Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Bandit (Page 8 of 12)

Gastonia Regionalization


CSPAN, Mini Me and YHC met on Thursday, January 14 in preparation for the following Saturday’s Q School. We really talked more about the great work being done in Gastonia and what’s next for us as we move from being a Nomad to a full-fledged Region. We have built strong momentum and are in a great position to move forward quickly. CSPAN also shared the same message with us this past Saturday morning.


Mini Me shared a regionalization plan which gives us a road map to follow (you need access to Google Drive – contact Bandit with questions).  A meeting will be held for anyone interested in helping move Gastonia forward toward this goal. This meeting will have two main objectives…

  • Review and discuss regionalization plan to get feedback from larger group and develop plan of action.
  • Establish smaller Advisory Board that will meet regularly to ensure the region is growing and operating according to F3 mission statement.


When: Sunday, January 31 at 6:30 pm.  Expect to wrap up in under 2 hours.

Where: Offices of Gastonia Sheet Metal


Cliff Hanger…

It was a very comfortable 33 degrees this morning at the downtown Rotary Pavilion where 8 PAX gathered for another beat down on the run.  Great to see some of the regulars back for more.  Oh… I’ll get to the whole “cliffhanger…” thing in a minute.

Warm Up

  • Don Quioxte – IC x10
  • Seal Jacks IC x20
  • Mountain Climbers IC x20
  • LBC IC x20
  • Merkins IC x10
  • (hmmmm, there was something else we were going to do, but I forgot)


Mosey – On the way to the parking deck I remembered the last warmup exercise, so we stopped at the corner of the parking lot to finish warm up…

  • BOYO x5

Burpee Escalator – Staring at lower level run to top of parking deck, do 1 burpee, then run back down.  Rinse and repeat x10, increasing the number of burpees +1 each round.  On round 10 you will run up, do 10 burpees, run down and plank and wait for the six.

Four Floor Escalator – Starting at bottom level, complete 10 reps of the first exercise then run up one level (run the parking deck, not the stairs), complete 20 reps of next exercise and up to next level, complete 30 reps and up, 40 reps then down he stairs to the starting position.  Throughout we kept the PAX together.

  • Jump Ups x10 OYO
  • Merkins x20 OYO
  • LBCs x30 OYO
  • Squats x40 OYO

Rinse and Repeat x2

Mosey – Run to Pavilion

Mary – We had enough time to get a round of people’s choice MOM exercises.

  • Freddie Mercury x10 IC – Richard Simmons
  • Heals to Heaven x12 IC – Dr. Feelgood
  • Peter Parkers x10 IC – Spider Man
  • ?Mountain Climbers x10 IC – Linus
  • ? x10 IC – Monk
  • Some Kind of Space Invader Squat Thingy x10 IC – Boss Hogg
  • ?LBC x10 IC – Defib

And to finish with a bang (or not), Bandit lead us in…..






If you weren’t there you will have to get to the sequel to find out.  What a cliffhanger.

COT – Announcements/Prayer Requests

  • Regionalization planning on Sunday.  Contact Bandit
  • Backyard Brawl Shirts on Sale. Must order by Feb 10.
  • Can still sign up for the Yeti. Some PAX are riding bikes before workout on Saturday.
  • Can still buy tickets for Dancing For The Stars to see Dr. Feelgood.
  • Richard Simmons looking for volunteers for Night To Shine fundraiser.
  • Family of Marty D’Amore who passed away 1 year ago.
  • Outhouse’s Mom with concerns from recent tests.


Today we talked about leadership – The act of influencing other men to and through movement. Remember that leadership is neither good nor bad.  The outcome of leadership depends, in part, on the purpose of the leader.  The purpose of F3 is the reinvigoration of male community leadership.  What is your purpose?

We also talked about pushing each other. I’m grateful for all my brothers in the gloom that push me – whether it’s encouraging words during the WO, mumble chatter on the Twitter machine, or just posting.  My Jester only allows me to push myself so far. T-claps to the PAX for pushing me today.

