Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Roscoe (Page 2 of 21)


  • We had six studs show up to the Coconut Horse. Flintstone and Short Sale went for some extended half marathon training. Winehouse and YHC hit the Coconut traditional route, and Whoopee and Hunchback got pulled along on a Scrat ruck through Heatherloch.
    Maybelline asked for a substitute Q for Q source  as he isn’t feeling well  (get better Maybelline)  so YHC volunteered but couldn’t find the book.  Winehouse was prepared to lead Chapter 7 on duty and did his duty and did an admirable job .

second F lunch on the 17th at Whiskey Mill in Gastonia

prayer for turtleman, hunchbacks dad, and kids going back to school

Duty is what we do everyday. Doing what is right and what we know we need to do. Just do it.


4Q Convergence At the Yank

So we had 4 Q’s for the 4th Quarter convergence at the Yank.  We had five runners  for 5 early miles and one rucker for a solo effort prior to the start.  The best part was Whoopee introducing himself to Cheesesteak and thinking he said “Cheesedick” and then introducing Cheesedick* to Ballsack* (balljoint)

*Don’t let your kids read this…

In any event, everyone who showed up was in good spirits as Sargento led us in a pledge of allegiance and then ordered us to mosey to the Bunker for a warm up.

We did some goofballs and some merkins and some other things before we counted off and got in groups of four for some ring of fire-esque bearcrawl/lungewalk around the circle thing.  It was great.  Lots of mumblechatter.  After Sargento, he handed off to Gavel who ordered us to run to the track behind the old Belmont MS.  YHC had a great conversation with Sargento and Def Leppard about chaffing in the nether regions (8miles requires some astro glide) and dollar store bandaids for nipples.

Gavel had us doing some field work 11’s with some WW2 and Mike Tyson’s.  Slaw was killing it before we ran out of time and handing it to Flintstone.
Flintstone ordered up three wise men options for triple nickle, zombie walk thingy, and some other thingy followed by some Morrocan nightclubs.  Then YHC took over and ordered PAX to partner with someone they didn’t know very well.  We ran back to the bunker and each PAX was to share something that was previously unknown about them to the other PAX.  I partnered with Orangeman and learned quickly he is not gay, or willing to learn, and he has never tried it (TMI), but he is very proud of all three of his daughters for individual reasons.

When we got to the bunker, we kept partners and alternated doing burpee long jumps and lunge walks for a couple rounds in the lot, followed by endless merkins while the other partner took the stairs and a lap and switched up.

The mumblechatter was strong with guys chatting it up and enjoying plenty of second F.  YHC called a jailbreak back to the Yank and called time.  There was a massive Q Fail when we had to “take two” on the video nameorama but you have to own it!

We shared prayer concerns for Jackson Hall, Huckleberry, Jane Fonda, and TURTLEMAN.

Breaker took us out in prayer and a dude with a Trump hat and a Nascar jacket took a group photo and then Stogie skipped breakfast to fellowship and hopefully EH the man to F3.

Many PAX left to eat breakfast at other places like TimeOut and Byrum’s but we had a nice showing at Cherubs where discussed needing to EH a plumber to F3 and a gynecologist whereby Balljoint said, “isn’t that the same thing?”

One thing we learned is when you have four Q’s for an hour time flies.  I could have kept going and even the EC run wasn’t long enough.  You guys are fun to be around and it is always something to look forward to every single day.

F3 is a blessing to me and I am honored to spend time with you and be your Nantan this year.  I hope to see most of you at the Christmas party where we learn who will be the 2024 Nantan and leadership team.  Ballsack said he is performing Vanilla Ice on the karaoke too so there is that.

I will probably write a Christmas party BB but just in case, I want to thank the 2023 SLT.

Flinstone, Balljoint, Stogie, Dr. Seuss, Gavel, Purple Haze, Sarlacc.

I also want give a special shout out to GEARWRENCH who had the hardest job because you joker’s aren’t consistent with getting your backblasts in on time.




Apathy hits the Pub

YHC had the Q at the Pub and gave the PAX a vote to determine the route. They could choose the Defib route or the Wachovia route. One hand was raised for the Defib route. One hand was raised for the Wachovia route.
YHC was stunned and asked who would vote for apathy and Stroganoff raised his hand.  You hate to see it.
we performed the Pledge of allegiance and then
we ran the Defib route because of the hills and because it sucks just a little more than the Wachovia route.   Good conversations all around, in spite of the pathetic lack of care expressed in which way we ran. I hope they live their lives with more purpose than just passively going along!

just kidding  it was great

See you at the Christmas Party!


