Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sargento (Page 27 of 30)

On second thought

This Saturday at the Yank 9 experienced PAX showed for their DRP. A super short disclaimer was given and things were about to get started until the FNG I’d been EH’ing for the longest time jumped out of his car the the best workout of his life! This time around, a full disclaimer (as best I could recall) was given for the benefit of the FNG and now we’re ready!

Pledge of Allegiance

Warm-Up, Side Straddle Hop x15 IC, Don Quixote x10 IC (Kiish noted that this is the second highest selling book of all time behind the Bible, #goodtoknow), Moroccan Night Clubs x20 IC

We moseyed through the park, around the fountain for a quick Death Spiral and up to the parking spaces beside Caravan Coffee for…

The Thang

Bearway to Heaven – a bearcrawl suicide routine to the sound of Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven”. The PAX would bearcrawn to the first parking line and back then do 5 burpees. Go to the 2nd line and back, do 4 burpees and so on until we got to the last burpee. Some of the buys weren’t familiar with Led Zeppelin which is the greatest rock band of time and demands more education from YHC at a later date.

Next, mosey across the street to the grass amphitheater for a session of Clock Merkins. On the incline section of the hill, hold plank and when YHC calls, the “time” as related to the position on a clock, the PAX would perform 5 merkins. We went through several stops at 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, 9 o’clock and so on. This was tough but good.

Full disclosure, YHC was totally gassed after Quish and I did an EC run prepping for the Tuna 200 before the workout. My bad men, I won’t do a long run before my next Q so that I can bring the real heat! You deserve better! Aye!!!

Mosey from the amphitheater up to the field/track behind the school for a round of Hurricane Hoedown. This is a flutter kick routine called in cadence to get your abs ripped. I picked this one specially for Tool Time because he was supposed to run with us and post at the Yank, but he ducked us and posted at Folsom. Back to the lecture at hand… the routine went like this. Starting with 7 reps of each descending to 1, the PAX did:

  • Regular flutter kicks
  • Flutter kicks with hands raised Hallelujah style
  • Flutters with hand behind your back
  • Reclined flutters
  • LBC flutters

There was plenty of discussion between sets because I was tired.

Mosey down through the shelter across the street to Sammy’s wall for our last stop, Dora 123. Partner up and do cumulative reps of:

  • 50 hip slappers
  • 150 LBCs
  • 250 Rocky Balboas
  • Partner 1 would do a lunge walk across the street and back while the other exercises

Ceish, being a no-it-all, said off the bat that there was going to be an Omaha called. Unfortunately he was right because those hip slappers really sucked. I think everybody got in one round of those before I switched out the full number to instead do more LBCs, 250 to be exact.

Finish up with a couple sets of Mary: crunchy frogs and little baby dips. Done!

Prayer requests: there were a couple and I can’t remember exactly what they were. From now on I’m going to record the prayer requests and announcements like the namorama. Pray for each other men.

Announcements: Same thing, can’t remember, I’ll get it right next time.

Namorama: Welcome FNG Uncle Phil!


Thanks for letting me lead men.

It was almost a week ago…

10 men including an FNG were ready to get their sweat on last Saturday. It was going to be a hot one, so let’s do it. A disclaimer was given for the FNG so that he doesn’t sue us and we’re off.

For our warm-up, the guys called a couple rounds of their favorites and then we got on our collective 6 for everybody’s favorite ab routine “Bring Sally Up” on the boombox. Back across the street we go for the pledge.

Mosey around the corner to the front of the school for the latest installment of the Figure 8.

The Thang:

At each corner in front of the school the PAX would do 20 reps of each exercise:

1- Merkins

2- WW1 sit-ups

3- Goof Balls

4- Flutter Kicks (20 each leg)

5- Dips

6- WW1 sit-ups

7- Goof Balls

8- Monkey Humpers (business end to the road)

Plank for the 6 when you’re done. Since everybody loved this so much we repeated it two more times. Switch WW1’s for CDD’s and Goof Balls for something I can’t remember.

