Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Short Sale (Page 11 of 20)

Cardio Tennis

My youngest 2.0 is out of town this week for Spring Break. The lives our kids get to live can be quite charmed – lucky for them. But lucky for me because that frees my morning schedule to get after it: #noexcuses (though I’ve made plenty in the last year. I reached out to Wichita a few weeks back to secure the Q spot at Folsom this morning so I could venture north where work is completed and the rock is pushed extra hard. I was a little worried having stayed up to watch the National Championship basketball game, so I set 2 alarms so not to miss the action. As our friend Huckleberry likes to say: “it’s time to clock in.”


10 IC count of: Toy Soldier, Imperial Walkers, Side to Side Lunge, Plank Jacks, Fire Hydrants (SC R/L)


Mosey a short distance to the tennis courts. It’s a wonder no one has seriously injured themselves in that dark place but I decided to bring out some old drills from my high school tennis days. Our warm-up in those days began with a little cardio of the “W” drill and “Tracers.” So I began to demonstrate the pattern to which Tater Hole rightfully called me out to say: “that looks like a V.” Q-fail – thanks TH – I then corrected to the W, running from the baseline down the alley, touch the net, backpedal (i.e.: NUR), to the “T” then forward to the net, backpedal the alley. We spread out among both sides of the 6 courts – run the W on all 6 courts, both sides but before starting the next court perform 5 Bobby Hurleys in honor of the NCAA b-ball championship. This was a good cardio start. So let’s keep it going. Tracers were up next and you basically follow all the lines on the court, forward, backward, side shuffle, etc. This time between each court do 5 mountain climbers. All 6 courts, both sides. I did take a moment to share the story of Roscoe NUR-ing down Dixon Road and tripping over and landing on Anthrax. This was a warning/disclaimer to give some space to others and not have an Anthrax moment.

We moseyed to the lower parking lot and the picnic shelter for the Red Reaper. This is a routine that culled together from a few things and really like the effect. I briefly feel like Rudolph when I complete it – briefly – then reality shrinks my noodles to standard size. It goes like this:

  • 15 Merkins
  • 30 Shoulder Taps (county both taps)
  • 15 Merkins
  • 15 Dips
  • 30 Decline Peter Parkers
  • 15 Dips

To provide a brief rest after that set I led a little bit of Mary: LBCs, Flutters, and Dollys all IC x 10; Repeat that set again.

We reached 0600 so I had a few more things on the Weinke – only time for one so I went with the Mini-4 Corners. All PAX find your own parking spot.

  • CDD’s SC x 10; bear-crawl forward to the top of the parking rectangle
  • Mtn. Climbers SC x 10; plank walk right
  • Shoulder Taps SC x 10; Joe Hendrix to the bottom of the rectangle
  • Plank Jacks SC x 10; plank walk left to the start
  • 2-line suicide – count each line x 10

We did 3 sets and I gave the PAX a choice for one more or back to base and Mary. It was a split vote – Achey Breaky didn’t care one way or the other – typical millennial. We decided to stay for a 4th round. Mosey back to base.

Announcements: F3 Dads this weekend – bring a trashbag and a kid (or not) or find a kid on the street and bring them (or maybe not); point is to pick up trash and make our AO’s better. At Folsom – they will reconvene at 10:30 am. 4/17 is the Convergence at Bulldog 0700. If you have a concrete block or something similar – bring it with you. 4/24 – PT test at GasHouse; this week – Name it & Claim it Challenge – Merkins – You vs. You – keep up the good work. Prayers: Big Pappy, Sister Act and healing; those looking for jobs.

Thanks to Wichita and the Folsom men for allowing me to Q – it was an honor to workout with you this morning. It was a mix of cardio and strength work. Hopefully it was worth the price of admission. Hopefully I’ll be back sooner rather than later.

Name It and Claim It Challenge

The weather is getting warmer and I sense you boys are ready to get after it, more than you already are. So beginning tomorrow, I’m asking you to simply perform 1000 Burpees per day. Oh wait – that’s April Fools day – just kidding. Seriously then, lets avoid that confusion and we’ll begin Saturday, April 3rd with each week to begin a new challenge which as the title suggests you Name It and Claim It. Now I’m sure some of you are skeptical after all, I did create the Strides of March which had most that participated confused until after they completed it. So if those guys trusted me to post – ALL of you can participate in this challenge. Yeah, yeah, get to the point.

  • Week 1 (Saturday, April 3rd – Friday April 9th) – Merkins
  • Week 2 (Saturday, April 10th – Friday, April 16th) – Squats
  • Week 3 (Saturday, April 17th – Friday, April 23rd) – LBCs
  • Week 4 (Saturday, April 24th – Friday, April 30th) – Mystery Exercise

Some of you are scratching your chin and wondering, not so hard. It really isn’t because this is a You vs. You challenge. You name the reps you want to do but you need to do them every day. So if you want 10 a day – that’s 70 for the week. If you want more, get some. Again, this is You vs. You, so no batflippers to keep up with or measure yourself. All I ask is you execute proper form. So no neckies, no pulses, no vibrating arms – this is a full push-up – reference here.