Qweesheie makes you faster

Three PAX at the world famous Coconut Horse. It was chilly to say the least.  It looked like it would be Winehouse and me, until we heard footsteps and a shadowy figure approached  wearing an unlit lighted vest. It turned out to be none other than the world famous physician Quiche. He quickly informed us he was taking no new patients, and with that the three of us took off to run the normal route.  As per his usual, Quiche  hit the gut check, and basically disappeared from sight.
We closed with COT and then were  joined by Defib and Maybelline for Q source, discussing chapter 2 of the hero code on humility.
Next week the site Q himself is in the Q and we can look forward to that. F3 humbles me everyday because of guys that are faster, older, younger, smarter, and more capable than me. Some I dare say are better looking.

Prayers for Turtleman and his family and those missing loved ones over the holidays.

Remember the Christmas party next Saturday.  It is going to be lit🔥🔥



Cash me Ousside, how ’bout ‘dat?

Six Pax were warming up at the Sandlot when Maybelline….I mean…..wait?…….Watts Up joined us late.  This is highly unusual.

We warmed up with a healthy disclaimer.  We even did Press Press Flings because Whoopee LOVES THEM but he wasn’t there to experience the opening and stretching of the rib cage and the swoll chest you get as you thrust it out!

We moseyed to Martha’s House for some Swim Buddy Clap Merkins.  We circled up, I gave a healthy dose of instructions, and we failed again and again but the good news was we did a lot of merkins and held a plank for about five minutes in the meantime.


We then moseyed to the ballfield for the thang.  10 burpees, 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 Plank jacks, 10 big bois.  A9 burpees….etc….8 burpees…t any time Watts Up could call a lap in between declining sets.  When we completed 7 of each exercise, Watts Up called or a lap and then busted his arse on the run.  We continued the exercises and Winehouse could call a lap.  With one rep to go, he called a lap.  We finished up and then headed to the parking lot and tried our clap merkin clap again.  This time, we called it two claps and a Ric Flair.   That failed.  We finally tried clap merkin clap and after a couple of successful rounds we called it a success.  We then headed back and did 15 DDC’s at each lightpole while completing announcements and prayer requests.  Captain Steubing had to leave for a cruise ship at 0610 so the Q accommodated his schedule.  We did some Navy Seal should stretch things too which Whoopee would have also loved!


Watts Up requested the 48 rep cash out and then we did two rounds of Mary for time and the Pledge and COT.

Cattle Trucks at the Ricky Bobby

We can always look forward to a Tesla quip at each workout he attends.  He and several other PAX showed up late to the start.  There was some excuse about a “slow car” in front or something.  In any event, the warm up lasted a little longer and went something like this…

Plank for the PAX that were lolligagging getting to the AO on time.  Plank walk right to complete a circle. SSH, Merkins, Squats, Hillbillies, Take a lap around the track

Mosey to the light poles.  Skip from the 1st to 2nd.  Lunge from the 2nd to 3rd, Bearcrawl form the 3rd to 4th.  Hit the wall for wall sits followed by wall sits and Arnold air presses.

Mosey to the back of the school and hit the steps for 50 calf raises, 50 calf raises duck footed, 50 calf raises pigeon toed.  Tesla said something about Texarcana and Cattle Trailers and a word that means “odd”.  Mosey to the light pole for the THANG.

YHC spoke about the MUSTER in Dallas and decided to do the Thursday PT session with the PAX, but abbreviated it to three rounds.

45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of transition time…I would call it rest

  1.  Sit ups
  2. Arm Haulers
  3. SSH
  4. Squats
  5. Merkins
  6. Burpees

Take a lap to return to start.

We ended with the four laws of combat.

Cover and Move

Prioritize and Execute


Decentralized Command

CashOut 48 reps of four count something or other IC.  Hit stomach 1, touch toes 2, tough stomach 3, hands overhead 4

Pledge of Allegiance


Announcements are many…Soft Launch of a new Monday AO November 6 at  Life Church behind Cramerton Middle School…Cherie Berry has purchased gear that would make even HIPPA jealous.  (Has anyone seen HIPPA lately?)

Prayer/Praise:   Turtleman,  Jackson Hall, Marriages, Seasonal Mood changes in people (Get some morning sunlight in your eyes)

When we ended COT with a Prayer, we noticed that Mrs. Breaker Breaker wasn’t at school yet.  She is always there between 0605 and 0615 and we welcome her with what sounds like something out of Kindergarten Cop, “Good morning MRS. BREAKER”.

Breaker Breaker started saying that she was late because it was his fault that she was late.  When she got there about 0620, she said she was late due to something about coffee and a “slow car” in front of her.  She sounded like Tesla with that excuse!  You hate to see it!

