Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Montross (Page 11 of 20)

A 5k For A Cause

First off, Folsom loves a 5k. The vets at Folsom know we “pray for da 5ks”! That being said, we have much respect for Freight and his challenge to raise $3,000 for the F3 Foundation and run a “5k a day for a month”. Guys, he made a cool Jocko-esque video and everything. (Freight’s Challenge Details) The challenge has gained traction and many have donated over the past few weeks. We’re currently over $2,374 as of 1:20 pm on 10/15/2020.

If you’re not aware, F3 Foundation is used to help impact our community through local and national projects. This is something F3 Gastonia could use for grant money to use on local projects in the future. This could also be used for disaster relieve and other large-scale projects. For more info on this fund-raising campaign or to donate, click HERE.

Back to the story – at this point, Freight has started running because he KNOWS F3 Gastonia is going to reach the target. Rudolph challenged the Gas House by offering a $10 bounty for each HIM who ran a 5k with Freight today. I was motivated and, with the Q at Folsom, I also offered $10 per head for any HIM who would come to Folsom and run a 5k during bootcamp today. Rudolph, in addition to his initial contribution, committed to match $5 for every man posting at Folsom. Props to Rudolph for the idea and the motivation…and for putting his money where is mouth is!

Nine men showed at Folsom to raise some money and put in some work! (I rounded up to an even $100)

Thang: On a positive note, this weinke was pretty easy. I had 45 minutes to get the whole group thru 3.1 miles. Of course, we run at different paces so there was an inherent challenge.

Solution: We ran a 1 mile loop around Folsom with 2 stopping points along the way. The leaders stopped for 10 Merkins (or Diamonds, if you prefer), 20 Mountain Climbers (count right leg only), and 30 LBCs as we wait for the Six. Pretty simple and it keeps the heart rate up. We also added extra sets a few times to make it work out and so everyone got in a few reps. We finished up with about 5 minutes to go and filled the time with extra sets of Merkins, Climbers, and LBCs.

Props to Broke who 1) came out for EC, 2) ran an extra lap and saved his reps for the end 3) picked up the Six on his last lap and 4) matched my donation. I can verify he got in some reps after Bootcamp to finish up! His run worked out perfectly for what we were doing!

Thanks to Sarlac for his donation as well! Some others asked about donating later so use the link above and get on it!

In total, $220 was raised this morning at Folsom with (hopefully) more to come. $1. $5. $50. It doesn’t matter, just do what you can.

COT: Lots of prayer requests today: Sister Act and his family as well as his jacked-up knee, Slaw, Huck, Stogie’s dad, all the fartsackers and guys who are injured (A.T., M.W., Tater Hole, Newton, and more), and a few men who are traveling this week (Achy Breaky, Rabbit Ears, Newton, Mr. PIB). YHC took us out!

Thanks to those who posted and participated. I am glad I got to meet Hannibal and Tranny! It is always cool to see these younger guys join us. That is the key to F3 growing and helping men better themselves for a long time to come!

….and, yes, Volt was there.

-Montross aka T-Ron aka Montreezy fo Sheezy aka The Tall Guy

The Legendary Folsom 5-Oner

Few workouts capture the history and legacy of Folsom quite like this one. This takes me back to a simpler time..a time when I was one of the newer guys and it was practically guaranteed you’d see Roadie and Huck at Folsom on a Tuesday. You just had to be there to comprehend the greatness of the Folsom 5-Oner. Show to know, I suppose!

Though the exercises and format of this 5-Oner are completely different than the last one Q’d by Allen Tate, it shares the same ‘spur of the moment’ spirit. Also, it has the same name so there’s that. 10 men were at Folsom today for this Epic, Monumental, and Life Changing event!

Warmup: SSH 10 IC, Toy Soldiers 10 IC, stretching.

Thang: Let’s mosey. Not a lot of running today so we’ll make a quick dash to the park entrance – sub 8 minute pace (yeah, I can do that for a short run LOL). LBCs in cadence while we wait for the 6. Pledge our allegiance to America (greatest country in the world!) and mosey back to the parking lot.

I layout the 5-Oner and turn on my 90s rock playlist to set the mood! Spotify Playlist Link

Do 5 exercises for 1 minutes each – AMRAP. 15 seconds rest between each exercises, a 1 minutes rest after each cycle. Repeat 5 times.

  • Mountain Climbers
  • Merkins
  • Plank
  • Da Rhondas aka Monkey Humpers
  • Squats

We finished at exactly 6:15 so the timing workout out perfectly!

