Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Big Pappy (Page 3 of 16)

Lawrence Joel

This morning we honored Lawrence Joel.  He was a medal of honor winner for is unarmed actions in the Vietnam War were he saved multiple lives at the risk of his own.

See the source image



For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Sp6c. Joel demonstrated indomitable courage, determination, and professional skill when a numerically superior and well-concealed Viet Cong element launched a vicious attack which wounded or killed nearly every man in the lead squad of the company. After treating the men wounded by the initial burst of gunfire, he bravely moved forward to assist others who were wounded while proceeding to their objective. While moving from man to man, he was struck in the right leg by machine-gun fire. Although painfully wounded his desire to aid his fellow soldiers transcended all personal feeling. He bandaged his own wound and self-administered morphine to deaden the pain enabling him to continue his dangerous undertaking. Through this period of time, he constantly shouted words of encouragement to all around him. Then, completely ignoring the warnings of others and his pain, he continued his search for wounded, exposing himself to hostile fire; and, as the bullets dug up the dirt around him, he held plasma bottles high while kneeling completely engrossed in his lifesaving mission. Then, after being struck a second time and with a bullet lodged in his thigh, he dragged himself over the battlefield and succeeded in treating 13 more men before his medical supplies ran out. Displaying resourcefulness, he saved the life of one man by placing a plastic bag over a severe chest wound to congeal the blood. As one of the platoons pursued the Viet Cong, an insurgent force in concealed positions opened fire on the platoon and wounded many more soldiers. With a new stock of medical supplies, Sp6c. Joel again shouted words of encouragement as he crawled through an intense hail of gunfire to the wounded men. After the 24-hour battle subsided and the Viet Cong dead numbered 410, snipers continued to harass the company. Throughout the long battle, Sp6c. Joel never lost sight of his mission as a medical aidman and continued to comfort and treat the wounded until his own evacuation was ordered. His meticulous attention to duty saved a large number of lives and his unselfish, daring example under most adverse conditions was an inspiration to all. Sp6c. Joel’s profound concern for his fellow soldiers, at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty, are in the highest traditions of the U.S. Army and reflect great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of his country.


The Thang

First, we took a short mosey over to the  amphitheater. We knocked out 3 set Australian Mountain Climbers, CDD’s, Rocky Balboa’s, and Big Boys. The numerology was based on Mr. Joel’s biography growing up in Winston Salem, NC and Unit in the Army

Next we took a mosey to the hill and bear crawled up and down for a few sets doing LBC’s and Merkins on the top and bottom of the hill.

Then we moseyed over to the tennis courts and broke off into 3 groups of ~4. One PAX would lie in between each tennis court.  The last PAX would simulate Mr. Joel and do 20 squats, mosey to the next court, pick up the PAX, and to 20 squats with PAX until all PAX were picked up. While the PAX were waiting to be pick up they completed the following.

  • 1st set LBC’s
  • 2nd set Flutters
  • 3rd set Merkins
  • 4rd  set Big Boys

Lastly, we took a short Mosey to the parking lot. We then lunged walked to the light pole, did 20 squats, mosey to the next light pole, did 20 squats, lunged walked to the next light pole and so on until we reach the flag and that was time.

Our legs were hurting but nothing like the HIM Lawrence Joel, a humble man, who said before receiving his honor – ““I just wish I could have done more. I never say that I deserved the medal. That’s just not for me to say. It was just my job.”

If you are interested in learning more about Lawrence Joel – Lawrence Joel MoH – YouTube (6:30)

Prayer Request

  • Huckleberry
  • Turtleman
  • Striper and Family
  • Boss and Family
  • Sarlacc and Family
  • Wirenut and Family
  • All Prayers spoken and unspoken


Big Pappy



Prison Break 8/17

It was great to see a good crowd at Prison Break.  There were lots of HIM’s getting work in on a beautiful Wednesday morning.

Some ran and some rucked, all got better.

Prayer Request

  • Huck
  • Turtleman
  • Montross and Family
  • Wirenut and Family
  • Boss and Family
  • Striper and Family
  • Kids going back to school

The Lottery And The Choke-Out

YHC was sorting through some of my mother’s items that I had stored in my house. As I sifted through mounds of old papers and documents, I am came across my fathers draft information.

