Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Edison (Page 1 of 2)

Murph at the Yank

Apologies for the late Backblast. This workout was followed by a vacation and it may of slipped my mind. This will be a short one.


ssh x 20

don q x 20 (for ToolTime)

lbc x 20

The Thang:


1 mileish around belmont

100 pullups

200 merkins

300 dips

however you can get them

1 mile around the middle school track

A few dips and derkins to finish out the hour

Back to the flag for the pledge & COT

It was an honor to lead and I promise to be more prompt with the BB next time

Plan B

Honestly, looking at Twitter and Slack before Saturday, I was expecting a very small group. There was a group going to get the Ghost flag and some races as well. I thought a small group would be perfect for a MURPH since there is limited room on the pull-up bars at the park. As 7:00 approached it became clear that there would be more than a few. On to “plan b”, make it up as we go.

Warm up:

SSH x 20, LBC x 15, merkins x 10


If I remember correctly,

1 mileish run around the town and back to the park

At the pull-up bars: 5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, 20 dips x 4 sets, I called for 3 but someone wanted even numbers.

Mosey to the back of the middle school for rugby sprints. Probably 7 or 8 exercises called

Mosey to the front of the school for some more running and merkins. Run around the track stopping at each corner for 10 merkins x 3 laps.

Last but not least, partner up for Dora. Merkins, LBCs and squats.

Mosey back to the flag for the pledge,

Over the course of 1 hour, we ran between 3.5 and 9 miles depending whose watch you go by.

It was an honor to lead. I look forward to doing it again.

Bricks around Belmont

12 men made it to The Fighting Yank including my 2.0 and 1 FNG. After a short warm up of SSH, merkins and Don Qs, we grabbed a couple of bricks each and set out for a mosey around Belmont.

The tour began at Nellies where we did 20 CDDs, 20 brick military press, and 20 CDDs.

Next stop was the popcorn shop where we did 20 werkins, 20 brick flys and 20 werkins.

Mosey to the intersection by McDonalds, 20 MNCs, 20 straight arm raises with the bricks, and 20 MNCs.

Down the hill to the abandoned funeral home for 20 military merkins, 20 brick tricep extensions and 20 military merkins.

Next stop was the library for 20 merkins, 20 brick curls and 20 merkins.

Mosey to the front of the middle school for 20 diamond merkins, 20 brick chest punches and 20 diamond merkins.

Back down the hill to the picnic shelter at the park for 3 sets of 5 pullups and 20 dips.

Still a little bit of time so we dropped the bricks and formed a circle around the fountain. It was carefully explained that first the PAX would bear craw halfway around the fountain. At that point, stop and plank. The first person does 10 merkins. When he finishes, the next person does 10, and on down the line till everyone has gone. Rinse and repeat. (I’m not sure that is what actually happened)


Announcements: Stop Soldier Suicide, Speed for Need

Welcome FNG Ooom Bop

It was an honor to lead. I look forward to next time.

Bricks and Merkins

11 HIM showed up at Midoriyama on a cold dark evening for the first workout I have Q’d in a long time. By the time I got there at 5:20, most of this group already had a few miles EC in.

Warmup: SSH, Don Q’s, MNC’s


Since it has been so long I figured I would reuse one of my favorites and maybe no one would notice. Each man grab 2 bricks and lets mosey.

Mosey with the bricks to the dog park. 20 CDD’s, 30 military press, 20 CDD’s.

Mosey around the track. 20 werkins, 30 brick flys, 20 werkins.

Mosey back to the flag. 20 MNC’s ,30 brick straight arm raises 20 MNC’s

Mosey to the parking lot at the trail. 20 military merkins, 30 tricep raises, 20 military merkins.

Mosey to the bike trail parking lot. 20 merkins, 30 brick curls, 20 merkins.

Mosey back close to the flag. 20 diamond merkins, 30 brick punches, 20 diamond merkins.

At this point YHC’s arms had turned to jelly, so enough of that.

A few minutes left so circle up for some core work. Pax called out the exercise and I don’t remember what they were except for Oompa’s 100 lbc’s.       Time.


Announcements: Christmas town 5k, half marathon Dec 22.

Prayer requests: Def Leopard’s M’s knee, friends and relatives with cancer.

It was an honor to lead. Next time it wont be so long between Q’s.