Next is the accountability portion – if you want to participate, go to the Slack first_f_channel and indicate you accept the challenge (HC, thumbs up, whatever). By the end of each day, you need to post on the Slack channel that you completed your challenge (the Claim It portion). I’ll monitor and keep an accurate count. One more thing that you might wonder – what if I challenged myself to do 50 merkins/day and during my F3 workout, we did 25 merkins – am I halfway there? Since I consider this a challenge, officially the answer is “no” but we’re on the honor system, so count it however you like – I’m only setting the parameters for you to get a little better than you already are.

So You vs. You – Name It and Claim It, begins Saturday, April 3rd with Merkins for 7 days – proper form – post each day when you complete the challenge.


On Sunday mornings at the Coconut Horse, our group has transitioned to study Freed To Lead, the original manual describing all the great things about F3. This week Gastone picked up in Part 3, Chapter 2, Time, Place, and Manner (pg. 72). This section discusses the nature of the workouts – where and when. Like most of F3, there are no rules. See Freight’s leadership of a new Saturday AO in Dallas. See also Midoriyama which is one of the few afternoon workouts and though I don’t have the hard data to factually prove but I’m fairly confident it’s one of the best in the nation. Midoriyama has a steady following that continues to grow. The lubricant that fuels the engine of the workout is the mumble chatter. Any Q must be ready to handle a healthy amount of arrows and shade that come his way. I knew that to be the case, even more so for today’s workout because I planned something different (dare to fail). Page 73 of the FTL manual states: “The Q’s imagination is the sole restriction on the manner in which a Workout is conducted.” Skipping some sentences: “A Q, on the other hand, can do whatever he wants.” Freed To Lead – so with that I had a mission today. Here’s how it went:

Brief disclaimer – choose to follow me if you like but if you do, focus on proper form. Here we go:


Imperial Walkers IC x 15, Moroccan Night Clubs IC x 15, Hillbillies IC x 15, Plank jacks IC x 15, Merkins SC x 15


No mosey necessary – we’re staying in the circle for a while for some core work. Crazy 8’s which is 8 exercises, 8 reps, 8 rounds.

WW I, Heels 2 Heaven, American Hammer, Burps (in/outs), Mtn Climbers, Flutter Kicks, Peter Parker, Leg Raises

This kept guys quiet for a while but then Freight started up that he’d hope to break a sweat. Understood, but sometimes you need a different workout to focus on other areas, so hang tight. It seems poor ole Def Leppard has about 3 different exercises named after him. I’d consider it a sign of respect. One thing we all felt the wrath during this segment was the Quarter Pounder that Blart ate for lunch. With the tall, lanky frame flinging legs out and over, compressing his abdomen began to push out quite a thunderous roar. Most mortal men might expel just a few bursts but Blart kept this routine up almost the entire workout. Slaw recounted a story of his showing up to pick up Blart (and Assssh Pond’s) sister for a date back in the day and Blart was holding court with his friends showing off, using his ass as a flame thrower.

Let’s move to the next portion of fun. Stay in the same spot for cardio abs. Four exercises this time: Merkins, Ski Abs, SSH, and Freddie Mercuries. 30 seconds each with 30 second rest after the set. We did 3 sets. Freight once again calls me out for not leading and not counting. I thought this would be a chance for the MC to crank up again but I can count if needed – so I did the first circuit and then use my Q power to call on various pax to lead the counts the rest of the way.

We’ve about worn out the grass at the meeting spot so let’s migrate to the turd shack where the PAX had the choice of partner work or individual. They wanted help so it was the partner Cora:

  • 100 Parker Peter
  • 200 Hillbillies
  • 300 Flutter Kicks
  • P1 runs the width of the parking lot and back; P2 does exercises and counts any leg movement

We finished with 5 minutes left so the PAX would get the individual Cora after all.

  • Australian Peter Parker (use the turd shack wall) x 10 (count each leg)
  • Dirty Hook-ups (count each hand touch on the wall) x 20
  • Donkey Kicks x 30
  • After each set run the width of the parking lot

Time was called after a few rounds.

Announcements: 4/17 Convergence at Bulldog 0700; 4/24 PT Test at GasHouse; Beginning 4/2 is the Name and Claim it EC Challenge (pre-blast comes out tomorrow) Prayers: Big Pappy and Family, Gumby and his mom. YHC took us out.

Moleskin – Good chatter today among the PAX which was a healthy 16. This idea brewed quickly in the aforementioned Q-Source when a few guys mentioned many bootcamps don’t get to the traditional 6 minutes of Mary at the end. That may be true, but also true is the quote in the beginning which is the Q can do what they want. So lets just make today’s workout 45 minutes of Mary to be sure we give that gal some love. From my study of articles and blogs about fitness, having core strength is key to overall health and maintaining physical well being. Whether you save Mary to the end, move it to the beginning, or sprinkle some throughout your Weinke, don’t forget too often. The PAX don’t really like it too much so it’s a quick way to get them quiet, unless Blart has a Quarter Pounder before the workout.

