Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sarlaac (Page 5 of 6)

Let’s Go Brandon!!

As I pulled into Folsom for a little EC, I find Roundup already there getting some in himself.

0530 hits and we begin.

Warm up: Westside worthy

10 Gravel  Pickers IC


Moroccan Night Clubs (while I explain what we doin’)

The Thang:

Mosey to flag pole at part entrance stopping at each light pole for

1 burpee

5 hand release merkin

10 shoulder taps (right side only)

once to flag pole pick up 6 or plank it out

2 rounds of pickin cherries


mosey to side parking lot

Dirty 11’s

Mike Tyson’s on side one

Merkin’s on side two

with burpee in the middle both ways

Another 2 rounds of pickin cherries

Indian Run to the tennis court with guy in back

doing 2 burpees

Tennis court work: After 50 reps of said exercise below run to the opposite end of

tennis court and do 50 reps and keep doing to done)

100 Vups

200 Flutters

300 SSH

400 LBC’s

Back to parking lot for COT


We talked about “How to keep your peace and joy during hard times”.

Many prayer request and we asked Achey Breaker to get in the center and we gathered and prayed for him as he had a special request.

Wichita took us out.

I’m Sarlacc and I’m out

Cherry Picking Time

Tiger announced that he would not be able to Q Saturday at Folsom. Since we had a site Q failure and I had already requested to Q the said Saturday, I agreed to take it on.

This HIM’s were few in number (6 total) as several are at Snowbird and some were running the JJ5K and not wanting to double post, except Ball Joint.

Clock stinks 6:30 and we begin.

Proper warmup for Westside (who chose not to come):


10 Gravel pickers Moroccan Night Clubs (while I explained what we would be doing)

The Thang:

Mosey to the park entrance flag pole, stopping at each light pole for:

1 burpee

5 merkins

10 shoulder taps

We said the pledged then

3 minutes of Cherry Picking

Mosey to the front parking lot for Dirty 11’s:

Mike Tyson on one side Burpee in middle and CDD’s on other side with Burpee in the middle

3 minutes of Cherry Picking

Mosey to the Trump wall for the Triple Dime:

10 Dips on the bleachers

10 Pull ups on the black rail

Climb the Trump Wall for 10 Merkins climb down Trump wall

Repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 (Triple Dime)

3 minutes of Cherry Picking

Mosey to the Tennis Courts for escalator 4 corners:

1st corner – 10 V-ups

2nd corner – 10 V-ups, 20 Freddie Mercury’s

3rd corner – 10 V-ups, 20 Freddie Mercury’s, 30 Flutters

4th corner – 10 V-ups, 20 Freddie Mercury’s, 30 Flutters, 40 LBC’s

3 minutes of Cherry Picking

A complete round of Iron Hulk (1:4 ratio, merkin and raise the roof)

Run a lap around the complete tennis area and back to flag for

3 minutes of Cherry Picking


We discussed how Growth is greater than Goals. Goals are temporary and Growth never ends.


Convergence Oct 2 Downtown, all other AO’s will be closed

Prayer Request:

Stogie’s dad

Big Pappy family

Volt’s family

Sister Act

Many others were made


Leaving a Legacy

It was my first Q since my bout with the Rona and double pneumonia, and it felt great to be able to make it through a workout without having a coughing fit.  14 HIMS made it out in the gloom and humidity for some work. The clock struck 0530 and we began, no FNG’s so everyone new what was coming:

The Warm Up:

10 IC Side Straddle Hops

10 IC Gravel Pickers

Moroccan Night Clubs (I explained what the workout would include)

3 Rounds of Cherry Pickers (Since Stogie Leaves early, had to make sure he got some too)

Mosey to the Tennis Courts

Due to his neck injury, Ball Joint got his own exercises to do

The Thang:

Station 1: 75 LBC’s

Run a lap around the tennis courts then lunge walk to next Station

Station 2: 50 Merkin’s/ BallJoint 50 SSH

Run a lap around the tennis courts then lunge walk to next Station

Station 3: 75 Flutters

Run a lap around the tennis courts then lunge walk to next Station

Station 4: 50 Hand Release Merkins/ Ball Joint 50 SSH

Station 5: 75 Freddie Mercury’s count right leg only

Run a lap around the tennis courts then lunge walk to next Station

Station 6: 50 Werkin’s / Ball Joint 50 SSH

Run a lap around the tennis courts then lunge walk to next Station

Station 7: 75 American Hammers court right leg only

Run a lap around the tennis courts then lunge walk to next Station

Station 8: 50 Mike Tyson’s / Ball Joint 100 squats

Run a lap around the tennis courts then lunge walk to next Station

Station 9: 75 Big Boys

Run a lap around the tennis courts then lunge walk to next Station

Station 10: 100 Air Presses / Ball Joint 100 squats

Run a lap around the tennis courts then lunge walk to next Station

Station 11: 50 V-Ups

Run a lap around the tennis courts then lunge walk to next Station

Station 12: 50 Shoulder Taps / Ball Joint 100 squats

Only a few didn’t make it through the workout due to time or having to leave

I called Omaha as time was running out, so we moseyed back to flag.

Another few rounds of Cherry Pickers were in order.

Pledge the Flag


I shared a my thoughts about Leaving a Legacy and gave each HIM a special piece of rope to me and insured them that I would be holding on they other side of that for them when  they needed it.

Several prayer request were mentioned.

I asked Westside to come to the center and we gathered around him and Wichita took us out.

I’m Sarlacc and I’m out


50…..50…..50 – Intro of the Trump Wall

Even though my 50th birthday was May 30, today was the day we celebrated at Folsom.


Gravel pickers 25

Learning to Fly 25 ( new exercise I learned from F3 Island Coast guys)

Total exercises was 50

The Thang:

Mosey to flag pole stopping at each light pole (8) for

1 burpee, 5 merkins, 10 LBC’s


Mosey to horse track to be introduced to the Trump Wall

Triple nickel with a twist:

10 Dips, 10 Rows, climb Trump Wall, 10 Merkins

Rinse and repeat 5 times = 50 of each exercise

Mosey to upper parking lot to do some 4 corners:

First corner: 30 LBC’s     20 Merkins

Second corner: 30 Flutters     20 Hand release Merkins

Third corner: 30 Freddie Mercury’s     20 Shoulder Taps

Fourth corner: 30 V-ups     20 Mike Tyson’s

Mosey to lower parking lot on left side at ballfields for more 4 corners:

First corner: 30 American Hammers     20 Burpees

Second corner: 30 Leg circles to right     20 Arm Air Press

Third corner: 30 Big Boy’s     20 CDD’s

Fourth corner: 30 Leg circles to left     20 Squats

Mosey to other parking lot at the shelters for more 4 corners:

First corner: 30 Mountain Climber’s     20 Diamond Merkins

Second corner: 30 Seated In and Out’s     20 Wide Arm Merkins

Third corner: 30 Count Plank     20 Hand Release Merkins

Fourth corner: 30 Superman’s     20 Merkins

Mosey to the start to finish up

3 rounds of my favorite Cherry Pickers

22 for the Vets

2 more rounds of Cherry Pickers

I then shared from John 17:4 “Do What God Called You To Do”

Announcements: Jacked up 5K tomorrow, Snowbirds

Prayer Request: Big Pappy, Sister Act, Ozark had a few concerning him

Sparky took us out.

It was a honor to lead this group of HIM’s today.

Sarlacc Out!!!




A Prayer for Memorial Day

So thankful for the freedom that we have and we honor those that gave it all for it on this Memorial day. 6 HIM’s got work (running) in before heading to the Murph.


Prayer for Memorial Day: Remembering Those Who Have Fought for Our Freedom

“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”  John 15:13

Freedom is a gift, it’s a treasure.  And though we all may agree on that truth, it’s often easy to take for granted the greatest gifts that God has given us in our lives.


But those most precious gifts are never free. They came with a price. With sacrifice. They were worth fighting for. And are still worth fighting for today. Many brave men and women were willing to face hard battles in order for us to enjoy that gift of freedom today.

