Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Dolph_Gashouse (Page 7 of 7)

The Murph @ The GasHouse

13 PAX gathered to face the MURPH!


  • SSH X 10 IC
  • LBC x 10 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x 10 IC ( #Tclaps Whoopee for the bailout)
  • Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
  • SSH x 5

Mosey to Flag for Pledge.


Brownstreak escorted the Pax .25 mile to Sherwood playground and track.  Ran 3 laps on track to complete the first mile.

Next came 100 Pull Ups
200 Merkins
300 Squats

Each member of the Pax took the lead on one of ten rounds
10 pull ups OYO
10 Merkins IC (20)
15 Squats IC (30)

Completing the ten rounds of these exercises is no joke and the Pax did awesome.

Back on the track for 3 laps and then .25 mile back to Scheile.

1/2 way back we paused for 10 minutes of Mary.  Each Pax led exercise of their choice.  Nice work.  Gotta love Mary!

YHC could not count the Toy Soldiers this morning, destroyed it.  Thanks to Whoopee for the support and getting the Pax back on track.  I still need to practice the TS; got my redemption at 10 minutes of Mary.  The Murph is definitely tough, nice work men.

Again an honor to lead you men.  AYE!!  Thanks Tophat for taking us out.  #F3Works

– Dolph

#BB Gashouse

11pax Posted for the BlockBuster.

Warmup; SSH, Merkins, LBC’s x 15 IC

Mosey to Flag for Pledge

Mosey to Track pick up Coupon on the way-

.5 Mile Indian Run, 6 exercises x 10 IC with Coupon with .5 mile Indian Run after each round of exercises;  3 rounds.  Squat, Curls, French Curls, Squat Press, Front Raise, Good Mornings.  Finished 3 rounds circled up for Mary.  Freight- Peter Parker Peter, Roscoe- Dive Bomb Merkins; which Brownstreak seemed to like, Dr. Feelgood- Plank Sides, Linus- Freddie Merks, Mayor- V ups, Brownstreak- Russian Twist, Monk- Merkins, TSquare- Dying Cockroach, Spiderman- Imperial Walkers, Dolph- WWII Sit Ups: Replace Coupon to Stack at Top Parking Lot; Line up for Speed Bump Merkins- 5 Merkins at first speed bump, sprint to second for 10 Merkins, sprint to third for 15 Merkins, sprint back to second for 10, sprint back to first for 5.  All Pax 1 minute wall sit, Mosey back to Scheile.  15 Donkey Kicks IC, very tight in the dumpster enclosure.

Strong work by all Pax.  TClaps to Roscoe for Pushing It.  Brownstreak way to push through the Monk Merkins after the Roscoe Dive Bomb Merkins.  We covered about 2.7 miles, Nice works guys.  Always an honor to lead you men.  Thanks Brownstreak for taking us out.  #F3Works

Alligators @ Goat Island

Warmup: 10 IC: SSH, TS, IW, Mericans, LBC


The Thang

High Knees and Butt kicks to the bridge. Alligator pushups across bridge. Omaha longer than I remembered, bear crawl remainder of bridge.

Partner up and carry any way to next bridge. 5 burpees each if you had to switch out; everyone did burpees! AYE!! Alligator pushup as far as possible, bear crawl remainder of bridge #2.

Mosey to the gazebo for some DORA.

Partner up Aggregate count/ # for each
50 pull ups/ 10 burpees top of hill
100 Mericans/ 10 manmakers top of hill
150 Squats/ 20 mountain climbers top of hill

Mosey to the wall

3 Rounds Donkey Kicks 10 IC; a little F3 Graphitti; we may need to clean and repaint brown up to 4’. Awesome exercise IC, thanks Bandit.

Moleskin: Strong work by all PAX: nice job Bandit, that a way to push it this am. AYE!!! Mayor and I almost went down on the carry, however he dropped the gavel and made a stellar recovery. I don’t remember the bridge being that long!!!! Always a privilege and honor to lead you guys.

Thanks. Dolph

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