A few observations:
– Several of us realized we need more Merkin work at the CSAUP. We took care of that today.
– The new light in the parking lot is amazing. It helps to know people!
– The Def Leppard Merkin position is a good way to catch a quick rest mid-set.
– Da Rhondas get difficult about 45 seconds in. We’re not ready to quit our day jobs.
– Westide is a planking muthasucka.
– Volt’s dog is smart.
– Kingpin may start a fight among Mechanical Contractors.
– Plinko is Folsom’s favorite Price is Right game.
– It is called a Mountain Climber, not a Mountain Walker.

I took us out with a quick note from Sunday’s Sermon (I’m still EHing the pastor, BTW). We have all heard the phrase “Don’t worry, God won’t give you more than you can handle”. I have always heard that and was just like ‘yeah, of course’. Many people use 1 Corinthians 10:13 to back that up. However, that verse really says he won’t give you more TEMPTATION than you can handle. Quite different! If you look in 2 Corinthians 1:3-11, you’ll see it says he will give you more than you can handle but he will also be there to help you through it. As men, we all feel that need to carry the burdens of our work and families. It is our job and our responsibility, but let’s not forget that we are just men and we also need to lay those burdens at the feet of God and have faith he will help guide us through it!

Announcements: JJ5k Saturday (probably some type of workout there before the race, keep an eye on Slack and GroupMe, Mt Mitchell Hike Sunday. Many prayer requests today: Owensby family in Bessemer City, Sister Act and family, Montross’s aunt (cancer), guys on IR, those traveling for work (Wirenut and Wichita’s brother are helping restore power along the coast), Westside’s mother-in-law and his wife’s grandma, Wirenut’s mom. We have some things to be thankful as well: Restoring Hope re-opens this weekend, Newton and his family have recovered from COVID, and MW’s son had the greatest news of all…asking Jesus to be his Lord and Savior.

Thanks for putting in the work with me today’s fellas! Another great morning in the friendly confines of Folsom!

  • Montross aka T-Ron aka Site Q Emeritus PMFF

Oompa Loompa WOD

I think we’ve all been part of a WOD – a workout designed to honor someone special. Often these are military or other civil servant heroes and it’s an opportunity to push yourself and reflect on that person and use their greatness as motivation. We’ve all heard of the Murph, Tellier WOD, etc. I started seeing several lesser-known WODS through the summer on Strava from Pizza Man. Then, I began to see some names I recognized out of Midoriyama. Def Leppard WOD. Freight WOD. After attending the Freight WOD, I knew I needed to participate and honor someone I really appreciate. 16 attended this momentous occasion.

We warmed up with my standard stuff: SSH, Toy Soldiers, and Morrocan Night Clubs.

A few fun facts about Oompa: He is a proud former Marine, happily married with a very intelligent daughter (gets it from her mom, I suppose?), great at conversation (the 2-way kind…not just talking), loves to troll (mumble chatter), and he is old. Some of those things play into this Q.

We’ll do an exercise for each letter of his F3 name – most will be 60 reps each however, the burpees will be AMRAP for 60 seconds (didn’t want to kill him). After each set we took a run up and down the street. The distance was tweaked through the workout according to time.

O – OYO Burpees for 60 seconds
O – OYO Burpees for 60 seconds
M – Mountain Climbers 60 reps
P – People’s Air Presses 60 reps (people’s chair while doing overhead air presses
A – Australian Mountain Climbers 60 reps (a real crowd favorite)

22 for the Vets – Oompa counted them in TRUE Oompa fashion

L – Lunges 60 reps
O – OYO Burpees for 60 seconds
O – OYO Burpees for 60 seconds
M – Mountain Climbers 60 reps
P – People’s Air Presses 60 reps (skipped the run after these due to time)
A – Australian Mountain Climbers 60 reps

22 for the Vets – Wichita called these because he does Merkins

Most covered about 3.3 miles today.

Throughout the workout, I shared a few of my favorite Oompa stories as did some of the other PAX. Thanks to those who shared. Honestly, I think hearing some of the stories was the best part. I can’t possibly tell them all, but common themes were: Oompa is a great friend and listener, he is super-supportive, he has your back, he loves to be a part of F3 Gastonia, he doesn’t take no for an answer, and he still have a few sprints left in those legs!

