Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: JJ (Page 7 of 16)

Backwards Toward the Bank

YHC has had a long day which started about 0052 this morning so this will be brief.

YHC moseyed to The Pub and found the PAX stretching and catching up, or getting in some EC.

Route was announced. Reverse route down Armstrong, left turn on Armstrong, left turn at the bank and onto New Hope, right on E Lee, left on E Perry, right on Armstrong.

The Pledge. And we’re off…

Some ran that route, some did another route, some got turned around. Good work put in by all.

PT Test this Sat at Gashouse
8/10 – 50 mile relay around the Gashouse AOs
8/17 – Skating w/ Mayor
8/24 – JJ5k

Prayer Requests
Breaker Breaker’s uncle w/ health issues
Jeff Gale
Breaker Breaker’s sister-in-law with back issues
Courtney, recovery after accident
BOS and family w/ dad’s funeral today
Waterboy’s trip out West

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Back to School

In honor of the first day of classes for most students in Gaston County, The Labyrinth went Back to School.

YHC arrived to find Maybelline sitting lonely by the shovel flag after getting in some EC. Capt Stubing rolled in a little before 0530, and it was time to go.

(Very) Quick disclaimer

The Pledge

And time to hop on the bus…

Like the giant yellow school buses, the PAX needed a little warm-up. With the tune of The Wheels on the Bus playing in your mind, the warm-up went like this:

Wheels on the bus go round and round: Freddie Mercury IC x 15
Wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish: SSH IC x 15
Horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep: Burpees x 5
Driver on the bus says move on back, move on back, move on back: NUR a lap around Snoball’s

Time to mosey the bus down the road. Our route took us up (and down) Gastone’s Hill. Had to pick up the kids on the bus, so at every mailbox (up and down) 5 Merkins (27 mailboxes, which Maybelline was able to calculate as 135 Merkins). Props to the Site Q for being ready to math on the first day of school.

After picking up the kids, the bus was on its way again. We found out some of the kids forgot some of their school supplies so we had to stop by Dollar General on the way to school.

Little Timmy forgot his Squats, so we picked those up for him. He got one for each kid on the bus so we did 27 Squats IC.
Maybelline forgot his Mike Tysons so we did 27 Mike Tysons IC.
Capt Stubing found a cockroach on the bus so the kids each stomped one out and we did 27 Dying Cockroaches IC.
There are no weapons allowed on the bus, but Little Janie forgot her American Hammers so we had to pick those up. 27 American Hammers IC

Now that everyone had all their school supplies, the PAX moseyed across the street to the school.

First class of the day was Geometry so we started with a lesson on shapes. PAX did Rectangle Four Corners in the parking lot.

Corner 1: 10 Plank Jacks
Corner 2: 10 Plank Jacks, 20 Squats
Corner 3: 10 Plank Jacks, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs
Corner 4: 10 Plank Jacks, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs, 40 Flutter Kicks (count 1 leg)

Only had time for 1 class today so time to mosey back. Stop at the base of Gaston’s Hill to drop off the kids (let them walk up the hill themselves, bus driver got to get home) Merkins x 5

Mosey back to Snoball’s

F3 dads – 8/20 in Belmont
PT Test in September
F3 lunch (which was yesterday, I blame the low attendance on YHC not writing this BB fast enough)
JJ 5k
Convergence w/ Lake Wylie (Details TBD)

Prayer Requests
Jennifer, Maybelline’s co-worker with foot injury
Simpson family
Kids, parents, teachers as school starts back
Men and women in armed services
Murtaugh in Texas
JJ’s aunt, surgery for broken hip

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

Dónde estoy?

Sometimes you lose track of time. Sometimes you don’t even know what day of the week it is. It happens. This story begins after the workout on Monday at The Sandlot, not Martha’s House. Told the PAX that I had Q that Weds at The Labyrinth (also not Martha’s House). Watts Up mentioned not having the Uno weinke in a while so YHC immediately knew what we’d be doing on Weds at The Labyrinth (not Neverland).