Oh year… and what does Burt Reynolds head on steamed crab have to do with today’s workout?  Absolutely nothing!  But now I know what kind of cake I want for my birthday.  Thanks BA – strong work on all the Twitter machine preblast pics!

As always, pleasure to lead this great group of men.  Aye!



Ice Skates Optional

Forecast for 0530 Friday morning was 31 deg with a mixture of wintry precipitation throughout the morning.  So they pretty much nailed it.  Got up a little bit earlier than usual to give extra time to drive in the slush/snow.  Thankful it was not ice.  Wasn’t really sure if anyone else was stupid enough to post in this weather.

  • 0510 – no one else here yet, white stuff coming down pretty good…
  • 0515 – get out and scrape rest of windows on the mom van – still no one.  I was starting to wonder what a solo F3 workout would look like. I guess kinda what I used to do working out with Fern, just outdoors.
  • 0520 – Get a call from Roscoe..”you posting today?”.  Told him “Aye!.  Already here… waiting for the rest of the idiots.”  Roscoe says to expect one more idiot coming in hot!  Told him to meet us at the Parking Deck.
  • 0525 – headlights coming… not Roscoe….must be critical city workers required to work in this crap…. WAIT… sweet, its Spiderman!
  • 0530 – Lets go!

Mosey – Run to Parking Deck (we pass Roscoe on the way)

Warm Up – Roscoe arrives after parking back at Pavilion with the rest of us to make sure when we are done, we leave no man behind. See… he’s always thinking.

  • Don Quioxte – IC x10
  • Seal Jacks IC x20
  • Mountain Climbers IC x20
  • LBC IC x10 (slow count)
  • Tempo Merkins IC x10
  • BOYO x5

Stairway Suicides – The plan was to start at bottom level ascend stairs one level and back down, then two levels and down, then three levels and down, etc…  finish back at bottom and plank.  This is where a good Q would have gone and done this on site rather than on paper.  Turns out their is not much distance between levels and if you go two levels (because one is not really worth the effort), you only have like 2 actual levels.  So in order to achieve the same affect, we just ran up and down the stairs for a while.

Four Floor Escalator – Starting at bottom level, complete 10 reps of the first exercise then run up one level (run the parking deck, not the stairs), complete 20 reps of next exercise and up to next level, complete 30 reps and up, 40 reps then down he stairs to the starting position.  With only 3 PAX today we kept this thing together, so exercises were all together IC.  Roscoe told us about the Queensryche concert this week.  We traded stories about best concerts, heavy metal chick drummer in LA (Roscoe… please post the YouTube link).

  • Jump Ups x10
  • Merkins x20
  • LBCs x30
  • Squats x40

Rinse and Repeat x4

Mosey – Run to Pavillion



  • Backyard Brawl Shirt Preorder open thru 2/10
  • Happy Hour @ Hickory Tavern – January 26
  • Regionalization Meeting – Wed 27th, Sun 31st, or Tue 2nd.  Will confirm this weekend.
  • Yeti
  • Wednesday Basketball FUMC

Prayer Requests

  • Outhouse’s Mom
  • Daughter/Family of Stuart Cramer’s AD
  • F3 guys on the DL…Antrhax, Squeeker, Stroganoff..
  • All those travelling today

We finished up with BOM and group photo.

Mercury Rising… well just a little.

As the Q arrives, Defib and Outhouse are just finishing up their EC 4 mile run. Studs! As others arrive, 12 in total, there was some discussion that 34 degrees was feeling a bit balmy with the deep freeze experienced at our weekday AO’s recently. Thanks to Outhouse for keeping time this morning (really need to find that watch again). Ok… time to start.

Warmup this morning consisted of…

SSH IC x20
Toy Soldier IC x20
Don Quioxte IC x20
Merkins IC x10
LBC IC x20


Mosey to baseball pavillion at Martha Rivers. Inspired by(certainly not modelled after) the Murph, the plan today was to complete 100, 200 and 300 reps of some excercises (Merkins, LBCs and Squats in this case) in 10 sets with some short sprints in between. We could definately tell that the mercury was rising as evidenced by the pile of dirty laundry accumulating in the center of the COP. Glad we got that under control quickly… was getting worried.

