Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Orangeman (Page 2 of 7)

Official End of Summer Snooze

You can’t end the Summer of Snooze 2023 on an Omaha, at least that is what the Site Q, Short Sale, said. So YHC stepped up for an encore to officially end Snooze for the summer.

The words of the day… Modify as needed, not Omaha!

After a brief warm up where Roscoe blamed a red light for being tardy, four HIMs moseyed to the original parking lot by the river, playing a game of Frogger. Hearing no squealing and seeing no blood, the Pax started off with some 11s with Mike Tysons and squats. Modify #1, mosey one way, NUR the other.

Modify #2, inverted rows on the low pull-up bar to counter-act all the merkins (thanks Bubba Sparxxx for the physio lessons at Bulldog).

Long mosey on the sidewalk by the river, YHC looking for the big hill he knows is there somewhere. We find the hill, or so we thought, and started Jacob’s ladder: run up the hill, do a burpee, run down the hill, run back up, do two burpees, and so on until seven burpees. Modify #3, NUR up the hill. At the top of the hill on the first attempt, YHC sees the real hill, so modify #4, run down the big hill, NUR up the big hill and start the burpee count. Burpees after NURs uphill were tough. Short Sale thanked YHC for knocking out leg day for him.

On the run back to the start, the Pax enjoyed the 5th and final modify, bear crawl across the bridge (no, not the big one at the highway, there is one on the river sidewalk).

Enough time for a final Mary and time was called on the final, 1st annual Summer Snooze.

Announcements: Annihilation at Gas House, Thunder PT at Pain Lab, regular PT at the Yank all this Saturday, and Crowder’s hike on Sunday.

Prayer requests: Norwood, Huckleberry, Turtleman, Anchorman’s father in law, Tiger’s mom and dad, travel for Breaker Breaker.

Roscoe took us out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

Blame The Tardiness on the Vacation

YHC is a bit late in this backblast, so apologies to all.

After the warm-up, moseyed to the bottom of Eagle Park at Lexington/Blueberry for a modified Dora. Partner up per usual, but none of that 100/200/300 crap where everyone has poor form… no, just AMRAP until your partner returns.

P1 runs up Lexington, 1/2 up do 10 LBCs, at the top do 5 burpees, run back down to relieve P2. Meanwhile, P2 is performing the required exercise. Bottom of the hill exercises were diamond merkins, squats, and WWIs.

Mosey back to the flag for Mary.

Announcements and Prayer Requests

Orangeman took us out.

It was an honor to lead. -Orangeman

Summer Vacation at TRB?

YHC joined Kool-Aid at 530 to begin the warm-up. Three minutes late, and right on time, J2C sprints in from the parking lot. It must be summer vacation in Cramer Woods as this is the second week of “trips” at the Bobby. After getting a longer than normal Tuesday night Supper Club run in, the legs needed an extended stretch, so after the requisite SSHs, I/Ws, and such, the Pax headed down the sidewalk in Zombie Walk style (2 lunges, 1 squat). Double Zombie (4 lunges, 2 squats) at the turn to the back parking lot, and a final stretch of karaoke. Mosey to the track and the warm-up is done.

For the thang, 6-pack, stacked escalators! Divide the track into six sections, and stack another exercise at each stop.

Section 1: 5 burpees
Section 2: 5 burpees + 10 merkins
S3: 5 burpees + 10 merkins + 15 squats
S4: add 20 big boys
S5: add 25 SSH
S6: add 30 LBCs

Just enough time to get 3 laps around the track and a quick couple of rugby sprints before heading back to the flag.

Great work by the core squad!

Announcements: Time Laps at WWC 19th/20th; 2nd F lunch on the 24th at The Lodge in Belmont.

Prayer Requests: wisdom for parents with kids and teens (7 year old facing surgery for a tumor, 16 year old suicide); YHCs cousin in law.

After the nameorama, Kool-aid took us out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

3.O Birthday Celebration

With YHC’s 3.0 turning one month, the numbers seemed perfect for a boot camp.

