Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2024 (Page 10 of 11)

My return to Midoriyama!

I think I’ve only been to Midoriyama once in about 4 months because of track season. You know I had to do some Ultimate Frisbee for my first Q back. We had 11 show up so we rotated Oompa to Leppards team once my team was up like 10 points. Anyway, I learned one thing, 4 months off is not recommended. One of the only times in my life I felt physically old. Definitely time for me to be more consistent with my fitness. I’ve used my athletic ability as a crutch for too long.  To all you younger guys get consistent now!!!   Anyway, Hei Hei caught too many passes on me. Luigi my 2.0 played better than I did. Oh yeh and of course Leppard lost!!! Lost in an awesome way. On the last play I threw a laser beam about 3/4’s of the field to Broke who caught it right on Leppards head for the win!!! Good work Leppard!

The Same Week – Yank PT Test 6/2024

10 PAX weren’t afraid to tackle one of the toughest tests in F3 Gastonia, the Classic PT Test.  Formulated by Broke’s mastermind, and passed down through the generations, the workout itself is legendary, and we get to see from year to year how we stack up.  What started at the Grier Middle School track at Gashouse has morphed into more of a franchise, taking to all Saturday AOs on this crisp and gorgeous June morning.

The challenge at the new AOs is that the tracks aren’t exactly, well, regulation sized tracks.  The Yank’s is especially short, but in preparation for the Yank PT Test, YHC wanted to know how short it was.  A slow mosey with a Garmin watch showed 0.24, and math from there meant that basically, a lap and a half would get us the quarter mile (or a lot closer than just 1 lap anyways), and so that’s what we did.  No short track today in Belmont.  So for the sake of this backblast, 1.5 laps around the track is about 400m.

The Thang:

  • 10 x Seal Jacks (IC)
  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • Tesla Stretches
  • Figure 4 Back Stretches

Instructions for the PT Test given with adjustments detailed, and the plan all laid out.

“So are we gonna do that or just run a lap?”

Good lord.  Of course we’re going to do that.  It’s a better measuring stick than taking a short cut.

The Classic PT Test (Yank Edition):

  • Run 1.5 laps
  • 100 reps each of Merkins, Squats, LBCs, SSHs (no splitting)
  • Run 1.5 laps
  • 75 reps each of Merkins, Squats, LBCs, SSHs (no splitting)
  • Run 1.5 laps
  • 50 reps each of Merkins, Squats, LBCs, SSHs (no splitting)
  • Run 1.5 laps
  • 25 reps each of Merkins, Squats, LBCs, SSHs (no splitting)
  • Run 6 laps

YHC launched the group, then fumbled around with music and a clipboard before joining the group.


  • Doodles crushing the first run
  • Watts Up and Pinto pushing each other to finish
  • Brutus’s monster push to finish the last lap
  • All 10,000 reps accounted for from all PAX
  • Sargento posting on mumblechatter before COT about having the Murph and the PT Test the same week

Official Times*:

  • Flintstone – 32:52
  • Tesla – 35:38
  • Sargento – 36:20
  • Orangeman – 36:50
  • Doodles – 37:31
  • Pinto – 40:18
  • Watts Up – 40:18
  • Brutus – 45:39
  • Gavel – 1 lap remaining
  • Montana – 3 laps remaining

*No video evidence exists of these times, and no Form Police were on hand to slap wrists and hand out “No Reps”.  Thankfully.

We just fellowship moseyed back to the start for COT, and that was that.

It’s like a Q Free Square for the King of the Qs battle for the month.  Much thanks to Gavel for the opportunity to lead, and to Broke for the Weinke.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Working the Masseter

It was nice being back out on Saturday. With some travel and some family in town  I haven’t been able to get out there.  However lack of planning led to some small Q fails for which Mayor let me know.  Here’s what we did

Dora 1-2-3 with Merkins, LBCs and Step-ups while  the other ran to big rock and back or carrying something down and back.