Mosey around the block to the Suntrust for some ATM’s. 15 Alternating Shoulder Taps, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Fast Merkins

Mosey down to the Wells Fargo for another round of ATMs.

Fellowship mosey to the other side of the tracks for a long line of lunge walk with a squat at each parking line.

Mosey to where we started with the warm-up.

Last thing, a new exercise routine to go with an old school hip hop jam from Mark Morrison, “Return of the Mack”! When he says “You lied to me” do a burpee, when he says “Return of the Mack” do a jump squat. Don’t know if we’ll do that one again…

Time’s up. Good work men! Welcome FNG Buckeye!!!

Prayer requests for Slim Shady on Wednesday and travelling mercy for Edison and Norwood.

Thanks for coming out today and letting me lead men. Sorry for the late backblast.

Gotta crawl before you walk

YHC headed out to Goat Island earlier than normal to plant some surprises for the unsuspecting PAX. today When I got to the parking lot on the other side of the island to leave my stash there was a stranger hanging out on his bike. On my way over to the other side we exchanged pleasantries and, as I’m apt to do, I invited him to our workout! Come to find out, the Mayor of Stanley had invited a coworker known to his Metro homies as Bridge Club, to our local Thursday event. Aparently he went to that side because that’s where the GPS pin takes you. Who knows how long he’d have been waiting there had I not changed it up from the norm. The Lord was watching out for us again today men.

When we got to the start, there were 8 others waiting to get it on. Let’s do it after a short disclaimer.

Warm-Up: Goof Balls x15IC, Don Quixotes x15IC, Imperial Walkers x15IC, Monkey Humpers x15IC

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey down to the entrance to the island for the Thang.

Bear Crawl the entire length of the bridge and plank for the six. From there, karaoke left to the other bridge. Crab Walk the length of that one and plank for the six. Mosey back across the bridge then karaoke right back to the other bridge. Bear Crawl the wooden part, this instruction was met with plenty of mumble chatter and whining. Fellowship mosey back across. Skip with knees high to the other bridge. The last leg of this circuit was a Crab Walk but in the opposite direction as your first time. Good work men!

Fellowship mosey down to the parking lot where YHC had hidden the surprises. Out of my trunk came the music box which lead the round of Bring Sally Up. On your six, hold six inches, raise your legs when told and hold six inches the rest of the time. It’s a beast, who made it?!?

The last hurrah for our strong men today was a rousing flurry of Doracides! Partner up, #1 does the exercise while #2 runs suicides to the 1st and 2nd light and finally to the other end of the parking lot. Oh, all PAX would also carry the bricks YHC had brought along for some extra effort. The exercises were: 100 Brickens, 200 LBCs and 300 Shoulder Presses.

Everyone either finished outright or was very close when it was time to mosey back to the starting point on the mainland and we got back just as time was up. Great work today men. This workout isn’t as high a rep count deal as others but we were constantly moving, keeping the heart rate up and making sweat! I love it!!!

We finished with a couple prayer requests, even less announcements and then BOM.

It’s an honor to lead you men, I appreciate the opportunity.


One Year and Counting!

18 manly men showed for YHC’s first Q in a couple of weeks and I aimed to fill their need for a good ole beatdown. There was plenty of mumble chatter to go around between Tool Time and his namer High Roller, along with many of the regular characters, 2 FNG’s and a 2.0. Let’s get it on!

Mosey across the street for a little more room, a short disclaimer about how I’m not a professional, go at your own pace, modify as needed, etc.


Goof Balls (just for Tool Time) x15 IC

Don Quixotes (also just for Tool Time!) x15 IC

Dying Cockroaches x15IC

Moroccan Nightclubs x20IC

Monkey Humpers x15IC

Back across the street for the pledge. A special surprise before we headed off was waiting in YHC’s trunk, bricks for all! Mosey through the park, around the water fountain a couple of times and then up to the track behind the middle school for the main event.

