toy ruck from Gashouse Saturday, Freight food ruck at Folsom, Operation Sweet Tooth toy collection Saturday, CSAUP the 21st, and convergence at Gashouse the 28th.

Prayer requests:  Freight’s grandmother and his family with the passing of his grandfather, Broke M, Tiger’s father with health issues, the men on our prayer list this week, Anchorman, Smuckers, Orangeman, Rockabilly, Dr Seuss, Ditka, Quiche, and Sawyer.

YHC took us out.

Always an honor


Saturday at the Yank

With many run events happening over weekend, YHC wasn’t sure how many to expect Saturday morning, but we had a good group show ready to get better.  Start with 10 burpees.  Virus comes in hot,asks how many was was called.  Says he has to make up 6.  Everybody got six more.

Mosey around corner behind Sammy’s and end up at corner of park facing up hill at Myrtle Street.  One of my favorites, myrtle suicides.  10 big boys at the start, run to first utility pole on left and do 10 merkins.  Back to start for 10 big boys.  Go to 2nd pole for 10 merkins.  Back to start.  You get the picture.  11 poles total .  This was pretty tough, good work men.

Stay at top after last pole.  Go to wall at First Baptist for Derkin position hip slippers, step ups each leg, Derwin’s and dips.  10 reps of each. Rinse repeat 15 then 20.

Go to parking lot behind school for 11’s.  Tiger squats and mike Tyson’s.  Mosey back to start for 25 American hammers and 25 flutters, both IC

Time.  Get pledge at the Yank.

Announcements, 40 day challenge coming up and 40 day love challenge ongoing.

Took us out with prayer

Always an honor


Like The Beginning

With all the run events this weekend turnout was light at the JV workout.  Oompah made the comment that the smell crowd reminded him of the first days of Midoryama.  This is what we did:

Warmup – SSH, IW, cotton pickers all 10X IC.  5 burpees.

Mosey to soccer field.  Q calls 50 merkins, 50 big boys and 50 squats.  Run to other end of field and back. Five rounds.  This got the chatter going.  We learned about the squatty potty and CPAP diagnosed Blart with sleep apnea, maybe.

Mosey to turn shack.  Two rounds of suspension planks (feet on wall about 18 inches) and take turns running around building.  Also two rounds with wall sit.

Mosey v=back to flag for Iron Hulk to finish.  Pledge

Good work men!

Announcements: Love challenge from Hipaa and 40 day challenge from Defib coming up.  Blart reminded of how useful slack is as communication tool.  If you aren’t on it, consider doing so.  Lots good info runs through it.

Prayers for all running this weekend.

Always an honor




Fishing and Golf in May

I have been thinking it could be fun to take a weekend trip to Mt Mitchell for some golf and trout fishing.  Mt Mitchell golf course has condos that can be rented.  Staying on property allows the ability to fish in trout water on the course, big fish but they hard to catch.  South Toe river is also very close, and would be stocked that time of year.

Would aim for mid-May, Friday – Sunday.  Anyone that is interested in this let me know.


Monday Gloom

Good group showed at Hollywood to get in a little Monday work.  No FNGs short disclaimer.  SSH, IW, Don Q all x 10 IC.  Pledge

Only two ways at of the parking lot, Q takes the exit nearest the intersection as we often do.  PAX got to pay attention though, Q heads opposite the normal direction.  A gravel track exists behind the school at the baseball field.  Q has used the track one other time a few months back, but that was a day with few guys present.  I don’t think anyone else has ever used it, so most were probably not aware that the track exists.

Get to the track and call a progressive workout.  Start with 1 burpee, 1 merkin, 1 jump squat, 1 LBC, and increase by one at each turn.  Do three laps so we finished with 12 reps or each exercise, 78 reps total.  Nice work.  Head to the back of school and partner up.  Dora with 100 big boys, 200 flutters, 300 American Hammer.  Partner does a lap.

Head back to front of school for two rounds of 10 step ups each leg and 10 dips.  Time.

Q reading a book titled Raising a Modern Day Knight by Robert Lewis.  Books is about fathers raising sons, but offers many good excerpts that can apply to us all.  One in particular is his take is what it means to be a man.  Lewis is four charcteristics define what it means to be a man: 1) Reject passivity – don’t just talk, act 2) Accept responsibility 3) Lead courageously, 4) Expect the greater reward – God’s reward.

