Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Freight (Page 12 of 31)

Fat Ricky WOD

5, only 5! PAX posted at Midoriyama on a beautiful December evening. I’ll take weather like this all winter long!

Warm up:

If you’re not warmed by 5:30 in the evening then what have you been doing all day? Let’s go grab some blocks.

The Thang:

Fat Amy WOD nope Fat Ricky WOD. Same principle but different exercises.

50 mtn climbers-count one leg

10 blockees

40 american hammers-count one side

10 blockees

30 skater lunges-count each one

10 blockees

20 jump squats

10 blocklees

10 thrusters

10 blockees

Now work your way back up to the 50 mtn climbers.

As it seemed a few PAX were just sitting around talking instead of finishing we moved on to something else. in the parking lot.

11’s Mike Tysons on one side and tiger squats on the other. Rifle carry y our block back and forth as you go.

We put the blocks back up and had 3 minutes for some Mary.


Announcements-Rumor about a convergence New Years day. Currently just a rumor at this point.

Prayer Request-A lot of baby mama’s these days, y’all being the baby’s.

DEf took us out


The Yard Part Deux

8 PAX showed up at Folsom on Saturday. All looking to get better.  I pulled a workout from March of 2017 from the archives and I’m happy to report it held up.


Some spatchcock and cockspatch. So funny!

The Thang: 

The below was copied, pasted, and edited for current event.

Sprint 1 court and do 1 burpee and sprint back, Sprint 2 courts and do 2 burpee’s and sprint     back, continue this for all 6 courts. For the Midoriyama readers that’s 21 burpees.

Next bear crawl one court and do 20 squats, crabwalk the next one and do 20 lbc’s, keep switching these for the 6 courts. 10 hip slappers on the fence and sprint back.

Next round lunge a court and do 20 merkins, duck walk the next court and do heel touch crunches, Rinse and repeat for the 6 courts. Finish with 10 Australian mtn. climbers and sprint back.

Partner up for drills. Partner 1 starts at the center of the court and sprints to one corner then returns to the middle. Do this for all 4 corners of the court while always facing the net. Partner 2 holds 6″. Switch and do 3 rounds.

Keep your partner and wheel barrow switching at each court and do 5 sumo squat jumps.

Run a lap around the courts.

Next at each out of bounds line(singles and doubles) do merkins. Start with one and add 1 at each line. We did three courts I believe then switched to squats. We turned around and kept at this. Bobby Hurley’s for 2 courts, diamond merkins for 2 and Sandy V’s for 2.

Run 2 laps around the courts and head back to the flag.



Announcements-Sign up for the Christmas party already! It’s this coming Saturday. Def Leppard has requested votes for Fart sacker of the year but I’m pretty sure he is just barely out of contention.

Prayer Request-Bedpan, Sparky and family, Broke’s Mom


Good to be back out to Folsom. I think this is the first time since Old School started. We had good numbers at both AO’s on Saturday and that was the whole point. The right amount allows you to be more personal with each other. If the group gets to big then people get lost in the crowd. That being said a lot of guys that were posting when we split have gotten pretty slack. Sack up you lazy rascals and get back out there!


Yep you read that right. COCKSPATCH! not spatchcock the newest craze in cooking your turkey sweeping through F3 Gastonia. Spatchcock the exercise was introduced to Midoriyama the other night by Sargento and I came up withthe opposite version but was denied the opportunity to share it during Mary. A couple days later I had the Q so there you have it. Anyway 6 other PAX joined in for the fun.


SSH, Goofballs, and Cockspatch. Cockspatch is basically a plank jack but you move your hands in and out at the same time as you move your legs in and out. Picture a sealjack in a plank position. Much like spatchcock it’s best done in a group while yelling out cockspatch. The Q yells cock then the PAX yell spatch! This crowd seemed to really get into this! Let’s get to it.

Mosey to get some blocks then back to the parking lot.

The Thang:

I pulled inspiration from a BB back in 2017. If you don’t think it means anything to write these then I challenge you to go back and read some from you earlier days of writing them and Qing. It’s pretty awesome! So we partnered up. P1 runs to the end of the parking lt and back while P2 does the exercise, then switch. We broke these down into sets of 2 exercises just to keep it easy for everyone to keep up with them.

