Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Mayor (Page 5 of 15)

Crossroads 03-JUL-22 (Jester-Q1.4)

Run, Ruck, Ride – those were the options.

Announcements: 7/5 Dads Camp Tickets on sale, 7/16 Convergence at Folsom, 7/23 Dads workout at Gashouse, 7/30 Tubing Green River,

Prayers: Huckleberry, Turtleman, Wirenut, Broke




We discussed the Jester.  That is the temptation of the flesh that pulls you away from your personal alignment.  Figure out what that is and keep peeling the onion to make sure you know and identify what your jester is.  If a drinker, why do you drink, etc.  Come and support Double Stack on his lead next week where we are discussing the M.  He’s a young man that is stepping up.  It should be interesting to see a different perspective.

Ricky Bobby 15-June-22

There was some confusion over who had the Q, but Tesla graciously stepped aside and let me get it.  There were some runners that came I (Quiche, Buckeye and Sargent), but only the big cheese and supreme potentate of F3 Gastonia had the testicular fortitude to stay.


Flagpole for Pledge

Principles of F3:

  1. Are free of charge
  2. Are open to all men
  3. Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  4. Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion
  5. End with a Circle of Trust

Mission of F3:  Our three Fs stand for Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith and our mission is to Plant, Serve and Grow men’s small workout groups with the intent of invigorating male leadership throughout the community.

Warmup:  SSHx15 IC, Gravel Pickers x10IC, ROL/LOR, Moroccan Night Clubs x15IC, Arm circles


Move to the track where I set up cones for the CrossFit Metcon workout.  At the four cones, do the following.

10 merkins, walk to next cone, 20, next cone, 30, 40.  Run a lap.  Repeat, but with squats and then sit-ups or leg lifts.

After this, we go down to 10, 20, 30.  Then 10, 20.  There was a lot of work done and some chastising about form and then some biting back.  I love the conflict because we grow.  When someone calls me out, I think about that on how I can be better.  Maybe I am not as good as I can be, but we are better than we were.

One minute left so we line up for some bear crawl slalom in honor of T. McBadass.

Announcements: 6/18 dads at Folsom, Regular Folsom is cancelled so go to Old School at 7, Twisted Goat today at 12 for lunch, 6/25 fitness test (proctors needed) and trash pickup after, 7/4 sandlot being changed by Flintstone so stay tuned, 7/30 tubing, regional convergence coming up.

Prayers/Praise: Sargento Skin biopsy, Whoopee, Turtleman, Sargentos friend Della, Travel Mercies


BOM/COT: Watts Up took us out

Crossroads 12-Jun-22 (DRP)

Running, biking or walking. Those were the options.  The bikers club did almost start the day with a fight and finish it.  Something going on with Gumby and Breaker Breaker (not with each other), but it was funny.  Gold Digger got the team started since I was off in the wilds with the DBC.

We discussed the DRP and how important it is to turn pro.  Not every pro is a great one, but they are all better than the mascot.  More EQV!!!

Announcements:  Preblast channel, 2nd F lunch next week, PT test 6/25, trash pickup following, F3 Dads @ Folsom 6/18 @ 7:00, Tubing 7/30, HOH starts 6/15 at Big Pappys

Prayers/Praise: Gumby’s Mom, Slaw’s M, Friend dealing with mom and Alzheimer, Sargento’s skin check up, Kids and the future in reference to mall shooting, Sargento’s Friend Della, Gumby’s M, Turtleman coming home, Blart and his back.

Old School 11-June-22


Flagpole for Pledge

Principles of F3:

  1. Are free of charge
  2. Are open to all men
  3. Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  4. Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion
  5. End with a Circle of Trust

Mission of F3:  Our three Fs stand for Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith and our mission is to Plant, Serve and Grow men’s small workout groups with the intent of invigorating male leadership throughout the community.

Warmup:  SSHx15 IC, Gravel Pickers x10IC, ROL/LOR, Moroccan Night Clubs x15IC, Arm circles

Folks started off with a wonderful rendition of Happy Birthday.


Six exercises OYO for 42 reps/steps then take a lap around the parking lot after each exercise.   Beast mode will be activated so if you finish early and your form was correct, work in with someone else or plank.

