Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Dr. Seuss (Page 12 of 14)

Last Week of Freedom Q

In a week of back-to-school prep, it was great to take a break and lead this group of HIM’S! We kept it moving. Thanks, Milburn, for the push on Route 66 uphill! Thanks everyone for your strong work!



SSH x15,

Crunchy Frogs x15,

Nolan Ryans x10



Mosey to Fire station for O.P.P:

Partner up.

Partner 1: Overhead Claps while in People’s Chair (O.P. P.).

Partner 2 : 20 Peter Parkers,

40 Parker Peters,

60 Plank Jacks.


Mosey to picnic tables for Partner Forties:

I.C. with Partner:

30 Dips/10 Pattycake Merkins

25 Dips/15 Pattycake Merkins

20 Dips/20 Pattycake Merkins

15 Dips/25 Pattycake Merkins

Mosey to back lot for ALARMS:  Partner runs to end and back; Flapjack

100 Shoulder Taps

150 Squats

200 LBC’s

250 Russian Twists (American Hammers)

300 Mountain Climbers

Mosey to fire station for Route 66:

Up hill with CDD’s


Prayer Requests


The Heat is On

9 Pax came out to The Storm for what seemed to be one of the hottest, most humid mornings of the year; but each pushed themselves and each other.







Moroccan Nightclubs

Mt Climbers



Mosey to end of lot for Del Brown: 10 Merkins, Crab Walk, 10 Hand Release, Crab Walk.

Rinse and Repeat until you reach the circle.


At circle, hold Superman, Low Plank, High Plank


Catch Me If You Can– with a partner

PAx 1 10 CDD’s while Pax 2 Nurs up hill;

Pax 1 runs to catch him, drops for 10 CDD’s to the top.


At circle, High Plank, Low Plank, Superman


Modified Bridge over Nest

 Pax 1 lunges down parking lot while Pax 2 does 10 squats, 10 Plank Jacks, 10 LBC’s;



Mosey to side of school for Escalator:

10 Diamond Merkins

20 Dips

30 LBFC’s

40 Up Straddle Hops

50 Crunchy Frogs

Lap around lot.

Rinse and Repeat. OYO



  • Pizza Man’s 2nd F event at Rankin Lake park from 10:00-14:00. Sign-up at the pre-blast link he posted on Slack. 8/17
  • 9/11 Stairclimb on 9/14.
  • Stop Soldier Suicide 5k/ 10K Speed for Need Event 9/21
  • JJ5K at Stanley Common Ground (trail run) 9/28
  • Ragnar on 10/5
  • Tuna 200 on 10/25-10/26
  • BRR Ruck is happening. Check Whoopee’s post on Slack about a meeting coming up.
  • Already looking ahead to next year for P200 and the Colonial 200.
  • Christmastown 5k. Sign up soon. This race usually sells out by September.
  • Kids, parents, teachers as schools start up



Be intentional with the life God has for you as a Christian. If you don’t have a relationship with Christ, turn to Him for His free gift of grace which he lavishes upon us. We can’t, and don’t have to, work for salvation. If you have turned to Christ as your Savior, live intentionally to glorify Him, love and encourage each other. From Eph. 2 sermon.



Leppards M-surgery in September

Ron brother-in-law of Righteous Fox -stroke and health issues

Pizzaman- niece’s birthday

Lynn Hamm and family



YHC took us out in prayer.

As always, it’s an honor to lead. You guys encourage me constantly and I’m thankful for you!!



I Can’t Count vs. He Can’t Remember His Name

Thanks so much to the HIMS that came out to The Goat! I really had a good time..even as I tried to keep my counting straight! It was great to have Top Hat back with us, Gump and Heyzus with us for the first time, Sunshine back after a long time away (and under a different name, which he couldn’t remember), Wet for posting with a vengeance this week, Spiderman making Goat a more regular part of his regime, Anchorman so diligent as he recovers from injury, Timeframe back with us, and faithful Tesla. Great work, men!