The Mission

What  lofty title for the Coconut Horse. If anyone of you are followers of my epic backblasts, well, today may be disappointing. At the Horse on Sunday mornings, we have an agreement that the Q of Q-Source is also the Q of the workout. Usually works well, but coming off The Mortimer, I had a scheduled day off to recover – at least from the run. Now Flintstone on the other hand, that HIM already threw out the HC for a ruck. I know his training was more steady than mine or he’s just a glutton for punishment. Either way, he was there at 0600 and Whoopee fresh off a relaxing week of spa treatments, foot massages, mud peels, and happy endings (let’s at least hope?), joined him for the standard 5 mile tour. I posted at the COT having completed my homework and ready to lead the discussion. Whoopee was nice enough to buy me a coffee.

Our Q-Source group is reading and reviewing Freed to Lead. Sunday morning covered Part 3, Chapter 1 and beginning of Chapter 2. We began by discussing The Mission which if it’s not engrained into your head is: “the reinvigoration of male leadership within the community.” Whoopee identified that has changed since the original publication (2014) as the F3 Nation website now states: “the invigoration of male community leadership.” So a slight variation. Whoopee is prepared to match wits with DREDD on the tense or word “invigorate or reinvigoration.” If you’re trying to invigorate, that means male community leadership is non-existent – obviously there are many organizations and causes that do a lot of good in our community prior to F3 starting in 2015 so maybe that take on words is to take a Sad Clown and invigorate them? Chew on that at your next opportunity.

We then dove into Chapter 2 covering a few pages discussing the First F and how the Sad Clown can navigate the gym or pay a personal trainer vs. the accountability that can be found among F3 men. I do agree it’s much easier to find a push or sometimes a pull from the PAX for the workout, something that can’t be achieved as easily when your watching a video. I can attest to that as I was on the IR a good portion of 2020 and missed the camaraderie which comes in the form of Mumble Chatter. We then moved briefly to Shovel Flags and their importance to identify the home base, especially for a new guy or out of town F3 man trying to find the exact location.

Finally moved to cover the backblast and their structure. Our region is better than most about publishing them. Obviously I enjoy writing mine and apologize for the length. If you haven’t been made aware, there is a point to their purpose which is more than identifying the best and worst or workout highlights. The attendance recorded greatly assists the SLT, especially Weasel Shaker and First F for who is posting and where. The data collected identified the recent expansion of Tequila Sunrise on Friday mornings and the upcoming Phat Ricky Extravaganza set to have a second workout in Dallas (begins Saturday morning at 0700 at Cloninger Park). As we migrate to the warmer months, possibly other AO’s could become candidates for expansion – that is up to you. Ideal size for a workout is 10-12 men. If you’ve ever been to workouts with 20 or more, it can be a lot to handle for a regular AO.  The last piece of the BB is the naked man moleskin – which is when the Q attempts to share a “truth nugget” which runs the gamut from motivation to wisdom. I always find Whoopee’s to be passionate (I shared that with him in the discussion).

The final thing we covered is the fact that we post for each other. Plenty of times we fart-sack or in some cases smart-sack (as was the case for all but Flintstone from the Mortimer participants). Sometimes just our mere presence can provide the necessary companionship that helps another brother more than we’d ever know.

If it’s been a while or you’ve never read Freed to Lead – it’s beneficial to go through this again, especially after having been at this thing a few years.

The Strides of March

Dare to fail; I mentioned that in the Convergence backblast at the beginning of the year. No bigger endeavor than the first ever Strides of March, a double relay through four different exchange zones in Gastonia. As Pepper Brooks said in Dodgeball: “that’s a bold strategy, Cotton.” It was, one that I explained several times in the last few weeks. Most of the responses I received were blank stares or furrowed eyebrows. I dare to say most of the participants didn’t fully comprehend the plan until after they completed the first circuit. That’s okay – the Q had you covered, for the most part. We had 28 “official” participants placed onto three different teams which were quickly named after light beers: Team Bud Light, Team Miller Lite, and Team Coors Light. Admittedly, I could have used more creativity in the names, so if we ever drag this event out again, we can be more democratic in the process. For now, I just needed to identify the teams which were:

Bud Light:

BOS, Oompa Loompa, Hacksaw, Slaw, Blart, Flintstone, Boudin, Pockets, Def Leppard, Pizza Man, Freight

Miller Light:

Radar, Brillo, Orangemen, Breaker Breaker, Short Sale, EZ Rider, Purple Haze, Broke, Gavel

Coors Light:

Round Up, Sarlacc, Stroganoff, Dirt, JJ, Doodles, Dr. Seuss, Montross

Leading up to the event, there was still confusion among the teams, when to run, when to rest, etc. The way this event worked is each team had 2 runners at each exchange zone (Lineberger, SnoBalls, The Pub, and Parkwood Baptist). The 1st runners left at 6:30 am. The 2nd runners remained until the runner at the EZ before them arrived to tag them in. At all times each time had 4 guys (some partners) in motion and 4 resting. Know where to begin, who you tag in and who tags you – it was that simple, if you can call this creation simple. Still, I put together a handbook with maps and directions. Then I put signs out on the course for key turns – well in one spot, I did say go through the intersection with a left turn sign on the opposite side of the road. The Q failed there and BOS paid a penalty (my apologies BOS – I owe you a beverage at Primal). The only other casualty was a late exchange at Parkwood when Flintstone arrived looking to tag his teammate but Slaw was indisposed at the new 7-Eleven earning a road win. Quickly referenced was a similar experience from a few years ago P-200 when Tiny Tank arrived to tag in Slaw “Where the F is Slaw!? Where the F is Slaw!?” Fortunately, Blart was teamed with the King of Deuce and took the behind. But to Slaw’s credit, he caught and passed Blart on the route, making up time undoubtedly having dropped some baggage behind.

