Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sargento (Page 11 of 30)

Sword Fight

It was a perfect day to run after the SMR. Plenty of men with plenty of different paces and distances left and came back to listen to a short word from the Word. Thank you for the opportunity to lead men! AYE!!!

Announcements: 2nd F lunch on the 18th at Sammy’s Dallas, CSAUP on the 21st at the Storm

Prayer Requests: Pappy’s son, Turlteman, Broke, Oompa, Leppard, Huck, Striper’s brother, Haze’s mom


Double Double or Diablo or Devil?

YHC arrived at the predetermined location this morning to see a few figures off in the gloom. However, on the way from the luxury sedan to the starting spot, a distraction stopped YHC from proceeding. The Thursday runner chicks were on the premises setting up a water stop for their crew, complete with individually poured cups for easy usage! YHC asked if they were doing a race, relay or whatnot and they said (imagine a highly pitched chick voice), “No we’re doing it just because…”. Wow! Why don’t we do things like that? Probably because we’re stupid guys and it’s really good for us to be on time and remember to wear clothes. Maybe that’s something to work on.

This is what happened…

Pledge of Allegiance to the flag on YHC’s phone.

No warmup, no disclaimer.

We headed toward the park with rucks (or variations of them). Along the way we stopped and did some Merkins in the number of reps using a multiple of the Panther’s position in tonight’s draft. It was at least double, hence the name of the backblast. We kept on rucking, stopping again to more multiples of some Squats, LBCs, CDDs. By the time we got through those things and a couple of laps around the park, it was about time to get back to the start. Time!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Next time I’ll really bring the Diablo! If you haven’t lead the Sammich’ before, I challenge YOU to get out of your comfort zone and Q it. You’ll be glad you did!

Announcements: Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader event- Tuesday May 3rd at Stuart Cramer HS, all PAX are encouraged to come support our team of Roscoe, JJ, BOS and Montross!!! 

Prayer requests: Huckleberry, SMR teams, Broke gets shot Tuesday, Turtleman, Oompa, Leppard

2nd Convergence of ’22

Perfect morning. Lots of HIM. Plenty of Kotters. 2 FNGs. Lots of EC happening. Anticipation was high and the PAX was ready.

It must be the second Convergence of the year! This is what happened…

The PAX gathered in the Bunker, ready for the beatdown to come. Little did they know what we had up our sleeves. YHC welcomed everybody to the jamboree and gave the disclaimer for the FNGs and then handed things over to ex-Nantan Broke.

You Call That a Warmup!?

Broke felt like there was some corner cutting happening of late and brought in the reinforcements, The Form Police! Apparently the guys with the police hats are more qualified to call rep or no-rep than us regular PAX! In this section of the beatdown, Broke called for decreasing rounds of 15 Merkins, 15 Squats and 15 Big Boy Situps. After each round we’d reduce the rep number by 1 until we got to 1. Some of the PAX said this was excessive for a warmup but YHC says it was just right.

After Broke did his thing, the event was handed over to BOS who took us on a lap around the block and up to the track behind the old middle school.

PT Test?!

BOS caught everybody off guard when he announced that we’d all run a full mile around the track by doing 5 laps. This was completed in many degrees of quickness but it was definitely done. BOS then called for varying exercises done to a 60 second timer which was a good change of pace.

Bed Pan then took the reigns to finish off the beatdown. He led a mosey down to the lower pathways and gathered the PAX to explain things.

Triple Nickel and such!

The Pan called for 5 Mountain Climbers at the bottom and then we were to run up to the covereged picnic area for 5 Dips. Do this x5 and then it’s on to the next Thang. Partner Booyah Merkins. Do the Merkins then the partners would run different directions and then come back together for more Booyah Merkins. We did this until about time, where YHC called the PAX to gather under the amphitheather pad.

Time!  Great workout, great fellowship and great leadership by the PAX. Oh yeah, we had 50 HIM here today! Aye!!!

Announcements: Community Foundation Run & Speed for Need, Adopt A Highway cleanup, Honey Hunters game

Prayer requests: Turtleman, Huckleberry, Big Pappy & Family, Tesla, Max Foster chemo, Pilgrim’s Progress’ M, Pizza Man’s pastor Richard Myers


Always be EHing!!!

Against the Wind

3 HIM gathered to run together this morning. Two were already out doing some EC. Seems everybody wanted to sleep in today. This is what happened…

We left the Pub heading north on Gaston Day School Road in search of some miles. All three of us said we felt worn down. There was a hill in front of us, we conquered it. We took a left, a right, and another left where Buckeye admired the pretty black-light motif at the substation as we ran by. We turned right at the bank, kept going down the hill and turned right onto Gaston Day School Road or whatever it’s called right there.

