Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Mayor (Page 8 of 15)

Crossroads 11-APR-21

Great weather for work and learning.  Thanks to everyone who participated in the F3 Dads service (Trash Pickup).  Blart continued the work today by picking up a receipt.  I question his motives as he specifically called our names to make sure we saw that he got credit for it.

I will apologize for any missed prayer requests as Purple Haze called me during the recording.  Why you ask?  Because he is technologically deficient.  I called him to make sure I had his phone stored this morning while he gave me the number.  He is the only person on slack with two IDs and doesn’t check either.  He decided to call me back so he would have the number on his phone???? What???  You have to love this stuff.  Everyone stayed around and discussed Whetstone at Qsource

Prayers:  Freights nephew (arm), GSM Family and all those affected, Sister Act, Gumby’s Mother

Announcements:  Lincoln 5K this Friday, Convergence this Saturday (WA Bess – Bulldog) and bring a block, PT Test the following week at Gashouse

F3 Dads (Service Project & Others)

Here is the plan to start to revamp this for the 2021 season.

On April 10, starting at 10:00am, get with your buddies and 2.0s or come on out if you don’t have children around or period.  Show up with your pals to an AO near you, wearing your F3 shirts, a trash bag and picker in hand and start picking up trash.  If you want to go to Bulldog, go.  If you want to go to The Yank, go, Folsom, go….

Again, the plan is to just pick up trash for an hour or so to support our local areas that are free of use to us and leave things better than we found them. We can also do some marketing for F3.   My thoughts on lunch are to pack it and eat with your shorties and enjoy some time with them or go to a local joint and support a local business.  Its a win win for everyone.

Come June, we will start our weekend workouts again.  We will travel around to the Saturday AOs (Gashouse, Folsom, The Yank) and put the kids thru some torture.  We will work June, July and August.  If you are interested in leading a portion of the workout, let me know.  I am looking for two dads per Saturday.

On another note, If you have something you want to do, put it out there.  If anyone shows up, have a blast.  If not, you’re going to have fun with your shorties anyway so there is nothing to be lost.

Wojo has posed the idea of a day at Midoriyama where he can take the 2.0s out for a sport workout to get the kids active and moving and the Dads can attend the workout and the M’s can get a break from everyone.  Look for some more on that idea (potentially).

Midoriyama Domo 23-Mar-21

I got some flack about taking a Q so I had to step up and lead.  Here’s how it went

Warmup: 15 SSH IC, 10 Don Quixote IC, 5 Walk out planks OYO


Thang:  Mosey to far corner of fields for work.  Thanks to those that passed the coupons while moving. There were stations put out.  Each pax would be at a set station while one person would run.  When they got back, we would rotate.  After Short Sale and Taterhole did the first two laps, it was a quick Omaha to just down and back.  Mumble chatter started to get some pepper here as the pax turned on themselves.  Stations were Shoulder Taps, Run Up Hill and back, Burpees, Kettlebell Swings/Press, Lunges, Squats, Reverse Crunch, Jump Rope/SSH Merkins, Moroccan Night Clubs and the Run.  After this, we lined up into two lines and that was a lot of fun. After that fiasco (yes, just lining up), we did bear crawl slalom where I got called Tesla (when used in a derogatory manner).  After a couple of rounds we did relay suicides and Merkins “last man standing edition.”  Time is up so we mosey back.  Slaw helped by picking up the six on both to and fro.  Pledge, COT and Name-0-Rama.

  • Announcements
    Freight/Broke collecting water bottles and socks for March.  Different service project each month.  Please give to this.
    Keever Classic aka Fat Ricky is this Saturday at the Old Dallas High School or Cloninger park.  3/27/21 at 07:00.
    F3 Dads Service project in April.
    Convergence 4/17 at the Bulldog
    PT Test 4/24 Gashouse
    5K at Sparkys M’s School on 4/16
    Wojo looking to pass the Site Q torch to someone.  Speak to him if interested.
  • Prayers
    Montross and his family (M Grandmother)
    Hipaa and his family (M’s Grandmother & Dog Passing)
    Wojo and his family (M’s Grandma)
    Tooltime and his family (M’s Father)
    Watts Up and his family (Job Change)

Folsom 12-Jan-21

Gather around, no FNGs, mosey up to flag pole for pledge, Pledge of Allegiance, mosey to far corner of lower lot.

