Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Def Leppard (Page 5 of 17)

Is That a Bear?

Beautiful morning in Dallas NC for a run! 10 Pax ran toward the college. While in the college loop we see through the gloom a large animal standing in the road! Is that a bear? No, it’s a huge dog and when it hears us it takes off into the woods. I was told it looked like a Bernese Mountain dog. On our way back, we notice a “Dog Missing” sign with a picture of our dog on it. Little did I know but our boy Sister Act, ever the compassionate pet lover having three dogs himself, got the number and called about the sighting. After some voice mails and a few other exchanges, the person tells him that this dog has been from South Mountain to Shelby and is now in Dallas. They also ask him to call Animal Control himself to report this at which point he is out. He tried to help. Good job SA!

Q Source was on Prayer. We read through the main points of the importance of Prayer in whatever faith you may have. I also read a recent post Dredd had on his Collision Learner blog which I thought was just great, pertaining to prayer. It is short and worth a read. Here is the link.

Frisbee in the Wind

It was a beautiful afternoon as I am on my way to Midoriyama when I get a call seeing if I will Q which of course I will. I roll up to see a good crowd and inform them of the Q change and 5:30 so let’s go!

Warmup: SSH x 10 IC, Abe Vigodas x 10 IC, Sargento’s allegedly patented Right Over Left leg stretch x 5 then Left over Right, Hillbillies x 10 IC, LBC’s x 10 IC, 5 burpees OYO for Slaw, Asssshhh Pond didn’t like it!

Let’s mosey over to the Field #4 parking lot for some 11’s. 10 Merkins on this side run across lot for 1 squat, then 9 and 2, etc.

Let’s mosey to the small soccer field for some Frisbee Football. It was very windy so the frisbee throw was very important today. Seems like Wojo and Boudin mastered the throwing and by some good fortune, they were both on my team! My team scored at will with everyone making contributions. Even Seuss who doesn’t care for frisbee stayed and played well and may have even liked it a little. Slaw and Haze’s team was slowly humiliated and by the end had given up as their countenance fell. The good news is we all got in a good workout and no one got hurt. It seems to go that way when a certain Canoe isn’t here. Back to the flag and Pledge.

Word: I read 7 Bible verses about anger and the point they were making mostly as a reminder to myself to always keep working on the anger issue. Here are the points from the scriptures.
Be slow to anger.
Anger keeps us away from where God wants us.
Anger hinders all of our relationships especially M and family.
Our response to anger can often control how a situation resolves.
Turn from anger toward forgiveness.
Turning from anger can often lead to turning away from other bad things.
Turning from anger shows wisdom.

Announcements: Remember the service project Items, individual tissues and wipes.
PT Test this Saturday at Gashouse 7 a.m. Other AO’s are still open.
Help out Site Q’s by picking up a Q at a different AO than your normal.

Prayer Requests: Turtleman, Sister Act and family, Cougar’s grandmother, Livermush, Shook family, Lewis family, GSM family. Ash Pond took us out.

Old School Named

8 Pax circle up to get started at the newest AO in the region. Blart rolls in late to make it 9.
Warm Up: SSH x 15, Cotton Pickers x 12, Imperial Walkers/Hillbillies x 15 or something like that.
Mosey towards the upper road at Carr Elementary and circle up for 15 Merkins IC called by Broke, 15 LBC’s IC called by Freight, 15 Squats IC called by Squat Master Slaw, 15 CDD’s IC called by Mayor.
Mosey around the back of the ball fields to the other side of the school near the road and repeat the 4 exercises x 15 IC.
Mosey back up the road and turn right to go to the front of the Methodist church and repeat the 4 exercises x 15 IC.
Mosey up the street to the entrance of the Dallas Courthouse for a different routine.
11’s starting with 10 Plank Jacks moseying to the courthouse and up the “not up to code” steps up and down to the other entrance for 1 Hillbilly. Then back across the steps to the other entrance for 9 and 2 and so on until back to 1 and 10. This was very difficult and a crowd favorite.
Mosey back the long way past the Country Kitchen as we noticed a few bearded, truck driving Pax after the Folsom beat down and back to the Parking lot. Time for one last round of the 4 exercises x 15 IC.
I talked about Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. As we get older, we can easily lose our cheerfulness and fun (if we ever had it). Try to keep a fun spirit and posting at F3 workouts is a great way to do that. The F3 Pax are always good to help keep us cheerful and talk a little smack.

Now, time to name the new AO. Yellow Jackets, Water Tower, Phat Ricky and Old School were the contenders. I was partial to Phat Ricky but OLD SCHOOL was selected. It is nice to have another Saturday option in F3 Gastonia and I believe it will do well so give it a try if you can.

