Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Gumby (Page 6 of 7)


YHC picked up the Q as hunting season kicks in and several PAX are out in the woods hunting the four legged deer. At least that’s what they tell the rest of us.  YHC can’t sit still, so sitting in the woods being still for hours would be  similar to some kind of ancient torture chamber. I would rather be administering the torture instead of being tortured, so 6 PAX  enter the torture chamber this morning. No FNG’s so with a quick disclaimer we enter the chamber.


SSH and Gravel Pickers x15 IC


Mosey to the bottom parking lot and then back up to the entrance for the pledge with stops at every speed bump for 5 burpees. This got the mumblechatter started, one pax (Slaw) in particular was beside himself with joy at the call for burpees, others not so much.

We get to the flag and pledge and mosey to the parking lot across from the entrance for some suicides with merkins starting at 10 and at every divider going up 10 ending with 40.  Zig zag a lap of the parking lot and back to start for LBC suicides and another zig zag lap and ending with Squats and a zig zag lap. YHC thought there was 4 dividers so we had to change it up to get the numbers in.

Next we mosey to the parking lot at the turd shack with speed bump burpees on the way. Here we Bearcrawl the length of the parking lot from bottom to top with 2 merkins at every other line. This was a real crowd pleaser and one YHC will save for another day.  Run a lap around the parking lot and hit the turd shack for 2 rounds of 20 with Donkey Kicks, Hip Slappers, and LBCs.

YHC called a mosey to shelter only to omaha to the amphitheater where we did 2 rounds of  20 Arm Squats and unspecified number of  Rocky Balboas. Then high plank to low plank till YHC couldn’t hold it anymore. Mountain Climbers were next and were done till Q called halt.

Mosey to the start with a detour around the  lower parking lot and another set of burpees at the speed bump. With 4 miles behind us time was up and so was the Q.

Announcements; Christmastown 5K, and Christmas Party December 1 at Lotus in Gastonia. Hit Freight up for reservations.

Prayer Request;  Stroganoff’s friends daughter, another young kid with cancer, Hank’s friend Don, each other.

Circle up and YHC takes us out.

Hard work by everyone today! It’s an honor to lead a great group of guys, and thanks for the push from the PAX! Volt has consistently been there nearly every day since he started and is showing improvement every time, keep pushing man. Good to see our newest guy Rapunzel pushing hard and coming back for more. Slaw and Sister Act getting down to business when the exercises are called. Sgt. Hulka welcome back after a little hiatus with things of life keeping you away for a bit, good work today.

Better Late Than Never X2

4 HIMs posted on a nice and cool Thursday morning. 05:30 hit, it’s time for the beatdown.


SSH, Hillbillys, Don Quixote, and Gravel Pickers all x15 IC.


Let’s mosey to the flag at the entrance to the park. Mumble chatter already started as Medicine Woman had brought the shovel flag with him.  Well YHC has entered the McAdenville 5K and needs to run, so off we go. As we get to the top of the hill we see the lights of a truck entering the park. Another HIM? Turns out it was Sparky and as he passed us he says “Better late than never” we give him the aye’s and continue to the flag.

Get to the flag and do some exercises (YHC doesn’t remember what we did due to having slept since then) to let Sparky catch up to the rest of us. We say the pledge and mosey to the parking lot across from the entrance. Mosey down and around the parking lot then do some Mike Tysons and mosey to the divider for some LBCs  10 for the first round and repeat with 20 OYO.  Mosey again down and around the parking lot then head back toward the parking lot near the ball fields on the left. With 5 burpees at every speed bump along the way. Another round of the exercises that were done at the flag.

Mosey across the road and around the parking lot 2x and hit the turd shack for a round of donkey kicks and hip slappers x10 OYO.  Mosey back to start and trying to get as much mileage in as possible pass the start and head down the hill for a lap around the parking lot and back to start.  Logging 2.6 miles.


Announcements;  Speed for Need and Sister Acts VQ

Prayer Request;  Each other, our kids and family.

COT;  Awesome work by each of the PAX, as always an honor to lead a great group of men!

And as Sparky says, YHC posts this backblast on 10/29/17 “Better late than never”


I rolled into Folsom 15 minutes early to see 2  were already waiting for YHC to bring the beatdown.  Just a few minutes later and another  pulls in.  05:30 hits and we are  getting started when we see headlights coming heading in our direction.  YHC calls Morrocan Nightclubs to get the pax moving till the final one joins in.


