Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Nutria (Page 5 of 10)

Conspiracy theories and 6-second squats

Another beautiful morning at The Ricky Bobby started out right at 0530. Orangeman and Watts Up were ready to go as I planted the shovel flag. No disclaimer for this group of seasoned veterans (and no time for chit chat). We went straight into the traditional side-straddle hops. Then out of the shadows emerged someone vaguely familiar from the distant past, none other than Buckshot, who joined in like he hasn’t missed a single post in the last 6 months.  We finished the warmup with imperial walkers, merkins and Nolan Ryans (each 10xIC).  Started to mosey towards New Hope Road as J2C pulled into the parking lot – 30 seconds later and he woulda never found us! After dodging New Hope traffic like a real-life game of Frogger in the gloomy darkness, we made it to the parking lot of the Presbyterian church for some classic BLIMPS – “rack’em-stack’em” style from one end of the parking lot to the other.
B = 5 Burpees (even though Watts Up claimed that there are other exercises that start with B)
L = 10 Lunges single count
I = 15 Imperial walkers single count
M = 20 Merkins
P = 25 Plank jacks
S = 30 Squats

At the end of this, Buckshot delivered a silent 10-count (it was as weird as it sounds) while Orangeman mused about 6-second squats. So, we did a few of those 6-second squats (5 in cadence). Then I broke the unfortunate news that our BLIMPS were stacked in the wrong place, so we reversed everything and re-stacked while enjoying some good mumblechatter about the kooky things Watts Up listens to during his long drives to and from Aiken.  With everything re-stacked there were 3 minutes left, just enough time to mosey back to the flag for Pledge and COT.

Announcements:  Convergence 4/29; See Sparky if interested in Wildcat 5k

Prayers:  Radar’s sister, Virus’s 2.0, Orangeman’s cousin Mark Wilson.

This morning was tough but we fought through it together, and I’m glad to be able to start out the day with these HIM’s.
– Nutria

Great day for “4 Corners” at The Ricky Bobby

Warmup:  SSH, Imperial walkers, Merkins, Nolan Ryans (10xIC) and 5 burpees OYO.

Took a lap around the track and stopped at the benches for dips, step-ups, and derkins (10x each).  Took another lap around the track but diverted to the back parking lot for a series of “4 Corners.”  To keep things moving along, the first PAX to finish the assigned number of reps called “Done” and everyone moved to the next corner.
1st corner = 15 hand-release merkins
2nd corner = 30 Bobby Hurleys
3rd corner = 45 plank jacks
4th corner = 60 flutter kicks (count one side)

We carioca-ed the long way across the parking lot, between corners 1-2 and 3-4, and bear crawled the short side.

2nd round of 4 corners was PAX choice:
1st corner = 15 burpees
2nd corner = 30 CDD’s
3rd corner = 30 Mike Tysons
4th corner = 45 reverse crunches

Rinse and repeat both sets, but the second time around we nurred between corners 1-2 and 3-4.  Then moseyed back around the track to the benches for more dips, step-ups, and derkins (10x each).  That took us right to the end for pledge and COT.

Convergence 4/29 Midoriyama
2nd F lunch 4/19 at Papas and Beer
Time Laps 5/19 see Flintstone or Slack

Tesla’s friend Sam Warner and Sam’s wife
Orangeman’s cousin Mark Wilson having heart valve surgery

Thanks to these HIM’s for another great start to the day at The Ricky Bobby
– Nutria


Rolling the dice at Pain Lab

Gashouse parking lot was near capacity at 0657.  Word must have spread about the awesomeness of today’s Pain Lab beatdown.  I managed to find few open parking spaces to set up a circle of seven stations of exercises written on note cards.  Whoopee led a warm-up and moseyed off with the Gashouse crew.  Pain Labbers assembled heavy objects around the stations.  Exercises were:
Hand-release merkin pull-throughs
Kettlebell swings
Clean and press
Reverse lunges
Box cutters
Windshield wipers

Out of a brown paper bag came a bluetooth speaker and a jumbo-size red die.  I set up the music and explained the simple instructions:  Do the exercise at your station.  PAX at the first station (squat-curl-press) does 20 reps then rolls the big red die.  PAX move clockwise that number of spaces.  Rinse and repeat.  The design (7 exercises) was intentional so that nobody did the same exercise twice in a row.  Note “in a row” means two consecutive rounds.  After the first 2 rolls were 6 and 1, grumbling commenced from the peanut gallery.  Tough $hit. Keep working and may the odds be in your favor next time.  Mumblechatter commenced with occasional grumbling mixed in.

