Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2024 (Page 11 of 11)

Ground Assault 5/29/24

Del Webb Route. Many ran…many rucked. We had a great turnout. The route was a little longer than 5 miles…put me behind for COT. I hate running behind. I believe if you’re not 15 seconds early, you’re late. Thank you Ocho for getting the announcements started.



F2 Lunch at Bubba 33

Blood Drive coming up- See Tiger’s post for more information

Clean-up at the Yank on the 22nd




Breaker Breaker’s family- aunt, mom’s hand surgery

Jackson Curti


Tiger- moving Mary Crawford to Dallas, TX

Out of Region – Spirit of St Louis

BackBlast: Expedition: Mousetrap
Date: June 1, 2024
AO: #ao_mousetrap
PAX: @Tuition @rogerroger @Short Circuit @DOS (Spirit StL) @Shower House @Jayhawk @Twin Peaks @Hunchback @BrownOut @Yogi @Fish Fry @Bushwood @Rock Chalk @Bucky @WetnWild @coachpotato @trainor @pizzatheHut @hurley @bernie @pellgrant
FNG: 0
Q: @WetnWild and @Bucky
Total: 21
Conditions: A low ceiling but rain free and a smooth 67 degrees

Warm up:

  • 5 to 1 motivators
  • Learning to Phelps
  • Little baby arm

Westward expedition:
– Coupon carry to mousetrap mountain
– 25 curls
– Rifle Carry halfway up the mountain
– 20 front raises
– Bernie sanders rifle carry to crosswalk
– 20 dips
– Mosey down the ridge
– 20 Mountain climbers HW
– Mosey down the ridge
– 20 Big Boy sit ups
– Mosey down the ridge
– 25 SSH
– Mosey across the river
– 10 step ups
– Mosey through the woods
– 20 Bear crawl hold shoulder taps hardway
– Bear crawl to the field (passing the east expedition-and reversing their journey)

Eastward Expedition
– Grab an extra coupon and riffle carry to sleds at the field.
– 2 tower of powers
– 2 pull two sleds and farmer carry extra coupons across the field to the first light.
– 10 2C squats
– 2 pull two sleds and farmer carry extra coupons across the field to the second light.
– 10 2C deadlifts
– 2 pull two sleds and farmer carry extra coupons across the field to the third light.
– 10 gorilla rows HW
– 2 pull two sleds and farmer carry extra coupons across the field to the fourth light.
– 10 2c lunges
– (pass the westward expedition and reserve its BD path)


Captain Thor x10



2.0 BD at 10
Family Bbq at 11

Jeff City convergence June 22nd

COT: Discussed the advantages of an explorers mindset including planning, hard work, adapting, overcoming challenges and a positive mindset.

Wetnwild took on that mindset and led an amazing BD.

Other ramblings of @Bucky and @WetnWild

Outstanding morning. Thanks everyone for extraordinary effort. @WetnWild terrific lead!


Since the parking lot at Belmont elementary is now under construction, Tequila Sunrise was relocated to South Point HS for the summer.  Word of this must have spread!!

As YHC rolled into the rear parking lot, every light on the property seemed to be illuminated, freshly washed parking lot well marked and well lit, lights at the stadium were on, Belmont’s finest were present…………..almost seemed like F3 was getting the red carpet treatment this morning……..NOT !!!!  It was graduation day at SPHS, it’d just rained and Belmont’s finest were just making sure that no knuckleheads found their way into the stadium already setup for the festivities later that day.  Light chatter about the new location and the potential to maybe make it permanent……..mix comments about that.   OK men, 5:30 and time to go to work.



Head count

Warm up all in cadence:

11 SSH

11 Moroccan Night Clubs

11 Imperial Walkers

Right over left / left over right lean over stretch it out

Plank position – right foot to right hand, right hand reach for the sky, flap jack on the left side

11 Gravel pickers


Mosey 1 lap around the parking lot return to start point.

-Circle up for exercise, take plank position, Q starts off w/ 1 merkin, pax to the left goes next and so on until a complete circle is done, every pax holds plank when not doing merkin until YHC calls it.   Stay in plank for Mountain climbers until Q calls it.

-Cones setup in a square to do run drills.   Pax takes off in a NUR, at cone low shuffle to the side, at cone sprint, at cone low shuffle to the side, rinse and repeat until Q calls it.

-Move to the next set of cones for 4 corners stack em and unstack em

10 Merkins

20 CDD’s

30 Squats

40 LBC’s

Q fail………and got called out, seems Q forgot to unstack em.