Anyway, a great morning with a good number of PAX and great fellowship.




Forty Day Challenge…Again

F3 Gastonia has been around for 8.5 years.  During this time there have been numerous CSAUP’s, beatdowns, new AO’s, and the occasional random challenge.  The Forty Days of Discipline Challenge has been completed several times and it is coming back by popular demand.

This is a fitness and nutrition challenge, but like anything dealing with discipline, it will be on you to control yourself.  Some key points to consider:

  • Delayed gratification
  • Not eating/drinking certain things, regardless of your appetite
  • Discipline isn’t concerned about your feelings, only your behaviors.

This 40 day initiative begins on October 14th and ends on November 22nd, 2023.  Yes, that is the day before Thanksgiving. (You’re welcome)


  1. Workout a minimum of 5 xs per week from October 14th through November 22nd.

Don’t eat sweets, soft drinks, or junk food.  ONE cheat meal the entire 40 days.  You can earn more.  Don’t drink any alcohol  (with two exceptions*).   Hold yourself accountable by journaling your efforts.

  1. Cherish your M: Take your wife out on at least two dates in the forty days. (no kids)  
  2. Bring at least one FNG to a workout in these 40 days. For every FNG, you get a cheat meal.  #AlwaysbeEH’ing.  If you EH a guy who posts and you aren’t there, that is a 50 burpee penalty #nojoke
  3. Acts of Service: Do something for someone else daily with no expectation of anything in return.  Be grateful you get to do it.  Encourage others.  Lead or participate in a service project.  Make a point to introduce yourself to someone you don’t know.  Journal your efforts (honor system) Extra credit if your 2.0’s watch your example and/or participate. 
  4.  Read a book.


Your fitness is important and you are pushing the rock.  You workout with your brothers.  You are blessed to continually strive to experience all 3 F’s and you know that when you are striving to be your best, you need to share it.  Be the example.  Be the man you know you were made to be. 

Now for the fine print….


You must workout a minimum of 5 times per week (at least 27 workouts in 40 days) using the #F3 250 model.  Any workout that is a minimum of 30 minutes counts.  This could include running, cycling, rucking, any F3 workout or workout you put together at home.  Two a-day workouts count.  Example, you complete an F3 bootcamp in the morning and a minimum 30 minute run in the afternoon=2 workouts.

Diet:      No Mountain Dew.  No other soft drinks, desserts, sweets, potato chips, junk food, etc.  You know what your food vices are so stay away from them.  Fast food is allowed if it is salad or chili and unsweetened tea or water…you get the idea. Orangeman can’t have his Princess Punch or whatever specialty coffee he orders at F&B’s.

Protein shakes within 30 minutes of ending the workout.  Get some protein powder and a shaker bottle and make it a habit.   Drink more water.  You will be working out more and this will help you recover.

You are allowed ONE cheat meal.  Your choice but they must be named and claimed. If you work out more than 5 times per week, you can claim an extra cheat meal.  An example is a couple of slices of pizza but don’t blow it on a whole pizza.  Even though you will be getting the workouts in you can’t out train a bad diet.  Remember you can earn more by bringing in an FNG or going on a date with your M.  If you attend at least two Q-Sources, you get a cheat meal.  If you meet with your stone/blade, you get a cheat meal.  If you do something with your shieldlock, you get one cheat meal.

Alcohol:  No Alcohol.  I will include two exceptions.  Wedding receptions and tailgates.  (A marriage retreat is also acceptable)  It is football season after all. This only includes football tailgates at and before an actual game you attend.  This does not include FUTBOL and does not include your tailgate spread at home when you watch on tv.  Wedding receptions are self-explanatory.  If they want you to dance you probably need a drink.  I know you guys.  It will also prove you can have fun at a second F event and still enjoy it without your pumpkin spice Ale.

You must keep a daily journal of both your workouts and cheat meals. The journal is for your eyes only.  I use the “notes” on my IPhone since I always have it with me.  I have journaled all my workouts on my phone since 2017.  It is helpful to look back and see types of workouts, two a days, and extra credit workouts that make journaling worth it.  You can also see where you failed to work out and why.  It is a good habit.  I also saw where I was injured and what I did to modify workouts until I was healed up.

Journal what you are grateful for and start with your M.  Try not to take her for granted.  If she likes to stay home, stay home and spend time without distractions.  Write her notes…send her flowers…cards…Text emoji’s are nice but they don’t count.  If you are on a date with your wife, you can eat a free cheat meal.  If you don’t have an M, be nice to your dog (or cat).  (If this isn’t in your comfort zone and your M is taken aback in your sudden change in behavior, it will probably be amusing so share it with your bros)


If you missed an opportunity to bless someone by an act or gesture of kindness, try not to miss the opportunity the next time.

