Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Spiderman_Gashouse (Page 12 of 14)

Round and Round We Go

The weather plummeted to a humid 78, with a slight breeze from a PAX’s backside.  The morning reeked of too many monkey humpers and not enough running.  Something I will have to correct for next time.  For those 87 PAX who didn’t make it out Friday, I expect to see at least 4 of you next time, cause I’m bringing the bricks.

SSH: 20 IC
Merkins: 10 IC
LBC’s: 10 IC
Squat: 10 IC



Mosey to the Parking deck, via 2 extra turns.

Circle up:
One Pax performs 5 Merkins while the other PAX hit some Mountain Climbers, everyone gets a turn.
2 times around without a break.

One Pax performs 5 Squats while the other PAX hit some Monkey Humpers, everyone gets a turn.

One Pax performs 10 LBC’s  while the other PAX hit some Flutterkicks, everyone gets a turn.

Recover and Mosey to next level

One Pax performs 5 Merkins while the other PAX hit some Mountain Climbers, everyone gets a turn.

One Pax performs 5 Squats while the other PAX hit some Monkey Humpers, everyone gets a turn.
2 times around without a break.

One Pax performs 10 LBC’s  while the other PAX hit some Flutterkicks, everyone gets a turn.

Recover and Mosey to next level

One Pax performs 5 Merkins while the other PAX hit some Mountain Climbers, everyone gets a turn.

One Pax performs 5 Squats while the other PAX hit some Monkey Humpers, everyone gets a turn.

One Pax performs 10 LBC’s  while the other PAX hit some Flutterkicks, everyone gets a turn.
2 times around without a break.

Recover and Mosey to the steps of Wells
Dips 15 IC
Deep Sea Divers 3 steps, 5 hipslappers each step
Dips 10 IC

Circle up:One Pax performs 5 Merkins while the other PAX hit some Mountain Climbers, everyone gets a turn.
2 times around without a break.

One Pax performs Daft Punk(Lunges in a cirlce) while the other PAX hit some Monkey Humpers, everyone gets a turn.

One Pax performs 10 LBC’s  while the other PAX hit some Flutterkicks, everyone gets a turn.

Recover and Mosey to the wall of trust

Wall Sits:
Wall Sits with shoulder raises: 10 IC
Wall Sits while marching: 10 IC
Wall Sits with shoulder raises: 10 IC

Recover and Mosey to the Pavillion

4 Minutes of Mary

Announcements: Speed for Need, Burpeethon

COT:  Pockets, Easy Rider’s brother,  Kids going back to School, Barcelona,

Buzz Killed Spicoli with Merkins

Couple of FNGs showed up this morning. Awesome! It’s been a little while since I’ve seen 2 FNGs at one time.

Gastone gave me a heads up the night before, so I added a little extra mustard to the recipe. And with that my friends, we turned up the heat like this.

20 IC Side Straddle Hops
10 IC Merkins
20 IC Flutterkicks
10 IC Squats


Mosey on over to the parking lot of the future Gastonia Speed Cart Racing arena.

Pair up
One PAX hits 20 Flutters then 20 Merkins and repeats until partner returns.
Other PAX runs to the 1st light pole 1 burpie, runs to the 2nd light pole 2 burpies, runs to the 3rd light pole 4 burpies, runs to the start 4 burpies – TAG
3 Rounds of this

1 minute of Mountain Climbers
1 minute of Freddie Mercuries
1 minute of Squats

Head over to the starting line for Burpie Broad Jumps! 9 lines. Recover.

Bear Crawl back to starting line.
Backwards Bear Crawl to other end.
Burpie Broad Jumps back to the starting line.

Mosey to the Dollar Tree. There’s never one too far away.