We completed…

Merkins IC x10
LBC IC x 20
Squats IC x 30
Sprint, Run, Mosey, or Crawl down sidewalk and back
Rinse & Repeat x5

This took quite a while longer than expected, and at the current rate did not seem like we would finish the full 10 sets promised. To be fair, since we did all exercises with a 4-count cadence, ends up we reached the same goal (in spite of YHC chronic counting issues).  At the gleeful satisfaction of the pax, YHC calls “Oklahoma”. Only to disappoint the pax with a bear crawl around the pavillion. Not sure about anyone else, but at this point, my legs were spent from the squats. All looks good on paper, does’t it?

With 15 minutes to go, we mosey back to Brewsters for about 9 minutes of Mary with some portions brought to you directly from the pax. It went something like this…

WWII Sit Ups
Dying Cockroach
Freddie Mercuries
Flutter Kicks
Homer & Marge
Mountain Climbers
Heels to the Heavens

At 6:15 we wrap up with announcements (see email blast for details), Name-o-rama (including induction ceremony for Drone) and BOM.

As always, appreciate everyone I get to do this with. One year ago, would have never considered that I would be leading a bunch of fit guys in workouts before the sun comes up. Keep pushing the rock!


– Bandit

Storming Outside

Certainly not the worst weather we have seen, but regardless the PAX were led outside in the rain for a cardio-heavy workout.  We took some cover under the breezeway at the school drop off and entrance for most of the work out, but there was still no way to stay 100% dry.  #SorryNotSorry.

TClaps to Brownstreak and Whoopee who got an early 0500 start for some running in the rain before the Q and PAX arrived… if only my alarm clock started that early.

At 0530 we start with the warmup…

  • SSH IC x 10
  • Merkins IC x 10, right to…
  • Planks with Leg/Arm Extensions, right to…
  • Mountain Climbers

Recover and mosey to the parking lot for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Back to the breezeway to run a few laps (about .25 miles) and get loose.  Also included about 100 meter Zombie Walk – Godfather style and 20 LBC IC.

With the PAX warmed up (and expecting sprints through the rain in the parking lot), YHC leads the PAX in some Dora 1-2-3 under cover.  Partner up and collectively complete 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 Squats.  Partner A runs sprints under the breezeway while Partner B completes reps.

Unless someone can prove otherwise, I believe we had a first for a F3 workout… In the middle of Dora 1-2-3, an emergency request was made to open the doors for one PAX who needed #2.  Must have been the quickest ever – probably didn’t wipe.  No, this was not Brown Streak.

As promised, to ensure a proper cardio beatdown, we Indian Run a few laps around the parking lot  (was about .75 mile total).  YHC needs to practice leading a moving Indian Run as my instructions to have the leader circle back to pick up the six did not produce the desired result.  Probably should say something like Circle Back to Pick Up The Six, not Circle Up.  #LearningToLead

We wrap up our workout with 7 Minutes of Mary…

  • LBC
  • Homer and Marge
  • Dying Cockroach (of course)
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Scissor Kicks
  • Plank (high, extensions, low, french fries).

During our extended plank, in attempt to fight off the agony (while completely spent) YHC asked anyone for a good story.  Like a scene from SNL Celebrity Jeopardy, Dolph answers, “What is Five burpee’s on your own”.  Certainly not a literary work of art, but since Dolph insisted, this is in fact, a short story.  You can argue with Dolph if you like.

As requested, we finish our workout with 5 BOYO.


Working out in bad weather is one of the things I really enjoy about F3. Sure, it sucks when are dragging your can out of bed at 0500 (or earlier), and driving through a downpour to your AO, with the inevitable reality that in 45 minutes you will climbing back into your car soaking wet and exhausted ready to start the rest of your day (before most get out of bed).  But doing this with a group of great men who I’ve had the pleasure to push the rock with for the last 9 months makes this worth it. Knowing you’ll be talking about this at Coffeeteria or 2ndF Happy Hour is something I won’t give up, and a gift worth sharing with others.


