Fannie Mae and I ran Del Webb roads in reverse. A perfect 5 mile route. Good run and conversation! Rocket slept through his alarm.
Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
Fannie Mae and I ran Del Webb roads in reverse. A perfect 5 mile route. Good run and conversation! Rocket slept through his alarm.
6 runners came out on a humid morning for a Ground Assault run. It’s been a while since we’ve run run Stowe Road/ Samuel Pinkney/Dorie and back, so that was chosen route. This is a great route if you want a straight 5.10 miles without having to tack anything on at the end. Tesla ran in the park.
Turtleman Convergence-Pelicans, Monday 6/10
Annihilation-Gashouse this Saturday
2F Lunch: Bubba’s, 6/19
Pillager’s Mother-in-Law and Wife
Termite’s procedure this Friday
Philippians 1:21-22
[21] For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. [22] If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell.
“Christ is the Lord of our lives; they come to an end only in his sovereign will, when his purposes in us, and for us have been completed. But if it is his will for us to continue to live, one reason is this: He means to continue to bless us and use us as his servants. If the Lord continues to keep us in this life, He means our lives to encourage others to grow as Christians and to bring joy to them. Does my life encourage others to grow and to rejoice?” Sinclair Ferguson
YHC took us out.
Nice work, men!
3 ran and 3 didn’t as FRC began at our old time from a new location. Sargento came to YHCs rescue, at my request for new roads, and came up with a new route..and more than a few choice words about our missing comrades.
Nice run today! All pax welcome!
7 Pax came out on a warm Midoriyama evening. We beat the rain, worked our core (thanks to Shortsale for the inspiration to do more core), and kept moving.
Warm Up: Imperial Walker Squats, Gravel Pickers, Toy Soldiers
Stack at Each Pole:
2 burpees
2, 4 squats
2,4,6 CDDs
2,4,6,8 Moroccan Nightclubs
2,4,6,8,10 Bobby Hurley
2,4,6,8,10,12 Crunchy Frogs
14 LBCs
16 Flutters
To shade for one minute of core:
American Hammers
Reverse Crunch
Genie Elbow to Knee
Genie Knee to Elbow
100 Big Boys
200 Merkins
300 Flutters
Descending Route 66 at each light pole with Big Boys
End with a round of Mary.
Memorial Day Murph
Clean-up day after Yank-June 22
Blood Drive-June 26;17 slots to fill
F3 Dad’s resuming-see Slack
Prayer Requests:
Gavel’s family/nephew
Grandpa Leppard took us out.
Good times! Thanks guys!
3 rucked and 10 ran the “Untitled Route” (Come to think of it, we need to name it). This is my new favorite route..but not the way Radar does it;). HIMS pushed their pace today; good camaraderie.
We enter town with about a mile left, so pax chose their preferred routes. Ruckers seemed to have to change plans, also, due to train. Nice work, men!
Memorial Day Murph
Clean-up day after Yank-June 22
Blood Drive-June 26;17 slots to fill
F3 Dad’s resuming-see Slack
Prayer Requests:
Breaker’s Aunt and Mother
Gavel family/nephew
Teachers at end of year
2 Timothy 2:13 if we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself.
Hudson Taylor, ” It is not by trying to be faithful, but by looking to the Faithful One, that we win the victory.”
Anchorman took us out.
Thanks for coming out today, men! You may never know what your presence means to the man beside you!
7 ran, 5 rucked, then 10 stayed for Q Source on “Prayer” at Members Only.
Goonie Ruck-this Saturday
Lunch-May 15 Ray’s Smokehouse
Memorial Day Murph
Prayer Requests:
Jackson Curdy
Kool-aid Injury
YNC took us out.
