Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sister Act (Page 9 of 17)

Parking Deck Misery 7/17/2020

14 men showed at Downtown!


Slaughter Starter = 20 Burpees

The Thang:

Mosey to the main street.  Exercise called is Route 66.  Use the lights poles on the left.  Start with 1 Hand Release Merkin at first pole.  Mosey to 2nd pole for 2 HR Merkins.  Work your way down the street adding rep at each pole. Finish with 11 HR Merkins at the last pole.

Mosey to the parking deck.  This was a terrible decision because it felt like 150 degrees in there, but we kept to the plan.  Do a Rack and Stack in the parking deck.  Run all the way to the top level using the ramps and do 10 Burpees.  Take the stairs down to bottom level and do 10 Burpees.  Run back to top for 20 Jump Lunges.  Take stairs down for 10 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges. Run to top for 30 Merkins.  Back down for 10 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 Merkins.  Run to top for 40 Big Boys.  Back down for 10 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 Merkins, 40 Big Boys.  Run to top 50 Squats.  Go back down for 10 Burpees 20 Jump Lunges 30 Merkins 40 Big Boys 50 Squats.  That was awful!!!  Mosey back to flag.  Time!!!!



Prayer Request

Honor to lead you men.


Sister Act

The Storm 6/30

14 at The Storm this morning!


25 Hand Release Merkins

25 Plank Jack’s

25 Hand Release Merkins

25 Mountain Climbers


Mosey the long way to the roundabout up on the main road with the sculpture.  Next exercise called here;

10 Rounds

5 Burpees

10 Hand Release Merkins or curb dips

15 Squats/Bobby Hurley’s/Tiger Squats(pax choice)

5th and 9th round bear Crawl to middle of roundabout and back out.

Mosey to roundabout down the hill in front of school.  Here perform 50 LBCs.  Then NUR to loading dock on other side of school.  Partner up.  Got in 1 1/2 rounds of Partner 1 AMRAP Hand Release Merkins, Partner 2 jumps up and down on loading dock 5 times.  Then switch

Mosey to wall on side of school.  Wall sit with 25 air presses.  25 Calf Raises. 10 Vertical Wall Jumps.  Mosey to flag!  Time.



Prayer Request



Wet Nutz

Mt Hollywood 6/15

7 men at Mt Hollywood


Grass Pickers


The Thang:

Short mosey to corner  of S Hawthorne  and Central Ave, street which runs in front of Ida Rankin.  Start with a little Route 66 using the light poles on the right.  Do 1 Imperial Walker Squat, run 2 light poles, nur back a pole.  Then 2 IW Squats, run 2 poles, Nur back.  Continue this until you finish with 11 IW Squats at last pole.

Then head back towards Ida Rankin School.  Stopping at each light pole for 10 Hand Release Merkins.  We stopped at 5 for a total of 50 HR Merkins.

Continue the mosey to the bus drop off area at the school for some BLIMPS escalator work.  Start with 5 Burpees, run a lap. 5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, run a lap.  5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 15 Iron Mike’s, run a lap. 5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 15 Iron Mike’s, 20 Merkins, run a lap. 5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 15 Iron Mike’s, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jack’s, run a lap. Finish with 5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 15 Iron Mike’s, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jack’s, 30 SSH, run a lap.

Short fellowship mosey to the wall out front of school on street for some Lindsey’s.  Start with 10 Dips and 30 Derkins. 15 Dips/25 Derkins.  20 Dips/20 Derkins. 25 Dips/15 Derkins. 30 Dips/10 Derkins.

Mosey to covered area at bus drop off for some ab work.  25 Flutter Kicks(ic), 25 Freddie Mercuries (ic), 25 American Hammers(ic).

Mosey back to flag. Time!!



Prayer Request



Appreciate the chance to lead!!

Sister Act



Folsom 6/13

19 men at Folsom this morning.  FNG, so disclaimer was given.  Time to work!!



Slaughter Starter (20 Burpees)


The Thang:

Stayed at the COT area for the first exercise.  Here we would do the WOD, “Fat Amy”.  Goes like this:

50 Squats

10 Burpees

40 Big Boys

10 Burpees

30 Lunges

10 Burpees

20 Merkins

10 Burpees

10 SSH

Break to give the FNG the 5 core principles of F3.

10 SSH

10 Burpees

20 Merkins

10 Burpees

30 Lunges

10 Burpees

40 Big Boys

10 Burpees

50 Squats


Mosey to the tennis courts.  Everyone lined up facing the entire length of the courts.  Exercise called is the Triple Nickel.  Exercises used are Wolverine Burpee and Hand Release Merkins. Wolverine is when you go down for regular Burpee, but add left knee to chest then do a Merkin, right knee to chest then a Merkin, then jump up.  That’s one! Start with the 5 Wolverine Burpees, run to other end, 5 Hand Release Merkins, run back.  Do that for 5 rounds.  This was pretty awful!!

