Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Medicine Woman (Page 6 of 12)

Coupons N JumpRopes

It had been a few weeks since YHC got another turn at leading the Q at a Folsom boot camp. I had looked back through some old weinkes and tried to put together something that’s a bit different than we’ve seen in a while. I added some stuff I witnessed out at Cape Fear. So, let’s just see how it works out.

a great crowd was on time. Even Sparky, who I was counting on for coupons arrived only a minute late. It’s 5:30, so let’s do it.


SSH, Toy Soldiers, Merkins, Low Slow Squats all x10 IC  Montross comes rolling in hot, so Moroccan NightClubs TIL he joins the party.


grab a coupon and head to the tennis courts


11’s by way of Sprints across 2 courts using 8 Count body builders on one end and on the other, broad jump over your block, turn, grab your block for squat thrusts. After a couple rounds, the mumblechatter picked up. Definitely easier on paper, except for Buckeye, he was in beast mode. Now, partner up with a jump rope and coupon. Partner 1 jump rope AMRAP while partner 2 performs 50LBCs, flapjack, next jump ropes and 50 SSH, then ropes and 25 Block curls, ropes and 25 Tricep extensions, ropes and 25 squat thrusts. With a couple minutes left, line up for a nice Indian run a few laps around the tennis court. Rockabilly turned on the gas at that point. That dude is getting it done! Grab your block and return to start. 22 for the vets rounded up our time.

COT Prayers for Ratchets Son(MRI Friday) YHC Son(anxiety and adhd issues), our youth andcehst they are seeing and hearing in our society and schools. Prayers for each other

YHC took us out in prayer.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this great AO! You men make it what it is.

A New Year at PrisonBreak

7 were able to overcome the desire to lay in the sack this morning to run a few miles. All were runners on this cool brisk event. We missed the presence of the BC Ruck Club.


COT. sparky’s 2.0, Bedpan’s M

YHC took us out in prayer

It’s an honor to continue leading this fine AO. Sorry I blinded you guys in the namorama. Not sure what that was all about.

The Move

This was the first day of a PrisonBreak working from the Ingles parking lot. It has been determined that a stretch of main road used from the previous location was dangerous. The move was accentuated by a recent incident where a FiA PAX was struck and killed by a vehicle while on a run with an AO.  I will work on mapping the route, but most who post at Crossroads know the gist of it.

6 men fought the fartsack to run some miles and 1 for a solo ruck. BC ruck Club was very light. Swanson plans to address his other members as of why. YHC was a bit late due to stopping by Folsom to direct any incoming PAX to Ingles.

Prayer requests. Crawford family, FiA Lexington(Digits’ family), our M’s and families

YHC took us out in prayer

We all heat of accidents such as Digits’ everyday. It hits home when it’s closer to our family and our F3 family.  At 5:30 AM it’s dark and can be dangerous out in the gloom. Let’s work to stay together, look out for each other, and continue to be as safe as possible out there.

BC Ruck Club Returns

Ole Montross has been hard at it EHing lately. He’s brought out some Bessemer City boys who are getting into this Ruck thing. Today was about pace for the 4 man ruck group while 3 ran some miles.  Volt clocked in early due to having to bust out a little early to make it to work. The rest of us finished up as usual right about 0615. Good work for the new guys keeping the ruck pace at just under 15:00/mile. Good to see Allen Tate, AKA Chief, out there putting some miles in.


COT. Prayers for my father n law having heart surgery.   A couple of unspoken. Prayers for our 2.0s in school.

YHC took us out in prayer


Oh crap

Oh crap…….cause ShortSale just called me out on missing back blasts. So here it is.

Prison Break had some out of town visitors this fine morning. Good to finally meet 4-Leaf. Montross has been hard at it in the EH department. We welcomed Donut. 4 ran and 6 toured the park ruck style.


Prayer requests lifted and YHC took us out.

