Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Richard Simmons

Folsom Block Party

It was a brisk morning on the yard, but nonetheless 9 PAX rolled off the bunks of cell block F to show up for the first block party at Folsom.  As the men circled up, the cinder blocks loomed from the bed of a nearby pickup.  Freight assured everyone they were only for work detail…

As YHC delivered the disclaimer, none of the alleged convicts wavered.  Pledge was given.


  • SSH x 15 in cadence
  • Hillbillies x 15 in cadence
  • 10 Burpees OYO
  • LBC x 15 in cadence
  • Mericans x 15 in cadence
The Thang
   After everyone was nice and warm, every man was instructed to grab a block and mosey to the tennis courts.  As everyone filed in and circled up, the first exercise was called
The Hodor, there was a brief debate on the proper way to say Hodor, was it Hoe-door or Hahd-oor but the verdict is still out.  The exercise was OYO-with the block in front of you, squat until the block touches the ground, stand, rotate the block over your head to a triceps extension, squat, stand, rotate the block back in front. That’s 1. Repeat x 30 followed by 1 lap around the tennis courts.  Next we completed 2 laps of Bojangles Biscuits with blueberries in the middle.
Next the PAX grabbed their cinder blocks and moseyed down to the far shelter.  PAX paired up for Dora’s awful cousin Greta.
Greta 1-2-3:  While Partner A exercised Partner B moseyed 50 yards across parking lot with block in tow. Down and back total 100 yards. Exercises were 50 Blockees, 100 standing chest presses, 150 squats.  Greta was a real crowd pleaser at Folsom.
PAX finished the Greta grind and grabbed blocks and moseyed back up the hill to the shovel flag.
As visiting hours were coming to a close, we had to get in 4 minutes of Mary–Dolly and Rosalita had to make a visit!
Finished up with announcements: Backwoods Brawl coming up, Ultimate Challenge Mud Run, Spartan race, and Community run.
Prayers go out for each and every one of you great men and to the members of your  OUR families.  You guys are like an awesome family and it is a pleasure to be apart of something great. Thanks for making me stronger as a man, a friend, a father, and a husband.  Let us all continue moving forward together.
Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to lead, #ISI
Until next time…Richard Simmons out!!




Martha’s House Party

10 PAX showed up at Martha’s House even thought the forecast was calling for rain.

Since I had not Q’d in a while I thought a pre-Christmas party was in good order.  At 5:30 sharp we began with the disclaimer followed by the Pledge.  Quick mosey over to the bank to get the party started.

To set the tone, we  kicked everything off with the Slaughter Starter– 20 Burpees OYO

Next was the  Warm Up

Each exercise was completed AMRAP for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest.  Merkin, LBC, SSH, Imperial Walker, Plank, there may have been others here, but it was more than enough to get the blood flowing

The Thang-Since this was a party, the PAX paired up for a Princess Tea Party: PAX grabbed a partner.  With partners facing each other in plank position. Partners did Pattycake Merkins for 10 reps, followed by a Partner People’s Chair (Back to back wall sit) for 30 seconds.  Repeato but with 15 reps for the next round. The bank patrons were surely laughing while attempting to use the ATM.  After a quick count while still feeling the burn we started Super 21 OYO: Do 1 merkin followed by 1 sit-up; 2 merkins / 2 sit-ups; 3 merkins / 3 sit-ups, etc., etc. up to 10.  Once all PAX reached 10 we did 21 Squats. Continued the ladder from 11-15 and did 21 Monkey Humpers.  At this point counting was getting hard so YHC called off the remaining sets.  Total me4rkins and sit-ups= 120. Next we moseyed down to the parking lots at the ballpark.  Once gathered a count was given, no one was lost.  Keeping the party going, we completed 2 sets of SheHateMe across the parking lot 10 lunges each leg, 10 Burps, 10 SDD. Next we did Bear Crawl Snake: PAX lined up head to feet in plank position. The man in the back of the line bear crawls to front of the line weaving in and out of the planking PAX and yells when at front.  Next man does the same thing until all PAX made it through 3x.  Feeling quite obliterated we moseyed back to ice cream.  We still had a couple of minutes paid for so we did merkin ring of fire until time expired(5 rounds).

Finished with COT and announcements

Step up and lead, you won’t regret it!

Thanks for giving me the pleasure to lead, you men are an awesome group!!

Richard Simmons out!


Jailbreak at Martha’s House

After several days of never ending rain,  8 PAX met in the soggy gloom.  Since the weather was nice, it was time for the PAX to make a break for it.

WU: was done a bit different than usual, some said it didn’t even resemble a warm up..

Each exercise 25 seconds OYO with 5 second break

  • SSH
  • Burpees
  • Plank Jacks
  • High Knees
  • Butt Kicks
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Power Jumps

Recover and say The Pledge Of Allegiance

Time to run around the yard, Indian Run to concession stand and then back out to parking lot.


  • PAX circled up for 10 PCMBs (Prisoner Cell Merkin Burpee)

Next PAX lined up in between traffic islands for 11s

  • 1 x Star Jack > bear crawl to adjacent island > 10 x Prisoner Get ups
  • Mosey back to start >  2 x Star Jack > bear crawl > 9 x Prisoner get ups > mosey
  • this was a real #crowdpleaser but looking at the time audible was called around set 8
Since its important to flee the big house with a partner, PAX paired up for Squerkins
  • Partner A planked while Partner B held his legs
  • Partner A did a merkin and then Partner B did a squat…5 counts each then switch x 2
Mosey over to building
  • 1 minute of BTTW
  • 1 minute of Al Gore
Mosey back to parking lot, PAX circled up on their 6s
  • 25 each side Russian twist
  • 50 Dying Cockroaches
  • 50 LBFC-  Kinda like rubbing your head and patting your stomach at the same time
Indian Run back to ice cream with an unexpected halt for 10 merkins IC single count
Cool down was an abbreviated version of warm up


  • Announcements: Hope Builders 5k, Mud Run, CLT Runway 5k
  • Prayer Requests
Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to Q, I’ll be back! You men are awesome!!
See you all in the gloom!

Richard Simmons

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