Many prayer requests! SA’s family, Stogie’s father, Westside M-in-law, Double Stuff’s friend, Montross’ aunt, our leaders (I made a list and lost it so I apologize to those not in the list).

I hereby declare that August 29th be called “Oompa Loompa Day” in F3 Gastonia.


Dust Off Those Runnin’ Shoes

I arrived right on time according to Sparky’s watch to see 4 other men stretching out and getting ready for a lil’ mosey around Dallas. It was really good to see Sarlacc out running with us today. He’s still relatively new to F3 but I have seen him running after Folsom on Saturdays and assume he’s running at other times as well. I also noticed him right on my heels Tuesday morning at Folsom. He’s getting after it!

Volt was not there.

Thang: We ran. Most guys did between 3 and 4 miles each and pushed on through the incredible humidity.

Prayer Requests: Sister Act and his family, Sparky’s nephew, Oompa’s back, our leaders including local, state, and federal government) – YHC took us out in prayer.

Moleskin: I have run more this year than ever before in my life. It’s been great to see progress but those nagging injuries started to pile up as well. In late June, I consciously cut back on the running a bit to let my sore ankle recover. 2 weeks or so later, I was feeling much better. However, with church commitments on Sunday, a desire to sleep on Mondays & Wednesdays, and too much heat for me to run at lunch, I found it hard to get back in the groove. I noticed I was finding all the excuses I needed to justify not getting back at it. Grabbing the Q this morning was good so it pushed me to get back out to run. If you don’t see me running (not bootcamp, running) at least once a week on Strava, call me out! I need it!!!

  • Montross aka T-Ron

Roadtrip!!!! F3 Waynesville

Folsom Studs LOL

4 of your friendly neighborhood Folsom men flexed their beards and loaded into the nearest 4×4 truck for a lil’ ride to the highcountry of NC in the name of celebration, supporting our brothers across the Nation, and sharing the greatness of F3 Gastonia with the world.

Wheels up at 4 am, we had time for a quick stop for refreshments as we exited Hwy 74. We arrived at The Ridge about an hour before the workout started. Roadie complained about the cold and we made fun of him. We saw a guy who we thought was the Nantan ride by about 9 times on a liquor-cycle. Fortunately, we were wrong, but I think he had his eye on Huck!

4 men from F3 Asheville and 1 from Savannah were there as well. Montross did what he does and started talking from the get-go. We’ll leave those jokes in Waynesville though, for legal reasons. Roadie warmed up quickly and Huck was rocking along through the first half of the workout, making “easy work” of the Indian Run. I think Wichita had the fastest burpees of the entire group, FWIW, and his Merkins were on point. We all struggled together as we ran the hill to Troll Hunter’s house twice for Monkey Humpers in his driveway (smile for the camera). Further Strava recon shows it is a 17% grade! We all got in a good workout as we celebrated F3 Waynesville’s 2nd Anniversary.

Afterward, we joined the Waynesville crew for a some grub at The Buttered Biscuit. While it is no Country Kitchen (best coffeeteria in F3 period), the food was very good, as was the conversation. The biscuits were Serena Williams thick! We rolled towards the house shortly after and were home before noon.

It is great to get out and visit other regions. You learn what other regions are doing and we all learn from each other. Most importantly, the four of us spent some good quality time together and we are all a little closer because of it! Join us next time! Thanks to Huck for suggesting this trip!!!!

  • Montross

Vacation and Fartsackers

Later than usual, but here it is……

After a week of vacation on the Redneck Riviera aka Dirty Myrtle, I found myself with the Folsom Q. Although I got a few runs in, it had been 9 days since my last bootcamp. My body is pretty fresh so I came to bring the heat!

As expected, a lot of the “old” faces I usually see weren’t there. Some are on vacation, some having babies, and some just plain ol’ fartsackin’! Folsom has seen a huge influx of FNGs over the past few months and they are sticking around. It is great to see! Shout out to Sparky, Wichita, and the Parker family for adding some great new men to the group…men who have already brought their own FNGs!

As I scanned the crowd, I saw a lot of newer guys. You can see they are ALL getting faster and stronger but it takes time. You have to build your cardio and stamina. I knew I had the right workout planned. Plenty of running and plenty of cardio, perfect for these noobs!

SSH – 25 IC
Toy Soldiers – 10 IC


First off, shout out to Roundup on the addition of his 3rd baby girl Maren Austin Parker, born 6/22 at a healthy 10 lbs 1 oz.