  1. CDDs
  2. Mountain Climbers (42 with one leg)
  3. SSH,
  4. Leg Lifts,
  5. Lunges (42 steps)
  6. Bear Crawls (42 steps)

Mosey to courthouse for stair work

  1. 42 Merkins and run the stairs.
  2. 42 Calf Raises and run the stairs.
  3. 42 Squats and run the stairs.
  4. Move the to the stairs and grab five (5) calf raises at each stair ascending and descending.

Mosey back and grab a triple nickel at the PD hill with push ups and squats

Mosey back to the parking lot for suicides for 4:20 along the parking spaces.

French fries, pistol squats, Michael Phelps, X or star crunch, Freddy Mercury, Dancing Chillcut – all with 10 count IC called by various pax.


Announcements:  Preblast channel, 2nd F Lunch next week, PT test 6/25, trash pickup following, F3 Dads @ Folsom 6/18 @ 7:00, Tubing 7/30, a lot about Trans and some convergence per Nantan

Prayers/Praise: Gumby’s Mom, Slaw’s M, Friend dealing with mom and Alzheimer, Sargento’s skin check up, Kids and the future in reference to mall shooting, Sargento’s Friend Della, Gumby’s M, Turtleman coming home,

Name-O-Rama: did this last to tick some people off.

COT: Slaw closed us out.

Mt. Hollywood 06-Jun-22 (D-Day)

Disclaimer, Pledge
Principles of F3:

  1. Are free of charge
  2. Are open to all men
  3. Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  4. Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion
  5. End with a Circle of Trust

Mission of F3:  Our three Fs stand for Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith and our mission is to Plant, Serve and Grow men’s small workout groups with the intent of invigorating male leadership throughout the community.

Warmup:  SSHx15 IC, Gravel Pickers x10IC, ROL/LOR, Cherry Pickers IC, Arm circles

777 with D-Day facts scattered throughout the workout.  See below for tidbits noted.

  1. Merkins
  2. shoulder taps (one arms)
  3. mountain climbers
  4. CDDS
  5. Squats
  6. calf raises
  7. get a lap
    Repeat 7 times


Mosey to Traust for triple nickel with merkins and squats.  This is where I knew I had messed up.  It is a lot farther to get here than I recalled.

Partner up and rotate 90 degrees and start some Dora (merkins, squats, LBCs).  Had to call it a little early to get back.
Mosey to flag pole and resume, but not much time left so we worked until the bell.

Announcements: Check the preblast channel for upcoming items instead of things getting lost in slack mumblechatter.  6/10 happy hour at new bar at Oldstone, 6/15 lunch at twisted goat, 6/18 F3 Dads workout at Folsom, 6/25 PT test at Gashouse, Tequila Sunrise every Friday in June has a guest Q.

Prayers/Praise: Pillagers dad after treatment and his M is past her first trimester, Buckshot and his M, Turtleman has a lot on his plate, My M.

Name-O-Rama: Gavel, Freon, Termite, Pillager, Radar, Blue Print, Red Ribbon


  • D-Day was originally planned for 5 June but had to be delayed by 24 hours due to poor weather.
  • The Commander in Chief of the German army in the west was Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt, who had 850,000 men at his disposal.
  • The D-Day operation aimed at breaching the Atlantic Wall, a series of coastal defenses built by Nazi Germany between 1942 and 1944 that ran from Norway to the Franco-Spanish border.
  • With an Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe seeming ever more likely, in early 1944 Nazi Field Marshal Erwin Rommel was tasked with strengthening the Wall.
  • Over 1.2 million tons of steel and 17 million cubic meters of concrete were used in building the Wall’s defenses, and this included 92 manned radar sites.
  • By the time of the Allied invasion on 6 June, more than 5 million mines had been laid in northern France.
  • A fake army made up of inflatable tanks and trucks was created in Kent to fool the Germans into thinking the invasion would take place in the Pas-de-Calais.
  • Around 7,000 vessels of all shapes and sizes were used by the Allies on D-Day, including 139 major warships, 221 smaller combat vessels, more than 1,000 minesweepers and auxiliary vessels, 805 merchant ships, 59 blockships and 300 miscellaneous small craft.
  • Over 4,000 landing craft used to transport the invasion force onto the beaches of Normandy.
  • 73,000 US Troops and 83,000 British and Canadian troops crossed the channel on D-Day.
  • Shortly after midnight on 6 June, around 24,000 US, British and Canadian airborne troops began landing in France.
  • The Allies landed on five beaches in Normandy. These had been codenamed “Utah”, “Omaha”, “Gold”, “Juno” and “Sword”.
  • Of the 34,000 men who landed on Omaha on D-Day, 2,400 were killed.
  • On Omaha beach, the US 116th Infantry Regiment’s A Company lost 96% of its effective strength in one hour.
  • The landing on Utah beach was ultimately successful with just 300 casualties of the 20,000 men put ashore.
  • By midnight on 6 June, 132,000 Allied forces had landed in France, while more than 2 million were eventually shipped there in total, comprising a total of 39 divisions.
  • Allied casualties on 6 June have been estimated at 10,000 killed, wounded, and missing in action: 6,603 Americans, 2,700 British, and 946 Canadians.
  • Total German casualties on D-Day are not known, but are estimated as being between 4,000 and 9,000.

