3 showed for a mosey on The Halfpipe
We ran. Paused for a brief COT. YHC Prayed us out.
Until next week…
Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
3 showed for a mosey on The Halfpipe
We ran. Paused for a brief COT. YHC Prayed us out.
Until next week…
With the Mortimer, P200, and Pushin’ Rocks Challenge all in the rear view, the training don’t stop. 4 PAX went out to The Halfpipe to get better.
Time Laps – sign up
Prayer Requests
All those traveling over the next week or more
Flintstone’s dad
Prayer to take us out.
Until next time…
5 PAX put in work at The Halfpipe. It was post-Mortimer week so some ran, some rucked, and some did station work. All continued to push the rock.
We paused for COT
The Pledge
Announcements – Lots going on 4/1
Community Foundation Run
Q vs Q – Folsom 0630
Pain Lab workout at Caromont Ballpark prior to Comm Foun Run
Gashouse closed on Sat
Bloom Drive in Belmont
Prayer Requests
Radar’s sister
Roscoe’s neighbor’s dad with bladder cancer
Families affected by Nashville shooting
Whoopee travel this weekend for High School friend
Families affected by storm in Mississippi
Prayer to take us out.
Until next week…
YHC had committed to Q The Labyrinth a few weeks prior not realizing this would be a few days before The Mortimer. That being said, the goal of this workout was to go light on leg work and not get hurt.
A mere 66 1/2 hours from the start of The Mortimer, the PAX were ready to go at 0530. Well… almost all of them were ready to go.
SSH IC x 22
LBCs IC x 22
It was at this point that the Site Q came in hot and joined the circle.
Imperial Walkers IC x 22
Mosey to the shelter at the Turd Shack.
Dips IC x 22
American Hammers IC x 21 (yeah, sometimes YHC can’t count and think about the next exercise at the same)
Derkins IC x 11
Dips IC x 11
American Hammers IC x 22
Hand-release Merkins x 11
Mosey to the path at the lower soccer field.
Mosey on the path to the other side of the field, there stop and do 22 Flutter Kicks (count 1 leg)
Mosey back and do 22 LBCs
The option to lunge a shorter distance was given with the 22 Flutters before lunging back.
Another round with 22 Freddy Mercury’s on the other side, return for 22 LBCs
Another round with 22 Dying Cockroaches on the other side, return for 22 LBCs
A final round with 22 Reverse Crunches on the other side, return for 22 LBCs
Mosey the outer path around the ball fields and back to the flag.
3/22 2nd F lunch @ JR Cash which you missed if your hadn’t heard before you just read this
4/1 Blood drive in Belmont
4/1 Community Foundation Run / Q vs Q / Workout at Caromont Ballpark prior to CF Run
Prayer Requests
Runners this upcoming weekend
Flintstone’s dad
EZ Rider’s son
Ratchet’s 2.0
Prayer to take us out.
Until next time…
For some, March brings happiness, joy, and hope in the sports world. For others, it brings sadness and pain. This is the season of March Badness.
0530 on Monday in the Snoball’s parking lot, let’s get to it.
SSH IC x 15
Merkins IC x 15
At this point, the PAX questioned the pace of the warm-up. Perhaps, YHC still had the adrenaline flowing from the QvQ show put on Saturday by SA and Short Sale.
LBCs IC x 15
Imperial Walkers IC x 15
The Pledge
Mosey to the start of the street beside Snoball’s.
Mosey down the road with a stop at each light for 5 squats.
At Gastone’s Hill, we’d cover the BAD in BADNESS.
Mosey up the hill stopping at each mailbox for 1 Burpee.
At the top, 16 American hammers IC
Mosey down the hill and stop at each mailbox for 1 Derkin.
Continue to mosey down the street to the end still stopping at each light for 5 squats.
Mosey to the Food Lion parking lot for the NESS portion of BADNESS and Four corners
Lap 1
Nolan Ryans x 20 (10 each arm)
Escalating Big Boys x 10
Squats x 20
SSH x 20
Lap 2
Nolan Ryans x 20 (10 each arm)
Escalating Big Boys x 15 (see, we escalated)
Squats x 20
SSH x 20
Had to return Whoopee back by 0600 so he could go do his SCA-thing so 4-corners cut short.
Stop at the mini wall in front of the abandoned bank for Step-ups and Dips
Then over to the abandoned bank parking lot for 11’s.
10 Mike Tyson’s / 1 Jump Squat
Repeat until 1 Mike Tyson / 10 Jump Squats
Mosey back to the flag with 15 seconds remaining.
Felt awkward to just stand there for 15 seconds so we did 5 SSH IC.
PAX raised $1,060 from the Extinction Run; the check presentation will be this Friday
Q vs Q Friday Downtown and Saturday at The Yank
F3 Gastonia anniversary on 3/21 – Find an AO and Post!
