Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Flintstone (Page 7 of 23)

Slate Rock and Gravel Company

Some nastiness with a nod to the past on this fine morning at The Sandlot as 12 of us pushed rocks and jingled balls.  Here’s what I remember:

Delinquent backblasts are tough on details, but I do remember that as I was starting to work on my weinke, JJ reached out to make sure we were still on and I asked for requests.  He gave none, so left to my own devices, the nastiness brewing inside of YHC had a chance to get out.  You’re welcome.

The Thang:

  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches (IC)
  • Tesla Stretches
  • 10 x Goofballs (IC)
  • 10 x Hi-Lo Punches (IC)
  • 10 x Overhead Claps (IC)

Mosey to Mr. Slate’s rock pile to choose a coupon for the day.  Choose wisely.  While YHC was a named PAX in F3 Gastonia back in the early days, I didn’t spend a lot of time with Outhouse and Gastone when they used to make these rocks a regular part of the beatdowns.  Gastone brought em out during his Redwoods Q last year, and it just seemed like a good time to do it.  (Quick side note:  Don’t give up on a PAX who hasn’t posted in a while.  I owe a lot to F3 Nation’s leading EH’er, the one and only Sargento.)

Mosey to Auto Zone and get acquainted with our new coupons.

  • 5 x Rocky Balboas (OYO)
  • 1 x Burpee (OYO)
  • Repeato for 10 total rounds

Mosey to the loading side of the Planet Fitness parking lot for the first of a few rounds of:

  • 10 x Thrusters (OYO)
  • 10 x American Hammers w/coupon (IC)
  • 10 x Double Crunches w/coupon (IC)
  • 10 x Bent Over Rows (IC)
  • 10 x Thrusters (OYO)

Mosey to the wall on the other side of the Judgement Free Zone.  This was dumb too, and we’d do it more than once.

  • Wall Sits w/coupons extended in front while YHC explained the routine
  • Balls to the Ground (Think the “Down” part of the Merkin, then hold it)
  • 10 x Jingle Balls (IC) (Originally called as “Corkscrews”, but corrected)
  • Balls to the Wall
  • 10 x Australian Mountain Climbers (IC)
  • Repeato 1 more time, for 2 total rounds, but in round 2, Wall Sits have coupons overhead

Glad the weinke said 2 rounds, because YHC wouldn’t have called a second after round 1.

Head down the stairs to the Food Lion parking lot for another round of:

  • 10 x Thrusters (OYO)
  • 10 x American Hammers w/coupon (IC)
  • 10 x Double Crunches w/coupon (IC)
  • 15 x Bent Over Rows (IC)
  • 20 x Penguins w/knees up (IC)
  • 30 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 10 x Thrusters (OYO)

Leave the coupons for a minute and get some running in.  Snake through the parking lot, doing

  • 10 x HR Merkins (OYO)

on one side of the parking spaces and

  • 10 x Bobby Hurleys (OYO)

on the other til we get to the end of the lot.  Mosey back to get the coupons.  Back to the wall for an abbreviated round of

  • Wall Sits w/coupons extended in front
  • BTTG
  • 10 x Jingle Balls (IC)
  • BTTW
  • 10 x Australian Mountain Climbers (IC)

Back to the other side of PF for

  • 10 x Thrusters (OYO)
  • 10 x American Hammers w/coupon (IC)
  • 10 x Double Crunches w/coupon (IC)
  • 10 x Bent Over Rows (IC)
  • 10 x Thrusters (OYO)

and to Auto Zone for

  • 5 x Rocky Balboas (OYO)
  • 1 x Burpee (OYO)
  • Repeato for maybe 4 total rounds

To the rock pile to deposit our coupons.

Back to the flag where Amazon led us in flutters to the bell.

Time was called, and nobody moved.  In fact, light on mumblechatter, except for the penguins, where Roscoe noting the swinging of all 3 legs produced some laughs.

As always, a great way to start a Monday.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.  Had a blast.

Yabba Dabba Doo

PT Test @ Ricky Bobby

7 PAX assembled and completed the Classic PT Test at Ricky Bobby.  The track was a bit short, with each lap being 0.2 instead of 0.25, but it got the job done.  Solid work put in by everyone.