Stations:  1 min timer

Pax choice


Flutter kicks

Plank jacks



Lateral lunge



Round 2:

Step ups


Heels to heaven

Nolan Ryans


Dirty dogs

Reverse lunges

Chest press

I know there were a few confusing moments but sure everyone got their moneys worth.  Mayor made sure to work that masseter and keep me in check, thanks brother.

Gypsy Soul

A tardy Backblast, so the details are fuzzy, but 9 PAX put in work at The Labyrinth and got our gypsy souls rocked.  Here’s what I remember:

EC Wednesday was back, and Whoopee and Maybelline joined YHC for a mosey down to the neighborhood and back before the Beatdown.

The Thang:

  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • 10 x Imperial Walker Squats (IC)
  • Tesla Stretches
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)
  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches (IC)

The Site Q brought the coupons, and everyone got a block from his truck and we just stayed put in the Pelicans lot for the opening block work.

Block Circuit:

  • 5 x Thrusters (OYO)
  • 5 x Tricep Extensions (OYO)
  • 5 x Chest Press Pullovers (OYO)
  • Run a Lap around Pelicans
  • +1 on Rep counts and Repeato
  • Last Round: 10 reps of each

Always better to add the reps than take them away.  Gives you more to look forward to, Amiright?  Anyways, the experience Q brought music, but no time spent on a playlist, and Pandora picked Van Morrison’s “Into the Mystic”, which is a terrible workout song.  Maybelline was bummed that we skipped the song, but that wasn’t the mood YHC was trying to set.

Give the coupons back, and take a quick tour of Martha’s, heading down into the park, stopping at the entrance for:

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)

Then next to the first shelter.  We need some benches, and there are none finer in all the region:

  • 20 x Dips (OYO)
  • 15 x Derkins (OYO)
  • 10 x Bulgarian Split Squats (Each Leg – OYO)

YHC took the role of Form Police on the Split Squats to try to save some knees.

Mosey to the big flag in the middle of the ballfields for the pledge.  Dusted off an old Weinke and brought back:

Cora Por Dies – Alternate 10 reps of 2 different core exercises while your partner runs the 0.25+ mile route around Ballfield #3

Round 1:

  • 10 x Freddie Mercuries
  • 10 x Flutter Kicks
  • Repeato until

During this round, The Gloom looked so ideally gloomy that we had PAX working to capture the moment photographically.  It was the kind of day they wanted to cherish in their hearts forever, or that they just wanted to be a tshirt design.  Either way, YHC was honored.

  • 10 x Shoulder Taps (IC)

in lieu of a 10 count.  Bullwinkle made everyone else’s Shoulder Taps look sloppy.  Strong work.

Round 2:

  • 10 x American Hammers
  • 10 x LBCs
  • Repeato until

And one more set of

  • 10 x Shoulder Taps (IC)

So now we got to undo the rest of what we did.  To the shelter:

  • 20 x Dips (OYO)
  • 15 x Derkins (OYO)
  • 10 x Bulgarian Split Squats (Each Leg – OYO)

To the entrance:

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)

Back to finish, with just a little time to spare, and Whoopee was picked to finish us off with Mary and he did so with:

  • 15 x LBCs (IC)

Intense finish for sure.  That was that, and we all got what we paid for.


I get away from Martha’s for too long and I realize how much I miss it.  Check past Backblasts for what the place means to me, but the PAX and the park just remind me of all the things that I’ve done out there.  It’s always a solid dose of nostalgia getting out there, and yet we’re still doing it.  Numbers are picking back up at both The Labyrinth & Ricky Bobby.  Let’s keep pushing through the summer.

Privileged for an opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Moist Crossroads

9 Pax attended Crossroads with the season-opening ride for 3 of the DBC (Dallas Bike Club) starting early even though the moisture may have hindered full attendance. I heard there were puddles in some neighborhoods so safety first! 6 runners, no ruckers. Where you at ruckers? Runners mostly got in at least 4 to 5 miles and some were much sweatier than others. Freight running 5 after his 10 mile trail run yesterday. The DBC got in almost 20 miles as they made it to Lincoln County and back. Slaw was breaking in the nice new bike. Defib has some sort of radar on his bike to detect cars and maybe speed traps by police. We all stayed for coffee and a discussion on Missionality. Find what you are meant to do and practice it to be the best you can and serve your greatest purpose. The group helped me through this lesson with great insights. Things discussed were spaghetti, Sports Illustrated, Dolphins, the best Q’s, Valerie Bertinelli, Daffodils and the worst Q (we all know who)!

