Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Freight (Page 14 of 31)


3 PAX posted for the Cerberus workout. Cerberus is the mythical 3 headed dog that guards the gates of hell to make sure no souls escape. Good times!



Merkins, Don Q’s, Let’s mosey!

The Thang:

We moseyed to the BB&T and stopped to do three exercises ic. Merkins, Freddy Mercurys, and Squats. We made out way across Trade st and stopped and did another round. Eventually we found ourselves at the bottom of a hill on Mcswain St with three ways to get out. All of which are some really good climbs! This was our Cerberus. So we ran to the top of each hill and back to the bottom to do those three exercises again together ic each time. After the first round we swapped to CDDs, Flutters, and Lunges. Let me tell you that one on Walnut is pretty tough! After that we started making our way back to the flag stopping for the 3 exercises. We stopped off at a church and did some route 66 with Bobby Hurleys. Once we got back to the parking lot we did some broad jumps, bunny hops, lunges, bear crawls, and crab walks.


Announcements-Nail Clippers and chap stick


Ready position move

13 PAX for a hot and humid workout at Midoriyama on Thursday. This is what happened.


Low Slow Squats ic with hands locked reaching overhead

Flutter Kicks ic

Mosey to the hill at the softball field

Tha Thang:

Joe Hendricks and do 5 squats with your hands locked overhead at the top of the hill

Back at the bottom we did flutter kicks ic once everyone was in ready position. Unfortunately this group thinks ready position means feet on the ground so I had to keep calling ready position move over and over again while the rest of us held our feet up. This would continue throughout the workout. We did this grouping a few more times before moving on.

Over at the steps we did 10 calf raises per step. While you wait to either get on the steps or everyone else to finish you do lunges. These instructions apparently didn’t apply to a few PAX who chose to just stand around and talk. Let’s Mosey

About halfway up the road we stopped for some more squats and flutters.

At the end parking lot we partnered up. 11’s-burpees and booyah merkins. Do the burpees together the one PAX runs around the island one way while the runs the opposite to meet at the other end to do the merkins. After the merkins run back to the start in opposite direction again. This was fun! Once complete or almost, sorry to those that were cut short, we did some more squats and flutters then we headed back to the hill.

At the hill we did some NUR with squats at the top and more flutters ic at the bottom. 3 rounds I believe.

Over to the parking lot where we did bunny hops across and flutters on the other side. Just a few rounds and it was time to head back to the flag.


Announcements-Advisory meeting Sunday 4:00pm at Lineberger park. Park in the parking lot where you get on the green way.  Service project items are nail clippers and chapstick.

Prayer Request-Turtleman, PAX and families traveling for vacation, Rudolph’s family, Buckeye’s friend

Naked Moleskin:

Good group out there today. Keep pushing! I know it’s hot and humid but you have more in the tank than you may realize. That’s one of the things I like about Goruck or Growrucks events. At the end of it you realize you just did 12-15 hours of rock pushing. If you can do that then what is a 45 minute or 1 hour workout? Speaking of that is why we did some many of the overhead squats and flutters. I realized a while back I struggle to hold weight overhead and squat. Guess what I had to do and hold in position at Growruck? Yup, so I decided I would improve on that for next time. Also it seems as though when you are paying the consequence of failure during these events they like to use flutter kicks so I figured I better get good at those as well. Always be training  and train past game!

As the leaf turns

10 at Crossroads this morning for some running. I chose the big loop around. The bat flippers including those on the 80/20 plan were already gone so 6 of us set out. As we went around the gate at the college SA decided to practice his JJ5K plan and tried shoving me in the woods. Despite this act of violence I turned the leaf right back over and forgave him.  Heading up the tower lane a skunk crossed our path so we slowed the pace to let it get by. All of a sudden SA grabs me and throws me between him and the skunk. Yet again I let it go and turn the leaf back over. This is the nature of our relationship. He constantly does things to try and antagonize me and I just keep turning the leaf, he flips, right back over. As we discussed at Q-Source this morning the best way to influence someone is by word and deed. I hope that someday my deeds will ignite a palpable desire for change in him.  I recognize he has to want it and I can’t make him change but I can influence him.