As I read over the document, I thought about the anxiety the nation must have felt that day.  My father was 19 years old on Dec 1, 1969. He was fresh out of trade school had a job as a welder at GM. He had a life plan that changed in an instance.  His number was 125. At first he thought he was good, but every number 195 and under where called to duty.

For the Q today, our work was based of the Vietnam lottery.

If interested the table can be found here:

Vietnam Lotteries | Selective Service System : Selective Service System (

We started with the pledge then went right to work.

The Thang

  • 22 for the troops
  • A quick mosey to the baseball field.
  • First Pax was under 195, we did imperial walkers to that number.
    • Would have been drafted
  • Second Pax was under 195, we did LBC’s and bear crawls to that number.
    • Would have been drafted
  • Third Pax  was over 195, we did Moroccan night clubs to that number.
    • Would not be drafted
  • Fourth PAX was under 195, we did steps up to that number.
    • Would have been drafted
  • Fifth PAX was under 195, we did LBC’s to that number.
    • Would have been drafted
  • Six PAX was over 195, we did Mike Tysons and CDD’s to that count.
    • Wound not be drafted
  • Seventh PAX was over 195, we did a count to recover from the previous exercise.
    • Would  not be drafted
  • Eighth PAX was under 195, we did Squats to that count.
    • Would have been drafted

Think about our family’s during that time and our nation. In our group, 5 of the 8 would have been drafted and sent to war.

YHC did not grow up in a pleasant household. We were poor and lived of a steady diet of government cheese, out of date yogurt, and powered milk.  When my father came back from the Vietnam, he was disabled from agent orange exposure.  In those times, the government did not recognize agent orange for disability benefits.  My father lost his job as a welder and was unable to work.

As my brother and I  buried my mother along side my father. We both smiled.  As children we had some different chores than most kids. One of my chores, was rolling Top Tobacco into cigarettes.   60 a day, placed in old Marlboro packs. It had to be done before sports or homework.   Many times as I did this, my mother and father would rant about the VA. They were resentful and angry. My father had that great union job before the draft. That one day on Dec 1, 1969 changed their world  and hundreds of thousands of others forever.

Now here they lay, buried together overlooking the VA administration building they hated years ago.

Prayer Request

  • Freight and family
  • Huck
  • Turtleman
  • Sister Act
  • BOS’s Dad
  • Kids going back to school


  • 50 Mile relay Sept 10th
  • JJ 5K Set 24th
  • F3 Dad’s Aug 20th
  • 2nd F Lunch Wednesday – Viva Tequis


Thanks to all these HIMS that helped me out after I choked-out myself.  I almost made it.

Big Pappy


8 PAX got out and got better at the Sword today and discussed being discouraged.

Isaiah 43:18-19 ESV

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Prayer Requests
  • Turtleman
  • Huckleberry
  • Sarlacc
  • Queso
  • Pearl Jam
  • Striper
  • Purple Haze
  • Traveling Pax


  • F3 Dad’s – 7/23
  • Tubing event  – 7/30
  • Convergence – 7am on 7/16

What Comes Around Goes Around – I’ll Tell You Why

It warm and humid morning at for YHC’s first Q at the Down-Lo.  The perfect chance to get better.

After a quick warm up, we made our way to the park entrance.  We stopped at each step to do calve raisers.  After we felt the pain there, went over to the Down-Lo step station for dips and step ups.

We completed 3 sets then took the quick mosey over to the walking track.

We split the walking track into 4 quadrants.  One pax in each quandrant.

  1. Burpees
  2. Big Boys
  3. American Hammers
  4. LBC’s

We did AMRAP at each station as a  one PAX member ran to the quadrant released that PAX member to go to the next station. Round and round we went until we finished 3 sets.

We then switched exercises.

  1. Burpees
  2. Merkins
  3. CDDs
  4. Mountain Climbers

We did the same method, and went round and round until we completed the 3 sets. On the last set we picked up each PAX member and made our way back to the Steps station for more dips and steps ups. We finally made a quick mosey back to the flag with calve raisers and each step we cap across.