Morrocan Nightclubs

Gravel Pickers

Don Quixotes

Mosey to the flag at park entrance for the pledge.

10 Merkins IC and proper Flutter Kicks by Medicine Woman. YHC doesn’t remember the count.

Mosey to parking lot by the rentabike stand.

10 Mike Tysons then Duck Walk to the median and do 10 LBC’s  sprint back to start then repeato  3X.

Another short mosey to the parking lot on the left side of the park near the pond.  Bearcrawl  and at every third line 5 merkins.  Down and back.

Mosey around to the shelter for Dips X 15 IC and 20 Big Boy Situps OYO.  Repeato 2X

20 stepups each leg then mosey 1 lap around parking lot then on to the amphitheater.

10 hip slappers each arm and 20 American Hammers.  Almost 2 miles according to Sparky’s FitAppleBit watch and nearly 10 miles on Medicine Woman’s.  Let’s get our 2 miles in. Mosey again to the parking lot for a lap and back to start. Not quite 2  so we hit the tennis courts for 2 laps.  Just over 2 miles logged and right on schedule 06:15.


Speed For Need

3rd F Coffee-rama Event- OCT 13th 7-8:30pm.

Prayer request

Sparky had some encouraging words for us. Thanks Sparky

Las Vegas, each other, our nation.

YHC took us out.

Thanks for the chance to lead you guys once again. Was a pleasure and an honor.


Wow was all I could say as I pulled up and seen several PAX congregating and more on their way in the parking lot as I was getting out of my vehicle. Great to see the turnout, not just for the numbers but for what F3 stands for, and everyone was there to get better and to show their support for their brothers at Folsom. 05:30 hits and it’s on! No FNG’s but a short disclaimer and we’re off.



SSH x 20 IC,  LBC x 20 IC, Don Quixote x 10 IC



Mosey to flag at entrance for the pledge, short mosey to nearby parking lot for 10 Merkins,  Bearcrawl to middle of lot for 20 LBC’s, Duck Walk the other half of lot for 30 squat’s.  Mosey back to top of parking lot for repeato.  Another short mosey to a nice hill for some hill work.  Whoopee had some words of encouragement and  what F3 stands for (Thanks Whoopee).  Here we do some 11’s with Big Boy’s at the top and Freddie Mercury’s at bottom with a nur back to the top.  A few of  us YHC included disturbed some ants at the top and they were not amused at us ringing their doorbell  so early in the morning,  I know I ended up with at least a dozen ant bites and Roadie and Huckleberry with quite a few too #antbitesitch. From here we mosey on to yet another one of the many parking lots for some Burpee Long Jumps across the lot with a Bearcrawl back to start. On to another mosey around the pond and back up to the amphitheater for some Flutter Kicks x 20 IC, American Hammers x 20 IC, Dips x 20 IC, Incline Merkins x 20 IC, and finally Derkins x 20 IC.  Mosey to lower shelter for 20 Step Ups IC.  Mosey back to start with Pizza Man taking enough lead to stop and do Burpee’s at the speed bump near the top of the hill.  Circle up  and pick up the 6 and Pizza Man calls Flutter Kicks, YHC  with LBC’s, Sister Act with Merkins and Huckleberry with Burpees.  YHC doesn’t remember the exact count on these as I was trying to catch my breath, but I think they were all done 10 IC with the Burpees being 10 OYO.  With that time was up.


Announcement’s:  JJ5K in September, Burpeethon not sure when, Mayor is taking point on that, Speed for Need (McAdenville 5K the Saturday after Thanksgiving),  #Give2Give for F3 expansion.


Prayer Request: Friend of Sparky and his M, Roadie’s M’s grandmother, Pizza Man’s niece, and each other.


Lots of hard work by everyone that posted today.  Way to push the rock! Shout out to Tadpole for hanging in there and pushing through.  Thank’s for pushing me to be better and  for the chance to lead a great group of men today. It was an honor.



4 PAX woke up early today to exercise their freedom that our forefathers fought hard for and gave their lives for. I do thank them for that and we celebrated that this morning in the gloom.



