Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sister Act (Page 13 of 17)

Mission Accomplished!

17 men resisted the fartsack and put in some work at Goat Island.  Once again, this is another one of our regions AOs that I haven’t had the privilege to Q at before.  So I was excited when Dr. Seuss reached out to ask if I wanted one.  This is a solid AO, with lots of room to explore and you can always expect a good showing of pax.  After a late night of thinking of what I could bring to the table, a weinke was prepared,  now it was time to deliver.


10 SSH(IC)

For those that have been to one of my Qs  before, know that I’m not a big fan of the warm-up.  We are on a time limit, so no room for wasted time.  Let’s get to what we came here for!

The Thang:

Quick mosey to the corner of 9th St and 8th Ave.  Here we will do some 4 corner work, but with a little more area covered than normal.  10 Burpees at this first corner .  Next mosey up the street to the Baptist Church at 10th St. and 8th Ave.  10 Burpees, 20 Mike Tysons.  Short mosey to the next corner of 10th St. and Front St.  10 Burpees, 20 Mike Tysons, 30 Mountain Climbers.  Then mosey to the last corner of Front St. and 9th St. and do 10 Burpees, 20 Mike Tysons, 30 Mountain Climbers, 40 Little Man In The Woods.  I was going to run this back down, but I wanted to do some other things.  Plus this smoked the shoulders, and this is about the time Def Leppard questioned my originality.  He is correct though.  I’m definitely not known for having a very creative Q.  My goal is to bring something solid, that will push us all to the max!

Next we took a short mosey to the Gazebo at the heart of the AO.  5 exercises are called.  Do the 5 exercises and the associated reps, then complete a lap around this middle park area.  So you start with 5 Pull-ups, 10 Hand Release Merkins, 15 Imperial Walker Squats, 20 CDD, 25 Jump Lunges, then run a lap.  I had planned on doing this 5 times, but with time running short I called an Omaha after the 3rd set

Next mosey back up 8th Ave to the Baptist Church.  Here the church has a roadside brick retaining wall, which is perfect for a round of Lindsey’s.  This is when you pick 2 exercises and the sum of the reps equals 40.  Start with 30 Merkins, 10 Dips.  Then 25 Merkins, 15 Dips. 20 Merkins, 20 Dips.  15 Merkins, 25 Dips.  And finish with 10 Merkins, 30 Dips.  This wasn’t a crowd pleaser.  After knocking out 100 reps of each here, the upper body was toast.

Still time for one more exercise.  Fellowship mosey across the street to the parking lot for a round of Route 66.  Exercise called is the Bobby Hurley.  Start with 1 Bobby Hurley. Then Lunge walk 4 steps, 2 Bobby Hurley. Lunge walk 4 steps, 3 Bobby Hurley.  Continue this until you finish with 11 Bobby Hurley’s.  Mosey back to flag.

Announcements:  2nd F event 4/27 at Lewis Farm, Mt. Mitchell Hike 5/5


Prayer Request:  YHC took us out


I always appreciate the honor to lead a workout.  Even though I may lack creativity in the Q department, I felt like today was mission accomplished.  I believe a solid workout was delivered and all pax got their monies worth.  I really appreciate everyone that showed today and the work that was done.  The brotherhood at F3 is amazing.  SYITG

Sister Act


Return of Hamburger Hill

13 men showed at the premier evening AO Midoriyama.  I encourage all pax to venture over to Midoriyama if you’ve never been.  It has lots of different terrain options, and today we would visit some of the more challenging ones.  The forecast looked great, so I had no choice but to deliver a knockout punch of a workout.


10 Burpees OYO, anything else is pointless

The Thang:

Oompa was having some knee issues and took off with his pack for a Ruck.  Good work Oompa. The rest of us took off on a mosey from the flag to the back left of Midoriyama, down the paved hill path that leads to the fishing pier.  This is a good smooth steep hill, with plenty of beatdown options.  We stopped at the middle of the hill.  Here we partnered up , and would do a partner triple nickelish type workout.   Start with 10 Booyah Merkins in the middle.  Then each partner runs opposite directions, one to top of hill and one to the bottom at pier.  Each will then do 5 Burpees, and return to middle.  This completes one set.  Continue this for 5 sets, with the partners alternating which direction you run after each set.  This hill combined with the called exercises is pretty brutal.  Good work on this men. After the completion of this, time to mosey to our next destination.