In honor of young Miss Parker, we are going to do something I call MAP.

Mosey – at each light pole, we do
Maren 10 Merkins
Austin 10 American Hammers IC
Parker 10 Peter Parkers IC

There werent enough light poles for my liking on the way to the park wntrance so we circled around and found a few extras…and grabbed one final set at the flag.

I hear some deep breaths from the peanit gallery.

We pledge and mosey to parking lot by the cotton gin.

Start Triple Nickel – Burpees and Bobby Hurleys – Newton breaks out running across the parking lot quickly and was saying something to the effect of ‘You guys need to catch up! Modify as needed!’

Now here is the truth, I like Newton. Despite being a newer PAX, he will bring some chatter and I dig that! Kinda reminds me of, well, me when I started. However, I’ve been hanging around some HIMs who can talk it…guys like Freight, Sister Act, and others. I also know the Qs job is to maintain control and do his best to make ’em work. When the chatter is going, I have to push everyone that much harder! I also know Newton is new and running is tough for newer guys so…..OMAHA! Let’s mosey!!!!!! LOL!!!! (For real though Newton, keep the chatter up! That is a BIG part of F3!).

We mosey around pond. Plank amd pilates as we wait for the six.

Now, Triple Nickel across the parking lot, 5 burpees, 5 Bobby Hurleys. Newton was talking again but I let it slide. He earned it. I appreciate the dedication!

Mosey back to the main parking lot, we took the scenic route.

Core time!

3 sets
LBCs 20 IC
Flutter Kicks 20 IC
Freddie Mercuries 20 ic
Superman/Iron Man – 10

Many PAX (self included) were on Struggle Street by this point. Lets get in one more blast of cardio.

Jacked up.


Prayer requests – Roundup and family, our country. YHC took us out in prayer.

I love seeing the new guys out there pushing the rock with us. You guys bring new life and attitude to F3. Some of these guys will be leading the pack soon and I will be struggling to catch up! Keep doing what you are doing and you will get better each week…each day. And Newton – keep talkin’!!! It is also great to see Hank back in the gloom regularly! I need some vets put there to wrangle in these young bucks! Thanks for the opportunity to lead today!

  • Montross

Team Sandy V2V

Team Sandy V2V

A few weeks ago, I saw on Slack that my good friend Oompa Loompa was a man looking for a Ville 2 Ville team. After wrangling with it for a day or two, I decided to run with Oompa and pull a team together.

Within a few days, I had a few runners…Oompa, Bedpan, and Pappy were in quickly. Allen Tate wasn’t too hard either, but I used the power of peer pressure and the Whetstone to convince Huck to get on board. Soon after, I saw Purple Haze was interested and was more than glad to have him join!

Allen Tate was on time and I was not. Purple Haze was in the wrong parking lot. We got off to a rough start. We left just after midnight. 3 steps into leg 2, the rain came and I got soaked. 1/4 mile later, a dog chased me. Most of us were up over 24 hours. It got hot. We got tired. It got hotter. We kept on running.

We had a great time and as the miles wound down, Oompa and Pappy rolled out the ceremonial finish line, which Allen Tate burst through as not only a symbol of completion, but also as a symbol of us busting through our limitations! All of the men on our team pushed a little further than they had before.