Announcements: Stop soldier suicide the 21st, JJ5K 28th, Ragnar first week October, Tuna at end of October, couple of different half marathon trips coming up, one to WV and another to the beach.  Half marathon in Belmont in December

Prayer requests:  Def Leppard M, Huckleberry and his family, Tiger father, Slaw father.

Q took us out

Always an honor to lead


Skeleton Crew

YHC was told on Tuesday that Thursday may be a small turn out due to T200 meeting happening that evening.  Turnout was small, but two HIMs (Medicine Woman and Tater Hole) posted anyway.  Nice job men! YHC moving a little slow (slower than normal) due to some back pain, caused an Omaha of the planned weinke.

Warm up: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Cotton pickers, all IC 10X.  Tater Hole coming in hot, nightclubs until he joins.

Short mosey to parking lot with island for partner Dora, 100 merkins, 200 squat, 300 LBC. Partner does lap around the island.  Mosey to big soccer field for five corner escalators around the filed.  10 merkins, next corner for 10 merkins and 20 squats, next corner for merkins, squats, and 30 LBC.  Next corner all that plus 40 SSH.  Finally, all previous and 50 American Hammers.  Nice work.

Mosey to turd shack for one of YHC favorites, suspension merkins, these are really difficult, great ab exercise.  Feet about one foot high on wall and do merkins.  Really have to engage the core to stay on the wall.  Start at one end and PAX run a lap.

Mosey back toward flag, but stop off at one of the fields for 10 step ups each leg, 10 dips, 10 derkins, run a lap around the island.  Rinse repeat for 15.  Back to flag for Mary.  Blart calls Nolan Ryans. YHC happened to think that two HIMs had the meeting that everyone else used as  a “reason” to no show, so we did pledge and called time.

YHC reminded of Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of need”


Announcements: Stop soldier suicide, JJ5k, Ragnar, Tuna, Christmas Town 5k registration open.  Labor Day murph.  Mt Hollywood will be open at normal time.

Prayer requests: Family of child who was run over and killed in Dallas, kids teachers administrators going back to school, MW 2.0 Tyler as new school year begins, guys on Mt Hollywood prayer list.

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Make Good Decisions

YHC arrives about 20 mins early, just in time to see Quiche rolling in from a few fast miles of EC.  Crowd grows as we get close to 0700, expecting an FNG, but no show.  Have to get back to the EH.  Time.  Quick disclaimer, let’s get going.

Warmup: SSH x 10IC, Imperial Walkers x 10IC, Goof Balls x 10IC, Cotton Pickers x10 IC.  Mosey

Mosey up Main Street to parking lot behind the Stowe Building for 15 to 1.  Partner up, partner goes to opposite side of parking lot.  Do 15 burpees on each side.  Meet in middle for 15 booyah merkins, continue to opposite side for 15 jump squats.  Meet in middle again for 15 American Hammers.  Continue this doing 14, then 13….when get to 5, increase hammers back 10 until the end.  This was difficult, everyone worked hard.

Mosey to field of dreams to push the blocking sled.  One pax jumps on the sled and pushes as far as he wants.  Other pax do LBC, SSH, Mountian climbers while sled being pushed.   Good work.  Mosey to picnic pavilion.

Divide into four groups.  Group 1 goes to the bar for 5 pull ups, group 2 10 decline merkins, group three 10 step ups each leg, group 4 10 dips.  Rotate to each station for three rounds.

Go to fountain for Mary of various pax called exercises.  Go the Yank for Pledge.  Time

Had a quick word about decisions.  Who and what we surround ourselves with makes a big impact on the decisions we make.  And often it isn’t the major life decisions that have the largest life impact, but the small ones that we make on a daily basis.

Announcements: Memorial run/walk at Rankin Lake Aug 17 sign up through pre-blast, Stop Soldier suicide Sept 21, JJ5K Sept 28. Ragnar Oct 5, Tuna 200.  Sargento taking HC for Colonial 200 next year.

Prayer requests: Lynn Hamm and family, teachers and students going back to school, and college students, neighbor of Tesla battling Crones disease.

YHC took us out.