Mosey down the gravel road, which leads to the dam at the backside of the pond. Here is where you find Hamburger Hill.  This hill on the backside of the dam  is very steep.  It’s been awhile since we’ve used it, and we might as well conquer both hills in one workout today.  Keep your same partner and next excercise is Dora 123 on the hill.  Three excercises called were 50 Jump Lunges, 75 Imperial Walker Squats, 100 Bobby Hurley.  While P1 does excercise, P2 runs to bottom of hill and back up.  Then P2 does excercise, and P1 runs to bottom of hill and back up.  Continue this until the reps are reached for the 3 excercises.  This was awful.  This one looked good on paper, but was absolutely brutal on the legs.  I did make the call, that once the first two pax finished we would recover and move on.

Trying to recover from Hamburger Hill, we made a short fellowship mosey over to the two short concrete walls on top of dam.  Here I called 4 different excercises.  10 Dips (IC), 10 Derkin N Diayes, 10 Donkey Kicks, 10 Diamond Merkins.  We did two sets of the 4 excercises.

Next we mosey back up gravel road stopping once we reached the parking lot.  Still trying to recover a little, we did some quick ab work.  We did 25 LBCs (IC), 25 Flutter Kicks (IC),  25 American Hammers (IC),  25 Big Boys oyo.  We did one set of this but with no rest in between exercises.

Next start our mosey back towards the flag.  However we stopped at 4 Iight poles along the way for 5 Burpees at each one for a total of 20 Burpees in our home stretch mosey.  Finish back up at the flag where Oompa called 22 Merkinsfor the Vets.  Time!!

Announcements: Convergence 3/30 Folsom 7:00, 2nd F ODB on 3/30, 3rd F Event 4/12, Community Foundation Run 4/13, Mt. Mitchell Hike 5/5

Prayer Request


Honor to lead today men.  We couldn’t have asked for a better day at Midoriyama.  Today I wanted to provide the pax with something to really push themselves.  Something that is hard, and makes us all push to be better.  Great job by all today.  You men are awesome, and II can’ wait for the next opportunity to bring it.

Sister Act

The Storm 3/19

11 men weathered the Storm this morning and put in some work.  First time being the Q at The Storm, so I appreciated the opportunity to lead today.  With it being my first Q here, I definitely felt like I needed to bring my A game, and not disappoint.  5:30 hits, time to go!


SSH, Hillbillies, Grass Pickers

The Thang:

Mosey to the front of the school where I believe is the school bus drop-off area. We started at the roundabout and used the driveway that circles up to school and back.  We would stay here for the first called exercise.  First exercise is the Zachary Tellier workout.  For those not familiar with this, it is a workout created to honor the life of Zachary Tellier. He is a local guy who paid the ultimate sacrifice serving in the line of duty.  Start out with 10 Burpees, then run the loop.  Then do 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, run the loop.  Next 10 Burpees,. 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, run the loop. Next is 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, 100 LBCs, run the loop.  Finally do 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, 100 LBCs, 150 Squats, run the loop.  Good work by all.  Adding the running in with all the exercise reps,  definitely gets the blood a flowing.

We still have some time, so we mosey to the parking lot to the right of the school in between the tennis courts.  We used the entire parking lot to do some 4 corner work.  Start at 1st corner and do 10 Hand Release Merkins.  Mosey to 2nd corner and do 10 HR Merkins, 20 Jump Lunges.  Mosey to 3rd corner 10 HR Merkins, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 Mountain Climbers(count right side only).  Mosey to 4th corner for 10 HR Merkins, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 MC, 40 Little Man in the Woods(SSH in squat position).  Also referred to as Little Gumby in the Woods.  Blood is definitely flowing now, but we still have more time.  So why not run this back in reverse.  Start at corner we are at for 40 Little Gumby’s, 30 MC, 20 Jump Lunges, 10 HR Merkins. Mosey to next corner 30 MC, 20 Jump Lunges, 10 HR Merkins.  Next corner is 20 Jump Lunges, 10 HR Merkins.  Last corner for 10 HR Merkins.  Mosey back to flag. Good work men.