Time to gamble so the cards were brought out.  Cones set up for proper distances depending on exercises.  I.e. lunge walk 50 yards, sprint 100 yards, etc.

Each man takes a turn picking up a card and we do the exercise as noted.  If you pull a number card (2-10), we do 10 of that exercise.  If its a royal, 25 count and Ace is a 100.

Mosey back to the start just in time for prayer requests, Name-o-rama and COT right at time.

Prayers:  There were a lot men.
Praise:  God is still in control

Crossroads 18-OCT-2020

There was a lot of discussion early on from those who posted at the 6:30 starting block about the distance.  Some were feeling supportive of Freight running his 5K.  Others (Blart) said he wasn’t going to let Freight hold him back from getting in his five miles.  So, three ran a three.1, three ran five and two ran 10 and one run/walked for rehab, but he is a sad soul and shouldn’t be mentioned (me).

We will now be tracking the daily progress of the corvette and its repair.  While there today, a minivan came and pulled it down from the blocks so it is resting on its four tires again.

Announcements:  Something on Halloween and a PT event coming up.  Broke spoke so fast that I only had three words written.

Prayers:  SA, Goodelock (Cancer), Huckleberry.

Q took us out in prayer and then we had some great discussion on schooling.  F3 Qsource baby!!!

Does anyone still read these back blasts? If I don’t get 15 likes/hearts/whatever…I will not do them again and will be eternally on Watts Up’s list.

Crossroads 9/20/20

One runner two Rucker’s, three Rucker’s four.  Everyone who showed up today was feeling the pain from something.  Blart was the lone runner for a bit.  Dr. Seuss was angry to ruck, but did it nonetheless.

Announcements:  JJ5K.

Prayers:  Linda Crews Family

Qsource on Contentment

BOLO Suspects Wanted For Questioning > 07-12-2020

With YHC on Q and Qsource, I pulled into the parking lot around 05:55 to see four male suspects fleeing the scene on foot head west on Dallas Cherryville highway wearing athletic clothes.  Upon return to the scene at approximately 06:26, RP observed two additional male suspects fleeing same scene wearing neon colors moving at a rapid pace.  At approximately 06:36, masked suspect entering local establishment with intent to destroy private property (use bathroom).  Upon returning, suspected of potential B&E for shovel flag. Guilty parties eventually returned to scene for questioning and upon interrogation, there was no substantial evidence and all were released on their own recognisance.


Qsource:  Shared Leadership.  The conspiracy to influence movement to advantage.  Pooling your efforts greatly increase the likelihood of success.  Shared leadership teams must be proximate and purposeful.  Think of teachers.  They all have the same purpose, but will children learn better in a classroom or teachers teach more effectively if not proximate to their students.  SLT requires Trust, Shared Virtue and mutual Competence to succeed.  Five essentials are Candor, Commitment, Consistency, Contentment and Courage.


Announcements:  PT Test next weekend, Annihilation the following weekend.

Prayers:  Each other, Purple Haze neighbor, Huckleberry, Sister Act.

Praise:  Roundup and the healthy baby and mom.

Sword 07-06-2020

Easy Q.  Showed up and some ran, rucked or got after it another way.  Finished around 6:00 and gave Huckleberry a hard time.

The verse:  I looked at the verse of the day on my app for the Fourth of July to see what would pop up on our Independence Day with our current climate and it was James 1:17.  It was a little disappointing at first, but digging back thru and getting the back story and not just settling on that snip, we had some great discussion.  It started with verse 2 to “consider it joy whenever you face trials because that testing the faith produces perseverance and continued to state that if you lack wisdom, pray, but you must believe and have no doubt because you’ll be like the wave, blown and tossed by the wind.

Man was there some good discussion on how this related perfectly to our current times and lots of others had personal examples from many different items thru very different views.

I forgot the pledge so that’s on me.

Announcements:  PT Test 7/18/20; annihilation coming up again for the bat flippers; clown car this Saturday to Waynesville (leave at 0400-parking at Ingles or Folsom TBD).

Prayers:  Huckleberry to find work, Purple Haze and his upcoming retirement, Sister Acts daughter, Mark Hovis family, Sparky and Gumby with the crud, my Mom on the surgery recovery, Police in this nation

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