Announcements-“OUR” service project items, Murph on Monday, Bike ride at 7 on Monday from Ingles

Prayer Request-A lady from PM’s church who lost her baby, due to SA’s unruliness I didn’t here the others

3 seconds

4 PAX posted at Old School on Saturday.  Some may have been scared away by my picture of blocks I posted on Slack.

Warmup: Nope

The Thang:

I converted some workouts from the Heavy Drop Training Boudin and I did a few months back to be done with blocks instead of rucks and sandbags. We did an upper body and most of a core workout.  This is how it went.

hand release merkins- 4 sets x 30seconds with 30s rest between each

curls-3 x 15 reps with 30s rest

Rollers(google ruck rollers)-4 x 10r ic w/90s rest

Bent row-3 x 15r with 60s rest

High pulls-4 x 15r with 60s rest

Merkins-2 x 2 minute rounds with 90s rest

Butterfly situps-3 x 30s with 30 s rest

4 ct Freddy Mercury’s-3 x 20r with 30s rest

4 ct back scratcher(block on your stomach)-3 x 10r with 30s rest

Block to toe lever(v-up holding your block in the air)-3 x 20r with 60 s rest

WW2 situp-2 x 2 minute rounds with 90s rest


Announcements-service project items, Murph on Monday, bike ride from ingles at 7 on Monday.

Prayer Request-Pappy and family, SA and family,


Just looking to share some of the HDT with the guys this morning. Apparently Short Sale thought we would be going somewhere and had his watch on run or something because it only showed 3 seconds of work on Strava. If you are looking for something to change things up I highly recommend it. It’s a great 6 week training program with various options. I got faster and stronger over the course of the program. I went in looking for strength gains and ended up setting multiple run PR’s. Look up Cleveland area rucking crew and heavy drop training.

Eat my what?

7 answered the call to move the rock at Old School, our newest AO, this morning. 2 started a little early with 3.5 miles of EC. Def Leppard rolled in last dressed in his outside snuggie gear. This is how it went from there.

The Warmup:

SSH x 5 ic

Moroccan nightclubs

Arm Circles forward and backward

Merkins x 5 ic

LBCs x 10 ic

The Thang:

This was easily explained and understood by most everyone but sleepy who struck a nerve early. I even had it all written down on a piece of paper for everyone to see. I set a timer to go off every minute. We would start doing an exercise and when the timer went of we’d do 3 burpees EMOM. Then go back to doing our exercise until completing the number given. You might remember something like this from the iron pax challenge. There were 7 exercises and we were to do 100 reps of each. After we completed an exercise we would run a lap. Remember every time you hear the beep do three burpees. It looked like this.

100 SSH

run a lap

100 hand release merkins

run a lap

100 Bonnie Blairs-count each leg

run a lap

100 Dying Cochroaches-count 1 side

run a lap

100 CDDs

run a lap

100 squats

run a lap

100 Mtn Climbers-count one leg

run a lap

Now how fast you did this determined how many burpees you did. Of course Dr Seuss chewed this one up and spit it out setting a blistering pace. Sleepy made a few more comments that struck a nerve again and due to some frustrations at work I may have snapped and said something really nasty. I apologized several times to him and the group but to fully repent he made me buy his breakfast. All and all the timer made it to set 47. We figured if it went off at least once while you were running and you ran 7 laps then you would have down 40 sets of 3 burpees. That’s 120, so that you don’t have to get out your calculator. You’re welcome. We were close enough so I called time. A few went and ran another tenth through the parking lot to round out to 2 miles.


Announcements-not much going on after the PT test today, one more week of collecting this months service project items, individual tissues and hand wipes, give those to Boke, Sargento and YHC.