YHC showed up this AM to find a lonely GSM vehicle in the parking lot so YHC knew that EZ Rider was there waiting. As YHC was walking from his vehicle, a PAX rolls up on his yellow motorcycle. In dramatic fashion, he removes his helmet and Roscoe reveals his identify. Two more vehicles tear into the parking lot with only a coupe of minutes to spare before 530. After cutting the pleasantries short, we got to work…

The Pledge

SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
LBCs x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15

Mosey to the building between the ballfields at the park. The Game is Uno and the cards determine the exercises. 7 cards per hand with a mosey around the field after each hand.

Red: Round 1 – LBCs; Round 2 – Crunchy Frogs; Round 3 – Reverse Crunches
Yellow: Rd 1 – Squats; Rd 2 – Calf Raises; Rd 3 – Jump Squats
Green: Rd 1 – Flutter Kicks; Rd 2 – American Hammers; Rd 3 – Freddie Mercury
Blue: Rd 1 – Merkins; Rd 2 – CDDs; Rd 3 – Hand Release Merkins
Draw 2 – 5 Burpees
Draw 4 – 10 Burpees
Reverse – Mosey a lap clockwise around a ballfield
Skip – Lunge walk between the fields
Wild – PAX choice x 25
1-5 – Multiply the number by 10 to get the reps
6-9 – Multiple the number by 5 to get the reps
0 – 10 reps

After shuffling and having EZ Rider cut the deck, the first hand was dealt.

First Hand:
Yellow 3 – 30 Squats
Wild – 25 Squats (EZ Rider’s choice)
Green 3 – 30 Flutter Kicks
Red 5 – 50 LBCs
Yellow Skip – Lunge walk down the path to the third light on the right
Yellow 5 – 50 Squats
Red Skip – Lunge walk down the path to the second light on the right

Mosey a lap around the field

Second Hand:
Yellow 0 – 10 Calf Raises
Blue 9 – 45 CDDs
Green 8 – 40 American Hammers
Green 9 – 45 American Hammers
Red 9 – 45 Crunchy Frogs
Red 6 – 30 Crunchy Frogs
Yellow 8 – 40 Calf Raises

Mosey a lap around the field

Third Hand:
Yellow 9 – 45 Jump Squats
Green 8 – 40 Freddie Mercury
Green 7 – 35 Freddie Mercury
Draw 4 – 10 Burpees
Yellow Skip – Lunge walk down the path to the first light on the right
Red Skip – Lunge walk down the path to the third light on the left
Green 1 – 10 Freddie Mercury

Mosey a lap around the field and back to Pelican’s

Tubing on the Green River – This Sat, be there at 10:30
Blood Drive in August
F3 Dads in Belmont in August

Prayer Requests
EZ Rider family members
Traveling safeties
Hushpuppy – 2.0 trip to NYC
Murtaugh travel to border to assist with patrol
Maybelline – Co-worker Jennifer foot run over by forklift

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

What Does the Blox Say?

YHC saw on Weds morning that EZ Rider needed a substitute Q this weekend at Gashouse (EZ if you’re reading this, hope you are feeling better). It was one of those situations where YHC knew he needed to respond right away and take it, but he didn’t. The next morning, Whoopee put out a similar request for a substitute Q. YHC knew he was due for a Q at the Gashouse prior to seeing EZ’s message and this was a sign that he needed to take it so he jumped on it that time.

SSH IC x 15
Merkins IC x 15
LBCs IC x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15

The Pledge

Boot campers moseyed while the Pain Labbers stayed with Tube.

Mosey to the parking lot near the ball field at First Pres.

YHC asked Linus to pick a number between 1 and 5. He picked 3.

Lunge Walk the length of the parking lot while stopping at every other line for 3 Squats

At the other end, Bear Crawl back on the next row over while stopping at every other line for 3 Merkins.
Prior to the trip back, YHC then let the PAX know that he hated Bear Crawls just so they’d know he disliked this as much as them.

Mosey to the steps for a round of 22’s (think 11’s but increasing/decreasing by 2).

YHC had picked out Big Boys at the top of the steps and let Watts Up choose the exercise for the bottom of the steps. He chose Flutter Kicks.
YHC let Linus decide which exercise to start with 20. While he was thinking, Watts Up and Defib chimed in that 20 Big Boys were preferable for the start.

Once this was done, mosey to the bottom of the hill near the Boy Scout hut. At this point, Linus pointed out what he thought was a fox. In the right light, at the right angle, it did appear to be some sort of animal, but with a further gaze, it was found to just be a couple blocks of wood stacked on each other. “What does the Blox say?”