LMS 5K next Friday, April 16th at 6:00 p.m.
Convergence next Saturday April 17th at 7:00 a.m. at The Bulldog (W.A. Bess Elementary).
PT Test on April 24th.

Prayer Requests: Robert Shook, James Lewis family, Sister Act, others I may have missed. Blart took us out.

No Canoe

Crisp, cool morning Downtown for 11 strong Pax. Several questions about a Canoe or Slaw not being there. Sad Clown Syndrome is a real thing people!

Warmup: SSH, Cotton Pickers, Hillbillies, All x 15 IC, 5 burpees OYO
Short mosey to the west side of the Pavilion where the blocks were waiting. Partner up and each group needs only one block for a Dora 1234 and yes a 4. We brought the blocks back to the nice, well-lit brick area to start our work.
100 Tricep Extensions
200 Squat Thrusters
300 Chest Presses on your 6
400 Curls
Lap around parking lot while partner performs exercises, then switch.
This was a tough one to get through. The team of Wichita/Wirenut made quick work of it and even helped some of us who were slower through the reps.
Run to the top of the parking deck taking the ramps and circle up for 30 LBC’s in cadence called by Haze, 30 Flutter Kicks IC called by Gastone. 5 more burpees OYO.
Back to the flag as time was close.

I read a few quotes from David Goggins who wrote a book called Can’t Hurt Me in which he makes a pretty convincing case that the body will do a lot more if we can learn to control our minds. I removed the foul language used in most of his quotes.

“I don’t stop when I’m tired, I stop when I’m done.”

“If you choose to do something, attack it.”

“The only thing more contagious than a good attitude is a bad one.”

“Only you can master your mind, which is what it takes to live a bold life filled with accomplishments most people consider beyond their capability.”

“You have to build callouses on your brain just like how you build callouses on your hands. CALLOUS YOUR MIND through pain and suffering.” (This is the one Freight likes to throw at me when I’m whining about something.)

Announcements: Strides of March, Saturday March 6th at 6:30 am.
Ball Joint VQ Tuesday, March 9th at Folsom. He has been getting after it since he joined us.
P200 and Mortimer Relays March 19th and 20th. I encourage the Pax to sign up for a relay as they are great fun.
New AO Option in Dallas at Cloninger Park at 7:00 am on March 27th.
PT Test in April
We had the Best February attendance in the history of F3 Gastonia so keep posting and EHing the sad clowns out there! There are so many guys who don’t even know how badly they need F3!

Prayer Requests: Big Pappy’s son having surgery this morning, Turtleman’s hip, Dr. Ellis Fisher, Huffstetler Family, Sister Act’s family, EZ’s friend who broke his upper arm, James Goudelock and others I may have forgot.

*NMM Thanks to all of the Pax who came out today. Blocks are always tough but I need them. I probably should’ve brought a Sparky block for Wichita and Wirenut as they made the 24 lb. block look like it was one of those fake, foam blocks. I usually like some rest days before a longer run event but SA reminded me Wednesday that I had the Q Friday so that made me think of the Goggins/Freight quote to “Callous the Mind”! I got called out by Wirenut, deservedly so, on a half-hearted effort on the squat portion of the Thrusters as I was trying to save my legs a little. Great to see Stinky Bird again and his calves. Watts Up’s shoulder must be better after he did all that work this morning. Haze’s outfit wasn’t too colorful today, just some red and black. I got to the flag around 5:28 and I could see Gastone was getting ready to take over if I had been any later. Wichita and I talked about how after every workout, we are always glad we went. Don’t let the fartsack win!

Simple Plan

A lovely afternoon at Midoriyama after a few days of rain. Time to start but Blart comes in hot so we Moroccan Night Club until he gets to the circle. Pledge. Then a surprise to everyone who knows my use of burpees is minimal at best…. a Slaughter Starter, 20 burpees!
Mosey out to the far soccer field parking lot on the left side near the rest rooms. Due to my bout of Covid back in November/December, my breathing has yet to recover fully so I requested some much needed help counting the exercises as follows.
20 Merkins in cadence (yes I said in cadence) called by Form Police award winner Sister Act.
20 LBC’s in cadence called by Best Mumblechatterer and well on his way to Bat Flipper status, Freight.
20 Low Slow Squats called by our favorite seaman, I mean airman, Slaw. I was glad no 2.0’s were there to see Slaw’s squats. It is quite a sight. There’s a thrust at the, well never mind!
Mosey around that parking lot to the parking lot near the playground. Repeat the exercises as before. 20/20/20.
Mosey down the road and to the picnic shelter. Repeat exercises. 20/20/20.
Mosey down (Freight’s) pier hill and then back up the new sidewalk. Repeat exercises. 20/20/20.
Mosey across the road to the cul de sac. Repeat exercises. 20/20/20.
Mosey around the river loop a little past half way. Repeat exercises. 20/20/20.
Mosey back to the road to wait for the six. Then back to the flag.
My watch read about 2.4 miles and 120 merkins, LBC’s and Low Slow Squats IN CADENCE.
I said a word about relying on my guys to help me count when I couldn’t and how we all should post to get better but also to be there for other men. Nice work by all!