Prayer Request-SA’s daughter, Turtleman


This was a good one and everyone was pushing hard this morning. It got real when we hit those HR merkins. It was good to see Watts up this morning. Blart said he was meeting us for breakfast but didn’t show. Judging by the 30 yard walking fart he passed when he got out of the truck this morning I’d say I now why. Thanks again to everyone that joined me this morning. Good group of guys.


No Name

13 PAX for the most part posted to the new AO in Dallas this morning. I say for the most part because two batflippers started at Folsom then ran over to meet us about 20 minutes in to it. Roundup and Dr Seuss got their credit in the Folsom BB so I’m just mentioning them here. I think Seuss thought he found another way to climb the posting leader board but not on my watch.


We did some stuff you know the regular type stuff

Lets mosey!

The Thang:

Over to the court house square to get things started. Do 20 merkins and run to the next corner. 20 more and go to the next corner except this time bear crawl the arch driveway of the courthouse. We made our way around the square hitting all four corners.

At the corner of Gaston and Main. Run to Maple st doing 10 Freddy Mercury’s at each intersection and run back. Go to Maple st again but do 20 lbc’s at each intersection and stay this time instead of running back.

Mosey to Pine st and do 1 burpee at each pole.

Mosey over to Church st.

From the corner of Pine st and Church st mosey to Gaston st and do 1 burpee at each  intersection and 5 jump squats at each pole on the right(it was a lot of poles)

Down to Holland st where the birthday girl(Mrs Pizza Man) lives for a triple nickel. We switched it up a little for the birthday. 1 burpee at the bottom, 5 plank jacks at the top, and 5 monkey humpers each time you pass her driveway. Facing away from the house of course. We even sang happy birthday as we ran up and down. Golddigger stopped off for some pullups on PM’s bar.

Mosey over to the intersection of Oakland and Main for some Dora. 100 CDD’s, 150, LBC’s, and 200 Flutter kicks. Partner has to run in a different direction each time to the next stop sign.

A few minutes to go so we used the parallel parking  spots on the street. Bear crawl one then lunge one, rinse and repeat for the block.

Pledge on the corner. There were about 6 flags in eye sight from one corner(patriots point).


Announcements: April 17th convergence at Bulldog, April 24th PT test, Cup and sock collection until the 31st

Namerama: FNG that works with Mayor. It was said he was like the Kamala to his Biden sooooo he is now Kamala!

Prayer Request: Gumby’s mom


Great turnout at both Folsom and the new AO. All together over 30 posted! Keep it up guy’s! We can be super spreaders in the D.


Chicken Sandwhich

10 PAX showed up to Crossroads on Sunday. Some were shaking off the CSAUP soreness. 9 ran and 1 rucked. 1 of the runners was a batflipper and went out for EC even after having done the CSAUP or maybe he just didn’t leave it all out there like some others! All but one stayed for Q-source where we discussed Fat Ricky’s favorite subject the queen. I was disappointed that neither of my past or present shield locks, on this subject mostly, showed up. For that reason my stories may have been skewed a little toward me being a super hero. We did talk calorie count and how the Chic-fil-a sandwhich and large fries(960) are a lot more than grilled chicken(4oz), green beans(1 cup), carrots(1 cup), and brown rice(1 cup)(429).  Broke got a little rowdy since he doesn’t eat chicken. It may have been said that not eating the fil-a is not very christian like. I thought we were going to have to lay hands and start a revival right there. One ectomorph and one mesomorph tried to weigh in but were shutdown by the endomorphs for good reason.


Announcements- March collections for the service project(don’t know? read the preblast) is reusable bottles or cups with lids and socks. Try to donate even numbers so we have one of everything for every bag. Also trial run for a new Saturday AO  in Dallas is March 27th at Cloninger park on Church st Across from the old high school.