Announcements:    Convergence 3/30 @ 7:00 Folsom,  2nd F on 3/30 @ Ole Dallas Brewery 7:00, 3rd F event on Friday 3/12, Community Foundation Run on 3/13 @ downtown Gastonia, Mt. Mitchell hike on 5/5

Prayer Request:  Pray for all pax


Honor to lead today men.  Always excited about being the Q, especially at an AO where it’s your first time.  I encourage all pax to sign up to Q.  An awesome experience to lead your fellow F3 brothers.

Sister Act

The Pub Duet

2 showed for a nice mosey at The Pub this morning.  With the P200 starting tomorrow, a smaller than  normal crowd was expected.  With YHC not able to participate in the P200 because of dance obligations, I jumped at the chance to take the Q.  Having to Q was a fireproof way of me not falling for the fartsack trap, and getting my butt out here.  With time quickly approaching and being there solo, I was already talking myself into a shorter slower run.  Diva shows up right before time, so I quickly had to get my mind right.   Diva had just completed a Marathon this past Sunday, so he held back, and ran with me this morning.  We got in 5 miles, with the route to Snoballs and back.  Thanks for the push brother.

Annoucements:  Convergence 3/30 at 7:00, 2nd F that same night, 3rd F event 4/12, Community Foundation Run 4/13, Mt. Mitchell hike 5/5

Prayer Requests:  P200 PAX, each other



Appreciate the opportunity to Q.

Sister Act

Crossroads 3/10

13 men showed this morning to push the rock at Crossroads.  Good work by all today.  The P200 is right around the corner, so a lot of guys were definitely putting in some miles.

Announcements:   Convergence on 3/30 at 7:00am at Folsom.  Coffeerama to follow at Country Kitcen

Mt. Mitchell hike on 5/5

Prayer request



Appreciate the opportunity to lead.  Continue to push men!

Sister Act



PreBlast: 4 Yr Gashouse Anniversary Convergence

Date:    Saturday March 30th

Time:    7:00am

Location:   Folsom

Coffeerama:   Country Kitchen


Please join us for our first convergence of 2019. GasHouse region will celebrate it’s 4th year on 3/22.  With many pax participating in the P200 that weekend, we will all converge on Saturday 3/30 at the Folsom AO to celebrate this milestone. Come out for a great time of fellowship, and workout with a lot of guys you may not normally see.  Pain-Lab will also travel and be available at Folsom.  Coffeerama to follow the workout at the Country Kitchen in Dallas.  Make plans to attend.


Sister Act

Pub Run

9 men showed for the last day of Pubruary to put in some miles.  We ran the route to Snoballs and back.  I like this down and back run, because it gives the pax an option to choose the  distance up to 5 miles.  Good work men!

Announcements: Rooster 3/2, Convergence 3/30 at Folsom 7:00, Mt. Mitchell hike 5/5

Prayer Request


Thanks for the opportunity to lead today!

Sister Act


6  men showed at Mt. Hollywood this morning to put in some work.  This is  my first Q at this AO, so I was excited with this opportunity to bring a workout to these guys.  Being a father to three daughters, definitely brings its challenges.  One of the challenges takes place during this time of the year each year.  That would be cheer and dance competition time.  As a lot of you were out in the rain either posting or participating in the CSAUP 50 Mile Relay Run this past weekend, I was stuck inside an auditorium for two straight days at a dance competition.   Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy watching my daughters on the stage.  But once you factor in the girl drama, parent drama, stress, and the amount of time spent inside, there is only so much you can take.  With that said, I was looking forward to bringing the pain come Monday morning.  So to answer your question Tiger, no dance shoes needed today.


Grass Pickers, Hillbillies

The Thang:

Mosey to the street beside the elementary school.  First excercise called is some Route 66 on the street.  Excercise used is the Imperial Squat Walker.  Start at first telephone pole and do 11 Imperial Squat Walkers.  Then sprint or 3/4 speed 2 telephone poles and Nur back 1.  Then do 10 ISW.  Sprint 2 telephone poles, Nur back 1, 9 ISW.  Sprint 2 telephone poles, Nur back 1, 8 ISW.  Continue this until you finish with 1 ISW.

