Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Huckleberry (Page 13 of 13)

4 corners of pain

8 men resisted the fartsacking urge and ventured into the gloom.  Hank always brings the pain, and we knew today would be no different.


all x 15IC – toy soldiers, ssh, cherry pickers and Allen Tates (monkey humpers).


grab a jump rope and mosey to the tennis courts.

the thang went like this.  Hank informed us we’d be hitting the four corners.  corner 1; jump rope 50 times. run to corner 2. corner 2; 25 burpees. zombie walk back to corner 1. jump rope 50 more times.  run to corner 3.  corner 3; 25 merkins. zombie walk to corner 2 and 25 burpees. zombie walk back to corner 1 for jump rope x 50.  run to corner 4.  corner 4; 50 (single count) flutter kicks. zombie walk to 3 and 25 merkins. zombie walk to corner 2 for 25 burpees, zombie walk to corner 1 for 50 more jump ropes.  run a lap, 50 more jump ropes.  then, run the corners backwards.  run to corner 4; 25 flutter kicks.  run to corner 3; 15 merkins.  run to corner 2; 15 burpees.  run back to the starting point. time was up at this point.

COT, announcements, prayer requests and closing prayer.  Hank – excellent Q, bro.  it’s not always the most complex workouts that are the hardest. everyone brought their A game this morning.

my hypocrisy knows no bounds

10 men abandoned the fartsack this morning for a brisk weather beat down.  after the last few rolled in a little hot, we began.


reverse crunch, rosalita wip, scorpion dry docks all x 15IC / squats x20IC.


the thang

little mosey to the lower packing lot.  started with 25 merkins, 25 lbcs and 25 flutter kicks OYO then run a lap. rinse and repeat.

mosey to the amphitheater for some rocky balboas x 20, mountain climbers x 25. moved to the wall for ascending testicles with 5 merkins each at 10 degrees, 45 degrees and 90 degrees (maybe more like 75-80). rinse and repeat.

mosey to the playground area for some xys x 15IC

mosey again to the tennis courts for some suicides.  long distance first and work your way back in.  had to call Omaha about half way through due to time.  circled up for some brief tabata.  45 sec merkins amrap, rest.  45 sec pretzels (each leg) recover.  mosey back to the starting point for some 5 merkin ring of fire.

announcements: Stowe Park and Folsom both launch this Saturday.  Prayer requests: sparky’s friend, each other and those still in the fartsack (or out of time). closing prayer.

Gentlemen – it’s and honor and a privilege to be a part of this group of men.  ISI is not a slogan, it’s a blessing.  This AO has provided more encouragement and accountability that I could have ever imagined.  it was also and honor to be able to Q this morning. until next time;

Phillipians 4:13


you’re a daisy if you do

10 of Folsom’s finest ventured into the gloom for the VQ.

with not a fng in sight, short disclaimer was given.


SSH x 15 ic / Floyd Mayweathers x 10 ic, switch/repeat / Allen Tates (monkey humpers) x 15 ic


short mosey. stopped and found rosalita 15 times ic

continue the mosey to the lower parking lot.

4 corner escalators. spot one: merkins x 10 / sprint to spot two: squat jumps x 15 + merkins x 10 / bear crawl to spot three: mountain climbers x 20 + squat jumps x 15 + merkins x 10 / sprint to spot four: lbc x 25 + mountain climbers x 20 + squat jumps x 15 + merkins x 10 / bear crawl back to start

mosey a little

Peter parkers x 10 ic

mosey some more

arrived to the tennis courts to partake in 11’s starting with 1 burpee and 10 imperial walkers.  went up and down the tennis courts.

afterwards we circled up for more fun

5 double merkin burpees, hillbillys x 10 ic, 5 double merkin burpees, monkey humpers x 10 ic, ring of fire with 5 merkins and 10 lbc, calf raises x 10 ic, don quixotes x 10 ic, 5 double merkin burpees.

mosey back to the parking lot to finish up with another ring of fire with 5 merkins and 5 additional double merkin burpees.

thank you all for the opportunity to q this morning. let’s keep pushing each other.

– Phillipians 4:13


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