Service Project

HIM-High Impact Man, Invigorate male community leadership. How is this coming through the PAX of F3 Gastonia? Not sure? Well I’ve got an opportunity for you. As a part of our monthly service projects, yes I said a part because we will continue to have others, we are going to start a year long one. We will begin collecting items each month starting in March and going through October to be handed out in November. I will send out the info of what items we will collect each month and at the end we will get together and bag these items up into kits then hit the streets ruck style to hand them out to the needy. Some of you may have seen this before or been involved in something like it. We will bag them in reusable gallon bags. The items will include perishable and nonperishable items along with a note of hope/encouragement, bible verse,  and maybe even a picture drawn by your 2.0 to help cheer someone up. There will be two items to collect each month. I ask that you get the same number of each item to help keep the bags balanced out as much as possible. These items can be given to Freight, Broke, and Sargento. Items to collect in March are reusable water bottles(something with a lid)  and socks.


Thank you for your impact,


New AO in Dallas

Yes you read that right! In the little ol’town of Dallas, F3 is looking to add another AO. Not just another AO but a Saturday AO! Why you ask? Well here’s the thing. We have a mission and that is to reinvigorate male community leadership by planting and growing small men’s workout groups. Well Folsom has been planted and has been grown. It’s grown so much so that by definition it is becoming problematic. How is it problematic? Is it the fact that I had to park out on the road two Saturday’s ago because the parking lot was full? No, but that is a sign. The ideal workout group ranges around 10-12 guy’s. When you start reaching and maintaining numbers around 18 then it is considered problematic and the star fish method needs to be applied. We apply this method with the hope that both groups eventually have to be split again and then again and again. Why do we say it’s problematic? There are a lot of ways it can be but let’s focus on one. It’s hard to connect with people when the group gets to big. When you have a group the size of the last few weeks 32 and 28, a man can show up, disappear in the crowd, and walk away without anyone ever really noticing him. We don’t want anyone walking away without being impacted in some way every single time they come out if at all possible. So that is just one of the why’s if not the most important. Now I know people don’t like change and some people like having the big crowds. To you I say don’t be selfish and EH more people and you’ll have your big group back in no time. Stay mission focused!

OK so on to the how. We will start on a trial bases much like we did with Tequila Sunrise in Belmont. The first Saturday will be March 27th at 7:00am at Cloninger Park on W Church st. It is across the street from the old Dallas High School for you boomers, or the old elementary school for you Gen X guy’s and right next door to the Police station(so be cool if you know what I mean). It is the park used by many during the IPC . The time will be staggered from Folsom by 30 minutes just as a different option for Saturday and it will help out our friends at the Country Kitchen so they don’t have 25 guys walk in and sit down all at once. Any questions or comments feel free to ask. You know I like to talk.


Freight and your Leadership Team

That’s what she said

9 PAX joined YHC for a non-wussy workout. For the most part we avoided the rain.


Run to the shelter

The Thang:

Hand Release Merkins-4 sets-30 seconds each-30 seconds recovery between

Dips-4 sets-30 seconds each-30 seconds recovery between

Merkins-2 sets-2 minutes each-60 seconds recovery between

Arms are smoked!

Butterfly situp-3 sets-30 seconds each-30 seconds recovery between

4 count Freddy Mercury-3 sets-30 seconds each-30 second recovery between

WWII situp-2 sets-2 minutes each-60 second recovery between

Core nice and tight now and that pivot spot on your arse is good and worn!

Prisoner jump squat-5 sets-30 seconds each-30 second recovery between

Lunge/Twist-3 sets-12 reps-30 second recovery between

Burpee-1 set-3 minutes amrap


YHC borrowed this format from a training plan Buidan and I are doing called Heavy Drop Training, look it up. It’s our first week but so far it’s been a good one. I’m sore everywhere that work has been applied and I ran my fastest 5 miler and 5k inside of that.


Announcements-Extinction run Saturday at 9, Strides of March run 3/6


Prayer Request-SA’s family, T-Square’s family, Stogie’s father, JK2’s family


To be a nasty day it ended up being a great workout. Other than the burpees there was very little cardio burn but it doesn’t have to be to be a good workout. I wore out the muscle groups we focused on. For some reason this workout was full of that’s what she said comments.


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