For all those who have protected our nation, for the men and women in uniform, together, we say “Thank You.”

We take time to remember today, and say a prayer of gratefulness for the many who have been willing to pay a great price for our freedom.  May God help us to live so courageously, may we follow the brave examples of those who have gone before us…

Thank you for reminding us that there’s incredible love and sacrifice displayed when one is willing to stand strong and fight for freedom.

This service of love and sacrifice on behalf of all people, points us directly to the greatest love of all, the very gift and sacrifice of Christ.

Our Savior was willing to pay the ultimate price, so that we can live free. Forever.


Dear God,

We thank you for the freedom you have given to us, and for the price that was paid by Christ so that we could live free. We remember today. The cost of it all. The great sacrifice for freedom.




We thank you for the brave men and women who have fought, and continue to fight, so courageously for our nation. We ask for your covering and blessing over them and their families. We pray that you would be gracious and encircle them with your peace. We pray for your great favor and goodness to be evident in their lives.

Please be with all those who wear the uniform, who serve our communities and nation every single day. We ask that you provide your protection, that you would be their guiding force who leads the way, and their rear guard who keeps them safe from behind. We ask that you would draw them to yourself amidst the dangers they face in a dark world, for you are the Truth, you are the Way, you are the Light.


Help them to walk wisely. To stay covered in your armor. Give them godly discernment. Make them constantly aware of what lurks close by. Help them to be men and women of prayer, realizing that this is where their greatest help comes from. Help them to stay united and strong, bold and resolute, determined and unwavering.

Bless their families. Bless those they love. Give them your great favor, this day, and every day.

Thank you that in our nation today, we are free to worship. We are free to pray. We are free to read your Word.  We are free to speak.  We are free to share. For this, we are incredibly grateful. Yet, we understand how quickly these freedoms can be taken away. Give us an increased awareness of the spiritual battle we’re in. Help us to stand strong in you and for your purposes. In Christ Name, Amen!

Prayer Request:

Big Pappy and his mom, Sister Act’s daughter, Gumby’s mom, Turtleman

I’m Sarlacc and I’m out.

Are you at the end of your rope?

9 HIM’s show to know and grow this chilly morning at Folsom.

Warm Up:

5 gravel pickers (IC)

5 burpees

The Thang:

Mosey to flag at entrance stopping at each light pole to get

1 burpee, 5 merkins, 10 LBC’s

pledge at flag

Mosey to first parking lot for a little 4 corners escalator style:

1st corner: 10 burpees

2nd corner: 10 burpees, 20 hand release merkins

3rd corner: 10 burpees, 20 hand release merkins, 30 Shoulder taps

4th corner: 10 burpees, 20 hand release merkins, 30 shoulder taps, 40 merkins

Mosey to back parking lot to the left near ballfields for more 4 corners escalators:

1st corner: 20 flutters

2nd corner: 20 flutters, 30 LBC’s

3rd corner: 20 flutters, 30 LBC’s, 40 Freddie Mercury’s

4th corner: 20 flutters, 30 LBC’s, 40 Freddie Mercury’s, 50 Big Boys

Mosey to bottom parking lot near the shelter taking back trail for more 4 corner escalators:

1st corner: 30 merkins

2nd corner: 30 merkins, 40 squats

3rd corner: 30 merkins, 40 squats, 50 arm press overhead

4th corner: 30 merkins, 40 squats, 50 arm press overhead, 60 CDD’s

Mosey back to the parking lot at tennis courts for:

20 mountain climbers (called by Wirenut)

22 merkins for the Vets (called by Handcuff)

3 rounds of picking cherries, dropping cherries and over head claps (called by YHC)


We discussed “The End of the Rope”

I want you to think about you life. Think about it for just a moment, take your time and think about the moments of life that have shaped you the most. How many of those times, the decisions that shaped you the most, came when you were at the end of your Rope? What happened, did you cry out to God? That’s what happens often times when we find ourselves without any other possibility. This is what normally happens, when we come to the point of admitting our life is unmanageable. When we have exhausted all of our other possibilities we cry out. This is not a bad place to be, it’s uncomfortable yes – but bad no.