C’mon Folsom

Ok, so here we are heading into winter where the temperatures are not going to be favorable for most to be outside. Well, tough crap, “outside” just happens to be one of the F3 core principles. That being said, Folsom was really lite this morning. Yes it was cold and yes it was slightly rainy. This shouldn’t affect a real HIM from posting. Alright, enough complaining. We have 3 so let’s do this.


SSH, Toy Soldiers x15 IC

mosey to the park entrance for the pledge. “Someone” didn’t bother getting out the fartsack to bring the site shovel flag. That’s cool, we wanted to run a little anyway. Now, mosey back past start to the lower parking lot turd shed.


All PAX balls to the wall. When Q calls, the first PAX bear crawls around the building. Back on the wall then P2 goes, then P3. This wouldve been even better with more participants, but gotta do with what you got. Next, wall seats in the same manner as before as we take turns lunge walking around the building. On our 6 for a little core. LBCs x20 IC, plank jacks x20 IC, Merkins x20 IC. Recover and mosey out to the parking lot. Line up for some triple nickel. 5 burpees sprint half the parking lot for 5 squats, sprint back. Rinse and repeat 5 times. Now turn and line up for Route 66 the rest of the lot with Bobby Hurley’s. Brief recovery then nur up the road until the we get to the turn. Turn around and finish running back to start. 22 for the vets.

Announcements: Christmas Town 5k November 24, Christmas Party at Quiche’s Dec. 15

prayer requests lifted up

YHC took us out

always an honor to Q the legendary Folsom crowd. I just hope the fartsack isn’t quite as strong next time. See you soon in the gloom.

The Number 7

Once Bedpan had reached out for volunteers to Q Downtown a few weeks ago, I was ready to give it a try. Being my VQ there, I wanted to make sure it was worthy of the regular PAX’s approval. There’s a Q that had been used out at Folsom a few times that YHC really liked. I made my own little variation of it to use in the parking deck. I love the parking deck. Folsom needs one, but twice as many levels. Anyway, this particular Q was derived from a story in the Bible. The walls of Jericho. Ok, more of the story will come. It’s 5:30 and a brisk 31 degrees.


SSH, Imperial Walkers, Gravel Pickers: all x 7 IC


Mosey to the parking deck. On the way, PAX discuss the significance of the number 7. Some said, “how many days of the week” some said some unmentionable things, and Clavin says “hey, a Q a while back referenced the number 7 to the Bible.” Yes, ok, God rested on the seventh day of creation. Joshua marched around Jericho once a day for seven days and then 7 times on the seventh day when the walls fell. The number 7 is referenced 735 times in the Bible. Gaston’s says, “hey that’s the number we should use.” Uhmmm, nah, 7 is good. 7 represents physical and spiritual perfection in the Bible. God rested on the seventh day, creation “then” was perfect. There are many other references that would take me way to long to cover, but you guys get the point. Folsom’s Walls of Jericho was performed in the Walmart parking lot, the run part representing the march around Jericho, but around Walmart. Of course Walmart’s walls never fell. Anyway, let’s do it.


7 exercises performed 7 reps each then mosey to the top of the parking deck. Down the stairs and rinse and repeat 7 times. Again, this is a variation using the parking deck. I love this place. Ok, exercises were Burpees, CDDs, Plank Jack Merkins, Hipslappers, Big boys, Mountain Climbers, Squats. Perform 7 reps of each then mosey to the top, down the stairs and repeat 7 times. I’m glad this didn’t cause the parking deck to fall because I love this place. QIC called for all to stay together as best as possible. After all, what good is the army not working as a unit? After 7 rounds were finished, PAX moseyed back to start. With a few minutes left, finish up with some Mary. Bedpan calls Freddie Mercs, Clavin calls Flutters, Gastone calls crunchy frogs, Island wanted some more Flutters, Breaker called American Hammers, Anthrax calls out windshield wipers, YHC finished out with 22 for the vets.