1 minute Plank Jacks
1 minute Mountain Climbers

Mosey on down the street to the hill
10 IC Derkins
30 IC Flutterkicks

Mosey up the street
Partner Up, 10 IC Squats
10 IC Merkins

Mosey to Snow BAllS
10 IC Merkins
10 IC Monkey Humpers
10 IC Dips

Announcements: Rosco is being promoted on Friday at 10:00 am at the Training Academy.
COT: Easy Rider-Family, Bulldog-Interview today,

Fuzziness of the Mind

I had it, then I lost it. Halfway though the beat down I felt light headed and dizzy. Took a minute while the rest of the PAX finished the lap and hit some burpies. They checked on me, I felt better, we kept going at a strong pace. It’s good to have support and brothers to lean on. One of the best parts of the day is the fist pumps and words of encouragement. It doesn’t happen too much at work, but there’s no reason why it shouldn’t so keep it going strong throughout the day brothers!

Side Straddle Hops – 40 IC
Merkins – 10 IC
LBCs – 10 IC
Side Straddle Hops – 40 IC
Merkins – 10 IC
LBCs – 10 IC


Mosey on down 3 Blocks to the Construction Zone! Grab a mighty cinder block and build some muscles.
Grab some concrete-
10 IC – Squat & Shoulder Press
10 IC – Squat & Curl
10 IC – Plank Jack

The Dab – 10 burpees per minute for 5 minutes, run 1/4 mile.

Back around to the construction zone and 5 Burpies – The Train salute!

10 IC – Squat & Shoulder Press
10 IC – Squat & Curl
10 IC – Plank Jack

Mosey around the block.

In the abandon haunted parking lot:

Up the road we go!
10 Lunges, 10 Monkey Humpers
10 Lunges, 20 Monkey Humpers
10 Lunges, 30 Monkey Humpers
10 Lunges, 20 Monkey Humpers
10 Lunges, 10 Monkey Humpers

I got me some light-headedness halfway through the beat down, and probably forgot half of what we did.

COT: Easy Rider-Family, Bulldog-Interview coming up, Gastone-Mother-In-Law

The Biggest Cinder Block Ever

If that wasn’t some humid air, then I must’ve been jumped in a pool at some point during this beat down. Not a shirt remained dry, not did anyone escape the lovely swamp ass.(That’s what I was told) Good mumble chatter throughout the 45 minutes. Good Friday start, great to see Outhouse.

Side Straddle Hops – 40 IC Whoopie showed up on 20, so we made sure he got his in.
Merkins – 10 IC
LBCs – 10 IC


Mosey for 5 minutes around downtown, ending up at the Great Steps of Fargo.

10 IC Derkins during which an unnamed PAX named Whoopie yelled, “Get your foot out of my CRACK.” If you can’t do merkins with a foot in your crack, maybe you shouldn’t be out here. It happens quite often to be honest.
10 IC Freddie Mercury’s
10 IC Monkey Humpers
10 IC Dips

Mosey for 5 minutes around lower downtown, ending up in the staff perking lot of Piedmont Community Charter.
Plank, Recover
10 IC Mountain Climbers
10 IC Merkins
Burpie Broad Jumps up the entire row. 10-12 rows
10 IC American Hammers
10 IC LBCs

Mosey for 3.5 minutes several blocks down to another empty parking lot.
Burpie Broad Jumps 7 rows

Mosey around the block and to everyone’s surprise, a majestic pile of super heavy cinder blocks right in the middle of the road.
15 IC Squat Press w/ cinder block
10 IC Curls w/ cinder block
10 IC Dips w/ cinder block
10 IC Mountain Climbers w/ cinder block

Replace the biggest cinder blocks she’d ever seen.

Back to the main side road, South St. and Sprint the full block uphill.

Next Block
Zombie Walk half way up the road.
Run backwards the remainder of the hill.
5 Burpies compliments of the train
10 Dips IC

Mosey to the Pavilion
10 IC Peter Parkers
3 Steps of Deep Sea Divers

COT: Cheech and his family, Bulldog praise with Face to Face interview in a few weeks.

2016 Pre Christmas Party Beatdown

The air was filled with anticipation, lactic acid and belches. It was a beautiful sight to smell. There, in the wilderness of Downtown, stood 34 men in disbelief that this day had finally arrived. For in the next hour, stood the appetizer to the Christmas Party. The 5 minutes of ELF Sacking(which should’ve been titled 6 minutes) was upon us. Wait, is that Spiderman in the clock tower window! No, over there, that one. -Nope, he strolled up 10 minutes early and is stretching on the steps.