Next line back up on sideline.  Use the width of one tennis court for some 11’s.  Start with 1 Mike Tyson.  Bear Crawl to other side of court. 10 Imperial Walker Squat.  Lunge walk back.  Then 2 Mike Tyson, bear Crawl, 9 IW Squats, lunge walk.  Continue until you flip the numbers and finish with 10 Mike Tyson and 1 IW Squats.  

Still time left, so let’s do a quick 4 corner escalator using the entire tennis court area. First corner 10 Diamond Merkins.  2nd corner 10 Diamond Merkins, 20 Jump Lunges.  3rd corner 10 DM, 20 JL, 30 Peter Parker’s. 4th corner 10 DM, 20 JL, 30 PP, 40 CDD


With some time still left, mosey back to sideline of first tennis court. Exercise called here is Rugby Sprints.  Call out an exercise, pax perform exercise until I call out go.  Then it’s sprint width of 2 courts, sprint back, then walk.  I called 4 different ab exercises.

Head back to COT.  Still with a couple minutes to go, Slaw had a great idea.  Might as well finish it off with a Slaughter Stopper!!  20 more Burpees to finish it off.  Good work men!!


Prayer Request


Honor to lead today men.

Sister Act

The Storm 6/2

13 men at The Storm on 6/2.  Went like this:


10 Burpees


The Thang:

Mosey to the roundabout in front of school.  Exercise called here is a WOD called DEE!!

4 Rounds

40 Squats

30 Hand Release Merkins

20 Burpees

400 meter run

Perform the 3 exercises, then run up the hill to the roundabout on main road.  That is one round.  Perform the exercises again, run down the hill to school to complete round two.  Do the exercises and the up and back down to complete the 4 rounds.  This wasn’t easy, especially with that dang hill.  Good work men.

Next mosey to school.  Here we did 2 rounds of:

10 Hip Slappers (IC)

10 Dips (IC)

10 Derkins (IC)

With some time remaining line up facing the parking lot for some Dirty 11’s.  Start out with 10 Big Boys, run to other side of parking lot for 1 Imperial Walker Squats.  Run back to start for 9 Big Boys then 2 IW Squats and so on.  Only catch is stopping each time you pass the halfway mark and do 2 Burpees.  We got about half of this workout complete before we ran out of time.  Mosey back to the flag!  Time!!!!


Prayer reqo



Appreciate the chance to lead today!!


Sister Act



Deez Nutz

Wet Nutz with the Q at The Yank this morning.  He definitely delivered a beatdown, and went like this!!


Mosey to the track


The Thang:

50 Burpees

Run a lap

100 Merkins

Run a lap

150 Squats

Run a lap

200 Mtn Climbers or Plank Jack’s (pax choice)

Run a lap

150 Squats

Run a lap

100 Merkins

Run a lap

50 Burpees

75 yard Bear Crawl

50 Calf Raises

15 Shoulder Taps

10 Burpees for the 2 trains



Nameorama: Welcome to F3 – Rice Krispies

Prayer Request


Wet Nutz out!!!




“Shitster Act”

10 showed at Folsom this morning  for the bootcamp beatdown.  We had 1 lone runner, Allen Tate, who put in an impressive .25 mile run, nice work 🙄.  No FNGs, time to work!


Grass Pickers, Hillbillies


The Thang:

Short mosey to the tennis courts.  Everyone is instructed to line up on the side of the first court.  First exercise called here is some sort of jacked up version of Route 66.  Start with 11 Mike Tyson’s, run full length of all courts, stopping halfway to do 2 Burpees, continue to far end for10 Big Boys.  Then return to start, stopping again at halfway point for 2 Burpees. Then perform 10 Mike Tyson’s, run, 2 Burpees, run, 10 Big Boys, run, 2 Burpees, return to start. Continue this cycle all the way down to 1 Mike Tyson.  In all we completed 66 Mike Tyson’s, 44 Burpees, and 110 Big Boys. Nice work men!


We stayed on the tennis courts for the next excercise, starting in the first corner at the entrance.  Exercise called here is 7 of Diamonds.  7 exercises are called.  Start with one exercise at each corner, then move to the next exercise at each corner, etc..  Went like this:

7 Burpees at each of the 4 corners

14 Merkins at each corner

21 Mountain Climbers each corner

28 Flutter Kicks each corner

21 Monkey Humpers each corner

14 Squats each corner

7 Burpees each corner


With some time left, we remained on the tennis courts to finish it out.  Pax line back up on side of first court.  Next exercise called here is to be completed as quickly as possible, and to push yourself to the end. Circuit of 5 exercises called.

5 Burpees

5 Tuck Jumps

5 Little Gumby’s

5 Hand Release Merkins

5 Sprints (sprint length of 2 courts 5 times)

We had time to complete 3 rounds.  Nice work on this one men.  Going from the exercises straight into sprints definitely is a gasser!!  Time is about up, head back to flag!

Appreciate the push today from all.  We got in around 3 miles on the tennis courts, with 115 Burpees, and a lot of other reps.


See events from website


Prayer request


Honor to lead today men.  Great group of HIMS representing today.  There was mention of changing my F3, but I’m not really sure how this come about.  I guess you just had to show to know.