Here are a few thoughts about this team:
– Bedpan has THE brightest lights in the history or relay running. He also is the most likely to get in a fight with a guy on a scooter! From day one, Bedpan said ‘I will run whatever you give me’. He answered the bell by setting a PR in distance with 7.8 miles on leg 5 and then killed it running the hills on the leg 10 from the church to Midoriyama. He continues to step-up to the challenges given….classic Bedpan.
– Oompa Loompa is pure old school grit. I tried giving him a ‘half leg’ and he responded by running the other half with Pappy because it was Pappy’s first time in a relay. Total HIM move! Honestly, that touched my heart! Let’s not forget Oompa got 2 kills during the race…he passed 2 ladies walking on Cloninger Rd. He also had a lady sad clown stop him on the side of Hwy 279 and yell at him for running on the road! It was like everytime we turned around, he was stirring things up!
– Big Pappy couldn’t run out of the Folsom parking lot 18 months ago. He is the perfect illustration of what F3 is about. He isn’t the fastest or strongest, but he works hard to improve and lives 3rd as much or more than anyone. He always has encouragement for others and is a heck of a guy. He also is the man with the most amazing “unexpected” stories.
– Purple Haze is the “new” guy in our group. I could tell from day 1 at Folsom he was different. My man showed up in tights, no shorts. Bold move Cotton! I mean different in a good way though! Over the past few months, I have enjoyed talking to him. He is just genuinely excited to be here and his positivity is contagious. I am not sure he could ever be in a bad mood! Among our team, I feel like I knew him better than the others knew him going into this trip and I’m glad some others got to see the greatness I have seen!
– Allen Tate gets thangs crack-a-lackin’! You know if he is around, you are going to have a good time! He did what he does…he turned up the 2nd F with his stories and charisma and pushed through his legs as I knew he would. He cares about his fellow brothers as much as anyone and would give a man the shirt off of his back if they needed it. Exhibit A – immediately after running his leg, he rucked the next leg with Huck to give him encouragement. You can tell he has something of an ‘old soul’ that I think comes from being a country boy who spent a ton of time with his grandpa and I dig that. I love hanging out with AT and I know he is a friend I can count on if I need help or just need someone to talk to. Also, he requires sleep. Lots of sleep.
– Huck is always the frst guy there when someone needs help moving or wants to get together to hang out. He is a friend you can count on. I wanted him to join my team as much or more than anyone. It took some persuasion but I knew he could do it. I am thankful he trusted us enough to go for it. Huck stepped up with an effort that helped inspire the team. I was truly strugging through the last 4 miles of leg 7. However, I thought about the work and effort all of my teammates were giving, especially Huck. Seeing Huck running down by Time Out and down Hwy 275 was special and meant a lot to us all! You motivate us all brother!

I asked each man to send me a few thoughts about the relay. Here are their responses:

Purple Haze – I’m just tickled to have been a part of Team Sandy V2V! I feel lucky since I think I got the best 2 legs (weather wise) of all the racers! I think I liked hanging with the guys most of all. It was great getting to know everyone a little better. Kind of like you said, I’ve only been with the F3 crew since late January and I’ve been welcomed into the family like a rich uncle but everyone knows I’m not since I’m UNEMPLOYED!!!

Bedpan – 1. I learned you can go a lot further in a relay/life when your with good friends. 2. Call Purple Haze if you get stuck way up in the air, he has trained to get people off mountains, cell towers, and apparently Doppler Antennas. Side note I learned you know way more about different thangs than the average Man, I’m glad to have a friend like you.

Oompa Loompa (respect) – Bedpan failed to aquire us the liquor cycle as a participation trophy.
Wrong parking spots, rain, dead copperheads, scary dogs, bad drivers, heat and running two legs is all worth it when you have the six best hims as teammates.

Big Pappy – Oompa’s words are perfect. I learned that I would not want to do that again, but at the same time would do it again in a heartbeat. I learned there is no shade on Bob Friday road, its all uphill, and I conquered it going much farther than I thought was physically possible for me.

Allen Tate – Things I learned at v to v. Purple haze is a solid Him. Good dude. Fun to be around. Oompa still has the no quit mentality that he’s had since boot camp. Pap pee is funny and has surprisingly good stories to tell. Huck can get it done when pushed. And tee is till my man!

I intentionally saved Huck’s comments for last because it deserves to be the final word….

Huck – There is a semi-recent song by Zach Williams called ‘fear is a liar’. this song hits home for me. Fear – I have feared relay races. I can’t do them. As someone who played sports their entire life, I can’t stand letting people down in those settings. I didn’t train, I am slow. Here comes the difference between F3 and the outside world. I agreed to be on this team just to ruck. Side note: I’m also terrible at rucking, but just knew I could do that over running. Allen Tate told me from the beginning to just run/mosey/jog/walk, but I didn’t listen. so I took off for leg 1 rucking. Allen Tate ending up joining me and I’m thankful for the company. I’ll be honest, I hate rucking.

Fast forward to just before my second leg. With some persuasion, I decided to ditch the pack. Here’s where fear comes in. I’m not a runner. Not even close. but six other men convinced me it didn’t matter… just do what you can. You vs. you, right? I’ve just once participated in a workout that was longer than my 2nd leg, but that was a long time ago. I lumbered, ran, jogged and walked just shy of 4 miles. For the first time in a while, I conquered the fear inside me and realized it was a liar.

to Oompa: my word. almost sixty and has more drive and determination than most anyone i’ve ever known. much respect, sir.

to Big Pappy: what a difference a year makes, right? from can’t make it out of the folsom parking lot to running two difficult legs… you’re the man.

to Bedpan: my man. you beasted an almost 8 mile leg like it was nothing. your dedication is the stuff of legend.

to Purple Haze: being the relative newbie: your enthusiasm is contagious. way to be a leader on team sandy v to v.

to Montross: i would not have been in this relay without you. you have your own style of motivation, and it speaks to people. remember, an elephant never forgets.

to Allen Tate: there were others involved, but i probably wouldn’t have joined f3 without you. i appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. just don’t tell anyone.