Strides Of March Relay Run on March 6th. Sign up for what looks like a cool event.

Prayer Requests: Sister Act’s family, Big Pappy’s family, Cougar’s grandmother, Injured Pax.

Thanks to all the guys who came out for a simple one. Thanks to Oompa and Pockets and others for picking up the six. I haven’t Q’d in a while and it was great to be back at it.

Turn Over A New Leaf

7 Pax started the workout with one showing up later. 1 needed to run so Oompa took off wearing a Pink Floyd T shirt and some colorfully striped leggings that would have made Purple Haze jealous. Pockets showed up straight from working wearing steel-toed boots and still put in the work. I told the Pax there would be real options in this workout unlike when Freight says choose option A or B and then he does what he was going to do anyway. They were dubious about the options.

Warmup: SSH x 10, Cotton Pickers x 10, Hillbillies x 10, CDD’s x 10. Pledge.

Grab a block and slow mosey to the bottom of the Field #4 parking lot. The size of these blocks may not have been as large as some blocks, but I weighed one and it weighed 24 lbs. which is pretty good. I’m sure Rudolph would insist on 32 lbs. but we made them work. I’m sure Seuss will be upset that he missed this one.

The Thang: In seven parking spaces there was a very fancy creatively designed paper leaf with a “Block Option” written on one side and an ab exercise (without the block) on the other. It was their choice to make. After each “Block Option” you would have to rifle carry your block one lap around the parking lot and return to the next parking spot to choose your options. If you chose the ab exercise option, you then needed to run (without the block) the lap around the parking lot. It appeared as if most were alternating the “Block Option” with the Ab exercise option. The fancy paper leaves were labeled something like this:
30 Block Curls or 30 Flutter Kicks
30 Block Chest Presses or 30 Squats
30 Block Overhead Presses or 30 LBC’s
30 Block Swings or 30 WWII’s
30 Block Alpo’s or 30 WWI’s
30 Block Curls or 30 Flutter Kicks
30 Block Chest Presses or 30 Squats.
The rifle carry after the “Block Option” was tough. Most got through about a round and a half. Somewhere very near the end of this Montross showed up in an effort to receive full credit for a post but that is up to Watts Up to make the call. Some chatter about Freight’s love handles, Slaw’s toboggan size, Montross’s tights. Lil Sweet had a great story about them slinging Ash Pond up into the air about 20 feet with a bed sheet and when he landed the sheet split and he got hurt. Good times. Get your block and mosey back to the flag.
The point of the paper leaves was from a frequently used phrase around this time of year “turning over a new leaf”. When we each think of a resolution or a change we need to make, most of us immediately think of a specific area or habit we need to improve. I told the guys to make an effort to turn over a new leaf in that area or habit and make a solid effort to get better. It is usually up to us to make the change.

Announcements: Not much.

Prayer Requests: Lil Sweet and Slaw’s cousin, Gold Digger’s M and new baby and new grandson for Broke, our country and it’s leaders.
Freight took us out.

Thanks F3 Gastonia

Thanks F3 Gastonia
A word to my F3 brothers: Serving as Nantan of F3 Gastonia for 2020 has been one of the biggest honors of my life. To lead this group of the best men in our area was such a great privilege for me. I want to thank each man in F3 Gastonia for their never-ending work toward our mission. I would especially like to thank Broke, Huckleberry, Tiger, Watts Up and Montross for leading in their positions. I would also like to thank all of the Site Q’s for keeping F3 working. We had many plans for the year and not all of the plans happened, yet F3 Gastonia adjusted and kept working toward the mission. F3 is a wonderful organization and I saw that first hand this year as Nantan. It is a pleasure and an inspiration to lead a group of leaders that are all striving to accomplish the mission of invigorating male community leadership. I have been inspired to be a better husband, father, friend, worker and servant. I know the next leaders will continue this mission and F3 Gastonia will continue to thrive. I encourage you to keep EHing to give away F3 to men who need it. I encourage everyone to keep pushing the workouts to be challenging and organized. I encourage each of you to connect with the men around you to build friendships beyond just acquaintances. I encourage everyone to continually strive to be better each day especially to those we are around the most. I also strongly encourage everyone to increase their living out of their faith to continue to impact our community. It should be very noticeable to those around you that you are better with F3! Thanks guys. Love you all, Def Leppard. SYITG!