WIND hit us upside the head! It was like we were running in place. We kept going. More WIND! See Bob Seger song “Running Against the Wind.” The song sucks but does capture our experience. Up the hill, down, back up, down and left into the Pub. We made it, barely.

Announcements: Convergence Saturday, Community Foundation run April 9, Adopt A Highway cleanup April 16 from Gashouse, 2nd F lunch THURSDAY April 21, Honey Hunters April 24

Prayer requests: Turtleman, Broke’s leg, Huckleberry, Tiger’s family, SA’s daughter, Teachers, Living Hope church plant (YHC’s church)

Thank you men for the opportunity to lead.

Always Be EHing!!!

East side at Old School

It was a beautiful, cool morning at the downtown Dallas metro AO. The FRC crew went out of their normal jurisdiction to invade the northern territory for a longer run than normal. It’s race season so errybody seems to be getting in runs when they can. When the appointed time came, there were 7 PAX willing to take the DRP including Rolex who was making his 3rd workout since his FNG post last Friday at Slaughter’s beatdown. Gator made it up for his first Dallas workout too! This is what happened…

Warmup of Goofballs IC, Merkins IC and The Patented Right Over Left IC

By this time there was a Ford truck that came plowing into the parking lot like he owned the place. Site Q Wirenut had decided to grace us with his presence. Thanks for making it to the workout!

Mosey around the corner to the fired department driveway for the Pledge of Allegiance and something else.

Mosey again, this time to the half circle drive at the old courthouse for The Thang

Semicircle Funtime – Do 10 Merkins, whatever the Q decides that gets us from start to the next position where we do 20 Squats and then sprint down the sidewalk to the original starting point.

First we bear crawled the semicircle, which Mayor made sure to emphasize that I don’t know how far that is. Actually I did, that’s why we did it. Some of us added 20 Monkey Humpers at the nadir of the semi to break it up because it’s really, really far. Thanks Mayor!

On the next round we did Karaoke L, then the next one was Nur and then Skips. Along the way, YHC asked individual PAX what we had done so far, some wanted to detail the entire workout including number of reps, others just focused on the different portions like Karaoke or Nur. Good conversation.

We also explained to Rolex that one of F3’s motto’s, along with “Always Be EHing, is “Leave No Man Behind, but Leave No Man Where You Found Him!” Aye!!!

YHC decided to switch up the first exercise to 20 Def Leppard Merkins (CDDs) and 30 Monkey Humpers at the other side. For the semicircle distance we did Nur again, Butt Kickers, High Knees and finally Karaoke Right for Buckeye.

Fellowship mosey over to the courthouse stairs where we bear crawled up (easy) and down (hard) the other side, then walked backward up and down the stairs.

After reading a memorial plaque that adorned one of the light poles nearby, we moseyed to the gazebo for Lazy & Selfish Dora 1234. No partner needed for this one and we stayed in the same place. We did 50 Big Boy Situps, 100 Dying Cockroaches, 150 Freddie Mercury’s and 200 LBCs. Well, the enhanced mumblechatter and general slack natured approach to so much ab work led YHC to cut out most of the Freddie Mercury’s and switch to 150 LBCs. Some of us did these…

Mosey past Pizza Man’s old homestead to the start. We had a few minutes left so we did some Step Ups IC, Dips IC, Plank IC and then more Dips. Time, thanks for the opportunity to lead men, it was my pleasure!

Prayer Requests – Sparky,  Turtleman, Mayors kids because his M is out of town, Broke’s broke leg, Our Country, The world

Announcements – Convergence next Saturday at The Yank, Community Foundation Run April 9, Adopt A Highway cleanup April 16, 2nd F lunch at Ray Nathans THURSDAY April 21, Honey Hunters game Sunday April 24

The strong showing of east side guys who make their way up to Old School today is a good reminder that we can meet new guys and learn a lot by getting out of our normal routine and going to other AOs around our region. Keep pushing the rock men and Always Be EHing!!!

No legs on this Bulldog

7 HIM came to get their low-impact, high muscle work beatdown at Bulldog. The weather was perfect. The toys were plentiful. This is what happened…

Pledge of Allegiance


Warmup – Don Quixotes IC & The Patented Left Over Right IC

Mosey from the start, about 14 yards to the trunk of YHC’s luxury sedan. We opened it up and what do you know?! Toys a plenty. The PAX picked up their fair share and took them back to the kid drop-off area, spreading everything out in a row for The Thang!

Station Work – do 1 minute of exercise with 15 seconds of rest, switching stations in between. We did almost 3 rounds of this.