Up Straddle Hops

Moroccan Nightclubs

Flutter Kicks



Partner Elevens

On opposite sides of the bridge, Pax 1 does CDD’s/ Pax 2 does Crunchy Frogs; meet in the middle for the respective descending Boo-yah Merkins


Red Barchetta: Mosey to far lot

100 Yd Dash/100 SSH

75/75 Mountain Climbers

50/50 LBCs

25/25 Merkins of Choice

10/10 Burpees


Sleep Walkers 1,2,3: At each light pole from bridge to bridge

1 Squat; 2 Don Q; 3 Lunges










Febreze-in gazebo

OYO:  2 Big Boys, then lift legs 6 inches and do 10 Air Presses

4 Big Boys, 20 Air Presses 

6 Big Boys, 30 Air Presses

8 Big Boys, 40 Air Presses



Tubing: July 20
F3 Dads @ Folsom: July 20
Tronmoss 5K: July 21

Prayer Requests


Timeframe- parents



Phillippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which passes all understanding  will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

YHC took us out


We’re All In This Together

12 HIMS came out as we kept things moving at The Goat. Most of the activities were done in cadence with partners. How appropriate- considering that today was the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Tesla shared with us of a family member who was part of that momentous undertaking, and we realize how much those heroes had to rely on and support each other. They were all in it together.




Don Q x10 IC

Moroccan Nightclubs x10 IC

Goofballs x 10 IC



Mosey to Bridge:

With partner IC:

*Lunge bridge/ 10 Big Boys

*NUR/ 20 Crunchy Frogs

*Crab walk/ 30 LBC’s

*Carioca Right/ 40 Flutter Kicks

*Carioca Left/ 50 Dying Cockroaches


Mosey to Picnic Area:

Grab a partner for:

5 Bropees

Partner Forties:

30 Dips/10 Pattycake Merkins





Mosey to back parking lot for:

Jacked Up IC with Partner:

50 SSH

40 Plank Jacks

30 Seal Jacks

20 Up Straddle Hops (hop 10 on each leg while SSH)

10 Smurf Jacks


Mile Mosey

Dominoes: Left and Right Plank x10 Merkins  at Fire station

Donkey Kicks x20 on wall at top of hill

Rocky Balboas x30 per leg on curb at bridge

Long mosey back to flag



Convergence, Gashouse-June 29

Collecting school supplies-June 8

Rafting-June 22



Lynn Hamm -surgery,

Emily- travel

Elenore Myers-friend of Tesla


Oompah and his family



Spoke of faith and how we are not to dig deep to muster up our own faith and strength, but to look to Jesus and rest in His power, a power outside of ourselves.



YHC took us out.

As always, it was an honor to lead and to work out along side of each of you. I would encourage all HIMS to visit various AO’s and get to know your other F3 comrades. Also, look to Christ for your ultimate strength and relationship.



Looks Better on Paper

Good, solid group of HIMS at The Storm today. If you weren’t there, you were missed. Come next week. Tophat was suppose to have this Q, but had to go out of town, so YHC took it. I think I got a little overambitious, as we were suppose to complete the Stink Bombs, run to Goat, and do another routine across the bridge; but I guess it’s better to overplan than underplan.

Anyhow, things will run smoother when I Q in a couple weeks at The Goat, so come on out. It’s great to see our numbers growing in the Belmont area, and it seems we’ve had a consistent showing of FNG’s at all of the AO’s.




Goofballs x15 IC

Marionettes x5 OYO

Moroccan Nightclubs x15 IC




Stink BOMBS:


Burpees x 100                                        50 LBC’s

Overhead Presses x 200                  25 Merkins-of choice

Monkey Crunches x 300                  50 Dips

Bobby Hurleys x 300 Modified    50 Flutter Kicks

Sweat Angels x 200  Modified      50 SSH




Three -Partner Relays

Pr 1 crab walks across lot while 2 and 3 Hold Plank

Lunge bridge and Squats

NUR bridge and Plank Jacks

Shuffle and Monkey Crunches





Speed for need-This Saturday, May 25

Murph- Monday, 7 am, Martha Rivers

Ignited Childcare School Supplies, June 8

Word: Ps 56: 9 This I know, God is for me. (God keeps account of the tears of His faithful ones. He doesn’t ignore our concerns. He is FOR those who trust in Him.)