Speaking of turning on after-burners, Strava confirmed some PAX were flying around the course, well under their estimated 5k times used as baselines to form the teams. I can only say from personal experience and what a few others shared with me, but I think the beauty of this event was the opportunity for all men to find ways to push. Whether it was to catch the guy ahead, to make up time, to run further than they imagined they could, or just to finish the race. The separate circuits of 2.5, 2.9, 3.2 and 3.0 miles served as a reasonable test for all levels.

In order to put this event on, I needed help. Watts Up created the registration form. Big Pappy quickly converted the handbook to a weblink that could be shared with the participants to study ahead of the race. The SLT that supported the idea. Mayor was on his bike as support for the PAX helping them stay abreast of all that was going on ahead or behind them. JJ, BOS, and Freight were EZ leaders, then Sarlacc, Def Leppard, and Freight helped me start the race (note Freights group started early), but that’s okay. Anyone who has Q’ed a large workout can appreciate the challenge. The Strides of March was difficult because the Q (YHC) was at one of the EZ’s and had to Trust the Team to get this thing started as order was paramount. Other than the one fail previously mentioned, I’m proud to say there were no casualties among the PAX as all returned to their original starting point, possibly a little sore and tired, but can all shared in the accomplishment of having completed the race. Oh – one other Q fail – I was not clear in having the teams record their official end times but that’s okay, this wasn’t about winning – just getting better. So while the Strides of March was Completely Stupid, maybe it wasn’t Utterly Pointless. Ask the guys that finished. Thanks to all that competed and participated. And to those that were OYO: HIPAA rucked the course, Roscoe tested his leg with a few miles, Buckeye went for 6 miles while Sargento and Quiche got 12 miles the long way (they missed the same turn as BOS but their whining doesn’t count).

Flat chested

My second Q of the week, that doesn’t happen often but signing up weeks in advance, this can occasionally happen. If I were to be in different locations, I can re-use the Weinke, but the w/o on Wednesday was traveling simplicity. Both that workout and the one today reflect back to the many occasions that Gaston has Q’ed (go ahead and let out the collective grown – you’re thinking it at least). Gastone Q’s are not easy, that is for sure. I was 5 minutes before launch to find a hearty group of men ready for their end of week beatdown. I learned there was an FNG among us, he found us autonomously, having checked out the website. 0530 hit and a short disclaimer was announced – probably should have been more detail with the FNG but as the PAX often do, they rallied to translate and encourage. The Q had some veterans in the circle and their chatter was trying to take me off task – so my apologies for trying to focus on all the things a Q does; it takes a village.


  • Shoulder Tap Burpees OYO x 10 (tried cadence – didn’t work)
  • Toy Soldier IC x 10
  • Hillbilly IC x 10
  • 8 Ct Body Builder IC x 5
  • Side to Side Lunge IC x 10
  • Imperial Walker IC x 10
  • Pledge

Thang: began the mosey with 17 men following behind. Upon crossing Main St, YHC announced Zombie Walks until I “suggest” stop. Goal was to make it to the raised curb on the right side of the street. I requested the PAX to line up on the ledge – should have been more specific for these knuckleheads. “Line up facing south (on South Street no-less) with your right leg on the ledge that was 8-15” in height depending on your position. Which speaking of position, SA clears a circle as his ass trumpeted – good one. Single Leg lowers: 15 right, 15 left. A street curb is a little too small to have any effect but this height worked well to work the Vastus Medialis (VMO) muscle.  Quick PSA – strengthening and loosening this important quad muscle stabilizes your knee and can prevent injury. We finished and progressed down the hill to McQuitters Wall on South/Main in front of the church. Find a spot: 10 Box Jumps, 10 Dips, 10 Burpees – 3 rounds OYO. Modify as needed to accommodate injury or other. This was a good start to jack up the heart rate. Next, on down the hill. With a large group, we were spread, so I impromptu left turned into a parking lot and suggested Freddie Mercuries until the 6 arrived. Once everyone had at least a few reps, up and left out of the parking lot, left on 3rd St, left into the office parking lot. Because Sister Act was among us, actually,  I was doing this with or without him – his favorite – Triple Nickle. The parking lot above had a 15 retaining wall, which was perfect for Hip Slappers. Run to the top of the driveway for LBCs. You know the drill – 5 reps of each and 5 total circuits. The width of the driveway was tight for 18 dudes creating traffic. Round Up was in the zone, as usual, and pushing ahead. Mayor crushed this set as well. If you’ve not seen the Mayor lately, you may not recognize the svelteness. Props to Watts Up who just the other day took a hard spill onto his shoulder. He can barely lift his arm passed 70 degrees but he posted. I’m not pointing this out to make anyone feel bad for fartsacking, but…well, I guess if you feel guilty then I guess you do. So that was a warm-up for the main event. We retraced out of the parking lot going north on South St to the intersection with 2nd St. With about 25 minutes of playtime, I announced the next exercise opportunity – 11’s – the whole block between South and Marietta. The whole block you say? Yeah; begin with 10 Hand-release Merkins on South and 1 Mike Tyson at Marietta. Admittedly this was ambitious, but I wanted to offer a chance for the PAX to push, which they did. Again, Round Up was outfront, extracting all that he could from his opportunity. We (or at least I) didn’t make it but a few rounds. In hindsight, doing this routine in the future, I’d start this earlier and go west on 2nd Street, heading up the hill rather than the flat chested [hence the title – couldn’t come up with anything better] segment between South & Marietta. At a few minutes after 6 am, I Omahaed and steered the PAX north on South Street back to base. At 6:09 that was the perfect slot for 6MOM.