  1. Standing straight arm raise with bricks
  2. Curls with the curvy bar
  3. Standing kettle bell raise
  4. Flutterkicks
  5. Shoulder shrugs with paint cans
  6. Bent over flys with bricks
  7. Standing front shoulder raise with paint cans
  8. Bent over rows with a block
  9. Standing tricep extensions with kettle bell
  10. LBCs

There was plenty of mumblechatter happening during this workout. High reps during a minute’s worth of exercising got the burn going for sure. We did 0 leg exercises, except for the 14 yard mosey. That’s enough!

Announcements: Shirt design contest ends tonight!, Convergence April 2nd at the Yank, Community Foundation Run April 9th, Adopt a Highway cleanup April 16th, 2nd F lunch THURSDAY April 21st at Ray Nathan’s, Honey Hunters game Sunday April 24th

Prayer Requests: Turtleman (I saw him today and he looks great!), Tesla, Orangeman’s M & his Manager has cancer, Broke’s broke shin, Pilgrim’s Progress’ M

Thank you for the chance to lead today men. It was awesome as always!!!

We got Slaughter’ed!

There were 24 PAX who showed up at the Downtown AO including 1 FNG and 1 Nantan of the Nation. Slaughter had been on the calendar for a couple of months and the day had finally arrived. What would he do? What would he say? Would there be merlot??? This is what happened…

YHC explained that we had an FNG (disclaimer was given to him ahead of time) and then introduced the Nantan, Slaughter, who then took the reigns. His warmup consisted of a fast mosey around the block and back to the start. There we did a variety of exercised including Eskimo Merkins, which sucked for sure. After each exercise we did a Burpee, increasing each time until we got to 7 and then he skipped ahead to 10 burpees. Slaughter challenged us to try our best while doing our workouts to focus on getting better each day even though it’s hard and it hurts. Good motivation. No merlot yet…

After this we moseyed around the corner to the parking deck, stopping at the bottom for some planking. The next Thang was explained to be a route to the top. Bear crawl all the inclines, nur one direction, run the other until we got to the top. Once at the top, we had to split up on different level because there were so many of us. Nantan called for parkin space suicides all the way to the other end of the deck. Cardio! He then gathered us for some wall sits, then 10 Hip Slappers in cadence. We descended to the bottom of the deck doing the same bear crawls, nur and run setup as before. We did some merkin exercise at the bottom too.

The worst idea then came to the Nantan. On Main Avenue (shouldn’t this be Street?), he caled for 5 Merkins at each storefront. YHC didn’t could how many there were in total but we went all the way from MLK Drive to 321!!! That’s a long freakin’ way!!! Chest and shoulders definitely smoked and of course the form police were squawking loudly. The Nantan lead the way and didn’t slow down a bit, even going back for the 6 to bring them in. He made mention of how there were a lot more than he realized. Oops!

Last he called for us all to get face down on the pavement and when he said go we would all jump up and sprint to the flashing light at South Street. Go! Once we all made it, he repeated the deal going back to MLK Drive.

We made our way back to the start for a few parting words and then the namorama and FNG naming. Welcome Rolex!

I appreciate the Nantan making a visit to our region and showing us an executive style beatdown. I also appreciate so many of our PAX representing and showing him what our region is made of. AYE!

Prayer Requests: Turtleman, Tesla, Mental Battle Month, Huckleberry

Announcements: Shirt design contest ends this Wednesday, Convergence April 2, Community Foundation Run & Speed for Need April 9, Adopt-a-Highway cleanup April 16, Honey Hunters April 24

Moleskin: Slaughter challenged us all to try to get a little better each day. This can be in our fitness, with our family, in our daily devotional life, whatever. Just try to get better than we were the day before. In our coffeeteria afterward, which was flawlessly executed by Captain Stubing, Aye!, the Nantan also explained that the nation’s focus for the year is on connections. If we see those small moments of impact in our daily lives, whether its with the guys at a workout, with our kids at home for a few minutes, an moment with our M, that’s what we need to strive for, connection. It’s worth the effort!

A tournament, some numbers and counting…oh my!

This edition of the best afternoon AO in the whole nation brought 8 HIM out on a beautiful March day. This is what happened…


Warmup of Goofballs

Broke declared that he would only be doing block work today. YHC had other things in mind so we had to leave him behind for the time being. Mosey down the road to the bleachers for some step ups while the PAX EHed a dude walking his dog. Keep moseying to the back of the big soccer field where we were in the shade.

The Thang – Tournament counting (Oh my!!!)

YHC asked the PAX how many games are in the first round of the tournament. Apparently noone is this group cares about the teams that barely made it into the tournament. The correct answer is 68! YHC asked for Pall Bearer’s favorite exercise and he said Mike Tysons! So we did 68 with a lap around the field halfway through to break it up. OMG!!! Take another lap to recover.

The question was asked how many teams are in the 2nd round and nobody could answer this one either. It’s 64 and we did 64 LBCs in cadence. Take a lap.

