Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Maybelline (Page 4 of 7)

Old School 4/15

Montross showed up for what turned into one helluva beatdown.  I deleted the weinke unfortunately so this is what I remember:

We said the pledge, did a warmup and then moseyed over to the town square.  Somewhere along the way he mentioned wanting to run and that was all I needed to hear.  We proceeded to do 4 corners, 4 exercises per corner and then moseyed over to a wall for hip slappers, dirty hookups and wall sits.  We continued our mosey back over towards ingles, then made some laps around different blocks.  Did another round or two of 4 corners and continued to mosey in between.  ended up getting almost 3 miles total and got in some solid work too.


Convergence April 29th mudoryqma 7 am. 

Time laps – Sunday trail runs 

CAM volunteer opportunity Post office on New hope rd- may 13th afternoon 2-7 

Talk to Flintstone. 


Huckleberry – 

Ratchet’s 2.0  – prayers for fortitude

Flintstone – parents 

Gumby – prayers for his mom


Montross showed up and it was a sunny day 

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

Maybe it’s Maybelline 💋 


The Sandlot 4/17

10 PAX met me in the gloom for a beatdown,  this is what happened: 






Don Q’s (triple-time)

R L leg up (quads)

Mosey over to Food Lion

Round 1

4-corners all workouts 1x 

Mike Tyson’s x 10

Squats x 10 

SM pull ups x 10 

Hillbillies x 20

Mosey over to a wall for wall work. 

Hip Slappers x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

Dirty Hookups x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

R&R 2x 

Mosey over to gastones hill, back way

2x PPM’s every mailbox up(merkin to modify) 

Plank for the 6 at top 

Mosey back down 3 squats every RH mailbox

Al gore for 6, mosey back towards start. Stop at office building on the hill

Round 2 – 11’s

CDD’s x 10

Freddie mercuries x 10 count both 

Burpee in middle

Called an audible to get us back to the start in time. 


Convergence April 29th mudoryqma 7 am. 

Time laps – Sunday trail runs 

Orienting kings mtn the 19th 

Saturday Belmont 5k park at bunker 

WWC Tuck  fest events – go check it out

CAM volunteer opportunity Post office on New hope rd- may 13th afternoon 2-7 – Talk to Flintstone. 

Convergence 4/29 at midoriyama 


Radars sister- good scan 


Ratchet’s 2.0  – prayers for fortitude

Virus – 2.0 had heart valve replaced, everything going well. 

Orangeman’s cousin-in-law having heart valve surgery 

Sargento having surgery 

Mayor having surgery 

Orangeman traveling Saturday. 

Flintstone – parents 

Freon’s 2.0 having surgery for broken arm. 

Gumby – prayers for his mom

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

Maybe it’s Maybelline 💋

Downtown 4/7

12 PAX came out for a beatdown I had already done in reverse.

Weinke was deleted, but suffice to say we did rounds of 4 exercises at the top of each landing, bearcrawled down each ramp, moseyed over to the next landing and rinse/repeated until we did hip slappers, wall sits, and dirty hookups.  Moseyed back up the stairs to the top and did it again.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

Maybe it’s Maybelline 💋

Coconut Horse 4/2

8 PAX came out in the gloom for a run/ruck, 7 stayed for Q source.

Q Source: The Dichotomy of Leadership

Chapter 1: The Ultimate Dichotomy

COT, Pledge, Announcements

Congrats to shortsale on the MM QvQ challenge 

Time laps event May 19th and 20th, flintstone looking for HC’s this week.

Folsom obstacle course- Stogie Q 4/8

Coconut horse still on for Easter Sunday Q source closed Chapter 2 pushed to following week


Roscoe’s Friend with bladder  cancer 

Defib med exams tomorrow 

Flintstone’s dad starting treatment Tuesday 

Thanks for another opportunity to lead and grow!

Maybe it’s Maybelline 💋 

The Sword 3/27

PAX came out in the gloom for a run/ruck followed by COT/ 3rdF

COT/ 3rdF

Matthew 7:7–8

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

In the process of seeking God, we need to ask God for continuously drawing us to Him in order to keep us moving forward, and also ask Him to help us not to give up half-way. 

We often feel that we’ll never find what we’re looking for, but the real problem is that we did not keep on looking. Seeking, finding and knocking are all steps in the process of seeking God. If you really want to see the President of United States, you may write a letter to him. You wait for a long time and finally received a reply from the White House stating that the President invites you to meet him. You’ve sought him and he responded, but you haven’t met him yet. You must then find out how to get to the White House; when you are at the White House, you’ve found it. But you still haven’t seen the President, because you need to come to the oval office and knock on the door. When the President opens the door, you’ve finally met him!

The process of seeking the Lord is very similar. Very often the Lord promised us something, but it’s a long way from us actually getting it. We need to continuously seek, and we often only find some experiences or doctrines but not the Lord Himself. 