When we’re on the top of the world, when the system seems to work for us, when we have everything under control, what is there for God to do? Have you truly ever thought of crying out to God when everything is going great?

Often times, I’ve been guilty of saying, “God doesn’t give you more that you can handle.” Nothing is further from the truth. If that were true, why would anyone need God? That’s it – now you’re getting where I’m going with this. You see, when everything falls apart, we remember the One who can put it all together because there are things that simply go beyond our abilities. And we cry out to Him. That cry, truly is humanity admitting that we can’t do this on our own. And, it’s precisely the first step in redemption. It’s the beginning of becoming liberated from the power of canceled sin. Remember Jesus beat sin and death and hell and the grave – we today though can live bound to the power of canceled sin.

Proverbs 3:1-6 says, “My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will direct your paths. That’s it – it’s that simple, trust in God.

I shared when I was at the end of my rope and then gave each of the guys there something very special to me and made a commitment to them.

Prayer Request:

Sister Act’s daughter

Big Pappy’s mom

Kids taking the EOC, EOG

Running / Rucking in the Rain post Mother’s Day

5 HIM’s showed even in the rain to get better. Some Rucked, some ran.

We said the pledge and then I talked about the Q-source topic “Meeting”.

Why is Christian Fellowship so Important?

Fellowship is an important part of our faith. Coming together to support one another is an experience that allows us to learn, gain strength and show the world exactly what God is.

Fellowship Give Us a Picture of God

Each of us together shows all of God’s graces to the world, No one is perfect. We all sin, but each of us has a purpose here on Earth to show aspects of God to those around us. Each of us has been given specific spiritual gifts. When we come together in fellowship it’s like us as a whole demonstrating God. Think of it like a cake. You need the flour, sugar, eggs, oil and more to make a cake. The eggs will never be the flour. None of them make up the cake alone. Yet together, all those ingredients make a delicious cake. It is like that with fellowship. All of us together show the glory of God. Romans 12:4-6  says “For just as each of us has one body with many members do not all have the same function, so in Christ, we through many, form one body and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith.”

Fellowship Make Us Stronger

No matter where we are in our faith, fellowship provides us with strength. Being around other believers gives us the chance to learn and grow in our faith. It demonstrates to us why we believe and sometimes is the excellent food for our souls. It’s great to be out in the world evangelizing to others but it can easily make us hard and eat away at our strength. When we deal with a hard-hearted world, it can become easy to fall into that hard-heartedness and question our beliefs. It’s always good to spend some time in fellowship so that we remember that God make us strong. Matthew 18:19-20 says, “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

I’m Sarlacc and I’m out

Block Party at Folsom

When Wichita told me I had the Q for this Saturday, I had some questions about what to do (since I have been dealing with a calf injury that kept me out of the P70). So, block party it was. Thanks to Sparky and Hacksaw for loaning their blocks.

So the thing:

Warm up was (JV) pretty simple and light. Side Straddle Hops (IC) x 15, Gravel pickers (IC) x 10, Moroccan Night Clubs 50

Mosey to bottom parking lot for blocks and illustration of a few exercises. Two teams were formed. the 1’s took the left side and the 2’s took the right side. Both teams start at the same time.

Team 1 starts with:

  • 5 blockies, murder bunnies for 25 yards, 25 Triceps behind head, carry block back to start and run a lap around the parking lot
  • 5 blockies, murder bunnies for 50 yards, 50 squats with block, carry block back to start and run a lap around the parking lot
  • 5 blockies, murder bunnies for 75 yards, 75 arm curls with block,  carry block back to start and run a lap around the parking lot
  • 5 blockies, murder bunnies for 100 yards, 100 chest press with block on your back, carry block back to start and run a lap around the parking lot

Team 2 starts with:

  • 5 blockies, murder bunnies for 25 yards, 25 Squat thrusters, carry block back to start and run a lap around the parking lot
  • 5 blockies, murder bunnies for 50 yards, 50 combo merkins, carry block back to start and run a lap around the parking lot
  • 5 blockies, murder bunnies for 75 yards, 75 arm presses,  carry block back to start and run a lap around the parking lot
  • 5 blockies, murder bunnies for 100 yards, 100 leg lifts over block, carry block back to start and run a lap around the parking lot

Once each team finished their side of workouts, they move to the other and repeat with the different exercise

We then mosey back beside tennis courts and did 10 rounds of Iron Hulks.