At 0725, after all PAX had visited each station at least twice (I think), we changed things up and flipped the note cards over for a whole new set of exercises:
Star crunches (20 reps, 10 each side)
Nolan Ryans
Lawn mowers
Superman pull-ups
Flutter kicks
Hello Dollys

Same rules applied.  PAX doing Star crunches did 20 then rolled the die to initiate rotation.  There’s always good mumblechatter when babymakers and Hello Dollys are on the agenda, but it was especially entertaining to explain the meaning of Nolan Ryans.  Thanks for that opportunity, El Toro!

After about 20 more minutes, we flipped the cards back to the original set of exercises and pushed hard til the end.

2nd F lunch 4/19 at Papas and Beer in Dallas
Convergence 4/29 0700 at Midoriyama
Check Slack for CSAUP details

Praise for Stroganoff’s son earning his private pilot’s license

Privileged to start out the weekend with a fine group of HIM’s today
– Nutria

Happy Easter Monday

Easter Monday started off right for 10 HIM’s who joined me in the Gloom at The Sandlot – including one FNG!  This was advertised as a “Shortsale style” workout because it was very loosely reminiscent of the QvQ champion’s final-round victory beatdown.  Sorry (cough–not sorry Whoopee) if any PAX were mistakenly expecting Shortsale to be the actual Q.

With an FNG in attendance, started off with a proper disclaimer then went right into a standard warmup of SSH, Hillbilly Walkers, Perfect Form Merkins, (all 10xIC) and 5 burpees OYO.  Then recited the 5 core principles and counted off before we moseyed to the parking lot at Martha’s House where — surprise! — we found a pile of Easter eggs spread out in a couple of parking spaces and plastic buckets near islands on opposite ends of the eggs.  We circled up, split into 2 teams. Each team chose an egg and did the exercise (reps were per PAX, not per team) and then bunny-hopped to put the egg into their bucket.
10 perfect form merkins
10 reverse lunges
10 burpees
10 star crunches
25 Bobby Hurleys
25 mountain climbers
25 Makhtar Ndiaye’s (according to JJ, don’t ever forget where he’s from – was it Senegal??)
25 shoulder taps
25 of something I can’t remember
50 flutter kicks
50 side straddle hops
50 seal jacks
50 American hammers

Rinse and repeat until 0612.   Each team completed 23 or 24 exercises – more than I had expected – but good thing there were over 50 total eggs.  Unlike Shortsale’s final QvQ performance, there were no beers or gift cards for the winning team, so we moseyed back to the flag for 20 seconds of mountain climbers until time for Pledge and COT.

Time Laps at WWC May 19.  See Slack or Flintstone.
2nd F lunch at Papas and Beer in Dallas next Wednesday 4/19.
Convergence at Midoriyama 4/29.

Virus’s daughter having heart surgery
Flintstone’s mom and Flintstone’s dad
Fountainhead’s brother-in-law

Last but not least, warm welcome to Winehouse!

Privileged to lead this fine group of HIM’s this morning.
 – Nutria

What do topless beaches, the Dead Sea, and the Gastonia Conference Center have in common?