Count Your Blessings

5 Pax showed for a Thanksgiving week Monday to log a few miles and hear a verse for the week. Slaw and Wichita took off running like they were being chased. The Mayor and I are both on the injured list right now so we took a stroll through downtown Dallas. Big Pappy joined us for the final part of this AO where all three F’s are guaranteed!
Verse for the week.
Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Notice that after prayer and thankfulness, comes peace and that only God can give. We talked about loved ones we knew who demonstrated that peace through difficult times. We also listed many things we were thankful for. Life, health, strength, family, friends, electricity, food, water, ice, vehicles, shelter, our freedom, our country and on and on it went but we ran out of time. Thanks to the Pax who showed.

Triple Post Opportunity on Thursday, November 26th. Folsom 5:30 a.m., Goat 7:00 a.m., Pub 5K 8:30 a.m. (M’s and 2.0’s welcome with a $5 donation request to help with the Christmas Party)

Blood Drive in Belmont on December 10th from 1pm to 6pm. Go to the American Red Cross website and search for F3.

Christmas Party is December 12th at Lewis Farms in Ranlo. This is being catered and is $10 per person. Look for the Preblast to RSVP and also vote on some interesting categories.

Freight’s 30th 5K Party

As noted in the title, we shunned the normal bootcamp workout to run with Freight as he was running his 30th 5K in 30 days. Why would a self-described non-runner like Freight take on such a task? He threw out the challenge as a way to push F3 Gastonia reach a goal of $3,000 for the Give2Give fundraising drive to help the F3 Foundation get started. Thanks to him and all of our Pax as we raised $3,667 from our region and F3 Nation raised $202,856 to start what will be a new way for F3 to carry out its mission. Thanks to all the supportive Midoriyama Pax expecting a boot camp and getting a 5K instead.

Flugersteining at Midoriyama

Warm afternoon in the region’s finest afternoon AO and a nice crowd of manly Pax are ready to put in some work.

SSH a 30 IC
Abe Vigodas x 15 IC
Low Slow Squats x 15 IC
Let’s go!

Mosey to small soccer field where some half cinder blocks were waiting. I weighed one of these at around 25 pounds so this is below the Painlab (mainly Rudolph) mandated weight of 32 pounds but it will have to do.

40 curls (called by Slaw), 40 chest presses (called by Blart), 40 overhead presses (called by Defib), lap around the soccer field, 40 LBC’s (called by Tiger), 40 Flutter Kicks (called by Dr. Seuss), 40 American Hammers (called by Love Boat), lap around the soccer field.
Repeat 3 times.

Mosey to dog park hill.

Triple Dime
10 Merkins at the bottom, 10 IW Squats at top, 10 times. Slaw wanted to call this the Dime Bag but I think that means something else, at least that’s what Freight said when he and Digger “joined” us on the hill climbs. I’m not sure we all completed the 10 climbs before time was called. It seems that the Pax have been trained to only climb the hill 5 times and asking for 10 was too much for some. I know Defib and Seuss and Haze likely completed all ten. Sargento was EHing people at the top that were in the Dog Park. Is there a name for someone who actively searched out people to EH especially during a difficult exercise routine? Maybe it should be called Sargento-ing!

Before we moseyed back I repeated something I paraphrased from the HIM Italian Job from The Fort – Why do we do hard things? Because life is full of hard things so we need to be strong. Is it easy to be a man of integrity everywhere you go? Is it easy to be a present father? Is it easy to be a loving husband? Being a good coworker? Is it easy to help lead others through tough times? But men with their concentrica in order will thrive in hard times. That is why we do hard things to prepare us for the hard things life will throw at us!

Back to the flag just in time.

Convergence on October 31st at Marthas. Park at Pelican’s if the gate isn’t open. Run/ruck option at 6:15 followed by the workout followed by some 2nd F and 3rd F. All other AO’s closed.

PT Retest on November 14th at Gashouse at 7:00 a.m.

November Challenge put out by Roscoe. Read up and try it.

Remember if you, a family member or coworker has tested positive for Covid or been having Covid like symptoms, please refrain from posting until you/they are cleared.

Thanks for all the Pax who posted today. As for what Flugersteining means, you had to be there!

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