Announcements: F3 Lunch at Bubba’s 33 June 19th at noon.
Annihilation Workout at Gashouse with Heihei Q Saturday June 8th at 7

Prayer Requests: Turtleman’s family, Freight’s dad, Guffey family, Camm family, Gumby’s mom, Huckleberry. Broke took us out!

I’m No Billy

It was time to pass on the shovel flag, and what better day than a holiday, when work wasn’t an excuse (for most) for not getting out in The Gloom.

Well work wasn’t an excuse, but the Murph was, and we had a whopping 4 PAX on site to witness the passing of the theoretical shovel flag.  (The actual shovel flag was at the Murph.)

Welcome to the Site Q ranks – STOGIE!

Work was done.  Who knows what.

The word for Memorial Day came from the late Rev. Billy Graham, as his words to a Veteran group would be much more poignant than anything YHC would put together.  Freedom is worth fighting for an dying for, but it’s also worth living for, and we have an obligation to live honorably for the rights and privileges that those who lost their lives gave it all to protect.


It was a short run, by Site Q standards, but I was proud to carry the torch, and appreciate the work that Sarlacc did before me and look forward to Stogie’s leadership.  Thanks to all who got out of their comfort zone to share a word to start the week off right.


Yabba Dabba Doo

Who Hurt You?

6 strong at Folsom today, including Maybelline who made it before the Warm Up was over.  Folsom has those bougie blocks with handles on both sides, so we put them to good use.  Jump ropes, overrated bands, skipping tris, the “drunken bird” and a lot of HTSI were on tap this morning.  Here’s what I remember:

The parking lot was strangely sparse when YHC pulled in and thought for a minute that it was a Monday at the Sword.  No EC, but a T-Ron AM sighting was a nice surprise.  Weinke was planned (enough), so it was time to get going.

The Thang:

  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)
  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches (IC)

Mosey to grab blocks, then head to the tennis court, rifle carrying the blocks

Some normal, some not so normal today, as the routine was just a circuit of 7 exercises for 45 seconds each, then a lap around the courts when we were done.  Exercises were:

  • Tricep Extensions
  • Bulgarian Split Squats
  • World War 3 Situps
  • Crossover Merkins (One hand on block, one on the ground – keep switching)
  • Double Crunches
  • Block Swings
  • “Drunken Birds” – Drinking Birds with a block (Someone suggested the name and it stuck)

It was during the demos that the Site Q told YHC “Who hurt you?”, and the obvious answer is Woody, but you’ll all figure that out in due time.  Rolling Stones were, well, rolling, but not according to Montross who said the Stones were massively overrated.  That’s just a bad opinion right there.

Anyways, we wrapped up, took our lap, then got on with it.

Next to Intermission #1, which had us break into groups of 3, and PAX did the following, rotating through all 3 options:

  • PAX 1:
    • Farmer Carry 2 blocks to the first light pole
    • With hands on both blocks, do 20 x Deficit Merkins
  • PAX 2 & 3 alternate between:
    • 10 x Thrusters (OYO)
    • 10 x Single Leg Glute Bridges (5 x each leg OYO)

Solid work by all here.  On to another round of the circuit:

  • Tricep Extensions
  • Bulgarian Split Squats
  • World War 3 Situps
  • Crossover Merkins (One hand on block, one on the ground – keep switching)
  • Double Crunches
  • Block Swings
  • Drunken Birds

YHC actually did the Tris this time, as the first round was spent fumbling with the phone starting the music.  Montross quit early but he pointed out that he still did more than the Q, and also definitely ran a lot more miles at Ville to Ville than today’s Q who was a no show despite giving an HC.  Touche.