Freight brought us the WARMUP
10 IC Side Straddle Hops
10 IC Hillbillies
10 IC Merkins

Count off, Each PAX assigned a number 1-4 and off with a mosey we go!

We head over to the parking deck, bottom level. A brief instruction huddle was followed up by PAX racing up the steps, over fields and to gramdma’s parking spot we go.

Follow me, this can be a little tricky without visuals (which we had)

1st level:
Far side with the pile of bricks:
30 Seconds Speedbags w/ Bricks (forward)
30 Seconds Speedbags w/ Bricks (Backward)
20 IC Moroccan Night Clubs – Elves party hard
10 IC Merkins – Yeah, Merkins

Meanwhile, 4 PAX grunting out Zombie Elf Walk

After the 4 PAX completed a full round with the bricks, SWITCH!
Now they hit the Zombie Elf Walk while the other PAX take over the bricks.

6 minutes

2nd level:
Far side with the pile of half cinder blocks:
20 Tricep Extensions – abominable snowman Boulder Throw
20 Beer Pint Curls
20 Blitzen squats – Just do em Fast

Meanwhile, 4 PAX
20 IC Snow Angels
20 Freddy Mercury’s
Repeat until the other PAX finish a round with the half cinder blocks. Then, SWITCH!

6 minutes

3rd level:
Far side with the pile of half cinder blocks:
20 Squat Press – Stock the shelves with Toys
20 DIPS – for the Ladies
20 Beer Keg Curls

Meanwhile, 4 PAX
20 IC Dying Cockroaches
10 IC Merkins
20 IC LBCs
Repeat until the other PAX finish a round with the half cinder blocks. Then, SWITCH!

6 minutes

4th level:
Far side with the 80lb Heavy Bag:
25 punches Per hand – Rudolph getting ready for some reindeer games
Santa Sack Race – Carry Bag to end and back

Meanwhile, 4 PAX
20 IC Plankjacks
10 IC Derkins
20 IC Mountain Climbers
Repeat until the other PAX finish a round with the half cinder blocks. Then, SWITCH!

6 minutes

wipe the sweat off, mosey back to the pavillion for 12 DAYS of CHRISTMAS

1-Lap around the pavillion
2-Jump Squats
6-Calf Raises
7-Moroccan Night Clubs
8-Carolina Dry Docks
9-Mountain Climbers
10-Side Straddle Hops
11-Monkey Humpers
12-Something Painful

Boom, the snow began to fall signaling the completion of the convergence. A good day to all.

Great morning, great day, great evening. Read more of the nights rambunctiousness.


Pass the Heavy Bag

Friday morning, 9 guys and an 80lb heavy bag. We share the weight, we share the burden, it becomes easier for all of us. I look forward to Friday mornings Downtown, sharing the weight, grinding the teeth, taxing the lungs.

Here’s to Ron Ownbey, I shake my fist at you for being so damn cool, making it hard for the rest of us. I shake my other fist because you never kept any of it a secret. You freely gave everything, leaving us with no excuses.

Side Straddle Hops – 20 IC
Squats – 20 IC
LBCs – 20 IC
Merkins – 20 IC
Flutterkicks – 20 IC
5 Burpies – OYO


Grab the 80lb heavy bag and off we go.

Wall sits, 2 PAX holding the bag, rando 10 count.
Pass the bag down 2 spots, 10 count and repeat until everyone snuggles with the bag.

Mosey to the garage.