I appreciate this entire team. I know I’m the fat kid in dodgeball, but the brotherhood last saturday was incredibly infectious.

tl:dr – I love you all.

Allen Tate napping

The Finish Line!

Just Me

I grabbed the Q at Starkville last minute. It was just me so I thrwlew on my 38 lb Sparky Special and took a few laps around the park. My left foot/ankle has been hurting recently and has really flared up since the V2V so a little rucking to loosen it up was probably a good thing.

  • Montross

Old Faithful – 20 to 1

As I joined The Matrix via Zoom this morning, I immediately saw Sledgeomatic and could tell he had some things running through his mind. It was 5:31 am so I’m sure those questions were “am I all alone”, “who is the Q”, “should I go back to bed”…things like that. No one else was online so the 2 of us decided to put in some work! Since the Ville to Ville Relay is coming up this weekend, I wanted to keep it low impact and focus on coupon work.

Warmup –
SSH and Don Quixotes

Thang –
20 to 1 coupon work. I grabbed a cinder block, Sledge had the kettlebell of his choice (I can neither confirm nor deny he used a Bulldog). We started with 20 reps of each exercise, then 19, then 18…all the way to 1.

Exercises were:

Overhead Press
Tricep Extensions
Goblet Squats

The humidity made it very unpleasant, for sure. That suffering was, however, exceeded by the privilege of getting some work in with Sledge. Thanks for joining!

Prayer Requests: Sledgeomatic’s and Montross’s 2.0s, HIPAA, all those facing the Mental Battle, Montross’s Aunt. YHC took us out in prayer.

  • Montross

Tabata With T-Ron – Folsom Edition

Back in the Gloom…dang it feels good! I was honored that Big Pappy asked me to Q a Saturday. We know Saturday at Folsom will bring well over 10 PAX so props to Pappy for lining up some Qs to help split the group with me and thanks to Oompa Loompa and Hacksaw for stepping in. I brought the weinke, we all brought the pain!

We haven’t had many join The Matrix on Saturdays since reopening and didn’t expect many today….but we leave no man behind!!!!! After talking it over with him earlier this week, HIPAA joined us virtually via Zoom and worked out alongside us. Tip: It is sometimes hard to hear a group online but an iPad seems to help. As we circled up, we always kept 1P2A close by. Thanks for joining 1P2A!!!!!

Hacksaw has an FNG and also asked to handle the workout so I obliged!

10 Burpees
20 Merkins
30 Side Straddle Hops
40…..I can’t remember
50 Flutter Kicks

Yeah, that was the warmup! Hacksaw would have warmed us up for 45 minutes but I reigned him in!!!! I freakin’ love Hacksaw!!!!

Thang: Each group rotates from station to station.

  • Cash in each station with 1 set of Side Straddle Hops
  • Then do 4 sets of each exercise listed.
  • Cash out each station with 1 set of Burpees
  • Each set is 45 secs on, 15 secs rest.
  • We used workout timer apps…they never stopped and neither did the beatdown.

Station 1:

Mosey to the tennis courts

Cash in – 1 set SSH

4 sets each
Q’s choice exercise

Cash out – 1 set – Burpees


Station 2:

Mosey to the lower parking lot

1 min rest

Cash in – 1 set SSH

4 sets each
Mountain Climbers
Alt Lunges
Freddie Mercurys
Q’s choice exercise

Cash out – 1 set Burpees


Station 3:

Mosey to the ampitheater

1 min rest

Cash in – 1 set SSH

4 sets each
Hip Slappers
Mike Tysons
American Hammers
Q’s choice exercise

Cash out – 1 set – Burpees

Looks bad on paper, it was worse in person.

Welcome FNG Fabio! He has womderful flowing locks. Sandusky was on the table as was Minivan….maybe another day!

Announcements: Ville to Ville May 30, King of F3 in June (see Twitter) prayers for my M, Allen Tates mom, Def, Sister Act’s 2.1, those laid off.

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