After a brief warmup with 15 burpees interspersed throughout, the pax headed down the hill for the first of 3 rounds of the “triangle“. Corner 1 at the guardrail YHC explained the significance of the date and the numbers that would be employed. 3, for March, the 3.0’s birth month, and number of rounds (and points of the triangle); 4, for April, the current month, and # of exercises at each point (except point 2); 14, 3.0’s birth day, and the # of reps for each exercise.

14 each of dips, derkins, squats, and heels to heaven were counted out by YHC, then on to point #2, via NUR.

This is a big circle/roundabout, so a great place to bear crawl around, on the outside of the boundary. YHC and one other pax went around opposite ways, passing in the middle before ending at the start. While this is happening, the other 8 pax teamed up for booyah merkins.

NUR up the hill to the school for another dose of dips, derkins, squats, and heels to heaven. Mosey to the guardrail and begin round 2, same thing, same rep count.

To give all pax an opportunity, YHC asked for 4 pax to bear crawl, with the final 4 on round 3. Everyone pushed the rocks and got some work done in time for an Orangeman Storm favorite, rugby sprints (look it up in the lexicon).

Return to the flag for the pledge, and COT.

YHC took us out. It was an honor to lead. -Orangeman

Ruckers and Runners – All Members (Only)

Two runners and seven ruckers posted this morning at Members Only, and most we able to stay for Q Source on the Leadership Development Process (or Program, depending on which link you used).

Q Source was attended by Breaker Breaker, Watts Up, Tesla, Tiger, Mainframe, Pilgrims Progress, Eh Y’all, and Orangeman.


Winter Nationals @ Folsom, 2/11, all other AOs closed; 3/4 Extinction Run at Primal Brewery @9am; Young Life Golf tournament in May

Prayer Requests: Tesla’s M and legal hearing, Jane Fonda’s M, Slim Shady’s Dad, Bubba Sparxxx’s Grand Mother, Tiger’s Mom, Eh Y’all’s mother in law

YHC took us out. It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

Flattery for Uncle Ted

If you’ve ever seen Tesla, aka, Uncle Ted, perform side-straddle hops, you can never unsee it. It’s also a great way to warm the body up on frosty mornings.

7 HIMs posted at TRB this morning, and here’s what went down.

Warm-up with SSHs, Uncle Ted SSHs (essentially double time with one leg offset from the other), and some gravel pickers.

Mosey to the side wall for a not well received 11s. This included hip slappers at the top and Mike Tyson’s at the bottom. YHC eased up on the Pax by calling 10 hip slappers first (count one arm only, of course), going down in count. Tube was called on for a 10 count, which was performed in Spanish, with some help.

Mosey to the steps at the back lot where we performed two calf raises each step. At the top, option to bear crawl or lunge walk down the sidewalk. Rinse and repeat with four calf raises each step.

It’s always a good idea to strengthen the back and shoulders, and pull-ups tend to be a weak area, so to the kiddy playground we went. 15 pull-ups followed by 30 squats, followed by another 10 pull-ups.

Mosey to the track to kill the rest of the time with dips and step ups at the bleachers, followed by Bolt 45s at the opposite side. Rinse and repeat 2x, and time for COT, after the pledge.

Announcements: Roundup and Hacksaw 50 in 24 this Saturday, 5am, at Old School; Coffeeteria at Floyd & Blackies (you can usually find a Pax or two there Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday)


Prayer Requests: Turtle Man, Termite and family, praise for Tooth Fairy’s daughter who took her first steps!

YHC took us out. It was an honor to lead! -Orangeman

JC’s Marine Boot Camp

Tardy backblast, but it still has to get done!

YHC has a non-F3 friend who is a former US Marine. Believe me, several of us have EH’d him to no avail. Regardless, JC spent his early years in boot camps, and one of his stories inspired this workout.

After the pledge and the warmup, Pax moseyed around the school for a Route 66. YHC does not remember the exercise called, but it was certainly a good one.

15 pull ups at the playground, then on to the track for The Thang: JC’s Marine Boot Camp.

This is a Pax called workout session with some running in between. From the middle of the field, Pax 1 calls an exercise and reps, and all Pax perform. After the reps are done, we all run a lap or 2 and head back to the middle for Pax 2, and so on. We did this until each Pax had a turn, 10 in all. YHC mixed up the running with NURs, reverse NASCAR laps, etc. All in all, a good way to get everyone involved.