Next let’s mosey to the driveway area beside the elementary school used for bus drop off.  Exercise called here is some 4 corner escalators.  First corner start with 10 Burpees.  Mosey to second corner for 10 Burpees, 20 Merkins.  Mosey to third corner and do 10 Burpees, 20 Merkins, 30 Mountain Climbers.  Mosey to last corner and do 10 Burpees, 20 Merkins, 30 Mountain Climbers, 40 Sumo Squats.  I was going to run this back down, but had to call an Omaha on that one.  

Fellowship mosey to the covered area and do an exercise called Jacked Up.  Here you do 5 different exercises with no rest in between.  50 SSH, 40 Seal Jacks, 30 Plank Jacks, 20 Crossover Jacks, 10 Smurf Jacks.

Next we got in some ab work at the same area.  Same principle, 5 exercises with no rest in between.  25 LBCs, 25 Flutter Kicks, 25 Dying Cockroaches, 25 American Hammers, 25 Big Boys.

Mosey to the small wall on the same street where we did the Route 66 work earlier.  Called Lindsay’s here with Dips and Merkins.  30 Dips & 10 Merkins. 25 Dips & 15 Merkins. Continue this until you finish with 10 Dips & 30 Merkins.  Mosey towards flag.

Announcements: CSAUP, Rooster, Mt. Mitchell hike on 5/5. Convergence 3/30 at Folsom 7:00am

Prayer request


Honor to lead today men.  Always look forward to new challenges.  Made it a goal to get out and Q at different AOs.  You should too!

Sister Act

Jacked Up BLIMPS

15 pax decided to join in on the fun at the Gashouse today.  I was anxiously waiting all week for today, because this would be my first Q at the Gashouse AO.  I’ve been talking a lot about each one of us stepping out of our comfort zones and to make it a point to visit all the different AOs that our region has to offer.  First step is to lead by example, so I reached out to Linus about taking the Q this Saturday.  I appreciate him accommodating my request and allowing me to lead the men today at Gashouse.

Warm-Up:  We did 3 exercises, which was plenty.  There was some comments about that not being enough, but time was ticking and we needed to get to work.

Hipaa was finishing up Hipaapalooza with the Pain Lab Q.  He Q’d a workout for seven straight days.  That is very impressive.  7 men headed off to the Pain Lab.  The 8 of us would mosey and head towards the track at the school.  I’ve been thinking for a while about being the Q at the Gashouse and using the track.  I’ve been to several workouts here where the guys have utilized the track, so I knew this would be my focal point.  I may have under estimated the amount of time we would be here.  It seemed like forever.

So the first exercise called would be BLIMPS on the track.  Well, I didn’t want to spoil the fun. So we completed the exercises associated with each letter first, before I announced the next exercise.  First exercise called was the Burpee.   We would run an entire lap for each exercise called, but stopping at the corners to perform called exercise.  1st corner 10 Burpees, mosey to 2nd corner 10 Burpees, 3rd corner 10 Burpees, and 4th corner 10 Burpees.  Second exercise called was the LBFCs (LIttle Baby Flutter Crunch).  Run the lap and do 15 LBFCs at each corner.  Next exercise called is the Iron Mike, aka Jump Lunges.  Run the lap and do 20 at each corner.  Right about this time is where the ole wise one Def Leppard started with the mumblechatter.  He said I completely jacked up BLIMPS, and it would never be the same.  Like normal, I told the old buzzard to get to work and from that point on really had to watch his form.  Next exercise is the Merkin.  Run the lap and do 25 at each corner.  Next exercise is Plank Jack.  Run a lap, stopping at each corner to perform 30 of them.  The last exercise called was the Smurf Jack.  The sand was falling from in between Leppard’s legs at this point.   Run a lap, and do 35 Smurf Jacks at each corner.  Complete.  The legs were definitely smoked after this, and this took way more time that I was anticipating.

With not a lot of time left, we did a some what quick mosey to the back parking lot of the First Presbyterian Church.  Here is a set of stairs that I wanted to use.  Triple Nickel is called here.  Exercises used are, Wolverine Burpees at the bottom and Sumo Squats at the top.  Basically do 5 Wolverine Burpees, run up stairs to top and do 5 Sumo Squats, then run back down.  Do this 5 times.