  • 5th Anniversary Convergence on Friday.  Clown Cars leave the Scheile on Friday at 0600.
  • Tooltime and Flush are looking for anyone interested in a Spartan race.  Check with Tooltime if there is any interest.
  • Keep Inky and his family in your prayers with the passing of his father in law.
  • We give thanks for the news that Anthrax will be a dad again!

I’m thankful for my brothers that get up with me at stupid hours, in bad weather, that motivate me, and push me to be better.  Aye!

The Smurph

12 PAX posted #Downtown. Most of them were there before we started.


SSH IC x20
Monkey Humpers IC x10 (to salute those that came in hot)
Merkins IC x10
MC IC x10
Toy Soldiers IC (that’s a 4 count guys) x20 (to bad Dolph didn’t post – he loves doing these on a 3.23452 count)

The Smurph

So this was supposed to be the following…

  • 3 laps around the parking lot (1 mile)
  • 10 sets of the following
    • 10 Merkins
    • 20 LBCs
    • 30 Squats
  • 3 laps around the parking lot (1 mile)

Well the fact of the matter is YHC changed the plan before we even started, he doesn’t count so well, and he is easily influenced by the PAX (goal for 2016 is lead better – no matter what T-Square says). Before we even started, YHC calls “Oklahoma” (that’s not a typo) and changes “sets of 10” to “sets of 12” just because we had 12 PAX post, I like 12 days of Christmas, and T-Square said we should keep it at 10. So this is what we ended up doing…

  • 3 laps (total 1.314773148 miles) around the parking lot to the incessant squeak of my Nike’s (probably need to fix that)
  • 10 sets of the following
    • 12 Merkins IC (first one was 4 count, the we switched to up/down)
    • 12 LBCs
    • 12 Squats
  • 3 laps around the parking lot (another 1.314773148 miles, except for Spiderman who pulled the Irish Goodbye again and disappeared into the gloom)

In the end this was 136 merks, 120 LBCs, 120 Squats and 2.629546296 miles. Whether or not we actually did 10 sets is still a bit of a mystery. As I mentioned, YHC can’t count real good. While this was no Murph, I hope everyone enjoyed this vaguely similar version. It fit in 45 minutes quite nicely and my glutes still don’t work.

Please keep Dr. Feelgood, his family, and his office in your prayers.

As always, a pleasure and honor to lead you men!


Rotary Pavilion Service is the Best Work of Life

The warmup consisted of SSH, LBC, Merkins, Prayer Squats, Windmills

We began to Mosey when Monk wanted to get his gloves. This meant we needed to lap around the lot to pick him up. Then he said he wanted his vest that he left at Martha’s House, which I then retrieved from my car. It kind of made for a two man Indian run but I digress.

Mosey to the rail bridge and go across doing walking lunges…collect at the end and mosey to the “wall”.

At the wall do 4-5 wall walkers. Start on your belly with feet against the wall. Push up and walk your legs up the wall while pushing to get vertical. It is a real pleaser.

A quick mosey back to the bridge and bearcrawl all the way across and collect at the end.

Back to the wall for People’s Chair with overhead air presses, front punches, and marching in cadence. Mosey to the Parking Deck.

Colonel Troutman. I couldn’t think of the name of this since I forgot my Weinke. Partner up and one PAX completes 5 Merkins and holds the plank until his partner completes three pull-ups on the bars and returns for the switch. This was done until “Recover” was called by YHC. Then we ran to the top of the deck for a few minutes of ab work to include 6”, 45degree holds, WW Sit-ups.

Mosey to the “art” sculpture and completed one leg lunges on the benches, 10 cts each leg, followed by 20 3 ct Prayer Squats. This was then followed by the Wave of Merkins one to five and five to one. A quick mosey back to the Pavilion for a countarama revealed we went from 8 to7. Spiderman is adept at leaving the scene without anyone noticing towards the end of the workouts. Superhero stuff…you wouldn’t understand. Some plank stretch, more ab work on the stairs, Homer/Marge, until the designated timekeeper (Linus) called time.

A quick Name-O-Rama and COT and we ended the day. More prayers for San Bernadino victims.