Starting on the bottom level –
Backwards bear crawl (Bobby Hendrick, right?) up the ramp
20 LBCs IC
10 Merkins IC
Karaokee to next ramp
Backwards bear crawl up the ramp
20 LBCs IC
10 Merkins IC
Take the stairs to the bottom

Meanwhile back at the ranch
2 PAX are doing these –
6 Pull Ups
11 Dying Cockroach – IC
19 Bobby Hurleys – Single Count
25 punches to the bag – IC
51 Flutterkicks – count each foot

2 PAX out, 2 PAX in and REPEAT.

There we enough PAX to get 4 switches in.
Each PAX did the Bobby Hendrick/Karaoke shuffle 3x, heavy bag/pull ups 1x

Mosey to the silver art tree of Moldor.
15 Dips IC
15 Squats IC
10 Don Quixote IC
15 Dips IC
15 Squats IC

Mosey to the Pavilion
10 Burpies OYO
10 Merkin Peter Parker thing IC

Convergence June 10th Downtown
June 10th Christmas Party

COT: Trinity, Slaughter, Brown family , the Ownbey family

What’s red and smells like blue paint?

Red paint.

Really great weather this morning for the Downtown crew to shake off cobwebs from a rough Wednesday/Thursday beatdown(s). We aimed for competition form with a nice mixture of running and heavy lifting, some burpies, bear crawls and deep sea divers.

Warm Up:
15 Seal Jacks – F3 rule #1 – free of charge
10 Merkins – F3 rule #2 – open to all men
10 LBCs – F3 rule #3 – held outdoors — rain or shine, heat or cold
10 Squats – F3 rule #4 – Men who participate also lead the workout
8 Don Quixotes – F3 rule #5 – workouts end with a Circle of Trust

What do you call a bear that is cold? A: A burr.

Mosey around a few city blocks, then back to the pavilion.



4 corners: Bear Crawl staight aways, 10 Dying Cockroaches on the corner.
2 laps = 80 Dying Cockroaches & 8 Bear Crawls

kid comes home from his first day at school.
His Mother asks, “Well, what did you learn today?”
The kid replies, “Not enough. They want me to come back tomorrow.”

Mosey down to the Wells steps for some,
Deep Sea Divers – 5 steps, 5 reps, IC
Monkey Humpers: 10 IC
Dips: 10 IC

Mosey to the Pavillion

5 burpies

12 exercise stations: 4 PAX using cinder blocks: 4 PAX using half cinder blocks: 4 PAX using bricks

50 seconds on, 10ish seconds recover
Squat Press, Merkin, Dying Cockroaches, Lunge Curls (using the bricks/cinder blocks)

3 Rounds so each PAX can use a different brick/cinder block.

5 burpies

A police officer jumps into his squad car and calls the station.
“I have an interesting case here,” he says. “A woman shot her husband for
stepping on the floor she just mopped.”
“Have you arrested her?” asks the sergeant.
“No, not yet. The floor’s still wet.”

COT: Great time today, we look forward to friends & family this weekend and wish everyone safe travels and good vibes.

Working on my routine – Standup that is

Top quality workout and standup routine in a 45 minute bundle.

15 IC – Side Straddle Hops – F3 rule #1 – free of charge
15 IC – Merkins – F3 rule #2 – open to all men
15 IC – LBCs – F3 rule #3 – held outdoors — rain or shine, heat or cold
15 IC – Squats – F3 rule #4 – Men who participate also lead the workout
15 IC – Peter Parker – F3 rule #5 – workouts end with a Circle of Trust
10 IC – of Don Quixotes

Q. what do you call a bear with no teeth
A. A gummy bear

Flutterkicks 15 in cadence
Freddi Mercury 15 in cadence
Box Cutters 15 in cadence
Plan Jacks 15 in cadence
Mountain Climbers 15 in cadence
Carolina Dry Docks 10 in cadence
Bobby Hurleys 10 in cadence
Contra Burpies 5

Mosey around to parking lot.
Zombie Walk to 1st light post
Merkins 10 IC
Zombie Walk Gabage Bin
Merkins 10 IC

Q: Why shouldn’t you take atoms seriously?
A: Because they make up everything.

Five out of six people agree that Russian Roulette is safe.


Mosey to wall
Wall Sits
Wall Sits with marching
Wall Sits with marching and shoulder press
Wall Sits with marching and shoulder press and singing, no one sang.

Mosey to the top level of the parking deck.