Time Laps in May
F3 Dads Event on the horizon
Community Foundation Run
Prayer Requests
EZ Rider – Family members
Flintstone’s dad
Prayer to take us out.
Until next time…
5 PAX ran or rucked The Halfpipe. Scrat was there so she should get some sort of credit.
3/9 and 3/11 – QvQ
3/22 – 2nd F Lunch – JR Cash in Mt Holly
4/1 – Community Foundation Run
May – Time Laps at the Whitewater Center
Prayer Requests
Stroganoff Mother-in-law and Gastone Father-in-law
Radar’s sister
Ratchet’s 2.0
Prayer to take us out.
Until next week…
Wicklow to Windstone; Back and forth
Pause for the COT
The Pledge
Extinction Run; note 0930 start
Q vs Q coming up
Watch calendar for upcoming events to be announced
Prayer Requests
Volt’s 2.0
Family of Skip McPhail
Flintstone’s parents
Stroganoff’s mother-in-law
Prayer to take us out.
There was initially concern that the second running of the FRC D-2-D relay was going to get off to a rocky start. For the second year in a row, a charter member of the FRC pulled out of the relay. Why this year? His children had a reg season rec league b-ball games. Thankfully, JJ, who’s children were BOTH playing in a Championship Rec League Game on the same day, decided to tag along. It’s good to see at least some people still honor commitments and have proper priorities!
Sargento provided the ride, Captains chairs in the back seat!!! There was some trepidation among the group as Seuss took the front passenger seat and claimed the title of “navigator.” JJ provided the obligatory 24 bottles of water for 4 people (each of us also brought our own fluid resuscitation) and we were off!!!
We arrived with time to spare for leg 1 and mumble chatter ensued, with no less than 3 other teams asking us “where’s Tesla?” Not one asked about what FRC stood for, a point that we will need to provide education on for next years race. Suddenly, the “gun” went off and Seuss was off with other runners, who were all told to NOT RUN IN THE ROAD. About this time, Quiche popped open his “coke” (it was actually a Pepsi because they were cheaper) and prepared to run.
Summary of legs 1-4- We ran well. Order was Seuss, JJ, Quickie, Sargento. Seuss finished his run only to complain that a driver told him to NOT RUN IN THE ROAD while he was running in the road!!! Found Breaker-Breaker at the first exchange zone, who had already put a moratorium on “F-bombs” and crude jokes from Tesla, apparently. High point of these legs was Seuss sweating so much that he had to put a towel on the seat! Handoffs were clean and we moved quickly; Sargento had a South Point talent pageant that Queso was a part of that he had to get back to by 600. It was noted that after his first leg, Sargento drank a muscle mild, some vitamin supplement drink, ate a sandwich, and had some yogurt.
Summary of legs 5-8- We slowed a little. Same order. Seuss’ knee started hurting (and gosh darn did he complain about it). High point (or low) occurred at transition zone 7-8. Before Quise started, he told Sargento “based on my pace on the last leg, I am expecting to finish in 42-43 minutes,” hoping to shave even seconds off of their time with great transitions. Qiusc arrived at the exchange zone at 43:10 (late) with Sargento only to be seen streaking from the vehicle shedding some big red parka WHILE STUFFING HIS FACE WITH GUMMY BEARS!!! Needless to say, Seuss and Keshe were not amused, as precious time was lost.
Summary of legs 9-12- We survived. Same order. With an average age of somewhere in the mid 50s (thanks, Seuss), we realized stamina was waning. Keesh drank another “coke.” Sargento ate more gummies, a bag of chips, another yogurt, and I think a banana after his second run, trying to set a record for the most weight gain during a relay. Seuss didn’t know where we were, and it was okay. At this point, JJ didn’t really care about the race, as the first championship game was done and his son’s team WON!! A replay of the leg 7-8 handoff occurred at zone 11-12, with Sargento trying to find a satellite signal in the middle of nowhere SC, forgetting his bib, and then trying to EH each of the other people who were standing there (they were all already in F3). Finally, we crossed the finish line killing 64 people together as a team, finishing 10th overall and 3rd in the Master’s division!!
POST RACE: While waiting for Sargento, 6 very fit members of the DAM-sels team approached us to take their picture. Except it wasn’t “us.” It was Seuss. Seuss fumbled briefly with the camera they handed him and tried to take a picture, only for us to hear one say “move closer for a better picture” while JJ and I stood wide eyed and dumfounded. There was absolutely no doubt this group of women seemed to be attracted to the Old Geezer!!! And then what happened next? You will have to ask Seuss 😊
A few minutes later, Bubba Sparxx took his shirt off in the parking lot creating a moment for all of us exactly opposite of what had occurred to Seuss.
The trip home was filled Sargento eating more food, discussions about mispronouncing Westminster (no “I” between the ”n” and the “s”) and Pakistan (the “a” is like “yawn”), learning about “fat Seuss” and Fat JJ (HE HAS PICS!!!), and Sargento complaining about not having beer at the end of the race and then driving past a brewery to get to Queso’s beauty pageant on time, another example of misplaced priorities.