How many teams in round 3? Lots of answers were given except the correct one, which is 32. The PAX was asked for their favorite non-merkin exercise and Moroccan Nightclubs was said. That’s fine, we would do 64 in cadence while we marched around the field. Why 64, just because it felt right.

The 4th round has 16 teams remaining. We did squats in cadence but actually did probably more like 25 because noone was counting the cadence and YHC just kept going.

Due to time limitations, YHC called bear crawls across the field and then a mosey so we could back to the start. Upon arrival, we completed 8 Merkins I think, 4 of something else, 2 of a thing and 1 burpee. Done!

Broke was steady doing work with his block the whole time to keep from further injuring his leg. HIM work right there! The rest of us got a good beatdown from this little ditty, thanks to all those Mike Tyson’s! Thanks for the opportunity to lead men. AYE!!!

Prayer requests: Purple Haze’s family, Huckleberry, Turtleman, Roscoe’s family, Broke’s shin, Leppard’s wrist, Ukraine, Our country and leaders.

Announcements: Convergence April 2nd, Community Foundation Run & Speed for Need April 9th, dopt-a-Highway cleanup April 16


Cardio to start your week off right!

12 HIM beat the fartsack to get their week started off right. This is what happened…

Several of the PAX split off to do the Ruck/Walk option. Those that stayed with YHC would be doing cardio today.

Warmup – Don Quixote’s for Whoopee, something else

Mosey toward Martha’s House, Whoopee left us to mosey by himself somewhere else.

We ended up at the center part of the baseball fields. For some reason I, me myself called 5 burpees. Maybe I was psyching myself up for the fun that was about to happen. Karaoke to the left all the way til we were even with the outfield wall. Plank for the 6. Karaoke back to the start. 18 Merkins. Bear crawl around the center building. Nur down the other path all the way to the end like before, being sure to move the caution barracade out of the way before we nurred into it. Nur back. Bear crawl the building. 20 Squats. Karaoke down the other path and back. You guessed it, bear crawl the building. 24 LBCs in cadence. I think we got the blood pumping pretty good with this stuff!

Mosey around half of the outside of the fields until we arrived at the lowest parking are where there is good light.

22’s – like 11’s, just bigger reps

On one end do 20 Freddy Mercury’s, at the other end do 2 Hand Release Merkins. Switch back and forth until you’ve flip flopped the numbers. Feel that chest burn!!!

Mosey back to the start for a quick ab exercise that I forget and that’s time!

Announcements – 2nd F lunch this Wednesday at the Dallas Pita Wheel, Nantan of the Nation Slaughter will Q Downtown Friday including 2nd & 3rd F, F3 Shirt design contest due soon

Prayer Requests – Roscoe’s family on the passing of his FIL, Big Pappy’s family, Turtleman, Newnan’s shoulder, Tesla

Thank you for the opportunity to lead today men. It’s always an honor and what better way to get your week started off right than to do it with each other! AYE!!!

Look what I found here

With ideas rolling through YHC’s mind about what to do for the beatdown at the Storm, a look into the garage gave me the perfect plan. 19 was the count in the gloom this morning and the PAX was ready to go. This is what happened…


Warmup – Goofballs IC, Slaughter Starter

Count off and mosey around the back of the school and finally arrive beside the wide sidewalk that goes through the main parking lot. What do we have here? Toys!

Stations – partner up. Partner 1 does the exercises while Partner 2 runs to the far light and back. The exercises were

  • Standing arm raises with bricks
  • Curls with YHC’s super heavy curl bar
  • Standing kettle raises using YHC’s super heavy kettle bell
  • Flutterkicks
  • Shoulder shrugs using specially weighed paint cans
  • Standing front shoulder lifts using precisely weighted paint cans
  • Bent over Rows with block
  • Standing tricep extension using another super heavy kettle bell
  • LBCs
  • Bent over Fly’s with bricks

The PAX were able to make it through 1 full rotation of the stations before time got short so we headed over to the start for some Mary. Most PAX called normal exercises until Bouquet called burpees, which were then encouraged by Radar to become Kraken Burpees and they sucked. You’re both fired! We then sang happy anniversary to Sister Act in honor of his upcoming 1000th post! That’s time, great job pushing the rock men!

Announcements: Q School this Saturday at Gashouse, 2nd F lunch next Wednesday at Dallas Pita Wheel, GrowRuck events, Nantan of the Nation Downtown Friday the 18th with 2nd & 3rd F

Prayer Requests: Tesla, Roscoe’s family on loss of his FIL, Wichita, Tiger’s family, BOS’ M, Big Pappy, Breaker’s uncle, Ukraine & our country

Thank you for the opportunity to lead both the workout and our region men. It’s always an honor and privilege.


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