Partner up for a round of Dora 1-2-3.

100 Merkins
200 Squats
300 LBCs

Throughout the workout, there seemed to be strong mumble chatter amongst the PAX. Linus and I had the exercises at the same time during Dora so we were able to solve the Name/Image/Likeness (NIL) problem in college sports. “I’m partial to women” was said at one point during the exercises. On its own, this could be taken in many different ways, and it made me chuckle. However put in context, this makes more sense given Linus has two daughters and he was concerned how women’s sports would be impacted with this new money/power dynamic in sports and also how female safety on campus would be impacted if athletes felt even more empowered by the new ways to enrich themselves.

Mosey back to the Schiele

Enough time for a couple rounds of Mary led by Defib, Linus, and Short Sale

Murph on Memorial Day, 7am at The Sandlot
New AO – The Down-Lo in Ranlo

Prayer Requests
Watts Up’s M and 2.0 traveling to Missouri
Tube’s M with kidney stone
Bondo’s co-worker’s baby

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

Quick post script on my thoughts going into this Q. Over the last couple of months, I’ve heard John F. Kennedy’s “To the Moon” speech referenced multiple times on various occasions. One of the points in that speech is that we are going to the moon “not because it is easy, but because it is hard.” I think of F3 and its principles every time I hear that quote. We get up early for boot camps, go on long moseys, and take part in CSAUPs not because they are easy but because they will challenge us in some way. We choose to be leaders in our homes, our churches, and our communities not because it is easy but because it is needed and is best taken on by men with courage and strong moral conviction. I appreciate every man in this region for their encouragement and example as leaders when leadership is needed now more than ever.

May the Fourth Be With You

The week prior Dirt asked for a Q for next week. My first thought was “YHC could do it”, but when he said it would be May 4th, that sealed the deal. After developing a hokey, Star Wars-themed weinke, YHC showed up in the gloom on May the 4th to find a parking lot emptier than Dagobah when Luke landed there in The Empire Strikes back. As 0530 approached, two figures were headed back from the park. Only three PAX would defeat the dark side of the force and escape the fartsack for this intergalactic adventure.

The Pledge


SSH IC x 10
Markins IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Imperial Walkers IC x 10

Mosey to the park

Starting far, far away at the end of the parking lot closet to the playground, we’d go through a round of Death Stars. Partner up (ummm, with only three, someone would be going Han Solo; yep, YHC just said that).

Partner 1 made the Kessel Run to the other end of the parking lot.

Partner 2 stayed and completed a round of exercises. One exercise for each Kessel Run trip.

S – imperial Squat walkers
T – Tie fighters (lunges while doing arm circles, who knew, it’s in the exicon)
A – AT-STs (AlTernating Shoulder Taps; the Empire used those in the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi)
R – Reverse crunches (OK, nothing related to Star Wars for R in the exicon)

So what makes them Death Stars? The exercises were AMRAP while the partner ran. That’s not a small parking lot…

After that was complete, mosey to the building between the baseball fields.

Star Wars Trivia – Start at 25 SSH and 1 burpee. For every question the PAX got right, SSH decreased by 5. For every question the PAX got wrong, burpees increased by 1. After the question, the PAX would mosey half-way down the path between the fields and complete the exercise. Unfortunately for YHC and Watts Up, Dirt was not a Star Wars fan so it was all on WU. At this point, I believe these were the questions that were used (had a longer list) and in somewhat correct order.

Trivia Question: In Star Wars, what do they call the invisible power that binds the galaxy together?
Answer: The Force
Correct – 25 SSH

Trivia Question: Who is the creator of Star Wars?
Answer: George Lucas
Correct – 20 SSH

Trivia Question: What is the name of Boba Fett’s ship?
Answer: Slave 1
Wrong – 1 burpee

Trivia Question: Who is Chancellor Palpatine’s Sith alter-ego?
Answer: Darth Sidious
Wrong – 2 burpees

Trivia Question: What is the name of Han’s friend running the cloud city of Bespin?
Answer: Lando Calrissian
Wrong – 3 burpees

What year did the first Star Wars movie come out?
Answer: 1977.
Correct – 15 SSH

Question: According to Yoda, there are always how many Sith Lords…no more, no less?
Answer: Two (Rule of Two).
Wrong – 4 burpees

Question: What color was Mace Windu’s lightsaber?
Answer: Purple.
Wrong – 5 burpees

Mosey back to Snowball’s.