Then we took a short mosey to front of church and did a quick round of ab work.  Here we did 25 of each: Flutter Kicks, Freddie Mercuries, American Hammers, Big Boys.   Mosey back to flag.   With not much time to spare,  Hipaa calls 5 Burpees OYO, and YHC called for 5 Burpees OYO, Time

Announcements:  CSAUP on 2/23, Rooster in Rock Hill 3/2, Mt. Mitchell Hike 5/5

Prayer Request


Honored to lead today men.


Sister Act

Jacked Up!

17 fought the fartsack this morning and put in some work at Folsom.  With a slight chance of rain in the forecast, I wasn’t sure of how many to expect.  To my surprise, a wave of pax start rolling in right on time.  After several minutes of mublechatter, it was time.  We had two FNG’s with us this morning, so a disclaimer was given.


Grass Pickers, Hillbillies, Copperhead Squats

The Thang:

Mosey towards the main flag at the entrance of Folsom.  We stopped at the first light pole on our journey to the flag and completed 10 Merkins.  Continue our mosey and stop at the second light pole.  10 Merkins, 10 Werkins.  Mosey on, stop at third light pole and do 10 Merkins, 10 Werkins, and 10 Hand Release Merkins.  Mosey on and stop at the fourth light pole. Here we did 10 Merkins, 10 Werkins, 10 HR Merkins, and 10 Peter Parker Merkins.  After the completion of this set is about the time Sparky comes rolling in hot.  Monkey Humpers in cadence are called as he drives through our crowd gathered on the road.  Had planned on adding a 5th merkin at the next light pole, but there seemed to be a lot of complaining so we skipped this pole and went straight to the flag.

After completing the Pledge, I called the next exercise.  This exercise routine is called Jacked Up.  I knew Def Leppard would like this.   He states that a certain pax threatened him by saying he was going to get “Jacked Up” at the Bourban Chase this past fall.  I do not believe him, and I’ll let him tell you the story sometime.  Anyways, this routine consist of 5 different exercises done with no rest in between.  The exercises called were each done in cadence; 50 SSH, 40 Seal Jacks, 30 Plank Jacks, 20 Crossover Jacks, 10 Smurf Jacks.  This really burned the calves and feet.  Might as well do this again, except this time each exercise was done single count.  This was not a crowd pleaser routine, which means I will repeat again in the future.

Next we took a short mosey to the parking lot up near the entrance.  11’s are called, and exercises used were Jump Lunges and Corkscrews.  Started with 1 Jump Lunge on the curb, mosey to other side and do 10 Corkscrews on that curb.  We continued this until the numbers are flipped and end with 10 Jump Lunges  and 1 Corkscrew.

Next we started to mosey back down the road leading into Folsom.  We stop at the first light pole we come to, and the pax are fearful of a repeat of the Merkin madness.  Instead we do 5 Burpees.  Continue our mosey and stop at the 2nd light pole we get to.  I’m sure most know where this was headed.  Here we do 5 Burpees, and 5 One Leg Burpees.  Continue on to we reach the next light pole.  We do 5 Burpees, 5 One Leg Burpees, and 5 Walmart Burpees.  I personally like the Walmart Burpee, but others not so much.  This is when you squat down like a normal Burpee, but you go to your six and roll back to your shoulder blades.  Then roll forward, and when your feet hit the ground, put your hands in front and jump back to plank.  The rest is like a normal Burpee.  Continue our mosey to the 4th light pole and do 5 Burpees, 5 One Leg Burpees, 5 Walmart Burpees, and 5 Wolverine Burpees.  And finally stop at the 5th light pole.  Here I called an Omaha and we just did 5 Yurpees.  This is when the Merkin at bottom of Burpee is a clap merkin and on up portion there are 2 Tuck Jumps per Burpee.

With time to spare, we took a short mosey to the pavilion.  Here we did 5 exercises, all in cadence.  Started with 10 Hip Slappers, 15 Imperial Walker Squats, 20 Dips, 25 Mountain Climbers, 30 Rocky Balboas.  Rinse and repeat.  Mosey back to flag.

Announcements:  Q Source on Sundays, CSAUP on 2/23, Rooster on 3/2, Rice & Beans on 1/29

Prayer Request


Honor to lead today men.  Appreciate everyone pushing hard.  Welcome to F3, Nothin(Josh Ewing) and Blue(Zach Ewing).  Good work today men!


Sister Act



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