A quick word to encourage all to get on Twitter. It is great to follow the workouts that you can’t make and also relive what you did while you attend a workout. You also miss the banter and the silliness that goes along with it, like saying there were ten PAX that showed up and quickly being called out that there were only 8. You don’t want to be out of the loop with the communication from F3 Nation and our fellow F3’ers who share information and amazing stories of service to others. (Mission trips, outreach, etc). See you all in the gloom. Roscoe

Downtown Backblast

Warm Up

  • SSH IC x20
  • Don Quixote IC x20
  • Merkins IC x20
  • CH Squats IC x20
  • LBC IC x20

First up was quick series of Burpee Hot Laps…  starting at pavilion, PAX took a quick sprint through parking lot to stop sign at North York Street for 10 BOYO.  Sprint back to pavilion for 10 more BOYO.   Sprint to stop sign at North Marietta St for 10 BOYO,  And then back to pavilion for last 10 BOYO.

Next was Dora 1,2,3 from pavilion to main street and back. Partner A would run, Partner B would perform AMRAP of the following excercises to the total number of reps.  Partners flapjack and continue until the total number of reps were completed.

  • Merkins x100
  • LBC x 200
  • Squats x 300

Next were 11s OYO.  PAX does 1 of the exercise A at pavilion (Dying Cockroach) then sprints to main street for 10 of exercise B (Jump Squats).  Then rinse and repeat while increasing reps for exercise A by one up to 10, and decreaseing reps for excercise B by 1 until down to 1.

With one minute remaining (and since we already did Dying Cockroach) Q call for 1 minute of homer and marge.

Honored to lead you brothers!

– Bandit

Salute to Veterans

Basics of this workout copied but modified from another online backblast.  That’s why we post them men … accountability and flattery by imitation.
Moment to recognize all those who have served or continue to serve in the armed forces.
SSH – 19
Merkins – 18
Told PAX together this makes the year 1918 when WWI ended … Armistic Day was 11-11-1918.
Mosey to the park.
The Thang
11s for the day 11/11
Flags placed at the bottom of nice hill leading to the fields.  Music started with two 9 minute sessions AMRAP (as many reps as possible) followed by two minutes of rest.
Session One:
11 LBCs
11 Squats
Sprint to flags and back
22 LBCs
22 Squats
Sprint to flags and back
33 LBCs
33 Squats
Sprint to flags and back … 44 … 55
Most ran out of time somewhere in the 55 range
Two minutes recovery, said the Pledge
Session Two:
11 Merkins
11 SSH
Sprints …
Repeat first session with these exercises
Two minutes of recovery
Bonus Session Three:
Time reduced to 4 minutes for the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines.  (No disrespect to others)
11 Jumpsquats
11 CDD
Sprint … same as above with these exercises
Mosey back to the parking lot carrying flags and playing music.
Circle for plank-o-rama
Various planks including hip lifts, “french fries,” one arm, regular.
Switch to 6 position for scissors and LBCs in cadence X 11 and 22 respectively
Great to focus on the meaning of Veteran’s Day.  Kotter to Bubbles and always great to have Gastone visit his roots.
Final count of PAX was 11 which matched the day.
Living in America by James Brown is a really long song.  The final “I Feel Good” was followed by a collective “thank goodness.”
Missed some of the Martha’s House regulars, but glad to see our educators represent on their day off!
Great work everyone.  Solid effort!
Dr. Feelgood


This Saturday, Nov. 7, all F3 pax and their 2.0s (kids) are welcome to MarthaPalooza for 2ndF (fellowship) and workout fun with the kids. Bring the kids so they can find out what their dad’s do with those other silly guys every morning. We have reserved shelter #1 by the volleyball court at Martha Rivers park. Starting at 2:30, we have several Qs at various stations for the kids and dads. There will even be a special kickball game. After our workout fun, we are grilling hot dogs, sharing some food, and enjoying time with our kids and each other.

Hot dogs and fixings will be provided. Just ask that you BYOB and bring a side dish to share if you can.

All regions welcome.

M’s invited too.

Kids not required.

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