Be there for each other; be FOR each of your fellow pax.



Madman’s girlfriend and mom Lynn MRI

Broke’s daughter

Radar’s dad

Whetstone Program




I’m thankful for you guys daily; always an honor to lead!


Creature Dis-Comforts

11 HIMS came out on a humid morning at The Goat.



Seal Jacks-15 IC

Dying Cockroach-15 IC


Mosey to back lot for Core

Van Gohda- (Lying down Windmill)-10 IC

Doggie Paddle-10 IC

Monkey Crunches


Mosey to Gazebo for Lazy Doras

Partner up.

Pax 1- 25 Dips, Pax 2 -Holds Superman; flapjack to 100

Pax 1- 50 LBC’s, Pax 2- Holds plank; flapjack to 200

Pax 1- amrap squats, Pax 2- Holds Al Gore; flapjack  to 300


Mosey to Far Lot for Uptown 50: (Arms)

Pax stand behind one of the following : Nur, Sprint, Right Shuffle, Left Shuffle, Sprint and perform 10 burpees. Pax then performs the chosen exercise to get to the next station: Crab walk, Bear crawl, Duck walk, Frog Hop, Alligator Walk, where he performs 10 CDD’s, then does that designated exercise back until curcuit is completed, ending in 50 burpees and 50 CDD’s in total. 


Mosey back to Lot to building for Legs:

Donkey Kick-offs IC

 5 donkey kicks, 5 second hold

10 Donkey Kicks, 10 second hold

15 Donkey Kicks, 15 second hold

20 Donkey Kicks, 20 second hold

Monkey squats- 10 OYO



Hike- this Sunday, GSM 5:30 am

Speed for Need- May 25

Memorial Day Murph, details to come

Rice and Beans- May 14, Meet at Roses  6:15 pm



My animal-themed workout lead me to a reminder that, unlike animals, we have souls and minds which need to be renewed daily.

I shared this at Q Source as part of out study about..Study. Continue to renew your minds daily. This was taken from Pastor Jeff’s Psalm 13 Sermon:

“I’m my own worst enemy! I will sink myself in depression, stress, anxiety, worry.  I listen to myself far too often. SPEAK TRUTH TO YOURSELF! We read the Bible so we correct ourself-to preach to ourself.”


Prayer Requests:

Families of Charlotte tragedy

Sargento’s Mother-in-Law

Boudin and Anchorman recovery 


No “monkeying around” for these men today; they worked like dogs.

It was so great to have Wet nuts back with us after a long haitus and Orangeman after his recovery.

Also, real glad Spiderman has been joining us after having handed over the Downtown Q;

newer HIMS Termite and Get A Grip continuing to post with us;

Breaker Breaker, Dirt, Tesla for continuing to push the rock here at the Goat;

and these totally impressive young HIMS, Headcase and Scribbles, who encourage me more than they know.

A true blessing to lead,


Living on the Edge at Crossroads

It was a great morning at Crossroads. In fact, it was quite interesting.


2 Rucked Boar’s Nest

6 Ran

(2 put in a cameo appearance: Hacksaw; and furious)

There was almost blood thanks to Sister Act; the man has some quick does Mayor, who is also quick to forgive. Oh, the humanity..and SA lived to tell about it.

Q Source:

8 for Q Source:  Montross off to church;  Pizzaman joined us.

In summary: from STUDY (Q1.11)

“A Leader is a person who is able to influence other people to Move to Advantage. Movement is action taken to further Purpose, and Advantage is a superior circumstance achieved by that Movement. Leaders are Disruptive in that they cause a disturbance to a Group’s Status Quo by first visualizing an Advantage and then articulating it to the Group’s Members so persuasively that they begin to Move toward it.”

“It (Faith) is dynamic rather than static, in that it is either Accelerating or it is Decelerating. It never just is.”