-Mosey 1 lap around the parking lot return to start point.

-Pick a spot on the curb 50 Rocky Balboa’s count 1 side

-Circle up for 10 minutes of Mary, each pax calling out 1 exercise until time ran out.


Memorial Day Murph

F3 Dads camp


Prayers and Praises:

Gavels family

Breaker’s aunt and mom

Turtle man’s family

Graduates and families

Jackson Curti and family, may they find the miracle we’re all praying for!!!!

Also remembering what this weekend is really about; honoring all those throughout history, who’ve worn the uniforms, who’ve taken up arms and who’ve paid the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedoms from tyranny and oppression.

Lest we not forget that Freedom is never Free…………

It was my honor to lead you men this morning,

Keep it real,



Folsom PT test

7 HIM men posted for the PT test at Folsom.  YHC marked off the 1/4 loop which went around the kids play area and the soccer field.  Trying to avoid incline as much as possible.  Westside was already there getting 3 miles in for EC.  Ponyboy showed up shortly thereafter wearing his mid December clothes.  (At least he left the beanie and scarf at home)  After a brief warmup of the exercises to be completed as well as a 1/4 mosey around the course, Oompa began the test.

For those who have never done this, it consists of a 1/4 mile lap and then 4 exercises Merkins, Squats, LBCs and SSH.    Start with a 1/4 run then 100 of each exercise followed by a lap, then  75 of each then another lap, 50 of each exercise, another lap and 25 of each and then 1 mile run for time.  This gives a total of 250 reps of each and 2 miles of running. According to Oompa results are as follows:

Sarlac 47:04

Westside 40:32

Defib 33:00

Volt 45:54

Ponyboy 43:00

Balljoint 52:12 (who I believe did one arm Merkins!)

No one in this group slacked on any of it – lots of gassed pax at the end

Prayers for the Guffey family, Westsides father-in-law, Pockets tying the knot 2 weeks, PB’s patient, Turtleman’s family

Thanks to Ponyboy to allow me to Q even though I do not own a truck or have a beard!

Until next time

Defib out


Old school PT Test at Old School

No need to describe the workout, you should know what it is by now. If you don’t, you’re either new to F3 Gastonia or too much of a wuss to come out and try it. The weather was awesome for the 1st of June!


Easy warmup, brief overview and then start the timer. Wiki showed his age, Slaw tried to chase him down and the rest of us did what we could. Strong work by all.

Wiki 36:01

Slaw 36:39

Broke 38:10

Wirenut 41:05

Chili 46:02

Def Leppard 47:32

Happy Trees 48:45

Pockets 49:57

Montross ??? didn’t record time

Gumby – did modified version



Annihilation workout at Gashouse next week (Hei Hei Q)

DBC starts at 0600 tomorrow at Crossroads

Lunch at Bubba’s 33 on third Wed

F3 Dad’s at Gashouse 6/15


Pray for Guffey family, Turtleman family (service 6/10), Montross aunt, Gumby mom, Westside father in law, friend of Pockets passed away


Slaw took us out.
I’m Broke

Nothing Special – Hard Work – Rinse Repeat

5/31. Downtown crowd was pretty good as usual. We started with the Pledge and got straight to it. Good warmup with a lot of cardio stretching and several rounds of burpees.

Next we headed down Main Ave. for Route 66 with HR Merkins followed by a 20 min. AMRAP starting at Oakland St. heading back towards MLK we did work at each light pole on the right.

P1 – 5 Burpees –

P2 – 10 Bonnie Blairs

P3 – 15 Big Boys

P4 – 20 Bungle Boy Squats

P5 – 25 Chuck Norris Merkins

P6 – 30 LBCs

Run back to Oakland and rinse repeat for 20 min.

When we finished up we moseyed on to the Torture Rack for a Triple Nickel of Pull-ups and Step-ups. There was a lot of crying about this as there usually is when it comes to pull-ups but it is the King of Bodyweight movements for a reason. They’re supposed to be hard and they’re supposed to suck. So quit the crying and get to work.

We’re coming up on quitting time at this point so we head back to the Pavilion just in time for 5 more rounds of 5 Burpees OYO. We took a 10 count between rounds for recovery and everyone that showed up finished strong. Even the ones that checked out early.

Good Work Men

Thanks for the hard work today.

Prayers and Praises were spoken. Announcements were announced.


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