We finished the workout with my favorite “picking cherries” we did 4 rounds (30 sec picking cherries, 20 sec dropping cherries, 10 sec overhead clap).

I then shared a little word from the Good Book. Proverbs 13:22 and shared “What will your legacy be?”

Always try to keep these 2 things in mind: (1) Today is all you’ve got and (2) You will leave a legacy. Focus on being good and doing good and ask yourself regularly, “How do I want to be remembered by my loved ones?  When my time here runs out, will I continue to influence others for good and for God?”

Prayer request: Sister Act’s family, Big Pappy and family,  Wirenut’s aunt, Bedpan’s mom, James Goudelock

Announcements: Convergence April 17 at Bulldog, PT test April 24 at GasHouse

It’s an honor to know and get to workout with you guys. Thanks for the support.

I’m Sarlacc and I’m out

MLK – The Gossip Choice Morsel – Q Source (Language)

8 HIM’s posted on MLK day for some running/rucking.

Mayor showed up  looking like he was going on a date in his jeans, sweatshirt and brogans (Stogie with the call out).

COT: I shared Proverbs18:8 “Words of a gossip are like choice morsels.” and a little devotional to go along with it.

Prayer Request: Big Pappy’s mom, Westside’s grandmother, Stogie’s dad, Wichita’s mom, LB’s aunt, Sister Act’s family, Gold digger (new dad)

Announcements: Round Up and Hacksaw doing 24 hour run starting at Ingles in Dallas, 2 miles circuit, come run a few miles with them starting this Saturday morning January 23 at 5:30am.


The Four Corners

Warm Up:

50 Moroccan Night clubs

15 Gravel pickers (IC)

Mosey to upper flag for pledge. Mosey to upper parking lot to first 4 corners.

After completing each exercise, you take a lap around all 4 corners and advance to next corner. After finishing each corner, repeat for round 2 exercise and running after each.

1st Four Corners:

Station 1: Round 1: 45 Flutters, run a lap, Round 2: 25 Merkins, run a lap

Station 2: Round 1: 45 LBC’s, run a lap, Round 2: 20 Hand Release Merkins, run a lap

Station 3: Round 1: 45 Freddie Mercury’s, run a lap, Round 2: 20 Shoulder Taps, run a lap

Station 4: Round 1: 20 V-ups, run a lap Round 2: 20 Mike Tyson’s, run a lap

Mosey to left lower parking lot to second 4 corners

2nd Four Corners:

Station 1: Round 1: 30 circles to the right , run a lap, Round 2: 30 air arm presses, run a lap

Station 2: Round 1: 30 circles to the left, run a lap, Round 2: 20 Burpees, run a lap

Station 3: Round 1: 30 American hammers, run a lap, Round 2: 20 Mountain Climbers, run a lap

Station 4: Round 1: 30 big boys, run a lap Round 2: 40 calf raises, run a lap

Mosey to right lower parking lot for last 4 corners

3rd Four Corners:

Station 1: Round 1: 25 Toy Soldiers, run a lap, Round 2: 20 diamond merkins, run a lap

Station 2: Round 1: 20 squats, run a lap, Round 2: 20 CDD’s, run a lap

Station 3: Round 1: 20 Imperial walker squats, run a lap, Round 2: 20 merkins, run a lap

Station 4: Round 1: 20 Monkey humpers, run a lap Round 2: 20 hand release merkins, run a lap

Mosey back to tennis courts for COT

Shared word from Matthew 14:22-33 (‘Are you in a storm today?’)

Announcements: Convergence 1/9

Prayer request: Several made

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