The Thang – the Deck of Death (mosey edition)

We wouldn’t have time for anything else during our workout so we had to get moving. For each card drawn from a normal deck of cards (2 jokers included) the PAX will perform the number of reps shown on the card for the exercise that pertains to that specific suit. Also, after each card the PAX would mosey 1/6th around the track for the next exercise.

Spades – Brickens

Hearts – LCBs

Clubs – Squat Press with bricks

Diamonds – Arm Raises with bricks

The workout started off innocently enough, pick a card, do some reps, so on and so forth. Pretty soon the sweat started to fall. The weird thing was that it took about half of the deck before we came across the first diamond. That just meant they piled up at the end. YHC also changed it up so that on each ace, we ran a full lap around the track. Fun! At least for me and Quiche.

The fun of this routine is always has the men moving and it kept us together for some good fellowship and mumble chatter. We had to push at the end to finish up the deck before time was us but we made it. Way to hang in there guys, we completed over 3 miles today! Mosey back to the playground.

Prayer requests, announcements and namorama.

Moleskin: Today marked the one year anniversary of the Fighting Yank AO here in Belmont. Thanks to our leadership for agreeing to let this thing get started up! From the very beginning we’ve had really strong and faithful attendance that continues to grow. I would bet that we’ve had more FNG’s at our AO than any other her in the Gashouse region. That may be a stat for the weasel shaker to look into. Keep EH’ing all the men you talk to, even if you don’t know them. Heck, even hollering at someone running down the road by themselves can work, right Dr. Seuss, Tiny Tank, Norwood and Gilligan?!? It’s been a pleasure to be your site Q for the last year, it’s been a blast. Thanks for to all who’ve led and posted, without you there wouldn’t be F3 in Belmont. Let’s keep growing this thing for the sake of all those sad clowns out there in fartsack land! Love you men!




There were 6 strong men who showed for the Storm.last Tuesday. This is what I remember…

There were some of Stuart Cramer students hanging out yelling about their “beach day”. At 5:30 in the morning, that’s a heck of an early start but school’s almost out! Good for them!

Warm-Up: Goof Balls x15 IC, Imperial Walkers x15 IC, 5 burpees for the passing train.


Bring Mary Up (Gastone version where we hold 6″ and raise them up when told). Feel the burn!

Mosey (very short) over to the wide sidewalk for a round of Blackjack. At one end we start with 20 merkins, run to the other end for 1 LBC. Back and forth, 19 & 2, 18 & 3, etc. This really started to suck around 13 or 14 reps of merkins so YHC offered an omaha switch to squats for those that wanted it. I did! This was a real sweat maker.

A short mosey closer to the school, we stayed on the wide sidewalk for a round of Dora 123. Partner up for 100 dips, 200 flutter kicks & 300 side straddle hops. The non-exercising partner would run down to the beach bums and back while the other did their thing. Good sweat!

Last mosey back to the start for the Lovely Day routine with Bill Withers. Hold plank position and do a mountain climber each time they say Lovely Day. We got about 3 minutes through it when time was up.

Thank you for letting me lead you again men. It was  pleasure as always.

Moleskin: I wanted to Q a last time before some dental surgery that will keep me out for a week or more. It will be hard to be away but I know all our PAX will represent until I return. Hold down the fort men, you are the BEST!

New Toy

YHC has tried to mix up his posting rotation over the last few weeks instead of staying close to home. One way to ensure showing at the other AO’s is to commit to Q myself so that there’s no backing out when the fartsack calls my name. Since starting this variety tactic I’ve had the chance to lay down sweat with some great guys I didn’t know as well beforehand. F3 Gashouse region rocks!

To start off, since there were no FNGs a short disclaimer was given and we hit the warmup for the 10 of us in attendance, the Slaughter Starter!


Mosey past the fountain down the street to start Route 66. At each streetlight the PAX would perform a Merkin. At each following light add a rep until the rep count gets to 11 for a total of 66. This was chest blaster indeed for YHC!