Murph at Sandlot on Memorial Day at 0700

Prayer Requests

YHC would have done a better job documenting these announcements and prayer requests but left his phone at the building at the baseball fields. After the prayer, had to sprint back to pick it up.

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Lucky 11

Yes, March 17th is Saint Patrick’s Day. It is also my youngest 2.0’s birthday. So he would play into the choice for the route on this day’s mosey through SOGA.

YHC ran the usual 1-mile EC into The Pub to find other PAX also running all over The Pub lot. There was so many folks in motion that YHC did a double-check on my watch to make sure YHC wasn’t an hour late. Whoopee, Roscoe, and Stroganoff were coming from the far end, Breaker was coming up by McDonald’s, and Waterboy ran up behind me from Gaston Day School Rd. You can tell we are in the heart of relay and race season with all the work being put in.

PAX gathered together. It was good to see Burgandy back with us. Strava tells me that he’s putting in work all the time, but it was good to have him run with us.

The Pledge.

The route. My M had painted the rock at Hawk’s Nest for our 2.0’s birthday so we were going to mosey by it on the way to Martha’s and back to check out her artwork.

Some of us ran in a group and got to hear Waterboy’s fascinating tales of his time in Indonesia. If you can keep up with him, it’s work it for those stories. On the way back, Roscoe urged me to stop at the rock for a picture. He then provided the push on the way back to The Pub as we worked to catch up with the rest of the group.

Slaughter with the Q downtown tomorrow (yes, this is in time so that it’s still tomorrow)
Mortimer coming up

Prayer Requests
Big Pappy
Swimmer’s family
Breaker Breaker’s uncle
Breaker Breaker’s M’s student
Check out the prayer-list channel on slack for the full list


Prayer to take us out.

Until next time, Shine On…

22’s for Mia

Mia Stokes was an 18-year-old college freshman at South Carolina-Union who was less than 3 weeks away from her 19th birthday. On February 7, 2020, she was killed by a drunk driver the night before her first home softball game. This may seem like a strange way to start a BB or an unconventional source of inspiration for a weinke, but the impact Mia has made needs to be shared. She may have been quiet in voice, but her actions and love of Jesus spoke volumes during her time on Earth and since the night this bright light was taken from the world. My goal with this Q was to tell her story and show that Mia’s light still burns bright, and that she set an example for all of us on the impact we can have.

Having the Q, YHC arrived Downtown earlier than usual and was the only PAX until Slaw walked up around 0527. He noted that at this AO, the PAX were notorious for showing up right at time. YHC agreed and acknowledged that I was usually one of the ones coming in on two wheels.

In the next 2 minutes, a good group had formed, and it was time to get started.
SSH IC x 22
Imperial Walkers x 22
Merkins – Single Count x 22

The Pledge

Mosey towards the FUSE district. Stops at the stop lights to wait on the 6. Stop for 22 Single Count Merkins to allow the 6 to catch up

The Thang

We stopped at the upper parking lot at CaroMont Health Park. Mia had a love of sports and especially softball which she played on the team at USC-Union. So there was no better place to honor her memory than in the lights of the ballpark with home plate in sight. In college, Mia wore #22 so the next part of the workout would be 22s (Think 11s by 2).

2 Merkins on one side of the parking lot, mosey to the other side, 20 Big Boys
Mosey back for 4 Merkins, mosey to the other side, 18 Big Boys
Rinse and Repeat

There was way too much personal information shared during this time about rashes and ointments, so we’ll just move on.

Given the time and for consideration of everyone’s tailbone, we moved on to the next group of exercises. At this point, Wirenut provided feedback, “But we haven’t finished this yet” which had a hint of “Why are we quitting?”