Prayer Request

  • Turtleman
  • Huckleberry
  • Stogie’s Friend
  • The youth




1.21 Gigawatts

6 Him’s got into the heat of Midoriyama and put in a little work trying to get better than the day before.

After a basic warm up with we honor Michael J. Fox’s birthday with a burpee and 21 big boys at each light post from the flag to the  soccer field. Once at the soccer field, we lunged walked and did imperial walkers the length of the field to honor Natalie Portman birthday.

Once at the end of the field at at the hill, we did LBC’s and hills for a little while.  Once we were done with that we lunged walked and did imperial walkers back to the other end of the field. Since their were bleachers there we did some steps up then went back to the light post.

It was also Johnny Depp’s birthday. So one the way back to the flag we took a zig zag motion doing burpees and merkins until we made it back to the flag.


Prayer Request

  • Turtleman
  • Huckleberry
  • Kids out of school
  • Pax with kids on the way

1 John 3:1 – “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.”




Apocrypha Time

The Sword is a great way to start a Monday

This morning verse was in the The Book of Wisdom verse 1-2:

Love righteousness,* you who judge the earth;

think of the LORD in goodness,

and seek him in integrity of heart;

Because he is found by those who do not test him,

and manifests himself to those who do not disbelieve him.


Big Pappy

Save the Comma, Save the World

10 HIM’s got out on a nice Sunday morning and got a little better. Most stayed for Q Source on the topic of Language.

It was an amazing discussion.  We solved most of the worlds problems by the use of proper punctuation.  If you have never gone through Q Source or if it has been a while, get out to Crossroads. You will not be disappointed.


Big Pappy

Mayor was First!

It was a beautiful Saturday morning at Folsom with a strong showing of HIMs. On this morning, we had an 80’s themed work out highlighting a few events in a decade that was lead by the our 40th President Ronald Reagan.  We that knowledge we kept it simple. The reps will always by 40.

To start, we honored two great boxers. We staying in the lower lot and did Mike Tyson on one side of the parking lot and Rocky Balboas on the other side. Westside looked at YHC in disgust and shame. There was no proper warm up and the struggle was real.

We continued back and forth with the 40 Rocky Balboas and 40 Mike Tyson listen to:

  • Eye of the Tiger – Survivor
  • No Easy Way Out – Robert Tepper
  • Pushin’ – Frank Stallone
  • Gonna Fly Now – Bill Conti

The next song was the Airwolf theme song and that was our queue to take a quick mosey to the amphitheater. There we honored the fall of the Berlin wall by doing Australian mountain climbers and wall sits. As we work through the reps back forth, a PAX would take a cinder block and throw it up the hill and then down. YHC expected for the cinder block to break as a visual to the Berlin wall falling, but not by the method of which it happened. Mayor threw the block like he was in Highland games shattering as it landed. Beetle Baily sure has an arm, he was throwing the shambles of stone all over the place.

The playlist continued on with:

  • Looking For Freedom – David Hassellhoff
  • 99 Red Balloons – Nena

Once the Sweet Child of Mine from Guns and Roses came on, we wrapped at the amphitheater and headed down to the lower parking . Here we did dips and steps ups to honor Live Aid. A concert that generated revenue for famine in Ethiopia.

The playlist continue with:

  • Money For Nothing (Live at Live Aid, Wembley Stadium) – Dire Straits

The Ghostbusters theme song played next and it was our queue make our way over to the lower lot.  Mayor was 1st. Please congratulate him. There were tears of joy at the accomplishment that was achieved in this act.

At the bottom of the  parking lot we did LBC’s at every other parking spot. Tator Hole really shined. This man can do LBC’s quickly and  a lot of them.

The playlist continues on with:

  • Little Red Corvette – Prince
  • We Built This City – Starship

Our last stop was the upper shelter.  This is were we spoke of the wild diets of 80’s. The cabbage diet, the grapefruit diet, and the liquid protein diet.  Wichita gave us his thoughts and we listened.

We wrapped up the playlist with Eat It by Weird Al Yankovic and took the short mosey to start.

We did the the pledged and completed the COT.

Prayer Request

  • Huck
  • Wichita
  • Relay Runners
  • Injured PAX

Ephesians 5:14  – for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”

Big Pappy


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