All in all, an unbelievable time with 3 amazing HIMs. Already starting to prepare for next year!
We ran from one hill top to the other and then back again. The fellowship made the time go by quick. Great to see Gastone back out for a second straight week.
As we start to get into race season, this is a great training run that’s pretty secure in the neighborhood. Just a few knuckleheads that find Stop signs optional at 0550 in the morning. Look forward to seeing you out there next week.
Viking Dash
Q Tournament Entries
Extinction Run
Prayer Requests
Continued healing for Roscoe’s mom after knee surgery
Prayer to take us out.
Until next week…
For any PAX showing up to The Sandlot looking for the Q on the Teamup app, they were going to be sadly disappointed. The scheduled Q took an unexpected trip to the IR so YHC had to step in and help this group of rock pushers start their work week. As we stood around waiting for 0530, there were some comments about when the scheduled Q would show and comments that he’d be coming in hot. It was at that point that YHC informed them of the change and directed them to submit any feedback to The Sandlot’s Director of Customer Satisfaction, Leeeroooy Jennnkins.
0530 on the clock, let’s get started. Disclaimer
SSH IC x 15
Merkins IC x 10
LBCs IC x 15
Imperial Walkers IC x 15
Count off, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Let’s mosey towards Gastone’s Hill. Stop at the first light post for 3 squats. As we continued to mosey the PAX called out, “Car back”. However, no car ever passed. Stop at next light post, 4 squats. As we stopped at this light post, I noticed that there were a couple PAX catching up. It appears we’d picked up one from the car that never passed. Stop at each light post, for squats. At some posts, the count increased by 1, and at some, the count decreased by 1. The final light post was 7 squats.
We ended up at Gastone’s Hill. Up the hill, stop at each mailbox on the right for 1 merkin. At the top of the hill, the youngsters (Maybelline and Amazon) were waiting, holding Al Gore for the 6. It was at this point that YHC looked at my watch for a time check and found that my watch hadn’t started to track my movement. This meant it wouldn’t track the workout. This meant if it’s not on Strava, then it didn’t happen. I actually considered a mosey back to the flag for a restart. At 0545, this was not possible.
So we moseyed down the hill and took a right into one of the cul-de-sacs. We moseyed to the end and restarted, sort of. My watch hadn’t started and we’d picked up a PAX so YHC felt like a reset was in order. So in the back of the cul-de-sac, we did a Halfpipe-esque, whisper version of the warm-up.
SSH IC x 10
Merkins IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Imperial Walkers IC x 10
Count off, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Mosey out of the cul-de-sac stopping at two light posts for 3 and 4 squats respectively. Back up the rest of Gastone’s Hill stopping at the mailboxes on the right for 1 Merkin.
Mosey back down the hill, hang a right, through the Dollar General parking lot to the Food Lion parking lot.
Escalating Four Corners in a square
Corner 1 – 10 Hand release merkins
Corner 2 – 10 Hand release merkins, 20 Squats
Corner 3 – 10 Hand release merkins, 20 Squats, 30 SSH
Corner 4 – 10 Hand release merkins, 20 Squats, 30 SSH, 40 Flutter Kicks (count both sides)
De-escalating Four Corners in a rectangle
Corner 1 – 40 Flutter Kicks (count one side only)
Corner 2 – 30 SSH
Corner 3 – 20 Squats
Corner 4 – 10 Hand release merkins
Mosey behind Planet Fitness. YHC thought about jumping over the wall into the office parking lot. After thinking better of it, the Q was talked into jumping the wall. The PAX followed. Really wasn’t that dramatic. The wall was pretty short.
Quick round of Dora 1, 2, 3. Partner up now that we had an even 10.
Partner 1 ran to other side of parking lot and back. Partner 2 performed AMRAP Mike Tysons
Partner 1 ran to other side of parking lot, did 1 burpee on the other side, and ran back. Partner 2 performed AMRAP Jump Squats
Partner 1 ran to other side of parking lot, did 2 burpee on the other side, and ran back. Partner 2 performed AMRAP Crunchy Frogs
Mosey back to the flag.
Folsom Winter Nationals 2/11 @ 0630 – all other AOs closed that day
Viking Dash – Post Park 2/18
Extinction Run 3/4 @ 0900 – Primal Brewery in Belmont
Young Life Golf Tournament – 5/15
Prayer Requests
Watts Up – Niece’s son has open heart surgery this Weds
Youth from JJ’s church, Charlie, had seizure Sunday morning while at church (follow-up… unfortunately, he had almost a dozen cluster seizures starting Sunday evening)
Wirenut and family
Bubba Sparxx’s grandmother
EZ Rider’s son
Hushpuppy’s co-worker’s son
Prayer to take us out.
Until next time…
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