– Derkins x 15 IC
– Freddi Mercury x 10 IC
– Speedbag work in squat position / Forward (with bricks) x 30 seconds
– Speedbag work squat position / Reverse (with bricks) x 30 seconds
– Don Quixote x 10 IC
– Flutterkicks x 15 IC
– Derkins x 10 IC

Run down the stairs, Mosey to the art circle.
– Arm Squats (Dips) x 15 IC
– Arm Squats (Dips) x 10 IC

To the Pavillion
Deep Sea Divers

4 minutes of MARY!


The Aroma of Effort

65 with a slight breeze. What else do you need beside 45 minutes of muscles contracting & extending, elevated heart rates and too much zombie walking? I’ll lay it out for you.

15 IC – Side Straddle Hops – F3 rule #1 – free of charge
15 IC – Merkins – F3 rule #2 – open to all men
15 IC – LBCs – F3 rule #3 – held outdoors — rain or shine, heat or cold
15 IC – Squats – F3 rule #4 – Men who participate also lead the workout
15 IC – Peter Parker – F3 rule #5 – workouts end with a Circle of Trust
10 IC – of Don Quixotes

Q: Why did the razor cross the face?
A: To get to the other sideburn.


Mosey downtown Gastonia, covering 4 blocks to the good ole Wells Fargo steps
15 IC – Dips
15 IC – Monkey Humpers
3 Steps of Deep Sea Divers.

Mosey 2 blocks over to begin our accent up South St.
30 seconds of Zombie Walk
30 seconds of Merkins
Repeat 5 Times

Q: What do u call a seagull flying over the bay?
A: A bagel.

Mosey over to the parking deck for some teamwork
Starting on the bottom floor….
Pair up
1 Pax hits LBCs for the duration
2nd Pax run to end, Bearcrawl up ramp, run across level 2, hit 5 Merkins, back down steps to partner
2 Rounds

Pair up
1 Pax hits Freddi Mercury for the duration
2nd Pax run to end, Bearcrawl up ramp hit 5 Bobby Hurleys, run across level 2, back down steps to partner
2 Rounds

Pair up
1 Pax hits Plank Jacks for the duration
2nd Pax run to end up ramp, hit 5 Bobby Hurleys, run across level 2, hit 5 burpies, back down steps to partner
2 Rounds

Mosey to the shiny metal tree.
30 seconds – Dips
30 seconds – Bobby Hurleys
30 seconds – Dips
30 seconds – Bobby Hurleys

Mosey to Pavillion

5 minutes of Mary is started off with Stone Colds 10 Burpie request.


Hush Puppy – Work is hectic, workload too heavy and would like assistance.
Squirt – Daughter
Bulldog – Job Interview in Savannah

Pleasure starting Friday morning with a bunch of cool dudes taking on the world.

Jaba feels the pain

By writing this several days post workout(FNG now Jaba), I can testify the pain is real and lasting. I finally EM’d my oldest to their 1st workout, with not a lightened pace.

30 IC Side Straddle Hops
10 IC Squats
20 IC LBCs
Moroccan Night Clubs 30 IC
10 IC Merkins
10 IC Snow Angels

Deep Sea Divers

Mosey to wall

Wall Sits
Wall Sits with marching
Wall Sits with marching and shoulder press
Wall Sits with marching and shoulder press and singing, no one sang.

Mosey to Wells Fargo steps
Dips 15 IC
Monkey Humpers 10 IC
Gorilla Humpers 10 IC
Dips 15 IC

Mosey a few blocks west, the to the parking deck.

Partner up.
1 partner runs straights, bear crawls up the ramp, hits 2 burpies, runs the straight all the way to the top.
1 partner performs 10 squats, 10 LBC, 10 merkins – Repeat until handoff
2 full rotations.
– Each turn up the parking deck took about 4 minutes (per person)

1 partner runs straights, lunge up the ramp, hits 5 merkins, runs the straight all the way to the top.
1 partner performs 10 squats, 10 LBC, 10 merkins – Repeat until handoff
2 full rotations.

Mosey to the shiny silver tree for:
Dips 15 IC recover
Dips 15 IC

Mosey to Pavillion
10 LBCs IC
10 Dying Cockroaches IC

Timeframe’s mom Diane, Squirt’s parents, Davinci’s wife

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