No warm up, just a quick disclaimer and the instructions:

  • 1 lap
  • 100 reps (as close to proper form as you’re able) of each exercise before moving to the next
  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • LBCs
  • SSHs
  • 1 lap
  • 75 reps of same 4 exercises
  • 1 lap
  • 50 reps of same 4 exercises
  • 1 lap
  • 25 reps of same 4 exercises
  • 4 laps


  • Flintstone – 27:41
  • Orangeman – 30:00
  • Tesla – 30:03
  • Rockadile Red – 31:40
  • Stroganoff – 32:35
  • Kool Aid – 32:45
  • J2C – 34:37

With a little time left, we did some partner core work.  One PAX ran to the end of the awning in the front of the school, the other did alternating rounds of 5 or 10 reps of:

  • Round 1 – Six Shooters & Pretzel Crunches
  • Round 2 – Freddie Mercuries & Flutter Kicks

Quick minute of Mary:

  • Orangeman – 10 x Six Shooters (IC)
  • Kool Aid – 10 x Penguins (IC)

Solid work by everyone.  Glad to get out to the premier track in F3 Gastonia for the PT Test.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Once a Year

YHC woke up this morning to the sound of rain and knew immediately there was no chance that Short Sale would brave the elements and leave the fartsack to splash in the Gloom.  There were 4 of us at Mount Hollywood that did, however, and we got our money’s worth.  Here’s what I remember:

Adjusted the Weinke this morning, but the other one would’ve been a good one too.  Next time, Mt. Holly.

The Thang

  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
  • Calf Stretch from Plank
  • Tesla Stretches

Front of the Middle School


  • 30 x Merkins / 10 x Dwight Howards
  • 25 x Merkins / 15 x Dwight Howards
  • Break (because Q forgot the order of his last-minute Weinke)
    • 10 x Hip Slappers (IC)
    • 1-minute Wall Sit
  • 20 x Merkins / 20 x Dwight Howards
  • 15 x Merkins / 25 x Dwight Howards
  • 10 x Merkins / 30 x Dwight Howards

Not a lot of 10 counts today though, we pushed through the work here.  Quick! Before we go!

  • 10 x Hip Slappers (IC)

Rain’s lighter.  Still soggy.  Next up Ida Rankin.  Pro tip from the aforementioned fartsacker about using Ida Rankin in the rain.  Worked like a charm.

Started with what was supposed to be the first round of Mary, and was supposed to be back at the Middle School, but anyways, we did it once at least:

  • 10 x Slow Dying Cockroaches (IC)
  • Hammer Hold (American Hammers w/no hammer – Count down from 25)
  • 10 x Slow Flutter Kicks (IC)

Then onto a dirty set of 11s, running “from the windows to the wall”

  • 1 x Burpee at the wall
  • 10 x Bonnie Blairs (Left & Right together equal 1 rep) at the window
  • In the middle
    • Wall to Window – Always 10 x Gorilla Humpers
    • Window to Wall – Always 10 x Double Crunches

Counting.  Quiet.  Pillager brought the dad jokes.  Lots of work, but a time eater, and we haven’t even had the chance to run long and fast yet.  With this group, that was a must.  We were inside of 10 minutes, but the rain backed off and it was time to go.

  • Run to Oakland (couldn’t push to Main with the time crunch)
    • 15 x Jungle Boy Squats
  • Run to Catawba
    • 15 x Jungle Boy Squats
  • Run to Hawthorne
    • 16 x Jungle Boy Squats (Pillager’s request)

Cars were showing up on their way to work.  We managed a little frogger to make it back to the parking lot, with less than a minute to spare.  Time to sit in a puddle.

  • 30 second Hammer Hold

And that was that.


  • Thunder tomorrow @ The Storm & Bulldog
  • Annihilation – June 24th w/SA @ Old School
  • Yank on July 4th with Tesla @ 0700

Prayer Requests:

  • Norwood
  • Pillager’s buddy in Omaha – F3 “Bobcat”


As often as I’ve Q’d, I’ve never Q’d at Mt. Hollywood.  I guess that leaves Prison Break, Crossroads, and Old School as the only AOs left where I haven’t Q’d.  I guess I should try to complete my bingo card by the end of 2023.