Always an honor to lead


What A Difference A Year Makes

A dozen PAX showed to celebrate one year of Mt Hollywood as an AO.  Freon and Red Ribbon are regulars that are in the area, proof that if the seed is planted growth will happen.  Here’s how it went:

Warmup: 12 SSH, 12 Imperial Walkers, 12 Burpees

Mosey to the wall in front of Ida Rankin.  Experience shows as the low end of the wall had a big crowd fighting for space. 12 step ups, 12 dips IC, 12 suspension merkins (these are really difficult by the way).  Three rounds.  Mosey down the road a little further for the main event.  Q calls for suicides.  We had a starting point that served as home base.  Each time to home base is 12 big boys.  Run to the nearest utility pole for 12 merkins.  Back to home base for big boys.  Run to next pole for 12 merkins and back to home base.  You get the trend.  All the way to pole that’s beside the wall where we started.  Not the one before that.  Some PAX thought they were at the end .  Nope, one more to go.

Mosey to parking lot at Ida Rankin for 11’s. tiger squats and Mike Tyson’s.  Mumble chatter rolling pretty good by now.  We got about half way finished, time getting scarce, so mosey back to flag for the pledge.

Moleskin: one year in time is a matter of perspective, in some ways can seem like a long time, in other ways it seems like very little.  Regardless of perspective, it is enough time to effect change.  Jesus’ ministry lasted roughly three years, three years that changed the world forever.  One year is enough time to begin lasting life change.  Stop doing something you shouldn’t be, or start doing something you wish you were.  All it takes is making the decision and following through.

Announcements: Speed for need – Stop soldier suicide and Christmas Town, Ragnar coming up, JJ5k, Pizza Man holding event at Rankin Lake Aug 17 from 10-2.  Sargento and some others doing half marathon in WV, and a half marathon in Belmont in December. Tuna 200 coming up.

Prayer requests: Remember Lynn Hamm and family, Red Ribbon on vacation next two weeks.  Pax praying for this week: CPAP, Easy rider, Ash Pond, Cookies n Cream, Shooter, T Square, Step Down, Red Ribbon

Q took us out with prayer

Always an honor to lead


Out of the Comfort Zone

YHC told Linus a few weeks ago that I wanted to get around to some other AO’s a little more.  There are a lot of guys that we know only by name if we don’t get out of out comfort zone and travel to some other sites occasionally.  Linus posted that Q was open, so let’s make it happen.

Q rolls in about 10 minutes ahead of time, Roscoe and Whopee getting back from EC.  May have been others as well, if so I apologize for not mentioning.  0700, let’s get rolling!  Okay, maybe not, can’t get started with Hipaa and Hunchback just arriving.  MNC until they join.  Nice to see you, 20 burpees. Pledge

Boot campers with YHC to middle school track.  Progressive 4x4s (burpee with 4 merkins and 4 mtn climbers at the bottom).  Run to first corner do one, next corner do two.  Made two laps and progressed to eight 4x4s.  Good work.  Mosey to First Pres parking lot for seven of diamonds.  Mapped out our route with corners.  Started with seven diamond merkins, 14 bobby hurley, 21 American Hammers, 28 smurf jacks, 21 crunch frogs, 14 copper head squats, seven derkins, all of these in cadence.

Next we borrow a page from the Tesla playbook.  YHC sees that we are standing on top of a hill and have another hill about 150 yards away.  Half pipe triple nickel with turkish get up at each end.  Quiet group today.  Five rounds of that was tough.

Back on top of hill after nickel, have curb at each side of parking lot.  YHC can’t VQ at a new site without throwing in some Tiger squats.  11’s with Mike Tyson’s on the other side.

Head back of the flag, arrive just in time to the bell ring.

Pain lab rejoins for Moleskin.  Q reminds the group that last November we took a few weeks and read the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Now that we are mid year, it is a good time to pull out Proverbs again.  31 chapters, and is a great book to read a chapter a day each day of the month.  Saturday was July 6, and a few verses from chapter six remind us “There are six things the Lord hates,     seven that are detestable to him:  haughty eyes,  a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,       a heart that devises wicked schemes,  feet that are quick to rush into evil,  a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.”

Announcements: Tubing coming up, 2.0 workout at Folsom, possibility of another Ragnar team if enough interest. Montross 5k

Prayer requests, our leadership, Montross mom, Bed Pan mom, Monk and his family.  Q took us out.

Always an honor


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