  • Flutters IC x 21
  • Dolly IC x 10
  • V-Sit Dolly IC x 10
  • 90 degree crunch IC x 10
  • Table Top crunch IC x 10
  • Mayor, began crying about his obliques needing some work. So I handed the keys to him:
  • Oblique crunch 50 each side…50!!! Ambitious – but he is svelte after all; Purple Haze (I think) Omahaed this to 25 each – TIME.

Announcements: Strides of March – we’re up to 23 – would love a few more. Prayers: Wichita’s friend, Folgers friend, Turtleman – hoping for positive diagnosis, Sister Act 2.0; I took us out.

Following two days of great weather, we had a nice spot this morning. Having 17 others around could have been indicative of a 48 degree clear morning? Good signs for the upcoming months as guys are looking to finish off their work week. I’ve been guilty of missing this opportunity and need to get Downtown more consistently on my schedule. During COVID, I’ve come to appreciate the afternoon workout – to get away from my work at home desk and burn off steam. But, on Friday’s I love having the workout completed early and out of the way. It makes Happy Hour more enjoyable. We had Antonio Marin post with us this morning. He’s 29 years old, graduate of Forestview and has a car repair shop on Franklin Blvd near Tony’s Ice Cream. He carefully avoided the pitfall questions. Tater Hole pushed for El Camino and only Mayor’s suggestion of Spur to compete, the Q went with El Camino – welcome to the brotherhood. Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Underwhelming with Simplicity

The Site Q asked for February Q’s a while back. I needed motivation to the gloom so tendered my name for this date. Thankfully it was a clear morning, still in the thirties but the only thing worse than cold is cold and rainy (see Whoopee’s BB from Monday and my BB from Midoriyama last week). Clavin dropped some hype toward my visit to the Labyrinth (don’t worry – I Googled that spelling), gathering a veteran crew of 8 men ready to see what I had in store. Clavin has been focused on form and I support that effort. My disclaimer was “you vs. you, modify as needed – but don’t sacrifice form if you modify…this would quickly come back on me. So I announced the first exercise: Seal Jacks; in position – move (pause), ready? exercise! Now I’m not sure how this works for you, but I like to set my watch to track “performance” which is normal but I also had my phone (as all Q’s should do, especially when they mosey away from base). Well, instead of starting my watch, my gloved hand turned it off…dammit! About 3 reps into Seal Jacks, I “modified” to only leg jacks trying to re-start my watch. This did not go unnoticed. Whoopee and Gastone fired in with mumble chatter on the Q’s form not being proper. Ok – it’s going to be one of those workouts. Once my watch was working and we arrived at 10 reps, I thought about calling 50 burpees…but that wasn’t the plan. We continued:

  • Toy Soldier IC x 10
  • Imperial Walker IC x 10
  • Bulldog knee to elbow SC x 10
  • Mtn Climbers IC x 10
  • Pledge

We moseyed out of the dark parking lot headed toward the park, running along the sidewalk. We went passed the main entrance to the maintenance shed. Circled and shared the workout would be this: whenever I stop or reach a specified point on the route, do the following:

  • Merkins x 10
  • Squats x 10
  • Mtn Climbers x 10 (count 1 side)
  • Plank Jacks x 10

The lower rep count (10) makes it easier to concentrate and not break form. We PAX can get into trouble trying to go to fast and miss the point of the exercise, so we’ll plan to stay together. And now the adventure begins. Instead of going into the park on the walking trail, I detour across the street into South Pines neighborhood – this to my delight initiated questions and more chatter. I speed up just to make them work harder as they have no idea how far we’ll go. But it was only one block to the corner of Rivermont & Valleywood. Set #2, run northwest, Set #3, #5, #7 would be where Rivermont and Spring Valley meet. Set #4 was Rivermont cul-de-sac, set #6 was at the cul-de-sac of Spring Valley (if you didn’t catch on this is a dead-end street – back to Rivermont and left turn (after set #7). We returned in the direction we came, skipping Morrocroft Trail (I drove it the night before – too lengthy) and stopped for #8 at Valleywood/Rivermont, then running north on Valleywood at a reasonable pace. #9 at Valleywood/Shady Bark where a dog went crazy but thankfully was fenced. We pressed on NE on Shady Bark. An interested homeowner stood naked at the window, wait what? No, just kidding – that would have added to this underwhelming story though. But there was a figure in the window wondering what 9 idiots were doing running up their road at 5:50 am. A car was idling in the driveway – while I’m sure the driver would be warm on their way to work, CO was filling the air. We quickly stopped at the cul-de-sac for #10 then re-traced to the intersection – more dogs barking and cars cranking, #11 at Valleywood/Shady Bark. Returned to Rivermont & Valleywood for #12. Cars filing out of the hood. Too much traffic, safely cross (at the crosswalk this time), to the sidewalk for set #13. Then at the main entrance to the park, #14. Then returned to base where Dirt opened his cadence and sprinted home. My watch said 6:08, so 7 minutes of Mary was filled this way: Turtle Crunch, In/outs, Elbow to Knee, Knee to Elbow, Flutter Kicks, X Crunch, Side Obliques raises R & L. The counts varied, abs hurt, so that was it. Pretty uneventful. And so it is possible for me to Q a simple workout. We got in nearly 2 miles by my GPS and the group stuck together for all 140 reps of the four exercises.