150 curls & 200 LBC’s

50 Thrusters & 100 V-ups

100 Upright rows & Flutter Kicks

50 Cockspatch & 50 Weighted WWI’s

50 Spatchcock & 50 French Curls

Some of the numbers above may have been increased during the workout for timing purposes.

Next P1 started walking while carrying the block around the parking lot. P2 proceeded to run a lap and catch up with P1 then swapping to carry the block. We did this for 2 laps and were out of time.



Announcements-For heavens sake please signup for the Christmas party through the link sent out via the preblast. HCing on Slack is not helping determine who is bringing what. If everyone shows up with dessert Fat Ricky is gonna go off!

Prayer Request-Gumby’s mom, Broke’s mom

Naked Moleskin:

I think I’ve said enough…….Cockspatch!



8 showed up at Old School on Saturday. Part of the workout had already been advertised as I notified via slack, along with other AO’s,  that we would be doing the Chicken Little WOD. Several put in some EC around the usual loop.


Some stuff with some burpees

The Thang:

Chicken Little WOD-

200 meter run

24 merkins

24 burpees

24 WWII’s

Rinse and repeat for 24 minutes

After that we moved around town stopping at every block for 15 CDD’s, 10 Lunges, 5 Flying Squirrels. At some point that changed to 15 Diamond merkins, 10 Squats, 5 Flying Squirrels.

We made our way back around to the Holland st incline for a triple nickel of Diamond merkins and squats.

DO NOT PUT A FROZEN TURKEY IN A DEEP FRYER! Just heard that on the news and thought I’d throw that in!

Back at the AO we did some LBFC’s to finish it off.


I’ve had a Double Mtn Candy so I’m tired of struggling through this. Bye Felicia!

Virginia Keever

10 PAX posted to Midoriyama on Tuesday. YHC had been reading through some old BB looking for inspiration and found some that were pretty simple and effective. I believe PM and I had come up with this idea to prepare for a mud run or something. During obstacle races you run a little while do some work then run again. We decided to try and mimic that and so we did it again on Tuesday.


Goofballs, Seal Jacks, Butt kickers, and High knees.

The Thang:

I’ve been trying to push the K.I.S.S.(keep it simple stupid) method with my team at work so it seemed fitting. Pick three exercises from different body groups do them and run. Rinse and Repeat and for good measure throw in 5 burpees here and there, especially at speed bumps.

We did merkins, lbc’s, and squats several rounds until someone started before I called it then we decided to switch to CDD’s, Freddy Mercury’s, and Lunges. You gotta lull them to sleep then surprise them! They like it that way. We stopped at the playground for a few rounds of dips and pull ups. We also stopped at the shelter for dips and step ups. Good job by everyone! Parkour!



Announcements-Christmas party 12/11, Service project meetup at Gashouse this Saturday after the workout then hand out bags 11/19 at the Salvation Army.

Prayer Request


So I named this BB after my Grandmother. She was my last grandparent and when I retrieved my phone from my truck to do the COT I saw the message that she had just passed. I knew it was coming and told my Dad it was ok to just text me if he didn’t want to talk when it happened. Virginia Keever was a hard working, out going, loving woman that loved to laugh. She spent most of her life working in the area cotton mills and worked all the way into her 80’s, after retiring, cooking food for her church preschool program. She loved me more than I will ever deserve. She pulled me out of some, will call them spotty, situations as a child taking me to stay with her at times. She spoiled me unbelievably even though she never had a lot herself. She always said she considered me to be like her own child. While I’ll miss her I know that she is in a better place. I know this because at the end she was asking God to take her home and said she was ready to be with Jesus! This is solid proof of her faith and gives me comfort. I just hope I can live the way I need to and have the faith Virginia Keever had so that one day we can stand together before the lord in worship.


Members Only

9 showed up for the first, years in the making,  Sunday morning run/ruck AO in Belmont. If this crowd was any indication of what this group is going to look like then just know it’s going to be fast! We discussed the route and off we went. Now despite sending out a map to study we had a few that seemed to get off course and no it wasn’t Seuss. Or at least I don’t think he did. I couldn’t see him on this dark course from where I was. Sargento had enough time to stop off at his office and do a little work. Overall the maiden voyage went pretty well.


Now it got a little chatty during this time. It seems a lot of PAX think they know best of how and what we should do during the COT. While I appreciate the help I’ve been in a few of these so just chill the flip out. I may have let a nasty word slip in playful banter and I apologize for that. I was just discussing with someone yesterday of how I’ve seen my language slip in a negative way lately. I promise to get on top of correcting that.