We need to keep on seeking until we are in front of the Lord, seeing Him face to face. Nothing can replace the precious experience of being with the Lord — Not even spiritual experience or knowledge, law or tradition. When are you with the Lord face to face, communicating with Him in prayer, you will be able to enjoy the sweetness of being in the Lord. 

May God help us, give us an eager heart and never stop half-way. No matter what you spiritual condition is, just keep on moving and keep on seeking until you and the Lord have each other completely.

Many PAX shared their thoughts and comments.  The biggest takeaway from this that I had was, why do we not ask for God’s guidance more humbly and more often?  Pride, arrogance and shame seemed to be the biggest reasons.  God grant us the wisdom to be humble always and seek Your Will in our lives.



Time laps 


Wirenut and his family 

Ratchet and his family 

Kelly Byrd


It’s an honor to lead, thanks for showing up!

Maybe it’s Maybelline 💋

The Labyrinth 3/29

4 PAX and YHC met up in the gloom to put in a little work this morning. This is what happened:






10 Gravel Pickers IC

R L leg up (quads)

Mosey down to Gastone’s hill. 2 squats per light pole along the way

Round 1

Mosey up

3 squats every RH mailbox up

3 merkins every RH mailbox down

Mosey over to picnic shelter at Martha’s (through the neighborhood trail

Round 2

Mike Tyson’s x 10

Superman’s  x 10

Dips x 15

R&R 3x

Mosey around something in parking lot

Round 3

Squats x 10

Peter Parker merkins x 10

Imperial walkers x 20

R&R. 3

Mosey to turd shack

Round 4 – Wall work

Hip Slappers x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

Dirty Hookups x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

R&R 2x

Ran outta time halfway through second repeat.

Mosey back to start



Community foundation run April 1st

Speed for need signup – To push talk to Broke. More track commanders needed

MM QvQ Final:

April 1st at Folsom before community foundation run.

Also a pain lab at FUSE before community foundation run.

Blood drive to benefit strong like AK at twisted Sugar April 1st

Time laps


Flintstone’s dad – Prayers for strength during upcoming treatments – April 4th treatment starts

Dirt- meniscus tear,

Tigers mom – Continuer prayers for comfort and strength

Whoopee’s mom, struggling with upcoming move and life-changes.


P200 & Mortimer runners finishing healthy

Praises for having a God that hears our prayers if we humbly ask

Maybe it’s Maybelline💋

Who do you want to be a year from now?

10 PAX came out to the Sandlot for an extra chilly beatdown. This is what happened:





10 Gravel Pickers IC

R L leg up (quads)

Mosey down to Gastone’s hill. 2 Tyson burpees at every light pole RH side along the way

Round 1

Mosey up:

2x squats every RH mailbox on way up

Plank for 6 at top

5x Merkins/Derkins every RH mailbox on way to bottom

Squat hold for 6 at bottom

Mosey over to turd shack at Martha’s

Round 2 – Wall work

Hip Slappers x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

Dirty Hookups x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

R&R 2x

Mosey over to picnic shelter

Round 3

CDD’s x 15

Dips x 20

Peter Parker merkins x 10

Imperial walkers x 20

R&R 3x

Round 4

Burpees x 3

Lunges x 10

Hillbillies x 20

R&R 3x

Mosey back to start

Tyson burpee at every light on the way back to Martha’s entrance.




Race City 10th anniversary this Saturday

Community foundation run April 1st

Speed for need signup – To push talk to Broke. More track commanders needed


FinalApril 1st at Folsom before community foundation run.

Also a pain lab at FUSE before community foundation run.

2nd f lunch at JR cash 22nd at 12 pm

Blood drive to benefit strong like AK at twisted Sugar April 1st

Time laps


Flintstone’s dad – Prayers for strength during upcoming treatments – April 4th treatment starts

Dirt- meniscus tear,

Arrowwood family – prayers for comfort

Tigers mom – Continuer prayers for comfort and strength

Whoopee’s mom, struggling with upcoming move and life-changes.


EZ riders son is continuing to do well.

Keep pushing rocks fellas.  pushing the smaller metaphorical rocks in our life makes us stronger and more equipped to handle the bigger ones that come our way 💪 pick out a few goals for yourself 6 months or a year from now and the obstacles you need to overcome in order to achieve them.  Push those obstables consistently for 6 months and see what happens. Imagine the best life you can for yourself and your loved ones  and try to make it a reality. 

