Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Gastone (Page 15 of 17)

Partner Halfpipe

9 Men arrived with not one FNG so the choice was made….

The Thang:

40 SSH, this was a good enough warm up and I got some looks when I went past 30.

Mosey down Marietta Street all the way down to 2nd Avenue.

From the bottom everyone pick a partner except for Q.

One partner runs to the top of 3rd and the other runs to the Franklin up the hill. Once at the top do 10 Jack Webb’s. Run back to bottom to meet and do 1 Partner Derkin. Repeat but switching hills after meeting until you have completed the 11’s. (Whoopee had picked Bulldog as a partner and he got worked so hard that Whoopee all the sudden said I can’t handle this anymore and he left)

This took up most of the time for workout and the hills built into the workout added to the pain inflicted.

Next follow me back up to the top of 3rd take a right and head down to South Street.

We did Lunges, Run backwards, Sumo Squats, Run backwards until we got to Franklin to gather everyone. Mosey back to Main Street and then Bear crawl to the steps. Normally the crawl would have been good with me but today a left leg cramp hampered me a little.

The Moleskin:

Though we might get some rain this morning but we might have just received a little sprinkle and that is about it. We went to work fast so not to much Mumble Chatter.

Prayer request for all of our brother’s and the people in need around them.

Mt. Mitchell is tentative for August 20th. Clown car up in the morning early to base camp. Jog/hike to the top and back but mainly stay together. I will bring First Aid in my bag plus snacks and water. Take a group picture at the top. Get to the bottom and jump in the swimming hole not to far away.

Thanks to all for coming out today. I am pushing to bring in more people for the next few months and would like to see us double in size and get some of these Sad Clowns to join us. It is always an honor and until the next time.

Gastone Out!


The Pub Pool of Humid

3 cool people showed up to the Pub and we ran a little over 5 miles.

Outhouse ran a getting it back modified coarse. But, we all ended at the same time.

Great to see Outhouse back in the gloom.

Today was like running in a pool under water with concrete tied to our waste in humidity. But we did the run and that was better than all the fartsackers did.

August we are looking at a date for Mt. Mitchell up and down for the weekend of the 18th. Have picked which day. But, we would leave early get it done and come back.

Pray for our brother who lost his life running in SC. I did not know or I would have gone sleeveless for sure.

Gastone Out!

The McQuitter Wall

11 showed for a Gastone Friday finish with Spiderman down road some place.

The Thang:


Train which caused Burpee’s

25 SSH

Then we started our journey straight to Garrison. Along the way we did a burpee at each intersection adding 1 every time we stopped. I believe Garrison was 9 when we arrived.

On the way back we started with 20 Sumo Squats and reduced by 2 at each intersection. Along the way we ran backwards between a few intersection. We backward lunged, and forward lunged. Once we arrived at the church on Franklin Squirt mentioned he was ready to do upper body so we did.

On the wall. 15 Dips, 10 Carolina Dry Dock, 10 Incline Merkins, and 10 Derkins. Followed by 2 10 counts which on the second the person just said 10 so we started back. 20 Dips, 10 Carolina Dry Docks, 10 Incline Merkins, and with all effort we did 5 Derkins.

Mosey walk around the corner to the consistent wall that lines the church facing Franklin.

Facing the wall we did 50 2 feet at a time wall jumps. OYO. (Whoopee came around me to go to a step instead to do some of his when he noticed on the wall beside him the names written into the block were Hazel & Richard McQuitter. Quickly he moved back to the regular wall to knock out the remaining wall jumps.)

Continuing our journey back with Sumo Squats we stopped almost back for 6 Minutes of Mary.

20 LBC’s, 20 Flutter Kicks, then partner up. One guy on the ground holding standing partners leg. Keeping your legs off the ground kick your legs up towards partner and the partner throws your legs in different directions down. 20 For each person and then switch and let the other person go. 20 LBC’s, 20 Flutters.

Mosey back to Pavilion and against the railing for incline Merkins 20. With last minute I let Bulldog finish everyone off with American Hammers.