Gravel Pickers X 15 IC

Hillbillys X 15 IC


Mosey to the flag for the pledge. While we are here we put down 22 merkins for the vets. 20 of another exercise IC that YHC can’t think of the name of at the moment. Then on your 6 for 20 LBC’s for Roadie, 20 American Hammers for Bulldog, 20 Flutter Kicks for Huckleberry with the last five long and slow, and finally 20 Big Boys for YHC. All done IC. Recover and mosey to parking lot for bear crawl and at every third line 5 merkins, down and back to start. Recover and mosey to amphitheater for 20 Derkins IC, 20 Dips IC, 20 Rocky Balboa’s each leg, 20 Mountain Climbers IC, and Australian Mountain Climbers that we all struggled to complete correctly. Next a repeato of the core work that we pushed out at the flag. With a few minutes left we mosey back to start.

Announcements: Bulldogs moving soon, we will really miss ya man!

Prayer Request: Bulldogs move and finding a job. YHC’s brother in law. Praise report on my mother thanks Roadie. Each other. Forgive me if I forgot to mention any others.

Moleskin: Great work today men, good to see each one of you on a vacation morning that would have been an easy day to fartsack. It was a pleasure and an honor to lead you today.

Is he asleep?

YHC needs a little push and motivation through the week so Huckleberry was nice enough to give me the Q to get me out of the fartsack, well it definately works, so here I am. 2 of us made it out in the gloom today with the others with changed work schedules, on the IR list, another with a shoulder needing some rest, and the fartsack attacking a few others like it has done me lately.

Warmup:  SSH, Gravel Pickers, Hillbillys, and Don Quixote.  x15 IC

Mosey to the flag at the Senior Center and say the pledge. Hit the nearby parking lot for 2 sets of 15 IC of Mike Tysons and 20 Big Boy situps. Sparky noticed the unmarked police car backed in between a few other cars as YHC didn’t even notice. We wondered if he was asleep or not, but no mention of getting any closer to find out. Next we mosey to the parking lot on the left down the hill for some line work. Long jumps and at every 3rd line 20 lbc’s down and back, lunge walk and every 3rd line 20 Freddie Mercury’s down and back. Amphitheater time and we did 20 Donkey Kicks and straight into Hip Slappers with as many as you can do. Some Plank Steps (Not sure what you call it Huckleberry showed this to me Saturday.) Plank and put each hand on the wall switching back and forth. We did these as many as we could no counting. With about 9 minutes left and 1.25 miles so far Sparky said let’s make it 2 miles. Who am I to not oblige? Off we go on a tour of Folsom and back to start logging 2 miles.

BOM: YHC took us out. Good work today Sparky, despite the lingering affects of the sinus crud. It was an honor to lead today.

Santa Claus is coming to town

4 men entered the gloom on a chilly December morning for their DRP, including 1 fng that Gomer EH’ed. After the disclaimer was given the warmup began.                                                                                                               

Warmarama: SSH, Hillbillys, Gravel Pickers, Don Quixote X15IC

Thang: Mosey down to lower parking lot to sidewalk towards the amphitheater, keep going to parking lot by the pond. Bearcrawl to every 3rd line do 5 merkins to the end and back to start. Some mumble chatter from our fng about needing some gloves.  Start a set of 11’s  with squats and Bobby Hurleys. Mosey to next parking lot for partner work. 100 merkins for P1 while P2 runs laps till P1 has his 100, switch for p2. Next was 200 lbc’s same format. YHC had to Omaha the last set as time was ticking and I had some other exercises that I wanted to do. Mosey to the amphitheater for some wall work. 10 donkey kicks OYO next was 10 hip slapper also OYO. Time was getting close and we had a fng to name so we start the mosey back to start. Huckleberry said he was disappointed that we haven’the done any big boy’s so who am I to disappoint. Get back to start and 22 big boys are obliged along with 22 merkins for the vets. We name our fng and said the pledge. (Thanks for the flag Gomer)

COT: Announcements, prayer request.

BOM: YHC took us out.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Good job today men. Nice to have Gian join us today. It’s an honor and a privilege to lead today.

Global Warming in full effect

3 bundled up pax and 1 t-shirted and shorts pax entered the global warmed 18 degree morning beatdown at Folsom. No time to stand still in the cold the pax came in ready to get moving. No fng’s and YHC felt like if you were here in these temps, then it was a given that we were all off in the head. So let’s get this thang going.

warmup: SSH, Hillbillys, Don Quixote, Cherry Pickers all done 15 IC.