Announcements – well if you haven’t heard by now – there is a CSAUP approaching. March 6th, The Strides of March. Only 16 idiots willing to do this one at the moment but YOU can be next. Sign up via pre-blast or DM me for details. Also some time in April will be Convergence. Thursday will be Allen Tate’s 2nd F Lunch at Jackson’s Cafeteria: noon-1 pm. We’ll meet in the Def Leppard room. I hear the meatloaf is good. Prayers: Rudolph has the Vid – I checked and he’s hanging in there. Watts Up’s foot caught a sidewalk ledge on the EC run and took a fall on his shoulder. I checked and nothing was broken but he’s not up for any CDD’s anytime soon. He’ll fight through – prayers for his healing. Also PSA – be careful in the gloom about running. Folgers has a friend that is in terminal condition, prayers for his remaining time and support of family. JJ’s aunt is ill and JK2 completed our offered prayers. I took us out.

Moleskin – this idea has been brewing for a while. Gastone did it a lot while Site Q and Gold Digger did a version when I was a PAX. I had a penalty waiting if we had any bat flippers run to the front, but the PAX were content to stay in the cluster, traveling together. Again, low reps, proper form, keep the heart rate up. I’ll probably use this idea again as it seemed to work okay. Oh, looks like I’m Q-ing Downtown on Friday, maybe I can underwhelm those guys? Show to Know.


Window of Opportunity

Our area of the world has endured enough rain that I may have earned partial credit in meteorology. My weather app is probably my #1 most used, which is a bit sad since I’ve yet to reach respect (almost but not quite). So with the Thursday Q at the nation’s premier afternoon (JV) workout, I studied, hoped and prayed for decent weather. The forecast was ominous with mid thirties temp and 100% chance of rain. My last Q at the Coconut Horse was in a steady rain. I venture out on a brittle limb that none of us really like posting in the rain but we do it because the principals say the workout is rain or shine and it’s likely someone will post as JJ did the Pub solo. Posting in foul weather can be a badge of courage where we thump our chest (see Tube’s mumble chatter post on Sunday). Luckily for me, the forecast shifted and there became a Window of Opportunity to get the workout completed just before the shower came through at 6:30 pm. The title came about at the COT when Broke asked for prayers for his mother as she learned earlier in the day her macular degeneration, already taking one of her eyes, was going after her remaining eye, the doctor estimating a year or so. Imagine that – one year to see all you can see before the world goes dark? It got me thinking that all of have Windows of Opportunity in our journey through life. Now if I were a Baptist Preacher or even a Parkwood member, I likely could have shared meaningful scripture (don’t point that finger at me Freight), but I had to save that google search post workout. Speaking of a workout – a short disclaimer about modify suggestions and don’t sacrifice form. Blart started the famous Mumble Chatter and away we went:


  • Toy Soldier IC x 10
  • Imperial Walker IC x 10
  • Hillbillys IC x 10
  • Squats IC x 10
  • Pledge

Mosey to the lower parking lot where normal park goers go to walk toward the dock or the sand volleyball pit. I should name this the SA because several Sister Act Q’s at Midoriyama included his favorite Triple Nickel taking the lengthy route down the winding sidewalk past the volleyball pit and back to the parking lot 5 trips. Five Hand Release Merkins at the top and then at the bottom 5 Shoulder Tap Burpees. The hell you say? Clavin has held class on proper form at his workouts. I support that effort as many burpees include flailing to the ground and peeling off – not great for your back. So, try them this way: go into plank; tap one shoulder w/ opposite hand, merkin, tap other shoulder, merkin, fold feet back under, raise and jump = 1 rep. It forces your body to remain straight and in proper form. This took more time than I estimated, but it was a burner of constant cardio so well worth it (assuming you’re here to workout and not complain). Def Leppard seemed to catch most of the attention from the group. We finished and did Moroccan Night Clubs IC x 10 to catch our breath. Now return mosey just passed the base to the lot between turd shack and softball field. Next up 4 x 10 x 4 – the hell you say? Yeah this is new, what is it? 4 exercises, 10 reps, 4 laps at each corner. I have not practiced this so mis-judged the challenge. The exercises were:

  • Squat x 10
  • Jack Merkin x 10
  • Lunge (5/5 or 10 total)
  • Freddie Mercury (right side) x 10

The first lap equaled 80 reps so looking at my watch, I realized no way we’d get 4 laps in so “Omaha, Omaha” to 2 laps. Again – like Broke’s Vern last week, this was constant cardio with some strength work between, especially the leg work – my quads felt great today. With about 5 minutes left, we circled for Mary which included flutter kicks, douche canoe hold, suitcases, and bulldog knee to elbow (the hell you say? – ask me and I’ll demo – if you need some high ab/oblique work – this will crush you) – TIME!