Announcements-Extinction/Extension run 11/6, Ctown 5k, Christmas party 12/11 or 12/13 for Broke

Afterwards we had coffee and discussed naming the new AO. We talked about the history of Belmont and had some good names but most agreed it would be fun to throw some shade back at my brothers from NOGA. They seem to really be upset with my recent move. It really is heart warming to know they are that upset to lose a little time with me. As we discussed high brow(top runner for the name) names we came up with exclusive “Members Only”. Now while you may not be a member we are taking applications. There is a panel interview that comes with this along with a quarterly board meeting where we will vote on your membership. Unfortunately some may get blackballed.


5 made it out to Old School on a perfectly cool Saturday morning. 3 put in some EC. Some stated they were avoiding the touchdown beatdown out at Folsom. Congrats to Hacksaw for getting the football!

Warmup: Blah blah blah does it really matter? It’s the warmup!

The Thang:

I borrowed this one from the nantan of Grandstrand. He called it a modified murph but it didn’t seem anywhere close to that but it did seem like a terrible idea.

Run 2 laps, 25 merkins, 50-4 count flutter kicks, 75 squats. Rinse and repeat 4 times. Seuss was off to the races as usual, Wirenut was really pushing the run and Leppard and Montross seemed to enjoy each others company. We moseyed down to PM’s street and lined up at the end of the road. Make your way to PM’s driveway via 5 broad jumps then 10 of each-CDD’s, WWI, Lunges.  This took several rounds. Mosey to the courthouse arched driveway. 11’s- plank jacks, karaoke halfway then switch sides until you get to the opposite side, seal jacks, then run back via the side walk. We got several rounds in before it was time to head back.


Announcements-Extinction run, C-town run, Christmas party.



Prayer Request-Wirenut’s M’s Aunt

Moleskin: Good job Leppard!


Talking out of your……..

11 started their Friday out right by posting. Several got in some EC, well keeessshhh did EC but then left so really that’s not EC. The mummble chatter was going well leading up to the start but hen the thang came along.


The usual SSH, some stretches, and abs.

The Thang;

10 minute clock was set to go of every minute. Do the number of burpees each minute. When you’re done rest until the minute is up. Each round went like this, 8,9,10,11,12,12,11,10,9,8=100. Boom 14 minutes in and we’ve completed 100 burpees! Good work guys!

Time for some laps. 2 laps around the parking lot via the road do to some holes in the dark track. After 2 laps we did 20 flutters ic, 10 merkins ic, and 10 LBC’s ic. Rinse and repeat all with 1 lap this time.

Over on the blacktop we went across and back using multiple forms of movement. Bunny hop, Karaoke, Broad jump, Lunge walk, and Bear crawl.

In the parking lot we did route 66 with Bobby Hurleys.

Circle back up for some Iron Hulk. Flintstone sat down on his 6 signaling his need for some ab work so we switched the Iron Hulk to I think its maybe Captain America? Anyway it’s the iron hulk version of abs. 1 WWI situp and 4 american hammers. We did this all the way around the circle to 10/40. That’s time!


Pledge-Orangeman and Seuss were dueling to see who could throw the cadence off the most


Announcements-Service Project items are almost complete check slack, Ext run 11/6, Belmont Sunday run starts 10/24 0630 from Harris Teeter.

Prayer Request


What are you afraid of

11 put in some miles at Crossroads on Sunday. Some put in a lot as we have been ramping up for the Bourbon Chase relay. While I hate the long miles I have enjoyed the company, well for the most part. These long runs with some guys prove that you bond over shared suffering. Afterwards we sat down at what is likely my last Q source at Crossroads for a while to discuss Courage and what we fear. In a few weeks 10/24 we will be launching a new Sunday morning run/ruck option from the Harris Teeter on South Point road. Launch at 6:30 and COT at 7:15. Be thinking of some names as we will name it at the first COT. Also congratulations to Sister Act who has stepped back into a leadership role as the new site Q of Old School. Thanks for helping me out buddy as I make some changes.

IPC Week 3

5 total at Old School Saturday morning for IPC week 3. 4 did the work and 1 proctored. Do I still get credit since I was there and leading? I mean I did just drink coffee and yell when it was time to run.


Looking for some HIM to step up and take on the site Q responsibility at Old School. Yes I’m talking to you!

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