Announcements; Christmas Town 5k Nov. 24, Christmas Party at The Quiches Dec. 15(rsvp on slack)

Prayer requests: Allen Tate’s Mom n Law, Breaker’s Mom, BedPan M, each other and our families

YHC took us out in prayer

It was an honor to Q downtown this AM. This AO is awesome due to all the options available. Especially the parking deck,  I love that place. I encourage all to branch out and grab a Q somewhere different on occasion. Like myself, I know it can be difficult due to personal schedules. Anyway, as far as the number 7, the reason it’s used so many times is because it represents what is perfect! The Word of God is Perfect. None of us are perfect or ever will be, but thanks to our Perfect God, we don’t have to be. Thanks to God, he sent His Perfect Son as a sacrifice to save us. Let that sink in, A Perfect God, A Perfect Son sacrificed for a non deserving world. Now that is Love. Perfect Love. (Coincidence that there were 7 PAX this AM?)

Half a dozen

After a solo PrisonBreak last week, I was optimistic about the turnout this week. Pulling into Folsom, I see Volt already on his run. After some chatter and stretching the others filed out at their own paces. There were no ruckers on this episode of PrisonBreak. Seems like running is all that’s happening lately, but hey, nothing wrong with that.


announcements: Convergence at the yank Saturday. Christmas Town 5K

YHC took us out in prayer

Where is everybody?

Well, being Halloween and the fact that HIPAA had pre-blasted his Halloween Q extravaganza, YHC didn’t expect a large turnout for PrisonBreak. The fact that no one showed up obviously meant they all must have posted at SnoBalls for Hipaa’s Q. After further investigation, it was concluded that only 1 of our PrisonBreak regulars actually posted there. That being said, as Site Q, I posted for my AO.


I ran some 1 mile intervals. I’d mosey a mile then mall walk about 30 seconds controlling breathing,  then run again. YHC has been trying to get his 5k time under 27 minutes. Not being a runner per say, I’ve put that goal out there to work towards. Baby steps as I see it.


I prayed for all the fartsackers to post Folsom Thursday.

Defining EH

This was a rough morning for YHC to head out to Folsom for the infamous PrisonBreak session. The new blood pressure med has me feeling a little more tired than usual. Anyway, no better way to beat it is to go push tha rock. I roll into the AO to see Hacksaw truck parked next to another unknown truck. Apparently the owner is Folsom material, showing up day one in a truck. Looks like those 2 were off early. Just to throw this in, Hacksaw is the Wrestling coach at WC Friday Middle School. This PAX has down something unheard of around Folsom. He EH’d his wrestlers to start posting on Saturdays with him. He has already incorporated exercises learned from his time in F3. These guys came out in a crowd last week and worked their butts off. So, whether he knew it or not, he was EHing the boys fathers vicariously through them. In response, the unknown truck belonged to a dad of one of Hacksaws wrestlers. Amazing how simple. There’s the background, now here’s the BB.



All OYO take off on a run. There were no ruckers this morning, even though a few Folsom regulars has commuted to the night before on our GroupText. That being said, all put in a few miles and returned to start. The FNG has took off for work prior to a naming ceremony, but he will post Saturday for the special event.

announcements: Xmas Town 5k(if not registered come out and help out and support Speed For Need), Convergence Nov 11 at the Yank, look on Twitter for Charlotte Marathon to sign up and volunteer at the F3 tent during packet pick ups on Nov 2. There are many time slots available so come out and lend a hand.

Prayer requests lifted up

Thanks for the opportunity to Q, and especially the same for being Site Q for PrisonBreak. Not being a big time runner, when I was asked if I was interested, I was hesitant. I’m glad I took it because it has pushed me to get out there and work at getting better at it. Thanks for all the sarcasm Folsom brings. It wouldn’t be Folsom without all you douchebags. I’m driven by you guys daily to push myself and to build stronger relationships.(not what you think)

MW out

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