Squats, Merkins, LBCs, repeat

While most men were spending the weekend at F3 dads camp, 6 men came for an early morning beat down at the Yank. No FNGs so only a short disclaimer was given.

Warm up:


Don Qx10IC



The Thang:

Very short mosey to Caravan Coffee where the first exercises were explained.

PAX will start with 20 squats, run up Airline St about a quarter mile, 20 squats, run a quarter mile down Hawthorne St, 20 squats, back up Hawthorne, 20 squats, back up Airline to the start, 20 squats.

We repeated the same route replacing squats for merkins and then LBCs.

Now that we’re warmed up, short mosey to the newly paved parking lot in front of Glenway Pub. Circle up for the wave of merkins. Start at 1 and go around the circle like a wave up to 10.

We repeated the wave with squats and then WW1s.

Next we mosey to the flag at the Yank for the Pledge and then to the rear of the middle school for rugby sprints.

PAX will perform an exercise until I say run. Sprint 30 yards down, sprint 30 yards back, and walk 30 yards. The exercises performed were… you guessed it, squats, merkins and LBCs. We did this 6 times and were running out of time.

Mosey back to the shelter for four minutes of Mary and time was up.


Give 2 Give, Speed for Need

Prayer requests:

Kids back to school soon, families, those battling sickness, Tiny Tank as he prepares for his move, Pockets as he faces some health problems.

As always it was an honor to lead and I look forward to the next time.

The Belmont 5k

14 men woke up early on a Saturday looking for a beat down to get the day started. I hope I didn’t disappoint. Two FNGs were present so a short disclaimer was given. In past workouts I have heard guys say that they cant run a 5k, so today I set out to prove them wrong. The workout went like this:


SSHx10IC, Merkinsx5, Squatsx5.

Short warmup because we have a lot of ground to cover.

The Thang:

The plan is to mosey for a while and stop for some exercises.  This will be repeated until our 5k is complete.

Starting at Stowe park, mosey to Nellies parking lot. CDDsx25, squatsx25, LBCsx25.

Mosey to Walk Run parking lot. Werkinsx25, squatsx25, American hammersx25.

Mosey to the intersection at Main St. Military merkinsx25, squatsx25, Freddie Mercuriesx25.

Mosey to the funeral home, diamond merkinsx25, squatsx25, flutter kicksx25.

Mosey to the Library, Merkinsx25,squatsx25, WW1sx25.

Mosey to Belmont Middle School, dipsx25,squatsx25, LBCsx25

Mosey to First Pres Church, Train is heard, 5 burpies.

This is the halfway point of our 5k. This is a lot harder and is taking a lot longer than I planned while sitting on the couch. The trip back was going to be the same stops with the same exercises. Change of plan. New plan will be same stops, squats will be done while waiting for the 6.

Made it back to Stowe Park at 7:59 in time for the pledge. Every man present completed the 5k.


Speed for Need inaugural race is July 4.

Welcome to FNGs Mulligan and Tide.

Prayer Request:

Cheech and family and friends. Each other. Those battling illness.







Less running, more merkins

9 strong men including 1 FNG woke up early on a Saturday morning for a beat down at the Fighting Yank. I hope I gave them their money’s worth. With the mud run coning soon, I planned to Q a workout that would include at least a 5k with exercise obstacles around the city of Belmont. That all changed when I got a text from Pockets Friday evening. He is coming off of IR Saturday morning! His only request was ” not a lot of running”. That’s ok, we’ll just do more merkins. Here’s how it went:

Warm up


Don Quixotesx15IC



The Thang

Mosey up the hill to the front of Belmont Central for some station work. Perform an exercise and then run a lap around the front of the school. Each exercise will be 50 reps. the exercises were: LBCs, merkins, squats, calf raises, dips, flutter kicks, and decline merkins.

Now that we’re warmed up, lets mosey around to the back of the school for some rugby sprints. YHC will call out an exercise and we will do them until I say go. We will then sprint around 30 yards down and back then walk to the other end. Exercises included merkins, LBCs, CDDs and a few others I don’t remember.

Mosey to the picnic shelter for some exercises done as 10,10,9,9,8,8….the first exercises were dips and Bobby Hurlies, next were LBCs and merkins.