Time’s Up.

The Moleskin:

As normal a great group of guys out for stating the day off with a bang. Now we can all spend the rest of the day recovering.

Several Prayer request for Swimmer’s quick recovery. Marie McFarland my wife’s mother is approaching the end, and for safe travels as people start to travel to go on some vacations.

As a note to everyone. “Always be headlocking”. We need to grow Gastonia and make it double what it is now and we are going to make that happen.

Gastone Out!

Soap in a towel, ouch!

7.25 men showed up for a Gastone performance of leg day.

The Thang:


10 Merkins

Seal Jacks

10 Wide Arm Merkins

Wind Mill (For Whoopee)

10 Carolina Dry Dock

Can’t Remember

10 Diamond Merkins

Follow me to the small hill next to baseball field.

5 times backwards up the hill

5 times lunges up the hill

Then to the parking lot and find a line.

Standing beside the line we jumped back and forth over the line. 1 Minute

Rocky on the curb next. 1 minute

Back to the line. Facing the line with both feet jump over and back. 1 minute

Rinse and repeat starting with 5 times backwards up the hill. (This is the point that I heard mumble chatter behind me suggesting a towel with soap for a beating.)

After we finished that we headed into the back of the baseball field.

50 yards of Bunny Hop Burpee’s. This was a crowd favorite and not to be confused with Broad Jump Burpee.

Then we moseyed to the bleachers, all the way to the top.

10 Calf Raises feet together

10 Calf Raises feet apart

Rinse and repeat.

Mosey back to the start and while waiting on the 6 we did Sumo Squats until they all arrived. It was at this point that Oompa Joined us for Announcements.

The Moleskin:

Overall a good way to start Monday morning. We all might not be able to walk the rest of the day but we will survive. Still trying to capture more FNG’s to join us in the gloom. Talk it up post more information on the group when you can. Do what it takes to grow our group, you can’t beat the price.

Thanks for letting me Q such a great group of men. It is always an honor.

Gastone Out!

Pub Crawl but not the good kind

4 men crawled out of the fartsack this morning for another addition of the “The Pub”.

The Thang:

We ran 5 miles from Publix around to Gardner Park and back to Publix.

The Moleskin:

Good crowd of guys Whoopee was a little gassy. Him and Defib did a little doctor talk before we ran out. But, basically we ran and talked and then returned.

Prayers for Mr. Ownbey who is a friend of Stroganoff’s and I am a friend of his daughters. He has made his journey to the great kingdom.

Gastone Out!


Muggy Run

3 showed for Coconut Horse for a hot and muggy morning.

The Thang:

We ran 5 miles, same coarse.

The Moleskin:

Good Run around the normal loop. Gastone struggled on the hill. Defib came early and ran an extra 6. Stroganoff ran with Defib up the hill.

We said Amen and went on our way.

Gastone Out

we came we saw we kicked its arse!

9 men awoke this morning and came out to Martha’s to start the day off with a bang.

The Thang:


Then a long mosey through the baseball fields around the path behind soccer field into the woods and down the hill back to the back of the park behind both soccer fields. (That was fun to write)

Ghostbuster Song. Lunges during the song, Burpee’s every time they say “Ghostbuster” (Accidentally started the trailer for the movie at first instead of the song, darnit)

Partner Up, up the hill to the second bench for 20 partner Derkins each then back down for 20 hand slap Merkins at the bottom. Rinse and repeat.

Bring Sally up for one more song. On your back legs six inches off the ground. Raise your legs up when they say Sally Up bring em down when the say down. Never touch the ground. It is actually a good hard challenge. I completed today but this is a keeper because many did so we will practice.

Mosey long way around the other soccer field towards picnic area. In the middle of that run we did a little plank work.

Once at the bottom of hill facing picnic area. 7’s as they are called. 7 Dips at the top and 1 Sumo Squat Jump a the bottom. Repeat until numbers flip.