A quick walk across the street to the park sculpture is where YHC had the first chance to use his new toy, a portable stereo (they say it’s water proof and floats)! Circle up around the shiny sculpture and hit your six for Bring Mary Up which I ripped off of Gastone’s workout at Martha’s on Wednesday. “Rest” position is 6-inches and when he says bring Mary up you lift your feet to 90 degrees. Good ab burn.

Mosey through town to an as of yet unexplored site, 1st ARP Church where YHC and others worship our Lord Jesus. As a side note, if you’re looking for a thriving, energy filled church where you’ll hear the Gospel, we’d love to have you and your family visit. We found the courtyard area and partnered up for a round of Dora 123. The sequence would be 100 lunges (single count), 200 dips and 300 seal jacks. While partner 1 exercises, partner 2 runs up the steps, down the other side and back to switch off. This one really got the blood pumping.

After visitation, we moseyed back toward the pavilion but stopped at the BB&T parking lot to use my toy again. Gastone cursed us Wednesday by implanting the Ghostbuster’s theme which I couldn’t get out of my head all day. I figured he’d show today so I planned a good turn for his. The classic “Can’t Touch This” was on the playlist today, hopefully some of the guys were singing along for a while. Each time he says can’t touch this, we did a jump squat. We tried holding the squat position in between but that sucked so we just stood there when not jumping until the song started the part (you remember the video) where he was dancing back and forth. We did quick feet running in place while this was going on.

Mosey back to the start for the last song on the playlist, “Lovely Day” by Bill Wither. Hold plank position and every time they say lovely day, you do a mountain climber. I read a listing of the most repetitive songs and they say this one holds the mark at 96 times they say lovely day. Unfortunately, time ran up about halfway through, so I’ll make sure to plug this one in another time.

Prayer Requests: Honestly 59 hours afterward as I write this, it’s hard to remember exactly what was said but there were several requests, so keep everyone in our PAX on your prayer list. Sorry guys.

Announcements: Mudrun was yesterday (Awesome!!!), advisory meeting tonight at 7, skeet shooting Saturday (ask Whoopee), need Q’s at the Yank for the next several weeks.

It was fantastic leading you men today at an AO I haven’t Q’ed in probably 6 months at least. It was good to be back! You guys are awesome and it’s an honor to lead you.


Holy Tour

In the middle of Easter weekend, 14 PAX showed for the Saturday show. YHC had a workout packed full and was sure not to disappoint. There were two FNG’s with us today, so the disclaimer was given and then we said our Pledge of Allegiance.

A strenuous warm-up of 20 Morrocan Night Clubs was completed and then we were off.

We moseyed toward the train tracks only to be cut off by a train! 5 burpees were called for per usual. Of course this was a long train, so to pass the time we did 10 Don Quixotes then 10 Goof Balls for the waiting motorists. I’m sure they loved the performance!

Mosey up Main Street to the first stop our holy tour, the Lutheran Church. Here the PAX were introduced to the now famous suicide routine called King of Hearts (Jesus is the king of our hearts, get it?). Using the row of parking spaces, everyone would go the the end and back doing the following: Karaoke Left, Karaoke Right, Skips and a Regular Sprint. In actuality, they weren’t suicides we did, but who cares?

Mosey from there to our second stop on the tour, Holy Angels campus. We found a nice covered picnic area off to the side for our next session. Partner up and do Hail Mary’s, partner 1 holds plank position, partner 2 places feet on the back of 1 and does 25 dips. Next, we did a session of 6 Minutes of Mary (she was the mother of Jesus you know), a continuous running clock where the PAX called the ab only exercises. Can’t remember who said what (Tiny Tank tried to call burpees, Queso and Feta wanted some other unauthorized stuff too) but I know we did American Hammers, Flutter Kicks, LBCs, Crunchy Frogs, V-Up Sit Ups and finished holding plank until time ran out.