Read a book that would do you good.  Make it about something that interests you or inspires you.  You have the time.

Give it away.  Think about that friend that you have mentioned F3 to many times.  You know he needs it so get him out.  And then do it to someone else.  Pick them up.  Post with them.  If they post and you aren’t there, you will do 50 burpees the next time you post. If an FNG shows up for the first time and says he was EH’d by you, you will be called out on all social channels and ridiculed without mercy (and deservedly so)

Be grateful for your family.  Be the example for your kids.  Push the rock and hold yourself accountable.  Give it away.  Realize it isn’t about you.  Serve others.  Be the best you can be.  Maybe we will all be a little better in October and November because we will be intentional about it.    Make positive change in yourself and make it contagious.  Also, when you get lean and ripped before you see your in laws at Thanksgiving, they will be in awe that someone (your age) looks that damn good.

It begins next week so get ready and prepare!



Good morning ShortSale

Whoopee rode his bike.  JJ, Winehouse, and YHC ran. Amazon, Hunchback, and Flintstone rucked.

Stroganoff showed up for QSource only and got called a name.  (See title of BB)

The virtual flag for the pledge was blowing in the virtual wind.

Announcements are many…stay tuned to the pending newsletter

Prayer requests:  Turtleman and family, Senior Citizens losing friends


The Q-Source topic was the Chapter, “Expect what you inspect”.  Setting high standards and meeting them won’t happen if you don’t inspect.  A leader should (on a schedule) show up to inspection to reinforce the standard.

Yours very truly,


IPX Week One at the Ricky Bobby

We had six at the Ricky Bobby for the IPX week one challenge.  it was a 45 Minute you versus you workout and it was horrible.

Flintstone allowed YHC to borrow some coupons and the course was laid out behind the school in the parking lot under a light with a stereo system just waiting to rock out to the best 80’s and 90’s metal and new wave.

Whoopee arrived first, followed by Defib, Kool Aid, Tesla.  We started two minutes early and pledged allegiance to the flag before heading to the AO.  Defib carried his own coupon like Linus with his blanket.  It had indentions on both ends, likely giving him an advantage in the grip department.  I may need to get one of those.

YHC gave instructions, hit the music, and the drill instructor from Runkeeper yelled at us to get started.  J2C came in hot and got to work a few seconds after we started.

Round one  80 total reps, alternating between 10 Flying Squirrels and 10 WW3 Situps with a block.  At five minutes, the drill instructor ordered us to do the MOT (Mode of transportation) and carry the block while lunge walking ten yards and back.

After 80 reps, move onto round two which was burpees over blocks and no cheat (perfect form) merkins, ten reps at a time for a total of 80 reps.  The MOT this round was murder bunnies

After 80 reps of these, move onto round three which consisted of 10 block thrusters and 10 Jillian Michaels for 80 total.   The MOT this round was the Block Rifle Carry.  Every five minutes the Drill instructor (I hate to say it) kind of gave us a break.

At the 42 minute mark (since we started a few minutes late), Kool Aid had to bolt.  The rest of us finished at 45 minutes totally soaked in sweat and shoulders smoking.  Defib even allowed me to car transport his coveted block back around to his car as I believe he fell out of love with it in those 45 minutes.

This was a suckfest.  There was very little mumblechatter with the exception of talking a little about what was playing on the speaker.  George Strait is playing in Atlanta in October.  Nobody got the band “Saga” from Linus’s old CD days, and Black Sabbath and Scorpions were crowd pleasers, although Whoopee doesn’t like “Mob Rules” by Sabbath.

I would say that week one was bad, and we can probably look forward to it getting worse from here.  I think a relay with multiple PAX would be a little more “fun”, F3 Waxhaw style.  You can’t pretend to like burpee over blocks, Jillian Michaels, Perfect Form Merkins, WW3 Situps, etc.

Respect to Defib who knocked out a gazillion reps.  The guy is a beast.  Whoopee was likely second but I could barely count my own reps so I have no idea.  Kool Aid left early but had like 1800 reps.  J2C and Tesla were on the other side and stayed busy beasting the reps.

All in all a successful Week one.

Prayers for Tesla’s son, Defib’s son, YHC’s son, Turtleman, YHC’s mom’s knee surgery today.

Always a pleasure to lead and thanks to Flintstone for the blocks.