Walk slash mosey to the wall next. Balls to the wall for 60 seconds, Wall Sit for 60 seconds, Balls to the wall for 30 seconds, Wall Sit for another 30 plus I had everyone try to put there butts below there knee’s for 20 seconds to enhance the wall sit exercise. (Crowd favorite)

Begin mosey back. On the way run backwards about 100 yards, Lunge walk about 20 yards, Karaoke 10 yards each side.

Jail break through the field.

The Moleskin:

Great group as normal. It is a good time to increase pressure to bring in more members to the Pax. Tighten the headlock on all around you and let’s try to get 20 or more people to join us and grow Gastonia F3. It was good to see Linus out at a workout and we hope to see him much more. Time-Frame is putting in the work and with a regular showing he will see great gains in all parts of his life. F3 is not just about the workout.

Prayers are out for my Mother-In-Law, Mom’s, Students as they finish the year and many more reason’s to pray.

Thanks for letting me be a part of all this I am always humbled to all of the great guys I meet through F3.

Gastone Out!


Live Action

Turtle-man took on the Q spot this morning for a first time into in how to Q.

The Thang:

SSH, Windmill, Crunches

Mosey to small wall. Dips, something and rinse and repeat.

Mosey to wall big parking lot. Hip Slappers, Donkey Kicks.

Mosey to another wall. Hip Slapper, Donkey Kicks.

Mosey to the Hill at Village Ridge. Up backwards, back down, then Jail Break to the top (wishful thinking for all of us),back down.

Couple exercises on the way back.

1 minute left we did mountain climbers I think.

The Moleskin:

Turtle-Man’s first Q was successful and as he got going he learned that cadence is best practiced. Same as my first start is what he experienced. You think you have it all figured out, came with a hard workout but my count was all messed up and I learned to respect it as I knocked out the workout.

That being said “He still brought us a very hard Q that caused some pain and total respect”.

Next I will teach him how to write a BB. So I don’t have to try to remember all this stuff.

Gastone for Turtle-Man Out!


Reroute to Sandy Hill

Party of 4 for the Coconut Horse.

The Thang:

1 mile to Sandy Hill, Up the Hill and back down, rinse and repeat.

Then ran from that location to The Hill of Village Ridge.

Backwards up the first time, the forwards. Going forwards was worse I think.

Run back to the beginning for a total of 5.

The Moleskin:

Cool morning, good comradeship, and a great run.

Monk and I ended with a little bible discussion.

The End


Biscuit for Freight

13 men showed for Sherman’s first Q and he made us believe he was more than ready!


Pledge of Allegiance & Disclaimer

The Thang:

Warm Up

Side Straddle Hop – in cadence

Merkins – in cadence

LBC’s – in cadence

Mosey to Martha Rivers

Merry Go Round Partner up –

Run the circle – 20 burpees halfway, 20 lbc’s at start Run the circle – 15 burpees halfway, 15 lbc’s at start Run the circle – 10 burpees halfway, 10 lcs’s at start Run the circle –  5 burpees halfway, 5 LBC’s at start Recover – Countoff


Plank & Merkin slinky

(Line up – everyone will plank while we all in take turns doing 5 merkins – when we make it to the end – it comes back. We are finished when everyone has completed 10 merlons.


Mosey to lower soccer field that has track around it.

Bojangles Biscuit – Run fast on the width and mosey on the length. (It was at this point before Bojangles Biscuit was called out Freight said something about it is time for breakfast, then immediately after Sherman said next exercise Bojangles Biscuit) Ha, from Gastone.

Mosey back to the beginning. Did about 3 more ab type exercises and then it was a wrap.

Announcements: Skeet Shoot, let Whoopee know. Mt Mitchell let Gastone know. Check all the convergence that are coming up.

Prayer Requests- non this morning but plenty to pray for every day!

Ended in prayer.

Sherman wrote most of this and then Gastone added a few things.

Sherman had a great plan for the Q today and we accomplished 3.2 miles while on this bootcamp.


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