This was only my 3rd time even posting at Mt. Hollywood, but I knew that I had to bring it.  The guys that post out there are a solid bunch.  In hindsight, there weren’t a lot of breaks out there.  We jumped a lot.  Could feel it some on the Bonnie Blairs, but could really feel it on those Jungle Boys at the end.    By the last run, I could tell we’d all been a bit smoked, which doesn’t always happen on a rainy day Q.

After it was all over with, Blueprint mentioned that he’d been posting for a year, and it’d never rained at Mount Hollywood.  Glad to be the one to bring the rain.  Also glad to stash Weinke #1 in my back pocket for the next time.

Had a blast today.  Will do it again with them boys soon.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

The Post Apocalyptic Lowes Foods Gas Station

5 HIMs and 1 Scrat brought rucks and did some stuff.  Runners left, and we started with Merkins.  Wrong call I guess.  A good Q adjusts for the PAX.  We walked around and did a lot of Double Crunches, American Hammers, Hello Dollies, Upright Rows & Overhead Presses.  We also went through the drive through and visited what was once a booming gas station that has seen better days.  I’m sure it could’ve been better.

Summer Challenge – Lightning

Lightning is your speed work.  Lots of running.  Not a ton of exercises.  It should test both speed and endurance.

This is to be done on an oval track, starting from the middle of a straightaway.  Complete for time.

  • 1 lap
  • 25 x Jump Squats
  • Sprint across the field inside the track to the middle of the straightaway on the opposite side
  • 25 x SSH
  • 2 laps
    • These 2 laps will begin from the opposite side of the track from where you started
  • 50 x Merkins
  • Sprint back across the field inside the track to the middle of the straightaway (where you started the workout)
  • 25 x SSH
  • 3 laps
    • Beginning back at the start
  • 75 x LBCs
  • Sprint across the field inside the track to the middle of the straightaway on the opposite side
  • 25 x SSH
  • 2 laps
    • These 2 laps will begin from the opposite side of the track from where you started
  • 50 x Merkins
  • Sprint back across the field inside the track to the middle of the straightaway (where you started the workout)
  • 25 x SSH
  • 1 lap
    • Beginning back at the start
  • 25 x Jump Squats
  • Final sprint across the field inside the track to the middle of the straightaway on the opposite side

Record your time at the end.

Some notes:

  • Please get a warmup in before starting this workout
  • The track and lap distances shouldn’t matter.  Ideally, it’s 400m (or 0.25 miles), but as long as you do both workouts at the same place, you’ll get to measure your progress.  That said, please choose anywhere that works.  Also be aware of the width of the track too, because you’ll be running sprints across it.
  • It’s you versus you.  There’s lots of running and fast running in this.  Push hard but be responsible.  Especially if you do this in the heat of the day.

Summer Challenge – Thunder

“Thunder” is meant to be done with a cinder block.  Modify as needed to the kettlebell of your choice.  For the sake of growth, if you choose a kettlebell, please choose a kettlebell weight that will push you.

25 minutes – AMRAP

  • 12 x Thrusters
  • 12 x Curls
  • 12 x American Hammers (with block, count right side only)
  • 12 x Block Swings
  • 12 x Bent Over Rows
  • 12 x Big Boys
  • 12 x Heels to Heaven
  • 12 x Burpees

We will count the number of rounds we complete, and note where we stopped in the round we didn’t finish.  Each round is 96 reps, so we should be able to count up our total number of reps for the workout.

All exercises must be done in order, and when we complete the Burpees, we note the round complete (with chalk or a rock or whatever is available) and we go back to the Thrusters.

Feel free to modify to make it harder by doing Blockees instead of Burpees.  We can also choose to modify some of the other exercises due to injury or preference (like V-ups instead of Heels to Heaven), just make sure to write it down and do the same thing in August.  It’s you vs. you.

Summer Challenge – Progress Check – PT Tests

2023 had a strong start, Pushing Rocks, running relays, and bringing new guys in and welcoming Kotters back.  No time for rest, though, let’s work towards Summer Goals.