Announcements: Strides of March – get signed up. We’re working toward our 3rd team and it’d be great to have 4 total. If you’re running in P200 or Mortimer, this is great training. Prayers – Broke’s mom, Big Pappy, Sister Act and 2.0.

Moleskin: Malachi 3:10 “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing.”

As I noted, Broke’s mother has a window of time left for her sight. We all have a Window of Time, our time on this earth. But if you think about it, everything kind of dwindles down to a window of time. The time to complete a task. The time to make a difference in someone. The time to make a legacy that your name is associated. We don’t know how long or short that window may be. In Malachi’s passage, he speaks of bringing a “full tithe” and in my take, that is not money but anything you have that gives glory. Your time, your talent, and your effort – most of all effort. If you’ve been smart enough to follow CSPAN’s advice and complete his annual 8-box exercise to put your life on paper as a reminder, the Coconut Horse Q-Source group covered that and the “one-word” challenge. My one-word for the year is NOW. Why? because time management and procrastination are a jester to me. I’m late because I put off things. So I now try to remember the word – NOW, when making decisions. So far it’s been positive, though I still curse myself for falling short (note I don’t just curse at wrong McDonalds orders). The next time you have an opportunity to do something, whatever it is, consider how long it will be open. Seize your opportunity to make an impact and as a believer of the word, as Malachi says, blessings will abound.

The Strides of March – a Completely Stupid And Utterly Pointless event

If you think the upcoming Extinction Run (still opportunity to register and participate this Saturday – see BOS’ pre-blast) is Completely Stupid And Utterly Pointless, well do I have yet another opportunity for YOU! This may be “stupider” (insert Forest Gump gif “Mama always said stupid is as stupid does”). Yeah the next opportunity for you to dip your big toe into the pond of dumb is Saturday, March 6th at 0630. So allow me to share with you the concept behind this inaugural event.

Some of you have participated in the 50 mile Relay where 4-man teams traveled in a 50 mile loop through all of our AO’s. That was pretty stupid, but well worth it. Well the Czar of Covid, at least the NC Chapter, has continued his decree of limited gatherings and other non-sense so I may have figured out a way to hold a similar relay fashioned event in smaller gatherings and avoid riding in each other’s vehicles. I give you the Double Relay: aka The Strides of March. I’m sure you’re quite intrigued, this double relay – how can it work? I’d say simple but I Q’ed the Convergence and herding you cats from the warm-up to the flag pole was tough. But here it goes:

A team of 8 will have 2 runners spread at 4 exchange zones (EZ): Runner A and Runner B. At 0630, All 4 “A” Runners will leave their EZ for an 3 mile run to the next destination. At the point in time the “A” Runner arrives, they tag in the “B” Runner to begin their 3 mile run. The “A’s” rest for the time until their “B” teammate arrives and tags them back in. Are you with me? Instead of driving and leapfrogging EZ’s as we do in most relays, you run all 4 legs and if you’re thinking this through – yes, you’re correct, you’ll run 12 miles in total, 4 5k’s – that is more than most will do in a lifetime. But think, you get a 20-30-ish minutes of recovery before your next run.

Some of you I know are sprinting to the front of the registration line. Others are doing math and beginning to doubt your ability. Recall – you’ve done Stupid things before – this would be the next on your bucket list. But ask yourself this: do you think Hacksaw wasn’t a bit scared to run 50 miles in 24 hours? Round Up, if he was the slightest bit scared, it never showed. But those two accomplished something they had never done. You can too. So I’ll offer this option – you can ruck or walk half of it (or all of it) if you’re not “a runner.” The sign up contains both options. You put your name on the list and we’ll get the logistics sorted out.

Key things to remember: Saturday, March 6th at 0630 – The Strides of March Double Relay – 8 man teams; Run 12 miles or Ruck/Walk 6 miles. Exchange Zone 1 is Lineberger Park; EZ 2 Snoballs; EZ 3 The Pub; EZ 4 Parkwood Baptist; Contact Short Sale if you have any questions (704-516-2193).

The Uniformed Soldier

Word had quickly spread through town. This time it was real, Bobby was coming home. Of course, word spreading through the town of Ranlo was never slow, nothing more than a postage stamp of the mill town with a few city buildings, shops and restaurants, news always spread fast, good or bad. The old cotton mill that was the heart had been shut down for years, causing the locals to scatter for work in the surrounding county. Frozen in time, Ranlo accepted their slow pace of life, with plenty of time on front porches to wave neighborly at friends passing by. And today the topic was their proud soldier, coming home after a 15-month tour in Iraq. Everyone had been praying, writing letters, and hoping for a safe return. Proud couldn’t begin to describe the emotion that radiated from the local product fighting for the safety of our country. Calling these fine folks conservative didn’t bother them one bit. The good Lord, family, friends, and the towns people of Ranlo was their priority, all wrapped up in the comforting blanket of Old Glory. Ever since Bobby’s send off, all 3,500 people had an American Flag hanging from their home and a yellow ribbon around the nearest tree facing the road. Each of their prayers included Bobby’s safety and family.