Mosey long way to the parking lot by the pond below the baseball fields. Here we started with bear crawl 3 spaces then 5 merkins to the end then return. YHC heard a bit of mumble chatter here something about this being stupid, and I’m sure all of our fingers were frozen. Short mosey to the next parking lot where someone mentioned that was the kind of mosey they liked. Little did the pax know that we were going to make up for that short mosey. A little Dora-ish exercise (thanks for the idea Huck) was about to be dealt. Partner up and while P1 runs laps around the parking lot P2 exercises. Once P2 is done, P1 starts his while P2 runs laps. Each pax finished 100 merkins, 200 lbc’s and 300 mountain climbers and 6 laps. Shortly after the start of this set YHC started shedding a couple of the sweatshirts following the lead of Freight after the bearcrawls. The mumble chatter continued and so did the frozen fingers. After the short mosey to the Folsom Hill we did 10 big boy situps at top, run down the hill for 10 squats and bernie sanders or nur as I was told it was called at some other AO’s.(at least 1 of the pax felt like a nur could come in handy in a bad situation LOL) Repeat 3x OYO. Another short mosey to the bottom shelter and here we get 2 sets of step ups, dips, and derkins all done 15 IC. With the exception of the last set of derkins.(we did 10 IC) YHC’s shoulders were done. Mosey to the amphitheater for some donkey kicks and hip slappers x10 OYO. Time nearly up so we sprint AYG back to start for 22 merkins for the vets and pledge.

COT:Announcements, Men’s retreat at Snowbird in March, Gashouse convergence next Saturday at the Schiele  December 17th , after Christmas party January 7th. Prayer request BOM: YHC took us out.

Awesome work today by all, thanks for the opportunity to lead, it’s an privilege and honor.

30 Love

5 men showed up for the Saturday morning beatdown after some texts from Sparky and Roadie Friday to challenge us to deny the fartsack and take the DRP. YHC had to come up with something to get the mumble chatter going and give’em what they came for.

Warmarama:  SSH, Windmills, and Cherrypickers all x15 IC.

Thang: Grab a block and mosey to the tennis courts for the fun. Starting at the first court, shoulder presses X30 mosey to next court for 30 lbc’s repeat this to the end alternating between the two exercises at each court. Mosey the long way back with blocks to the start for the next set.  Repeat this sequence with squats and flutterkicks.  Curls and big boy situps, then lunge and rosalita, and finally french curls and freddie mercurys. With time running out we head back to put the blocks up and say the pledge.

Announcement’s, prayer request and some inspiring words from the pax, YHC took us out. Awesome work today men, it was an honor to lead today.


Sartfackers, attack of the sack!

3 of Folsom’s finest posted this morning. Several others were attacked by the fartsack (I hope they survived), one was outsmarted by the smartphone alarm, one had to work, and another with his 2.0 posted at 05:30 by mistake and thought we were not going to show. (Sorry about the mistake with the start time.)

Warmup: SSH, Windmills, Calf raises, and Cherry pickers.  YHC mixed up the count on these so some were 15 and some were 10 but all were done IC.

Thang: We mosey down to the lower parking lot for some four corners. Bottom left with squats, bottom right with lunges, top right with merkins, top left with french fries, YHC likes to add a middle to my four corners and so we did a set of lbc’s in the middle. All exercises were OYO x 50. We mosey  to the amphitheater (Huckleberry’s fav) where we did the alphabet, rocky balboa’s x20, dip’s x15 IC, and derkin’s also x 15 IC. Mosey again to the Folsom hill for 15 big boy situps at top, run down for 15 CDD’s at bottom and Bernie Sanders back to top, repeat 3x. Mosey then to concession stand for 15 Donkey Kicks, and mosey to the shelter for 20 stepups IC and some plank dips x20. Mosey back to tennis courts for a ring of fire to honor 9-11, 9 merkins and 11 big boy situps. Also by request 22 merkins in honor of our veterans.

COT: announcements CSAUP event in November 11-12, BRR update. Prayer requests.

BOM: YHC took us out.

Great job men, way to push the rock. It’s an honor to lead you.

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