Since the parking lot at Belmont elementary is now under construction, Tequila Sunrise was relocated to South Point HS for the summer. Word of this must have spread!!
As YHC rolled into the rear parking lot, every light on the property seemed to be illuminated, freshly washed parking lot well marked and well lit, lights at the stadium were on, Belmont’s finest were present…………..almost seemed like F3 was getting the red carpet treatment this morning……..NOT !!!! It was graduation day at SPHS, it’d just rained and Belmont’s finest were just making sure that no knuckleheads found their way into the stadium already setup for the festivities later that day. Light chatter about the new location and the potential to maybe make it permanent……..mix comments about that. OK men, 5:30 and time to go to work.
Head count
Warm up all in cadence:
11 SSH
11 Moroccan Night Clubs
11 Imperial Walkers
Right over left / left over right lean over stretch it out
Plank position – right foot to right hand, right hand reach for the sky, flap jack on the left side
11 Gravel pickers
Mosey 1 lap around the parking lot return to start point.
-Circle up for exercise, take plank position, Q starts off w/ 1 merkin, pax to the left goes next and so on until a complete circle is done, every pax holds plank when not doing merkin until YHC calls it. Stay in plank for Mountain climbers until Q calls it.
-Cones setup in a square to do run drills. Pax takes off in a NUR, at cone low shuffle to the side, at cone sprint, at cone low shuffle to the side, rinse and repeat until Q calls it.
-Move to the next set of cones for 4 corners stack em and unstack em
10 Merkins
20 CDD’s
30 Squats
40 LBC’s
Q fail………and got called out, seems Q forgot to unstack em.
-Mosey 1 lap around the parking lot return to start point.
-Pick a spot on the curb 50 Rocky Balboa’s count 1 side
-Circle up for 10 minutes of Mary, each pax calling out 1 exercise until time ran out.
Memorial Day Murph
F3 Dads camp
Prayers and Praises:
Gavels family
Breaker’s aunt and mom
Turtle man’s family
Graduates and families
Jackson Curti and family, may they find the miracle we’re all praying for!!!!
Also remembering what this weekend is really about; honoring all those throughout history, who’ve worn the uniforms, who’ve taken up arms and who’ve paid the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedoms from tyranny and oppression.
Lest we not forget that Freedom is never Free………… 
It was my honor to lead you men this morning,
Keep it real,