The next part of Mia’s story that I shared was that she didn’t go through life alone. She had an identical twin sister, and those two were inseparable. It was always, “Mia and Mallory” or “Mallory and Mia.” Whether it was at church, at school, or on the ballfield, you never saw one without the other. Mallory was Mia’s teammate at USC-Union, and also in the car the night Mia was killed. As you can imagine, this has been a horrific journey for Mallory, but as I shared later, she has found a purpose to help carry on. We should all love one another as people the way those two love each other. In that spirit of partnership, we partnered up for Mia 220’s. Think Dora 1-2-3 except with 220 reps.

Partner 1 completes the exercises while Partner 2 runs. When P1 returns, P2 runs and P1 exercises.
LBCs x 220
Flutter Kicks x 220 (count one leg only)
American Hammers x 220 (count one side)

If you’ve noticed, this weinke was heavy on core and upper body and light on legs. YHC has the Dam to Dam Relay tomorrow. So other than the mosey to the ballpark and back, YHC tried to keep it light on the legs.

Once the groups were done, it was time to mosey back. Stop along the way to plank to gather the 6. Stop again for 22 Single Count Merkins to gather the 6.

The PAX probably thought we were done when we passed the pavilion but mosey past the start and into the parking lot. Since we didn’t finish the 22s, there was time left to finish those out. YHC didn’t want to shortchange Wirenut.

A train passed by so 5 Burpees for the train.

Short mosey back to the start.

22 final Single Count Merkins

YHC shared with the PAX that Mia’s sister, Mallory, has found a purpose even through the hurt and pain. It makes me think of the Jocko podcast where he stresses the need for combat veterans to get involved, find a place to serve, and find your purpose in order to cope with the things in your past. I believe I’m relating this story correctly, but early in 2020, Mia said that her “God Goal” for 2020 was to tell more people about Jesus. Mallory has made it her purpose to honor her sister’s name, keep her legacy alive, and ensure that people hear about the power of Jesus Christ through the life her sister lived. She and her family have established the Mia Stokes Foundation which gives back to causes that Mia was passionate about, and this has allowed for Mia’s God Goal to be magnified. In 2021 alone, they were already able to give back over $44k dollars for those in need. They sell shirts and other gear with phrases that Mia had written in her journals using her handwriting. It’s cool stuff that you should check out ( YHC then encouraged the PAX to find their purpose and that place where they could serve and let their light Shine On.

Lots of relays
Dam to Dam tomorrow
Need a P200 runner
Need a couple of SMR runner (This was nicknamed the “Smokin’ Much Reefer if you think you’re getting me out there”)

Prayer Requests
The Stokes family
Wichita’s mom
Wirenut’s mom
Time Frame’s aunt
Gear Wrench’s great uncle, Bill

Prayer to take us out

I’d been a little anxious about this Q because I wanted to honor Mia in the right way without making it hokey. It all came full circle for me when Pallbearer shared that he had served at Mia’s funeral and what a great work the foundation was doing. I’d never posted with Pallbearer before, but it seemed like it was more than just a coincidence that this was the first time. I’ll leave it at that, and close by saying don’t take a single day for granted. Love others with a reckless abandon and find a way to serve others and give glory to God.

Until next time, Shine On…

Easy, Fresh, Affordable

We were only a month into the year, but the weinke to start the week at The Sandlot was going to be based on a year-to-date review of what JJ has been up to. YHC arrived on a drizzly morning that earned the term, the gloom. As 0530 neared, PAX were still driving up, and as we hit 0530, PAX were still walking up. They’ll catch up. We have to get started.

The Pledge

This was the first week of the walk/ruck option at The Sandlot, so 6 PAX took off after the pledge to do their thing. The remaining 5 stayed for the warmup

SSH x 9
Squats x 9
Hillbillies x 9
Merkins x 9
LBCs x 9
(That’s 45 reps)

The ground was cold and wet so it was met with great fanfare when YHC called “Recover” after only 9 LBCs. Let’s mosey. Down the sidewalk, over the hole, past Planet Fitness where Sargento actively EH’ed a gentleman and his son walking into Planet Fitness, and over to the Food Lion parking lot.

To start the year, JJ and the family took advantage of the extra school vacation days for a covid-makeup trip to Universal Studios in Orlando. Those two parks are filled with thrill rides, but the Food Lion parking lot is the best I could do on the budget I was working with. To simulate the adventure of a Thrill Ride, we’d perform an exercise, run up one side of the parking spaces, perform an exercise at the other end, and then mosey back. Rinse and repeat for the 5 rows of parking spaces. 9 Squats on the lower end and 9 Big Boys on the upper end of the lot. (That’s 45 of each exercise). This parking lot was also wet and cold, but I didn’t want the wetness from the LBCs to go to waste.