Still some time left so a short mosey to the hill for some Quadraphillia (thanks Billy Madison). Partner up, 1 partner holds plank position while the other runs up the hill backwards and down forwards. Switch at the bottom. The clock was set for 5 minutes but it seemed like longer.

Back to where we started for the Pledge and 5 minutes of Mary. Times up!


Announcements: Mud run approaching, Burpiethon details to be released soon

Prayer requests: Those on the IR, friends and family members

It was good to have Pockets back off of IR. Welcome FNG Gumbo (Boudan’s 2.0)

It was an honor to lead. I look forward to next time.

Lets take our bricks for a run

13 PAX came out to Midoriyama on a beautiful February afternoon to make themselves better. With the P200 coming up I figured a nice run may be what was needed, but this group looked ready for a good upper body workout as well. Lets do both.


Short warmup went as follows: SSHx15 IC, Don Quixotesx15 IC, LBCx15 IC, Merkinsx5

The Thang:

25 ft mosey to the back of the Jeep where each man was issued 2 bricks each. Bring your bricks and lets mosey. Mosey about a quarter of a mile to the dog park for 20 CDD’S, 1 minute military press with the bricks and 20 more CDD’s. For the rest of the workout we will mosey around a quarter of a mile and stop for exercise. 2nd stop: 20 werkins, brick flys, 20 werkins. 3rd stop: 20 MNCs with bricks, brick straight arm raises, 20 MNCs, 4th stop: 20 military merkins, brick tricep extensions, 20 military merkins. 5th stop: back to the bleachers by the flag to finish the last 3 minutes doing dips OYO. 22 merkins for the vets and the pledge and we’re done.


P200, Snow Birds, Mud Run

Prayer requests:

Friends, family, each other, family of Dipstick from Grand strand

As always, it was an honor to lead.

Burpie Mile

10 strong men came to Midoriyama for an afternoon beat down. Pockets  and I would try not to disappoint. He will be providing the first half for his VQ and I will get the second half. Here’s what I remember.


SSH x 20 IC, Don Quixote x 20 IC, LBFC’s X 15 IC (that got the mumble chatter going), Shoulder taps x 20 IC.

The Thang:

Pockets took us for a long mosey to cover the short distance between the flag and the playground. First exercise will be 5 pull ups and 20 Freddie Mercurys, rinse and repeat x 4. Good thing the kids on the play ground didn’t mind sharing the equipment. Next would be a route 66 with squats.  Now that everyone is warm, lets mosey to the soccer fields for a burpie mile. Run a lap around the track and do 12 burpies , rinse and repeat x 4. I think the track may of been a little more than 1/4 mile but we made it.    Mosey back to the parking lot for a merkin ladder. Run across the parking lot and do 20 merkins. run back and do 19, We ran out of time before we made it to 1 but most got to around 7. Back to the flag for the Pledge and 22 merkins for the Veterans. Circle up for COT.

Announcements: Palmetto 200 meeting, Advisory board meeting, Mud run sign ups

Prayer requests: Family members with health problems, Our country, Each other

As always, it was an honor to lead. Thanks to Pockets for his VQ. This guy started posting a little over a month ago. He has already had his first Q and is signed up for another one soon. He has also been known to post morning and evening pretty regular.






Cards in the snow

4 brave men crawled out of the fartsack and ventured onto the icy roads to make their daily down painment Saturday morning. The weather man predicted 6-8 inches of snow, but Belmont received more like 2 inches of ice. Not knowing what to expect, YHC chose to go with a Wienke that could mostly be done under shelter. Here’s how it went.


SSH x 15IC

Hillbillies x 15IC

Merkins x 15IC

LBC x 15IC

Mosey up the hill to the picnic shelter for the Double Deck of Death. Here’s how it went:

The Thang:

Two decks of cards were combined using 9-Ace with 4 Jokers.

Spades = Burpies

Diamonds = Dips

Hearts = Merkins

Clubs = WW1’s

Jokers = Lap around the track

All cards were played. If my math is correct, that equals 138 of each exercise and 4 laps around the track.

Finished with a few minutes to spare so we mosied to the flag for the Pledge. Back to the shelter for 5 minutes of Mary. Flutter kicks, WW1’s, and a few others were done.

COT and Announcements:

DDC and Pot Pie both have upcoming mission trips. Pray for the homeless in this weather.


It was an honor to lead. I look forward to next time.



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