Pain Lab lived up to its name and delivered a solid beatdown this morning with a continuous circle of 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest.
Circuit 1 (2 rounds) = Swings, Reverse lunges (with weighted backpack), American Hammers (with or without weight), Lawn mowers, Plank, Shoulder flys
Circuit 2 (2 rounds) = Clean & press, Step ups (with weighted backpack), Windshield wipers, Upright rows, Side plank, Chest flys
Circuit 3 (2 rounds) = Snatch, KB squats, Heels to Heaven, Babymakers, Side plank, Standing chest flys
Circuit 4 (2 rounds) = PAX choice at each station

No breaks between exercises or rounds, other than the 15-second transition time. Lively mumblechatter made the time go faster as the places mentioned in the title all came up at some point. It was great to kick off the weekend with these 5 HIM’s.

Next week 3/25 Gashouse and Pain Lab will combine with Hunchback as Q.
Community Foundation run April 1: Look for announcements on Slack about 7:00 workout; contact Broke to push a chair for Speed For Need.

Tube’s anniversary weekend, suicide prevention

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!
– Nutria

Good day at The Ricky Bobby

High quality crowd of 3 came out to The Ricky Bobby.  SSH, Hillbilly walkers, and 5 burpees for warmup. Moseyed to the track for a classic escalator – lap around the field followed 15 reps of these exercises, accumulating one by one:
reverse crunches
windshield wipers
jump squats

Next we moseyed to the softball field for some tire flipping. It was way more fun than it sounds – so much that we flipped tires from the third base line to center field and celebrated with 5 burpees before flipping them back behind third base.  Speaking of tires, good mumblechatter about driving and teenagers and now vs then helped get the tires a little bit further into the outfield.
After returning the tires, we moseyed to the flag for 4 minutes of Mary before closing out with pledge and COT.

April 1 community foundation run

Orangeman’s 3.0 Zoe
Those with dementia and mental health struggles

Privileged to lead these HIM’s
– Nutria

It’s a small world after all

Strong showing at The Ricky Bobby included an FNG who showed up out of convenience. Like many of us, he gets pulled in many directions after 0630: family life, work obligations, etc. Shout-out to “White Glove” (I hope I remember that correctly) from the Winthrop/Rock Hill region for opening his eyes to the free beatdown taking place every Wednesday at 0530 just down the street at New Hope Elementary, a very convenient location for Les (KoolAid).  My own experience starting out with F3 was remarkably similar.  First it’s a convenient way to squeeze a workout into a busy schedule, then it’s more than that.  I recently heard a story about how F3 was credited with – no exaggeration – saving someone’s life.  Come out to Bulldog or Pain Lab to find out more about that.  After the workout, KoolAid and I discovered that with multiple kids in the same grades and wives who know each other, our paths have no doubt crossed in the past without us recognizing it.  Small world indeed!  (It’s been stuck in your head ever since you read the title, hasn’t it?)

The full disclaimer for our FNG was predictably, and rightfully, criticized by the PAX.  After a warmup of SSH, Hillbilly Walkers, Nolan Ryans (10xIC) and runners stretch, we recited the 5 core principles then moseyed around the track.

Circled up for COP at the edge of the field, 10 reps each: Mike Tysons (OYO), Freddy Mercurys (IC), Bobby Hurleys (OYO), Hello Dollys (IC)

The Thang:
Count off into 2 groups, evens and odds. Evens run a lap while odds do some work alternating pairs of exercises, 10 reps each, then switch:
– Dips / Derkins
– Reverse Lunges / Squats
– Heels to Heaven / Big Boys
– American Hammers / Burpees (PAX choice! Called simultaneously by Orangeman and Tesla!)

Repeated COP, 15 reps this time.

Counted off again, this time evens bear crawl to middle of field and back while odds do same exercise pairs, then switch.

It was getting close to time, but we completed one more COP (10 reps) and moseyed back to the flag for the pledge and the Mission of F3, flawlessly recited by Tesla.

2nd F events: happy hour Friday; lunch 22nd at JR Cash
Community Foundation run April 1, various CSAUPS – check slack

Prayer intentions:
Rambling Man’s M, Ratchet & family, and the many marriages that are at risk or worse

It was a pleasure to lead this fine group of HIM’s this morning, and welcome KoolAid!