Sword > 30-May-22

Grabbed the Q at the last minute.  Some ran, rucked and walked.  Trash was talked and shots about trucks, shoes, food and houses were taken.

We discussed Psalm 49: 6-11.  Dont overvalue your earthly treasures and do heavenly things for earthly reasons.

We sang happy birthday to Sarlacc, which apparently he didn’t think sounded on key or in harmony.

Prayers, Pledge and COT


Old School 7-May-22


Principles of F3:

  1. Are free of charge
  2. Are open to all men
  3. Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  4. Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion
  5. End with a Circle of Trust

Mission of F3:  Our three Fs stand for Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith and our mission is to Plant, Serve and Grow men’s small workout groups with the intent of invigorating male leadership throughout the community.

Warmup:  SSHx15 IC, Gravel Pickers x10IC, ROL/LOR, Moroccan Night Clubs x20IC, Arm circles

Mosey to the FD for the pledge.  Keep moving to the square.


AMRAP (Rounds)

50 Merkins

50 Squats

50 Leg Lifts

50 CDDs

50 Calf Raises

Run a lap around the square


***changed.  Originally had this > If complaining persists, as we know it will start, mosey to library for a triple nickel consisting of mountain climbers (count one leg and shoulder taps (count one arm).  Keep that going at different routes until time for Mary. > no one complained as SA and other canoes were not there so everyone worked until time.  We moseyed back to the start for Mary

Mountain climbers, LBCs, 8 count body builders, American Hammers, flutter kicks, Nolan Ryan’s

Announcements: Convergence sometime??,   CSAUP??,   Young Life Golf tournament 5/23 (broke looking for two so get with him),  6/11 the most electrifying Q in sports entertainment history (old school), Rice and Beans needs volunteers,

Prayers/Praise:  Big Pappy foster child had a big win (praise), Coworker father in law with Stage 4 cancer, Pappy (Elijah with seizures)



Folsom 5-May-22 (Cinco de Mayo)

It started like this…Ball Joint stole my thunder, trivia and closing line.


Warmup:  SSHx20 IC, Gravel Pickers x10IC, ROL/LOR, Moroccan Night Clubs x20IC, Arm circles

Mosey to flagpole for Pledge

22 for vets (daily suicide) and police (monthly losses in line of duty-wreck, cardiac, homicide)

Read History > May 5 1862 Mexico’s Army celebrated victory over France at the battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War.  Mexico was in financial ruin due to internal struggles and had declared a moratorium on payments to other countries.  They were mad, but Napoleon III wanted to make a place in Mexico.  6,000 gathered troops under General Charles Latrille de Lorencez went to attack Puebla de Los Angeles.


Mosey back to start for partner work.  Wheelbarrow as much as one cans then do five merkins each, until the wheelbarrow gets to the bottom of the lot.   switch and go until we get back.

Read History > Mexicans led by Texas Born General Zaragoza fortified the town. While not a major win, it served as a symbolic victory which bolstered the resistance movement. The same year, Austrian Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian (Austrian), who had been installed as emperor of Mexico in 1864 by Napoleon, was captured and executed by Juarez’s forces. Puebla de Los Angeles was renamed for General Zaragoza, who died of typhoid fever months after his historic triumph there.