Mosey again to the point where we did a brief round of Prayer Squats, then continued on all the way to First Baptist. It’s a shame that the Mayor avoided this AO today, I had him in mind when I put this weinke together. Thinking back, during one of Edison’s Q’s, Mayor and I got passed in this section of town by a guy who had to have been at least 75 years old but still passed us like we were standing still during his morning run. He even went so far as to compliment us on our good efforts doing “the 5F”, good times! We kept on til we reached First Baptist Church. There, the have a sidewalk, a slightly inclined grassy area and another sidewalk at the top. We did a session of Jacob’s Ladder (from Jacob’s dream in the Bible). Run to the top and do 1 Merican, back down and do 10 Hallelujah squats at the bottom. Add another burpee each time at the top until you hit 7. I’m not sure how 7 was arrived at, that’s just what the exercise list on the F3 website says.

Mosey to the back parking lot of First Presbyterian Church. Here we did a made up bunch of stuff with somewhat holy names. 25 more Hail Mary’s, 20 Prayer Squats, Supermans (because Jesus was the superest of men ever) to failure. We ran a timer for the supermans and the undisputed winner was Top Hat. Beast mode!. Finally we did 20 more Hallelujah squats.

Mosey back to the park for the wrap up. We still had a couple of minutes left so since Top Hat won the superman competition, he suggested we run the stairs until time was up. Awesome!

Announcements: Mud Run May 20th

Prayer Requests: T Square and family, Dr. Feelgood’s mother

Moleskin: My idea was to get some running in if only because I’ve always avoided it for everyone’s sake and most guys don’t like it. We covered almost 2.5 miles today. The PAX did a great job of hanging together and encouraging those who were a little slower to arrive at each destination. That’s F3!

By stopping at the area churches, I also wanted to shine a little light on why most of us celebrate this Sunday the way we do. Jesus loves us and made the ultimate sacrifice for us!

He is Risen indeed!

It was an honor to lead as always men!

No Train Saturday

A beautiful morning to share some sweat with the #HIMs. 14 showed this morning for YHC’s second Q in 3 days.

Announcement, we need Q’s at the Yank!

Pledge of Allegiance

Gather at the nest for the warm up. Goofballs x15IC, Dying Cockroaches x15IC, Daniel Sons x15IC

Mosey up to the track behind the middle school for The Thang. No running today, it’s time for the Super 21. We start out with LBCs and Merkins. 1 LBC and 2 Merkins, 2 LBCs and 3 Merkins, 3 LBCs and 4 Merkins until we reached 10. Once there we ran a lap around the track. Starting back, we switched to 10 Squats and 11 Side Straddle Hops, 11 Squats and 12 SSH, etc. up to 21. Mumble chatter was plentiful.

Take the scenic route on our mosey up to the sidewalk in front of the school. This routine is intended to be a tribute to the four schools in the Final Four. Here’s what happened.

Start with a nod to the Gamecocks with what YHC dubbed Chicken Jumps. Basically doing jump squats while flapping our “wings”. Do 10 of these.

We had to get to the other end of the sidewalk, so for the Gonzaga Zags, we did Zig Zags. The PAZ would hop back and forth over a line down to the other end.

Once at the other end, unfortunately we had to acknowledge the Tar Holes. We did this by performing 10 Pickle Pounders.

Lastly, to give the Ducks props, we did a Duck Walk back to the start. We did this routine 3 times in total.

Mosey around to the back wall of the school. The Triple Check involves 3 man teams. Partner 1 holds the People’s Chair while Partner 2 hold the Plank while Partner 3 sprints to the stop sign and back. Rinse and repeat times 3.

Last but not least, we went to the shelter for a short Dora 123. Pair up for 300 squats, 200 LBCs and 100 dips. While partner 1 exercises, 2 holds 6 inches. While doing LBCs, partner 2 did something else. Time ran out before we could get to the dips.’

Prayer requests: T-Square’s family

Announcements- Burpeethon is cancelled for now.

