Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Bed Pan (Page 14 of 22)

Tax Man

At the sword this morning, we ran,moseyed, and Rucked.
The Bible verse I chose was about that little Big Tax man Zacchaeus.
LUKE 19: 1-10
Jesus told Zacchaeus to get out of the tree, so he and Jesus could have Dinner together.
The towns people mumbled and thought how could Jesus associate with such a low life of a person. (think of an old lady grabbing her chest and making a loud exhale and fainting). What he was showing us is that God’s Love does not care if you are the tax man.
He wants to be a part of your life and wants you to share his love with others.
Who can you think of that maybe you have passed by because of their social status/smell/lifestyle. I can think of a lot in my time and hopefully will think twice before I do it again.
God Loves us all.

Prayer request:
SA and his family, Big Papi and his family, kids, each other and our country.

Events: Amoeba Ruck coming up this weekend 5/22/21

The BedPan is full!

Racin Cars

Today being May the 4th some of the pax may have been expecting some type of Star Wars theme. The only theme we had was working together.

Warm Up: (no imperial walkers just yet) SSh, and 10 burpees
The Thang:
We moseyed to the tennis courts. I had the pax partner up with someone they had never worked out with. If they had before make sure it was not your “hey lets partner up cause we go at about the same pace as me”. The goal was to push or pull just a little better than before.

100 monkey humpers, 200 imperial walker squats, 300 imperial walkers, 400 imperial walker kicks.
Partner 1 sprints to the end of the courts and back while partner 2 does the exercise trade off until completed.

Half court Booyah Merkins, 10 down to 1.
Just as the clock strikes 6 am Stogie heads out of the tennis courts. As I get about 10 steps ahead of the pax I yell out “Lets race Stogie to the Flag”. Once this curve ball was hit by the pax they all come sprinting up the hill to the flag, all trying to beat Stogie to the top (he is driving by the way) mayor with all his wisdom runs in the middle of the road to hold stogie back from zooming past, Lucky for us Round Up and Ball Joint may have gotten to the flag before the Red Yota made the pass. Once we caught our breath we moseyed back stopping at the street lights for a little core work.
Vups, LBCS, Big Boys.
Ended with Iron Man Superman Merkins. x5 then time.
Prayer request: many families dealing with sickness, and our country.
I prayed us out with a real COT. It was great to take a moment and come together for the first time in a while.

The BedPan is Full..

Folsom 420

This morning I had the pleasure to be the Q at Folsom.

Warm Up,
SSH 20, Nolan Ryans 20, Fire Hydrants 20, Knee Hold Stretch 10 seconds each side.

The Thang:
Mosey to the road close to the ball fields for some speed bump to speed bump sprints.
4x 10 merkins at each speed bump meeting in the middle for 20 squats
Like a callus Rabbit Ears rolls in just as we finish up and I call 5 burpees to welcome him.
Mosey to the Tennis Courts
Puff Puff Pass:
Partner 1 does the exercise partner 2 sprints to the end and back.
100 CDD (always thinking of you Def)
100 Mtn Climbers
100 Dying Cock Roaches
100 Raise the roof
20 Burpees together or split them between your partner
Once finished we did this:
Super Man hold for 20 seconds Iron man hold for 20 seconds then 10 merkins.
I lost count of how many times this went around.
Pledge and a fellowship mosey back to the parking lot.
We finished with 22 for the vets.

Announcements PT Test this weekend.

Prayer request: SA, our nation, each other, and celebration of T-Rons Moms birthday.
Prayed also for safety of the country should the verdict today cause others to lash out and riot.
Special prayer for Turtle Man, if you have never met him he is a good dude. We are always here for you Brother.

The BedPan is Full!

Substitute Q

What a great morning to get a mosey and the word in with a great group of Friends.

Rabbit ears was on the schedule to Q, luckily for me I had a verse in a text from Wichita he had sent this morning.
So we preceded with the verse below.

“But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, He sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet.” Hebrews 10:12-13

Convergence, and PT test coming up.

Prayers for, the Shook, Lewis, leslie family. each other and the GSM family as they lift up the loved ones of the employees they lost. Success of the Ville 2 Ville.

The Bed Pan is Full..

