YHC hadn’t gotten a chance to scope out this AO yet so I arrived a little early to find none other than a couple of vehicles I recognized (Seuss & Gold Digger of course) puttin in some EC. I dropped off a water bag (more on that later) then returned to the parking lot. I walked around a bit to see if what I had planned in my mind would work on site. All looked good and the PAX were starting to arrive. 13 showed to know!
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Warm Up:
- SSH x 20 IC
- Burpees x 5 OYO
- Moroccan Night Clubs x 20 IC
- Sprinklers x 15 IC
- The Thang:
- Triple Nickel around the horse-shoe (Mike Tysons / Squats)
- Mosey across street to elementary school bus lot entrance
- Modified (no stairs) Fire Brigade w/ the 60 lbs water bag (squat-turn-squat-pass) to the bus circle. HIMs did Rocky Balboas, merkins, & mountain climbers while waiting. Took 3x to reach circle.
- DORA 1,2,3 (Merkins x 100 / LBCs x 200 / Squats x 300)
- YHC returned water bag back to car since Dr. Seuss wouldn’t take when he left 🙂
- Stealing the bike rack! Group split on each side of bike rack, lifted & chest carried to opposite end of parking lot, 10 merkins using the rack, Group (except Tiger… who couldn’t reach the bar!) lifted again w/ overhead carry back to original position, 10 merkins
- With a couple minutes to spare YHC shared a verse on thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6-7) and each PAX shared something for which they were thankful
- Announcements:
- Thanksgiving triple post: Folsom @ 05:30 / Goat @ 07:00 / Pub-Turkey Trot ($5 donation for Christmas party) @ 08:30 (bring the family)
- Nomad trip to Shelby Convergence (12/5/20) @ 07:00 will likely meet @ Ingles and clowncar to Cleveland Community College across from fairgrounds then coffeerama likely to follow
- Bloodrive (12/10/20) @ 1p to 6p. Go to ARC website & search for F3
- Christmas Party (12/12/20) @ 6p @ Lewis Farms in Ranlo (see pre-blast and don’t forget to vote & sign up Huck will need a head count)
- Per November Challenge 12 mile ruck this Saturday (Location/Time TBD). Look for more info from Roscoe or Sargento
Prayer Requests:
- See Sargento’s 40-day prayer challenge list
- Add F3 Sprinkler? out of Belmont (Friend of Tiger & Orangeman) also has cataract surgery coming up may lose license if not successful
- Sargento prayed us out