Great to see you guys this morning! AYE!!!


Another Thursday at the Goat. The dudes were strolling in, Mayor was trying to give away the leftovers from the P200. Lets get it on! Oh hey Anthrax, where did you come from?!?


Warm Up: Goofballs x15IC, Don Quixotes x10IC, Squats x15IC

Mosey down to the island, around the playground to show off the nifty concrete cornhole set-up. Count off to make sure everybody’s here. 12, good. Let’s mosey some more up to the secret parking lot.

The Thang: Upon arrival at the spot, there was a stack of beautiful bricks and a deck of cards. The Deck of Death, classic! The suit for each card drawn means a certain exercise, the number on the card is the number of reps.

Spades: Merkins

Hearts: Dying Cockroaches

Diamonds: Arm Raises with bricks

Clubs: Monkey Humpers

Everything was going smoothly, some mumble chatter, sweat, yada yada yada. After a couple of cards drawn, YHC figured we needed to step it up a little, so for each ace drawn, the PAX would complete a lap around the building. This routine was going just as planned until somehow there seemed to be 6, 7, maybe even 8 aces in this deck! What’s going on? No one knows for sure, but there’s speculation that some of the PAX feel the need to do extra credit reps and drag the rest of us down that path with them. In the end, we all made it through anyway, no problem.

We finished up that routine and moseyed back down to the start with just enough time to squeeze in the first half of Roxanne. You don’t have to put on the red light baby!

Prayer Request: T-Square’s family, Top Hat’s dad is home and recovering

Announcements: Burpeethon is cancelled for now, Mayor will bring updates as available. Mud Run May 20th, Community Foundation Run April 8th

Moleskin: That deck was full, 52 cards!

A pleasure to lead as always men. Keep pushing the rock!


No Sandy V but there was a Beaver

Six strong men free of the fartsack and without any Sandy V-like symptoms made it out to the Goat Island beatdown courtesy of YHC. No disclaimer needed, these guys were ready for business.

Warm Up; Monkey Humpers x10IC, Imperial Walkers x10IC, something else


Mosey to the bridge leading to the island. Bear Crawl the wooden part, yes ALL the way to the other end. Hey, I think I saw the beaver again from back in October. There’s the train, 5 burpees! Once down on the asphalt, we did karaoke ALL the way to the other bridge. Once there we Lunge Walked the wooden part, yes ALL the way to the other end. Turn around and Bear Crawl back the other way, ALL the way. Karaoke in the opposite direction back to the other bridge. Once there Lunge Walk the wooden part. Upon arriving at the mainland, we noticed the beaver was still there just hanging out playing in the river. We named him Billy (in honor of Goat Island). He’s a beaver, get it? Cheesy! Back to business, Crab Walk the wooden part ALL the way to the other end. Skip (as in tra-la-la) ALL the way to the other bridge (harder than you’d think). Crab Walk the wooden part of this one too, ALL the way.

Mosey down to the nice flat parking lot to set up for Doracides! Partner up and count in aggregate to 100 Merkins, 200 LBC, 300 Squats & 400 Side Straddle Hops. While partner 1 does the exercise, partner 2 sprints to the first light pole, does 1 burpee, sprint back to start, then to the 2nd pole where he does 2 burpees and then back to switch off. This sucked.

Time was about out run out before me and my partner finished despite Tiny Tank and Radar trying to help us finish so we moseyed back to the starting lot.

Announcements: Work day at the Rotary Community Garden on Franklin in Gastonia this Saturday from 9-12. Disc golf Saturday the 11th, 4pm at Goat Island. Burpeethon, Mudrun May 20th. After Christmas Christmas Party at Whoopee’s.

Prayer Requests: Top Hat & his family, Brownstreak’s son and his college aspirations, others.

As always it was a pleasure leading you men. I really enjoyed the conversation and appreciate the dedication of our group. You are the reason I keep coming back for more. Keep EH’ing those guys you meet to come out, we all need it!


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