Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sarlaac (Page 6 of 6)

Part 2 of VQ at Folsom

We had 13 HIM’s show up for part 2 of my VQ.

Warmed up with 5 burpees, 10 IC gravel pickers, 20 merkins and 10 IC side straddle hops.

We then moseyed to flag at entrance of park stopping at each light (7 total) to do 5 merkins, 3 big boys and 1 burpee at each light.

At the flag, we did the pledge and moseyed back to tennis courts.

At tennis courts we had 6 stations that had 3 exercises each. After doing all 3 exercises, you run a lap and lunge walk to next station.

Station 1: 30 flutter kicks, 30 V-ups, 30 LBC’s

Station 2: 10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 mountain climbers

Station 3: 40 bicycles, 40 American hammers, 6″ hold for 60 second count

Station 4: 30 mike tysons, 20 merkins, 40 arm presses

Station 5: 30 big boys, plank for 60 second count, 30 seated in and outs

Station 6: 40 squats, 40 calf raises, 40 monkey humpers

We had a short devotion from Ephesians 4:29 about the words that come out of our mouth and letting people ‘off the hook’.

Announcements were convergence this Saturday and PT test Nov 14, Christmas party Dec 12.

Prayer request were made known and we prayed.

VQ at Folsom

We had a great turn out for my VQ. I was super excited to lead for the first time. It went a little like this:

Warm up with 5 burpees, 10 IC gravel pickers, 20 merkins, 10 IC side straddle hops

We then moseyed to the lower parking lot where 12 stations awaited us. Each station had 2 different exercises to be done in 2 rounds. After each exercise, a lap was made around the parking lot back to the the same station and a lunge walk was done to the next station. Below is the exercise at each station:

Station 1:  30 flutter kicks,  30 American hammers

Station 2:  30 knee crunches,  6″ hold for 30 second count

Station 3:  30 V-Ups,  30 Seated In & Outs

Station 4:  30 Bicycles, 25 Big Boys

Station 5:  30 Circles to Right (6″), Plank hold for 30 second count

Station 6:  30 Circles to Left (6″), 25 sit-up rotations

Station 7:  30 Merkins,  10 Burpees

Station 8:  30 Arm Presses,  30 Monkey Humpers

Station 9:  25 Mike Tysons,  30 Calf Raises

Station 10:  30 Squats,  25 Merkins

Station 11:  10 Burpees,  30 Side Straddle Hops

Station 12:  30 Mountain Climbers,  30 Moroccan Night Clubs

We then moseyed back to the tennis courts and we then did 5 mins of Picking Cherries, Dropping Cherries and Over head claps with out dropping arms. Each minute was ( 30 sec picking, 20 sec dropping and 10 sec claps) x 5.

Finished with 22 Merkins for the Vets, with a little word from the Good Book!! Wichita made announcements and we closed in prayer.

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