1 year ago

Tubes and I talked recently and I offered to take the Q at Pain Lab. He was going out of town and I had backed out of the p200 so my day was open like an ugly girls Dance card.

1 year ago I was put on work from home status, the year before that 2019 I was fired just after my first leg of the P200 by email.
Some may think I hate this week, well its quite the opposite. Some how through all the confusion and chaos God always takes care of everything. I’m sharing this because we all should know God has our Back! Since 2019 the company I worked for crumbled, I have a better Job and a much happier life. I did not feel this way while I had to tell my M we would not have insurance come the end of March 2019. In that Moment my wife told me this ” I’m glad they fired you, that job sucked and you can do better. I love you finish the race strong and we will figure it out Sunday. I love you and I am always proud of you”. In that Moment God was already showing me that his plan was the best.
On to the Werk:
The thang!
10’s Lunge walk 10 merkins, back to beginning then 20 squats Lunge walk to the other side of the parking lot and 10 merkins.
Down to one merkin.
Rocky Balboas, SSH, SealJacks, Cherry Pickers up and down. Mumble chatter was going great!
LBC’s Flutters, Hammers, Reverse Crunch,

Lets try something new to me.
10second Superman, 10second Iron man, then 10 merkins. x 10.. This got the shoulders feeling good for sure.

Fellowship walk to the stadium seats then time for some dips, Derkins, Step Ups.


Someone maybe reading this while they are going through or getting out of a tough situation. Always Know Gods Got you.
Dig in your Heels and serve more love more and always Post at an AO near you More!

The BED PAN is Full!!

1 Corinthians 12:17-20

A few weeks ago Big Pappy asked me to Q at the sword and the discussion would be about groups.
I wasn’t sure if he meant group therapy or the group of people you are around. Either way its about the same.
I focused the word this morning on 1 Corinthians 12:17-20 If the whole body were and eye, where would the sense of smell be. But in fact God has placed the part in the body, everyone of them just as He wanted them to be. if they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts but one Body.

I felt these verses hit close to home, we are all very unique with similar common goals/values. Some listen some friends talk, you get the point. This lead to talks of loving others that you may not want to, and some how the New deal and Joel Olsteen wrapped up the conversation.

Prayer Request: I took this time to pray for all those in need and to lift us up with Gods eternal Love and Light to help us all through these challenging times.

The Bed Pan is Full..

Giblet gravy

Warm up:
I guess some of the pax had started eating some turkey early because several strolled in late. So we did monkey humpers while they
slowly joined us.

Mosey for some Tens.
Social distance partner work. Pax 1 goes one way pax 2 the other stop do 10 merkins. Meet back 20 squats switch then descending to 1. Gastone called this a long time ago and it has always one of my favorites.

short mosey to talk some turkey.

11s CDD’s (What Up Def) and American hammers turkey walking vs sprinting.
With a short mosey back to the tennis courts I tried a little turkey huntin.
Various Pax pretended to be turkeys while the rest of the pax sprinted to catch some dinner.
The Pax showed why Benjamen Franklin wanted the turkey to be the National Bird.
They out smarted everyone and ran away. No turkeys were harmed. Just feelings

We prayed, mentioned the next two ways to post.
I will always be thankful for my brothers in F3.

But Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
1 Corinthians 15:57

The Bed Pan is Full..

Downtown Werk

Warm Up
SSH, HillBillys, Merkins,

We then started at the top of the stairs of the Rotary.
25 LBC’s at the top down the stairs 25 Mtn Climbers, 4 times.

Mosey to the art Park for some dips Derkins, and Squats x20 repeat 4x.

Over to the parking deck for some Dora 100 shoulder taps 200 monkey Humpers 300 American Hammers.
We partnered up before the pax really started asking questions.

Once we finished we moseyed to main street for some sprint work to each light I may or may not had said go while I was two steps into the sprint. Burpees, then CDD’s then jump lunges

over to the wall for some wall sits then mosey back for some Iron Hulk.
ended with 5 burpees.

Announcements: Convergence at Martha Rivers tomorrow all other AO’s will be closed.

Prayer Request:
Easy Rider, Breaker Breakers Aunt, a young lady from the area and her family.
Each other and our country.

The Bed Pan is Full

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