Linus was a number years older than Bobby, knew the family well, counting Bobby as an acquaintance more than a friend. After all, everyone in Ranlo knew everyone by name or family tree. Linus was a steady hand that accepted a number of roles. In addition to his 9-5 job, he was a volunteer fireman, deacon at the church, and city council member. He kept quite a busy schedule on top of helping his elderly mother. Naturally as the news of the homecoming spread, people looked to Linus for leadership. He was always the man they could rely on for getting things done. It was no coincidence as Linus arrived at Grits & Greens for the Tuesday lunch special, he could barely get a bite in for all the questions about what Ranlo would do for Bobby. Without proper election, Linus accepted the task and began recruiting volunteers, one of his many talents. He would once again make the town and hopefully Bobby proud.

And after a few weeks of preparation, the plan was set. Bobby was scheduled to arrive in Charlotte on a Friday afternoon at 2:49 pm. The family would greet the soldier at the airport and once off the interstate, just before town, Bobby would settle to the rear seat of the open top red convertible, escorted by the police, firetrucks and Allen Tate’s vintage hum-vee, because Allen Tate was a true American and any event celebrating America required his attendance. Linus was quite busy that day, organizing the local marching band, the cheerleaders, the grilled hotdogs, everything down to the last detail, because that’s what Linus does.

Just before 4 pm, on that sunny Friday afternoon, the police car siren sounded loudly and the townsfolk began to swell closer to Main Street. The procession started with loud cheers. The work was done and it was time to celebrate the town’s celebrity coming home. The parade would last all of a few minutes, time to pass through a total of four street corners. Linus finally quit worrying about his notes and responsibilities to enjoy the product of his labor. The red convertible approached and a smiling Bobby continued to wave at all those that had written and prayed. Suddenly the red convertible stopped. The driver pointed toward the area where Linus stood behind the crowd along the route. Bobby smiled and patted the driver before hustling from the car. The soldier was in field fatigues, pants tucked into boots, patches on the sleeve and ribbons adorning the right breast. A huge smile spread with large dimpled and pink cheeks. Linus was mesmerized by the appearance of the soldier. His last memory of the teen prior to leaving for the army five years ago was of a soft and unassuming 18 year old kid. Linus hoped and prayed for survival. But now, in the afternoon sunlight, striding confidently toward Linus’ direction was a svelte, athletic figure that stood tall and proud. Linus felt a bit weak in the knees at the sight. As the crowd parsed, Bobby leapt with both arms wrapped around Linus’ neck. “Thanks for supporting me!” was all Bobby said. They held an impactful embrace for what seemed like an hour but lasted no more than a minute. Bobby broke and returned to complete the parade. Before spinning toward the street, under the bill of the cap, a subtle wink of blue eyes offered some consummation to Linus. A tear streamed down Linus’ face. It was hard to hold back. Each week, Linus had penned a letter, offering encouragement while the soldier battled to survive the arduous tour. As their relationship grew, the notes became more personal. The two had created a more than a friendship, despite their age. And now having seen the soldiers return home, Linus’ recollection of the soldier went beyond an emotional embrace. The soldier was now home and could there be more between them? Time would tell. Linus intrigued by the subtle wink of a uniformed soldier was anxious to see.

COT: Prayers for Buckeye’s friend Joe that is battling cancer; prayers the running group doesn’t contract pneumonia running in the steady cold 37 degree rain; Extinction Run – 2/13 at Primal in Belmont at 0900 – Sign Up!

Moleskin: Today’s Q-Source is from the fourth chapter of The Four Agreements. The discussion is about Don’t Make Assumptions. We’ve all done it, assume our M, our 2.0, our family member, our friend, our boss, our co-worker – you name it – we think we know what they’ll say or what they’ll do, or how they’ll react. It would be interesting to take notes for a day and count how often it occurs. It’s built into our DNA. And from experience we all have a story (or 100) about how things didn’t match up to what we thought would happen. So how can we combat the Third Agreement in Don Miguel Ruiz’s book? We can ask questions, probing questions until we understand the wishes of those we’re communicating with. Not everyone thinks like we do – because we’re all different. So communicating and asking questions is the key.

If you didn’t get tired of the “short story” there is a point. I took one statement Linus made during Saturday’s GasHouse workout and turned that into a twisted fictional tale. Those that posted will attest to Linus waxing on about seeing Bobby in his uniform. And we all know the part about Allen Tate is real – that’s for damn sure. And a lot of the traits I included for Linus also represent the HIM we all know as the Site Leader of GasHouse.

But conjuring up a scenario between Linus and Bobby probably led you to some assumptions. “Bobby” is an unisex name that could be male or female. You may have assumed otherwise I’m sure. Bobby was only referred to as “a soldier” or third person. You might ask is Linus married? What about the age difference – how much is it? You might ask what prompted Linus to write Bobby while serving the country? Were they a stone and blade? Who knows but these and other questions could be explored.

So this lengthy diatribe was written to further clarify the point of our Q-Source discussion this morning. Even if you were unable to attend, we can all benefit from the strategy that if you want to understand, don’t assume, ask questions.

Thanks for the chance to share.

Short Sale

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