Also, a reference from Jeff’s sermon on Psalm 13:

“I listen to myself far too often. Speak truth to yourself! We read the Bible so we correct ourself-to preach to ourself”.

So, study to accelerate your faith and your relationship with Christ, as well as to renew your minds; continue posting to accelerate your fitness and your relationships with other PAX.


Hike to Mt Mitchell-May 5

Speed for Need-May 25

Prayer Requests:

Each other

PAX Family members

Thanks, Stroganoff, for the Coconut Horse Backblast..which I used as a template, as it was so applicable.

Thanks to Crossroads PAX for your participation and for the opportunity to Q and lead Q Source. (YHC will work on his video and camera skills).





Storming the Storm

13 PAX came out in the perfect morning weather before the heat of the day.

Pledge and Disclaimer

Warm Up:

Goofballs (Sargentos),

Moroccan Nightclubs (Tophats), 



Mosey to school. Partner up (Arms)

Pax 1  Dips (AMRAP) as  Pax 2 runs to trash can and back; flapjack

Pax 1  Incline Merkins as Pax 2 runs to trash can and back; flapjack

Rinse and Repeat

Red Barchetta

100 yd Dash, 100 SSH OYO, run back to start and plank for six

75 yd Dash, 75 Mt Climbers OYO

50 yd Dash OYO, 50 LBCs

25 yd Dash OYO, 25 Merkins

10 yd Dash OYO, 10 Burpees

Bolt 45 (Legs) 

15 Squats-standing to half- OYO

Sprint to speed bump

15 Squats-half to full down, back to half- OYO

Sprint to next speed bump

15 Jump squats, OYO

Sprint to top

Mosey to circle for:

Circle Burp

Count off, then Pax do High Knees.

When each Pax calls their number, all Pax drop and do corresponding number of burpees

(Ohmaha’d this after number 11..much, I believe, to the relief of the Pax..but made up some at the flag)

Mosey down to circle in parking lot for:

Captain Thor: (Core)

1 Big Boy, 4 American Hammers OYO





Mosey to flag for 12 burpees


Hike-May 5

F2-Saturday, April 27 Lewis Farms


 2 Cor 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has passed away, behold the new has come.

Christ seeks out those not yet His. Those who have a relationship with Christ are made totally new creations, not just better. Reminder that God is FOR His children, not against us.

Remember to continue to support and encourage each other! Thanks to those who continue to support and encourage me; it truly makes a difference!


Prayer Requests:

David, Friend of Moses, hospice called in

Sargento’s Mother- in- law

Sri Lanka tragedy

Anchorman’s Mother-in-law

So great to lead you all today! Keep at it! And, Mayor, I do “Respect” you!


Tour of Cramerton

Cold morning at the Goat, but not as cold as we thought. We warmed up quickly, and some of us found we had overdressed. A lot of moseying ensued, though Strava said we only did 1.6 miles..hmm.



Stretching: Hang; Right hand to Right foot, hand high; Left



Mosey across bridge to far parking lot

7 of Diamonds:

Round 1: 7 Burpees; mosey between

Round 2: 14 4-count flutter kicks; NUR between

Round 3: 21 CDD’s; Mosey between

Round 4: 28 Squats; NUR between


Mosey to lower lot by Rader Center


Round 1: 7 Merkins ; mosey between

Round 2: 14  American Hammers-count 1 side; NUR between

Round 3: 21 Lunges; Mosey between

Round 4: 28 LBC’s; NUR between


Mosey to lot at top of stairs.


Round 1: 7 Hand Release Merkins ; mosey between

Round 2: 14 Parker Peters; NUR between

Round 3: 21 SSH; Mosey between

Round 4: 28 Mountain Climbers; NUR between (Omaha’d)


Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who live God all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose.


Nomads to Metro on Saturday

Convergence, March 30 Folsom 7:00 am

Prayer Requests:

Tesla’ son..National Honor Society

Tatorhole’s daughter having a procedure


Thanks for coming out! Fun to lead!




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