Read History > Many people outside Mexico mistakenly believe that Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of Mexican independence, which was declared more than 50 years before the Battle of Puebla.  They also confuse General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna with Cinco de Mayo based on his historic stature.  Santa Anna was involved with several wars (Mexican Independence, Alamo/Texas Revolution, Mexican/American War.  Independence Day in Mexico (Día de la Independencia) is commemorated on September 16, the anniversary of the revolutionary priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla’s famous “Grito de Dolores” (“Cry of Dolores,” referring to the city of Dolores Hidalgo, Mexico), a call to arms that amounted to a declaration of war against the Spanish colonial government in 1810.  Cinco de Mayo was made popular in America in the 60s as a way of encouraging pride in Mexican heritage.

More partner work. One works while one partner works, other partner runs halfway down and back.

  1. Curls
  2. Shrugs
  3. Rows
  4. Diego (Dora the explorer’s cousin) – Similar to Dora 1, 2, 3 but just tougher… Same partner situation, but the exercises are as follows: All numbers to 100 for time; Merkins, Overhead press w/ block, LBC with block, Squats w/ Block

Announcements: Murph Memorial Day Sandlot, Sword and Mt. Hollywood for double post, CSAUP??,  Thanks to Wire Nut for bringing the blocks

Prayers/Praise: Big Pappy, Turtleman, Broke, Bed Pan, Westside Grandma, Striper, Coworker Father in Law (cancer), 2.0 Music teacher (suicide), Teachers/Principles/School Staff.



Crossroads 1-May-22

We started out with the serious animals out early for their runs.  Tonka who is new(ish) to the ranks is already out there running with Roundup and Dr. Seuss.  The rest did various runs.  Bedpan accompanied me on my forefoot run since I am trying to work on my form.

Announcements:  Convergence (May), DBC starting after May 31, QSource kicking back off at Crossroads.


Prayers: Miranda Adams (loss of son), Tank (Loss of father), Roundup, Big Pappy, Gump and the baby/family of those affected


Praise: My grandfather coming home from rehab facility on May 22 so he wont die in the home, Bedpan going back to church and out with family for first time since Covid.


Pledge and COT

The Fighting Yank 16-APR-22

Finally, the Mayor has come back to Belmont….and all cheered when I said this.

Move the the statue for the warmup where the disclaimer was noted.  One (1) FNG.

Warmup:  SSH x15IC, Gravel Pickers x10 IC, ROL/LOR, Moroccan Night Clubs x 15IC and arm circles to shake it out. Pledge and 22 for vets (per day) and police (per month).

Thang:  We say goodbye to the bunker crowd and roll up to the track for the solo 6.  Six exercises OYO for 50 reps/steps then take a lap.  I explained the exercises and got some flack because Nutria said there were more than six so I politely went in front of him and counted them one by one for effect.  Six it is so we move on.  CDDs, Mountain Climbers, SSH, Leg Lifts, Lunges, Bear Crawls.

We mosey to the hill I almost broke the SFN chair, but on the way, we grab some high wall and do 10 muscle ups and 5 calf raises at each stair as we go up.

At the top of the hill, I give the rendition of the first time I pushed a SFN cart so in honor, we do a triple nickel with Merkins at the bottom (another story there) and squats at the top. Fellowship mosey to the bunker to properly salute those with 20 monkey humpers IC.  They returned the degeneration X so we move on.

At the fountain we circle up for some scripted Mary:  French fries, pistol squats, Michael Phelps, X or star crunch, mountain climbers, Freddy Mercury all with 10 count or IC.

Mosey up the stairs for the statue with 5 calf raises here and we call it early.

Moleskin:  Given what has happened recently to our community with an F3 brother, I took two minutes to discuss our duty as men to reach out to other men.  We truly dont know what someone else may be going thru.  That is evident.  Don’t be a coward, ask…. If you see something, feel something….Do or say something.  Encourage other men to reach out.  There is someone in the circle you are closer to or is closer to you.  Be the oak.

Name the FNG.  He’s from Albuquerque so we named him Heisenberg.  There was a lot of chatter about having some of those in the nation, but this guy lived in the house in the show Breaking Bad.  Plus its better than Teslas option of Meth Lab.  Good luck spelling it. I will get him added later.  I didn’t have my phone so couldn’t attack it immediately.

Announcements, Prayers, Name-o-Rama, COT

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