 – Nutria

Balancing Act at The Ricky Bobby

2/22 seems like a great opportunity to do something numerically clever with exercises or reps or something.  I completely squandered it.  I’ll leave it to the “Elite 8” contenders for the March Madness Q championship to come up with clever schemes.   Today, we had 3 HIM’s show up to do some good solid work, and we stressed balance because that’s something we could do more of.  Here’s how it went:

Warm up with 10 SSH IC followed by 5 burpees. J2C joined a couple minutes late. Not to let him feel left out, we repeated the 5 burpees  before proceeding to the COP, 10 reps each of the following:
Perfect form merkins (OYO)
“Flamingo” air presses” (standing on one foot)
Nolan Ryans
“Flamingo” air presses” (standing on other foot)
Mountain climbers

We moseyed for a lap around the track then over to the benches.  This was supposed to be a 2-group routine, but with only 3 we all stayed together for an exercise followed by a mosey across the field and back:
Bulgarian split squats (10 each leg)
Scorpion merkins (10 each leg)
Reverse lunges (10 each leg)
Scorpion merkins (10 each leg)
Bulgarian split squats (10 each leg)

Next, we moseyed to the back parking lot for 5 more burpees and another round of COP, this time 15 reps each:
Perfect form merkins (OYO)
“Flamingo” air presses” (standing on one foot)
Nolan Ryans
“Flamingo” air presses” (standing on other foot)
Mountain climbers

After a quick 10-count, Apollo Ohno’s got us to the opposite end of the parking lot for “Pax choice.” I called for Mike Tysons while J2C ran to the end of the parking lot and back. J2C picked the next exercise while Tesla ran and so on. This seems simple but we managed to mess it up a couple times, somehow. I’ll blame it on being distracted by good fellowship and mumblechatter. After 3 or 4 rounds, it was time to mosey back to the flag for 5 more burpees and a final round of COP, 10 reps each:
Perfect form merkins (OYO)
“Flamingo” air presses” (standing on one foot)
Nolan Ryans while greeting Mrs. Breaker Breaker’s entrance to the school
“Flamingo” air presses” (standing on other foot)
Mountain climbers

I thought we’d have a minute or two left for Mary, but we finished up right on time.

Announcements: March 4 extinction run, April 1 community run
Prayers: Families of all Pax in attendance

Appreciate the opportunity to lead this morning – Aye!


Saltines in the light fixture

Mumblechatter was strong on a muggy, spring-like morning at The Ricky Bobby as a fully caffeinated Tricycle explained to our esteemed Nant’an how a 40-week lead time for HVAC equipment gets cut down to just 4 days.  At 0530 I regrettably had to cut short the conversation about stashing random objects in former Nant’ans’ houses.  Who knew this was a thing?

0530 – After a brief disclaimer, warmed up with 5 burpees, then 10xIC each: SSH, merkins, hillbilly walkers, Nolan Ryans.

The Thang:
Moseyed to the back parking lot (pausing for 5 burpees midway) and partnered up for “Boo-yah 11s:” Partners began with 10 Boo-yah merkins in the middle, carioca-ed in opposite directions for 1 big boy sit-up, returned to middle for 9 Boo-yah merkins, etc.  This went much better than yesterday’s Boo-yah 11s at Bulldog. 

Moseyed back toward the flag (pausing for 5 burpees midway) for “Team Dora.” We had to count off twice to make sure everyone understood “even” and “odd” numbers (I’ll refrain from calling out the PAX whose name rhymes with “Pluckshot”).  While one group ran a lap around the front of the school, the other group did AMRAP:  Bobby Hurleys, dying cockroaches, air presses.  After 5 rounds, we circled up to repeat warmup exercises, then had time for 1 minute of Mary.  To close out, we welcomed Mrs. Breaker Breaker by holding 6 inches.  She was happy to see us!

Announcements:  2nd F lunch next week 1/25 (Wednesday) at Hillbilly’s BBQ; Feb 11th “Winternationals” Convergence at Folsom (you need to hear Roscoe announce it verbally, though).

Prayers:  Slim Shady and his dad; Boudin’s son

As always, privileged to lead this group of HIM’s and getting a positive start to the day,
 – Nutria

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