Peak to Peak recap

I wouldn’t have qualified hiking from Kings to Crowder’s mountains as a CSAUP but the way I feel today I have changed my mind.  It is a CSAUP, especially in the heat, and especially for the guys that carried plates in their packs.  We didn’t do any official weigh in’s as this was more of a fellowship hike but it turned out that we got a good big dose of all three F’s!

A few of us started the day at the Waffle House to carb up before the launch at 0800 when the park gates open.  A couple PAX even walked outside to encourage the Coconut Horse runners as they went by.  Captain Steubing brought his 12 year old son Jaba to the event.  Captain Stuebing also bought YHC’s breakfast. #classact

After loading up we drove to the Linwood lot at Crowders Mountain.  Even though the Park Ranger told me the gates open at 0800, there were probably 25 cars in there at 0750 when we drove up.  Geez!

We were ready to go and dropped some cars off and took some others to the other end at the Boulders access parking lot.  We registered our cars and got squared away.  Bedpan saved the day as their were maneating mosquitos attacking everyone at the ranger station.  The bathrooms had just been cleaned.  We were ready to go except Hunchback did some Sua Sponte leadership and decided to drive to the Sparrow Springs station instead of the Boulders to check it out recon style.  When he showed up we started with a disclaimer and hit the woods.

We stopped every couple miles to drink and share a verse.  We were making good time and it wasn’t too hot.  Guys were moving around in order and talking and learning about one another.  Eh Y’all was the intentional six to keep everyone in front.  We had 16 total PAX.  YHC felt and urge to start running as the trail reminded me of Mortimer 100 training.  Defib agreed and we may run this in the future to prepare for next years race.

We kept going and then at mile 4.75 some vicious murder hornets attacked Stroganoff and Montana.  They spent the next quarter mile wondering if they got the stingers out.  Fortunately, Montana broke out the bee sting treatment wipes and made the ouchies all better.

At the first overlook, we stopped and took a short break.  Later, we stopped again and Defib shared a story about Joshua.   “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Church on the mountain.  Maybe I didn’t skip church today?  Thank you Defib!

We took a group photo at the King’s Pinnacle and then moseyed on back down the trail.  Some dude recognized Tesla and they said hello.  Some PAX took a right turn to hit the restrooms and refill the water at the Sparrow Springs station and then headed back to the trail.  The heat was rising and we were drinking lots of water.  We crossed another road and came to a fork in the trail.  Take a right to the RockTop trail or left on the Crowders trail.  The Rocktop trail is shorter but harder so we chose that way (as Tesla would say, “why wouldn’t we?)  About halfway up, one the PAX said with disdain, “why did we choose this route?”

This hike started to climb and the steps were getting sketchy due to rocks and roots.  Some separation occurred among the PAX but faithful Eh Y’all kept the six in check.  We had some cramping and pain among some PAX but you are kind of screwed once you aren’t that close to your car.  To his credit, Watts Up turned down many requests to carry his pack to lighten the load.  There were some psychological tricks to keep him moving like a solar flare meant gravity wasn’t pulling as hard and therefore walking uphill would be easier.  There may have been jokes about the feminine napkins getting wet and weighing him down, Midol, etc..  There is no quit in Watts Up.  Much respect earned!

We stopped to regroup at the Boulders and Breaker Breaker generously gave Watts Up his last “salt tablet” little blue pill.  It supposedly would help with cramping but also had some alleged side effects that we won’t discuss here.

We made it out of the woods to the Tower Trail.  YHC delegated Stroganoff to take PAX to the tower and down the steps or they could go down the Tower Trail.  We split and headed to the lot and waited for the PAX to reassemble for COT.  The tower trail was actually a little quicker than the folks that took the steps.  Tiger took off early for some obligations but 15 were there for the COT.  It was a great day.  No one got hurt.  We had lots of fellowship, lots of faith, and lots of rock pushing (no pun intended).  We haven’t done this since 2017 and YHC is committed to do it again every year.

Shout out to Austin Powers for joining us from the Lake Wylie region.  Jaba didn’t complain and as a 12 year old, this ain’t no joke!  Respect and hate at the same time!  Montana is a welcome addition to the PAX and folks enjoyed knowing him better.  YHC enjoyed catching up with Montross and Bedpan.

Stroganoff took me back to my car and took his keys out of my car’s passenger side door.  Somehow the key fairy got him a key during the hike and he was able to drive me back to get mine.

The encouragement among this group is outstanding and was on display throughout the event.  Some guys shared how F3 has impacted them and included anecdotes about the quality of the men they surround themselves with now and how they let some of their old friends go a little.

Thanks for the PAX that showed and for Defib for pushing me to schedule the event.  It was awesome.  Heck, YHC may try to do it again in the fall.



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