Q Source:
Ephesians 6:18 ESV
[18] praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,
From “A Praying Life” by Paul Miller: “Jesus’ example teaches us that prayer is about relationship. When He prays, He is not performing a duty; He is getting close to his Father. Any relationship, if it is going to grow, needs private space, time together without an agenda, where you can get to know each other. When it comes to spending time with God, take baby steps. Don’t set impossible goals and then collapse. Consistency is more important than length. Regardless of how or when you pray, if you give God the space, He can touch your soul. God knows you are exhausted, but at the same time He longs to be part of your life.”
Thanks for the opportunity to lead..good group!
Nice showing at Crossroads today with 9 pax. Some ran, some rucked, some walked; regardless, it was great to see everyone on this eventful F3 weekend. We had 8 for our discussion of “Whetstone”.
F2 lunch this Wednesday at Simonetti’s in Belmont
“Goonie” ruck on May 4 beginning at Schiele
Prayer Requests:
Gumby’s family
Wirenut’s family
Blart’s son’s friend, Justin
End of school year
Wik took us out
Continue to support an encourage each other,
So, YHC thought he might be the only FRC member today due to Ville to Ville and to Sargento’s confusing text about “running 9”. I said I would ruck alone if no one came, Buckeye said he’d all was well. Sargento and GoldDigger paired up; Buckeye and I had some’s been awhile. Hope he wins his age group at Ville to Ville; hope Sargento has a Happy Anniversary!
Convergence/Speed for Need
Ville to Ville
Upcoming “Goonie” Ruck
Prayer Requests:
Sargento’s clients..many are ill
Sudden death of a student at GoldDigger’s school
YHC took us out, followed by the Pledge, and a quick rendition of The Flintstone’s (I mean the original Flintstones with Fred and Barney) version of “Happy Anniversary” in response to Sargento’s wish that there was an Anniversary song. We all know (some of us more than others) how much he loves to sing in repetition.
Thankful for you guys,
It was nice to actually stay for COT and coffee after Tequila Sunrise; and it was appreciated that some HIMS stuck around after FRC to make up the 20 pax and 2 ruckers that pushed themselves this morning. Alma Mater and Nutria flew in just about bumper-to-bumper to get here..almost on time.
Warm Up: Don Q, Toy Soldiers, Plank Stretches
100 Step Ups
200 Dips
300 LBCs
400 Flutters-count both legs
1 PAX member will execute as many reps as possible while PAX 2 sprints to cone 1 (or use a pole, tree, etc. for your point of turnaround), 1 Merkin, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 2, 2 Merkins, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 3, 3 Merkins, sprint back, switch with partner.
Mosey to Hill: Change partners.
While one partner does the exercise, the other runs to top of the hill and does 5 Bobby Hurleys:
50 Big Boys
100 Werkins
150 Monkey Humpers
200 American Hammers
250 SSH
Mosey back to school for about 4 minutes of Mary. Virus came to Alma Mater’s aid as he “opted out’..this time. Look for an Alma Mater Q soon!
It was great to have Runner Up join us from another region as he settles into the Gashouse area.
Rice and Beans next Tuesday. See Slack
Community Foundation Run in April. See Purple Haze
Look for Preblast on Dream Center Workout.
Prayer Requests:
Stogie and eye issues
Hall family
Curdy Family
Watts Up took us out.
Truly enjoyed the company of these men this morning as they pushed themselves and encouraged each other! Also, everything in this backblast was implemented, as stated. Could you say the same, Mayor?:)
Truly Thankful,
4 rucked; 10 ran Soldier to Soldier Route at Ground Assault.
Alma Mater had gotten to the AO early..for him..meaning 4:58, 4:59 and was hanging around, but the Q still had not arrived. Thanks to Virus for starting my Q and to Alma Mater for hanging back and waiting as YHC sat at a train and got behind vehicles on the way to Stowe Park.
Q School at Gashouse on March 2
Supplies needed for Black Mountain Children’s Home-see Roscoe’s note on Slack.
Prayer Requests:
Pillager’s Mother-in-Law
Breaker’s Aunt
YHC took us out.
Truly thankful for you guys,
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