Once that was complete, mosey over to Robinson Elementary for the second big event of JJ’s year-to-date adventure. YHC had turned 45 three Monday’s earlier. I would have done what most PAX do and took the birthday Q, but I was out of town on the holiday weekend. However, it was not too late for a birthday party. At the middle of the walkway, the PAX would give me a gift of an exercise and we’d do 10’s (kinda like 11’s, but with 10’s). Bubba Sparxxx gave me American Hammers, and Sargento gave me Merkins. My thought on that was that someone had given him Merkins, he doesn’t like them, and he re-gifted them to me. Don’t want them to go to waste. We’d mosey to one end for 1 American Hammer and then mosey to the other end for 9 Merkins. Mosey back for 2 AHs, then back for 8 Merkins. In total, it would be 45 of each exercise. Since I was three weeks late, we’d all stop for 3 burpees every time we crossed the middle which was marked with the birthday cone. Time flies when you’re having fun so we didn’t have time for 9 rounds. After 4 rounds, we had to cut it short, but we needed to get the 45 of each in. So we did 35 Hammers, mosey to the other end for 15 Merkins. Party over so let’s mosey.

The last and most recent event in the year of JJ was a trip the day before to Hawks Nest Snowtubing Park. This took us through Mortimer country so the last stop of the morning had to be at Gastone’s Hill #HTFU #HRB4L. Mosey up the hill while stopping at each mailbox on the right for 3 merkins. Fifteen mailboxes in total equaled 45 reps. Mosey back down the hill and back to Snowballs. Along the way we stopped at 5 different light posts for 9 Squats (yep, 45).

We returned right as the walk/ruckers did.

Retreat next weekend
Walk/Ruck at The Sandlot 0530
2F lunch next Weds – JR Cash in Mt Holly

Prayer Requests
Watts Up
Linus’s family
Wichita’s mom
Roundup’s family
Roscoe’s father-in-law

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

2021’s Last Call

For about the last six months, I’ve joined Waterboy on the journey down Gaston Day for EC prior to the mosey at The Pub. It’s helpful when you live exactly a mile from an AO. As YHC closed in on my run goal for the year, YHC was met with a surprise at the end of my driveway before the EC mosey. Flintstone and Whoopee were there waiting on me to run the mile that would get me one mile closer to my yearly goal. I want to thank them and all of the other PAX that have offered encouragement over the last couple of weeks as my goal got that much closer to a reality. It was greatly appreciated.

It was a very mild December morning so there was a good crowd gathered. Time to go…

The Pledge

The plan for the route was to run out of 2021 the way we ran into it. When Stroganoff Q’ed on 1/7/21, we ran:

Right out of The Pub onto Gaston Day School Rd til it turns into Armstrong Park Rd
Left on EAST Perry St
Right on Lee St
Left on S New Hope Rd
Right on Armstrong Park Dr
Right onto Armstrong Park Rd til is turns into Gaston Day School Rd

We ran the same route on 12/30/21.

Convergence @ Midoriyama (Oops)
Half Marathon – End of January
EC at Coconut Horse building up to Half Marathon

Prayer Requests
Stroganoff – Co-worker had stroke
Termite – brother with cancer
Folks dealing with covid

Prayer to take us out

Until sometime in 2022…

Back in the Day We Ran

That day being a few weeks ago because I just realized I never wrote the backblast.

PAX showed up.

The Pledge

We ran the Wells Fargo route backwards (sometimes referred to as the Wachovia route; you had to be there).

Gaston Day School Rd to Armstrong Park Rd to Armstrong Park Dr to New Hope Rd to Lee St to Perry St to Armstrong Park Rd to Gaston Day School Rd

Announcements (2 of the 3 are still relevant)
Extinction Run 11/6
Chad 1000 11/11

Prayer Requests
Roscoe’s Father-in-law
Linus’s Father
Family of Office Herrera

Prayer to take us out.

YHC apologies for the tardiness and begs forgiveness.

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