Thanks for pushing me along, couldn’t and wouldn’t do it without you guys 👊

Maybe it’s Maybelline💋

Bacon and Burpees on a chilly morning

13 HIMs braved the cold and met up at a gloomy goat for worn out weinke beatdown, les by YHC. This is what happened:





10 Gravel Pickers IC

R L leg up (quads)

5 burpees for the train

Mosey to upper lot

The Thang

Round 1

Oblique crunches x 20

Superman pull-ups x 10

Mike Tysons x 10

Mosey around block and back up stairs

R&R 3x


13 + YHC

Mosey over to tunnel, 7 each side, grab a spot on the wall

Wall work

Hip Slappers x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

Dirty Hookups x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

R&R 3x

Mosey back over to upper lot

Round 2

CDD’s x 15

Peter Parker merkins x 10

Freddie Mercuries x 20

Mosey around block and back up stairs

R&R 3x

Round 3

Burpees x 5

Lunges x 10

Hillbillies x 20

Mosey around block and back up stairs

R&R 3x

Bonus Round

Flutter kicks x 30

Calf raises x 30

Imperial walkers x 20

Mosey around block and back up stairs

R&R 3x

Mosey back to start

At this point I had exhausted the weinke and we had 4 minutes left so I handed it over to the PAX to bring it home strong 💪

Tesla – SSH IC

Freon – LBC’s IC

Doodles – dying cockroaches IC





Downtown Friday, March 17th –  Short Sale v Balljoint

The Fighting Yank Saturday, March 18th freight v Whoopee -Ghost flag will be present

Community foundation run April 1st

Speed for need signup – To push talk to Broke. More track commanders needed

F3 Gastonia’s 8 year anniversary -March 21st. Post somewhere.

2nd f lunch at JR cash 22nd at 12 pm

Pockets bracket signup – it’s free!

Any old sneakers, any size, kids shoes especially. Bring to AO’s for termite to donate to an overseas organization. F3 receives financial benefit from donations as well.

Check presentation at primal for strong like AK. 3/18 at primal brewing.

Blood drive to benefit strong like AK at twisted Sugar April 1st

Time laps


Flintstone’s dad – Prayers for strength during upcoming treatments

Arrowwood family – prayers for comfort

Tigers mom – Continuer prayers for comfort and strength

Rebar- prayers for restoration healing


Orangeman -little pie

Thanks for the opportunity to lead today fellas.

Maybe it’s Maybelline💋

The Labyrinth 3/15


2 HIMs were at the Labyrinth when I rolled in at the bell. This is what happened.





10 Gravel Pickers IC

R L leg up (quads)

Mosey down to Martha’s, first island in the main parking lot.

The Thang

Round 1

Diamond Derkins x 10

Oblique crunches x 20

Superman pull-ups x 10

Mike Tysons x 10

Mosey to next island R&R 5x

Mosey to picnic shelter

Round 2

Dips x 20

Lunges x 10

Hillbillies x 20

Step-Ups x 20

Wall work

Hip Slappers x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

Dirty Hookups x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

Mosey back to start

Squats to finish

JJ w/flag





Downtown Friday, March 17th –  Short Sale v Balljoint

The Fighting Yank Saturday, March 18th freight v Whoopee -Ghost flag

Community foundation run April 1st

Speed for need signup – To push talk to Broke. More track commanders needed

F3 Gastonia’s 8 year anniversary -March 21st. Post somewhere.

2nd f lunch at JR cash 22nd at 12 pm

Pockets bracket signup – it’s free!

Any old sneakers, any size, kids shoes especially. Bring to AO’s for termite to donate to an overseas organization. F3 receives financial benefit from donations as well.

Check presentation at primal for strong like AK. Time laps


Flintstone’s dad prayers today.

Arrowwood family

Tigers mom


Making it on time


Thanks for the opportunity to lead today fellas.

Maybe it’s Maybelline💋

The Storm 3/14

13 PAX came out in the gloom for bootcamp this morning. This is what happened.






10 Gravel Pickers IC

R L leg up (quads)




Mosey towards the school, at the building:

Round 1

Diamond Derkins x 10

Oblique crunches x 20

Superman pull-ups x 10

Dips x 10

R&R 5x

Mosey around parking lot back up to school

Wall work

Hip Slappers x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

Dirty Hookups x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

R&R 1x

Round 2

Peter Parker Merkins x 10

Lunges x 10

Hillbillies x 20

Step-Ups x 20

R&R 5x

Bear Crawl across to island and back. Rinse and repeat round.

Plank for the 6 at the end of round.

Round 3

CDD’x 10

Squats x 10

Imperial walkers x 20

Bulgarian plit squats x 10

Mosey back to start for Freddie mercs IC and Flutters IC




Downtown Friday, March 17th –  Short Sale v Balljoint

The Fighting Yank Saturday, March 18th freight v Whoopee -Ghost flag

Community foundation run April 1st

Speed for need signup – To push talk to Broke. More track commanders needed -las

F3 Gastonia’s 8 year anniversary -March 21st. Post somewhere.

2nd f lunch at JR cash 22nd at 12 pm

Pockets bracket signup – it’s free!

Any old sneakers, any size, kids shoes especially. Bring to AO’s for termite to donate to an overseas organization. F3 receives financial benefit from donations as well.


Termite’s brother

Arrowwood family

Continued prayers Jenna glass

Tigers mom

Tooth Fairy – Daughter

Ratchet’s 2.0

Bubba Sparxxx – Grandmother


That we’re all healthy enough to be out here working and improving today and every day that we’re given.

Jenna glass – aneurism no complications since procedure

Thanks for the opportunity to lead today fellas.

Maybe it’s Maybelline💋

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