Summertime is challenging.  Between the heat and vacations, numbers sag and focus wanes.  To help keep us on track, we’re going to work on showing progress in one of three areas, using PT Tests to show our growth.  We will offer the classic PT Test, and two new options, one with a gear focus and no running that we will call “Thunder” and another with a focus on speed work that we will call “Lightning”.

For the sake of flexibility, and so anyone can jump in on the challenge, I’m going to ask you to form a small group and do these workouts OYO with your group.  At this point, many of us know who likes doing the same things that we do.  We have formal ShieldLocks, or even just guys we post with on a regular basis.  The accountability of working together and not slacking off over the summer will help.

We will do the PT Test workout once in June, between June 3rd and June 11th, then again at the end of the summer, between August 26th and September 3rd.  This will set us up to head into Iron PAX season.  You can choose anywhere you’d like to do these workouts, but if you use a track, make sure to use the same track in both the August and June workouts so you’re consistent.  We will also try to offer each PT Test somewhere on our calendar, either at an AO or as EC prior to a scheduled workout.

So here is the challenge:

  • Decide whether you are interested in working on Speed, Strength, or Overall Fitness
  • Form a group of 3-5 (or more) guys that want to do the same workout
  • Select a Q to lead the group (just to be responsible for setup)
  • Decide where and when to do the workout
  • Record your results (Using a Google Form posted on the 1st F channel)
  • Keep pushing in that direction to get better over the summer
  • Do it again at the end of the summer and check your progress

While it’s set up to do these OYO, if you don’t have a group, or your group wants to come where it’ll already be happening, you can choose to attend one of our publicized workouts.  Plans to offer these workouts in June are as follows:

  • Classic PT Test
    • June 7th – Ricky Bobby
  • Thunder
    • June 3rd – PainLab
  • Lightning
    • June 10th – EC Old School (6:00 AM)

If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to Flintstone.

Here is the Classic PT Test workout:

  • 1 lap
  • 100 reps (as close to proper form as you’re able) of each exercise before moving to the next
    • Merkins
    • Squats
    • LBCs
    • SSHs
  • 1 lap
  • 75 reps of same 4 exercises
  • 1 lap
  • 50 reps of same 4 exercises
  • 1 lap
  • 25 reps of same 4 exercises
  • 4 laps

In total it will be 2 miles and 1000 reps completed for time.

Please see PreBlasts for Thunder and Lightning for their Weinkes

Yabba Dabba Doo

New Commander at Ground Assault

12 PAX gathered to try to reach our step goal by 0600.  1 PAX got caught be a train, 1 was bloodied, and 1 was left behind.  The Site Q was fired on the spot.  We need a new leader ASAP to shape up this motley crew.

Enter Virus, the new Site Q at Ground Assault.  This HIM is on the short list of most influential PAX on my life.  I dare you to try to find a better guy.  You won’t.  The Wednesday Morning East Side Run/Ruck Club is in good hands.

Grateful for the opportunity to lead, and for the many who have helped shape the idea, taken a Q, or logged miles at Ground Assault.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Don’t be an a-hole

2 runners.  4 ruckers.  Some EC to lead it off.  Roscoe said it was 0530, so YHC said “OK, Go”.  So we went.

The Dichotomy of Leadership chapter was “Train Hard, but Train Smart”.  A leader’s job is to make the training hard, because we need to be best prepared for the worst, but always make sure the learning is accessible, and not covered up by extreme and unnecessary nastiness.  While even the nasty trainings will teach lessons, they won’t necessarily be the lessons that the leader aimed to teach.

This book is a great read.  Come join us for more next Sunday.

Yabba Dabba Doo


5 runners and 4 ruckers got out for some early morning miles at Ground Assault.  Today’s route was the “Derecho” route, named after the short lived Monday run out of the Storm.  YHC posted there at least twice, and remember JK2 running us up and down the hill on Lakewood Road, so that had to be part of the route.  The other time, Defib was Q.  We ran to the Goat.  In those days, we did more than just run the whole time at a “running” workout.  At least that’s the way YHC remembers it, but with only 30 posts in a 5 year span, it’s probably not good to trust my memory.

So that’s a history lesson you didn’t need.  At least this backblast isn’t long.  I’m just writing it so I don’t get fined.

Thanks for following along.

Yabba Dabba Doo

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