Back to the flag for COT

In JC’s story, when it was his turn, he called the troops to lie on their backs. After a bit of time, the Sargent “asks” JC what he was doing. Confident as always, JC responded with “Star Gazers, Sir!” Needless to say, JC was not called on again.

It was an honor to lead. -Orangeman

Twin 29s

As many of you know, YHC shares his birthday today with a twin brother, Siri. It also means that instead of each Pax pulling 58 reps of everything, two Pax can share with 29 to get to the required 58. And being on the 29th is just another bonus. Here’s how it went this morning.

After the pledge, a warm up of 10 reps I/C each of SSHs, imperial walkers, gravel pickers, Moroccan night clubs, and merkins (not I/C). Add in 8 burpees strategically placed in the middle and 58 was counted.

With an easy mosey to the back parking lot of the Goat, lunge walking the two bridges, the Pax was ready for the Thang.

Pair off, like twins, in the middle of the parking lot. Each Pax as a team will perform 58 reps, 29 each. Between each exercise, run in opposite directions to the end of the lot and then back to meet in the middle to perform the next exercise.

Set 1, core: WW1s, American Hammers, Freddy Mercs, Six Shooters, LBCS

Set 2, legs: Squats, Jump Squats, Sumo Squats, Calf Raises, Bobby Hurley’s

Set 3, upper: CDDs, Werkins, Merkin Jacks, Overhead Claps, Fox Holes

Just enough time to mosey back to the flag for a little Mary and COT.

Announcements: Beer Mile in Cramer Woods (check with Sargento), 12/31 @ 10:30am; Pushing Rocks Challenge, weigh in 12/31, start 1/1/2023

Prayer Requests: Huckleberry and Turtle Man, Slim Shady’s Dad, Tooth Fairy’s Dad, Bubba Sparxxx’s M, air travelers, and the residents of Buffalo.

YHC took us out. It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

New Q November at The Goat

When asked to Q The Goat, your response should be “why not!”. And that’s what YHC said when asked by Bubba Sparxxx, especially since YHC met the “less than 10 Qs” for the New Q November movement. Today marks #9 for 2022, so guess who will be volunteering for more.

After the pledge and the requisite warmup, the Pax moseyed to the train bridge for the wall experience. A bit of wall sitting, then 10 hip slappers I/C, followed immediately with 10 Australian MCs I/C. Perfect timing as the train rolled over us, so 5 burpees for the train!

For the main event, YHC called Route 66, but modified it to Route 666. This usually means triple the number of exercises (so we did merkins, squats, and LBCs), but also 2x the reps. This meant 2 to 22 reps instead of 1 to 11. The Pax pushed hard, so there was easily enough time to squeeze in a reverse Route 666, same exercise, 1x reps from 11 to 1. Food for thought for your next Q at The Goat… There are 22 light poles between the upper lot by the tracks and the entrance to the island’s back parking lot.

The back lot is nice and flat, and long, maybe 100 yards, just the right distance for suicides, Orangeman style. All that means is some exercise thrown in as you traverse back and forth, slapping the ground as any good suicide drill would have. From the start, mosey to light pole 1, do 10 Freddy Mercs, run back to start. Mosey to light pole 2, stopping at #1 for Freddy Mercs, continuing on to #2 for more Freddy Mercs, stopping at #1 again for Freddy Mercs, then heading back to the start. Last round…head to the far end stopping at #1 and #2 for, you guessed it, more Freddy Mercs, before heading back to the start, again stopping at #2, then #1. Checking the time, YHC deemed there to be enough time for another set of suicides, giving the Pax an opportunity to step up and call the exercise. Lo and behold, young buck, Buckshot called out Moroccan Nightclubs. YHC feigned short term deafness until old fart Tesla yelled burpees. It was a lot of work, but all Pax finished the suicide of 5 burpees, so we moseyed back to the flag.

Announcements: Christmastown 5K, reach out to Broke for SFN, sounds like there are 5 chariots; Christmas party Dec. 3 at Lewis Farm

Prayer Requests: Nutira’s brother in law and family on his radiation recover; Tube’s M on kidney stone recovery, Amazon’s new baby, and all the babies coming!

YHC took us out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

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