Sister Act


PreBlast – Black Diamond “Annihilation”

Pax of F3 Gastonia, a challenge is set before us. It is time for us to take our workouts up a notch, and challenge what we think our 1st F level of fitness should be.  Beginning on Saturday 4/4/2020 at Folsom, the Black Diamond workout “Annihilation” will be held.  This workout will be once a month and the location will alternate between the 3 AO’s offered on Saturdays.  This will not replace the regular morning workout, but will be an additional option at that location on that morning.

In my opinion, I think every pax in our region should consider this workout.  I’ve been asked, why do this? What is this workout all about? My question is, why not??   I feel like sometimes we can get in a rut, and show up to a workout and simply go through the motions.  We all need that nudge  sometimes to do more.  This workout is simply that, an opportunity to push yourself!  They say if you want to run faster, run with faster guys.  Will the workouts be difficult, absolutely!!  Not only do workouts challenge us physically, but mentally as well.  The F3 brotherhood is amazing, and that is exactly why I think we all can benefit from this type of workout.

This workout is NOT only for the strongest or fastest.  However, come expecting a high intensity workout.  Black Diamond workouts aren’t meant to be easy.  Do the things that can make a difference; run a little harder, concentrate on using PROPER FORM, etc!!. Like anything else in life,  “you get out, what you put in”.


Let’s embrace this challenge and get better together.


Sister Act


Upcoming “Annihilation” schedule:

4/4 – Folsom 6:30-7:30     Q – Sister Act

5/2 – The Yank 7a-8a.       Q – Gold Digger

6/6 – Gashouse 7a-8a    Q- Pizza Man

Rack and Stack

9 men showed at The Storm this morning.  The rain held off, nice morning to put in some work.  No fng, time to start.


10 Burpees

The Thang:

Short mosey to the roundabout in front of the school.  Exercise called here is the Rack and Stack.  The bottom roundabout and top roundabout at the main road is where this exercise is performed.

Run to top for 10 Burpees

Run down for 10 Burpees

Back to top for 20 Jump Lunges

Back down for 10 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges

Top for 30 Merkins

Bottom for 10 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 Merkins

Top 40 Big Boys

Bottom for 10 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 Merkins, 40 Big Boys

Top for 50 Squats

Bottom to finish this exercise perform 10 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 Merkins, 40 Big Boys, 50 squats

With time running low, short mosey to the school.  Here we were able to get in one round of:

10 Hip Slappers (ic)

10 Dips (ic)

10 Derkins (ic)

Mosey back to flag.  Finish out with 10 Burpees. Time!



3/21 5yr Anniversary Convergence

4/4 Community Foundation Run Speed For Need

4/4 Black Diamond workout Location TBD


Prayer request:

Anchorman career decision, injured pax




Honor to lead today men!  Nice work!


Sister Act

Folsom 2/1

15 men showed up to Folsom ready to put in some work.  No FNGs, time to work!


Grass pickers

The Thang:


Short mosey to the tennis courts.  First workout called here is the “Killer B’s”!!  We all lined up on the side line of the first court.  It goes like this;

Broad Jump 10 yards

10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blair’s, 10 Big Boys

Broad Jump 10 yards

10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blair’s, 10 Big Boys

Broad Jump 10 yards

10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blair’s, 10 Big Boys

Bearcrawl 30 yards back to start line

Complete this for 3 Rounds.

This was a gasser for sure.  That was 90 Burpees, 90 Jump Lunges, 90 Big Boys, Broad Jumps, and Bear Crawls in the first 20 minutes of the workout.  Nice work men!!

We would stay on the tennis courts for the next exercise.  We all lined back up on the sideline of the first tennis court. Start with 10 Hip Slappers, mosey to other side of the first court for 10 Hand Release Merkins, then mosey back to start.  Then 10 Hip Slappers, 20 Imperial Walker Squats, mosey to other side of 2nd court, 10 HR Merkins, and mosey back.  10 Hip Slappers, 20 IW Squats, 30 Peter Parker’s, mosey to 3rd court for 10 HR Merkins, mosey back.  10 Hip Slappers, 20 IW Squats, 30 PP, 40 Flutter Kicks, mosey to 4th court, 10 HR Merkins, mosey back. 10 Hip Slappers, 20 IW Squats, 30 PP, 40 Flutter Kicks, 50 SSH, mosey to 5th court, 10 HR Merkins, mosey back.  Finally 10 Hip Slappers, 20 IW Squats, 30 PP, 40 Flutter Kicks, 50 SSH, 60 Merkins, mosey to 6th court, 10 HR Merkins, mosey back.  Nice work men, way to push!!

Still some time left, so let’s do some Rugby Sprints.  Start on sideline of 1st court again.  Basically AMRAP called exercise until Q says go, then sprint length of 2 courts, spint again, then walk.  We did this for 5 different exercises!!

With time running short, we headed back to flag.  Had enough time for a round of Jacked Up.

50 SSH

40 Seal Jacks

30 Plank Jacks

20 Crossover Jacks

10 Smurf Jacks



5 year Convergence 3/21 at Martha’s

Prayer Request


Honor to lead today men.  Way to push,and stay at it!

Sister Act



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