Intermission #2 was a real crowd pleaser, with again 3 things to do and PAX rotating to complete all 3:

  • PAX 1 – Rifle Carry / Blockee 4 corners (4 Blockees at each corner)
  • PAX 2 – Jump rope til PAX 1 returns
  • PAX 3 – Alternate 10 x Freddie Mercuries / 10 x Flutter Kicks til PAX 1 returns

All 3 options were a grind.  Indefinite core work gets old quick.

Anyways, we were close enough to out of time that all we could do was return the blocks and leave Circuit 3 and Intermission 3 on the table.  The beating was over, as we all returned to the flag right at 0615.


Don’t bring that weak stuff to Folsom.  These guys embrace the suck.

2 big opportunities to support some of our newer PAX, as Boondock has his VQ at Folsom and Hei Hei leads an Annihilation at Gashouse.  Match energy, give it to em, and build em up, as it’s those new sparks that keep us old heads fresh.

Grateful for an opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Roll over and hit Snooze (again)

I’ll admit I’m a multiple snooze guy. Unless I have to be up for something like a Q, Sheild Lock Breakfast or early work meeting, I’ll hit the snooze button a few times. Hey, time management is my Jester, so it’s my daily battle. Don’t worry, I’ll live to fight it another day (#procrastination). Last summer, I initiated Snooze which allowed the PAX to sleep in a bit on a Friday, if they wanted. Of course some double posted, and that’s okay if you’re seeking that challenge. But there is no challenge to gain points. Really, Snooze is an alternative for the PAX that can start their Friday a little later than usual but still get in a solid workout. Back by some level of demand (wouldn’t say popular, yet), the shovel flag posted at 0640 Friday morning in McAdenville’s Legacy Park. By 0645, the alarm sounded and 4 other PAX were gathered around looking for instruction.


5 burpees OYO, Seal Jacks, Imperial Walkers, Side to Side Lunge, Toy Soldier and MNC’s all IC x 10. Face the flag and salute a great country that we have the freedom to post at 0645 in the morning.


My knee is jacked up so not a lot of running is on the agenda – slow mosey to the YMCA patio that is bounded by 2.5′ tall brick ledge. We’ll start in the center for some core work because that doesn’t hurt me knee. All in cadence x 15 (except when I forget to inflect on 14).

  • Mtn Climbers, Knee Touches, Shoulder Tap + Plank Jacks, Ski Abs, Groiners, Freddie Merc, Raised Penguin, Opp Hand to Opp Knee, Reverse Crunch (the PAX’s highlight complaint), 90 degree alt R/L toe touch, Genie knee to elbow, Genie elbow to knee, elbow plank for J-lo’s (only 10 IC)

With the 2.5 brick wall, let’s take advantage w/ 11’s: 10 Derkins + 1 Dirty Hook up. That took about 10-12 minutes. Circle around to the back soccer field – partner up. I was the odd man with Tesla and Flintstone. Orangeman and Goose were the other. DORA with 100 Dips, 200 Merkins (Nantan complained, so I re-stated, “200” Merkins…no stuttering that I heard. Finish it off with 300 glute bridges which was awkward as the concrete seating under the building awning isn’t wide enough for and adult back, but we made do. Non-exercising PAX runs length of the wet field and touches the fence to return. Slow mosey back to the flag. Inside of 2 minutes, I was calling it but Flintstone and Tesla felt underserved, so they did burpees. Goose joined them and Orangeman looked at me and said, if the Q is done, who am I to argue? Time.

Prayers for Turtleman and family. Announcements – GasHouse 6/8 come get annihilated by HeiHei.

Double Post Recognition: Tesla and Goose. The 5 of us went to the Spruce Goose for coffee to decompress and talk about our upcoming day. Not a bad way to start a Friday. If you have a vacation day or extra time on a Friday morning, come join the PAX. Next week is Flintstone followed by Defib and Tesla.


No need for pitsops today


3 rucked 1 ran. Met up for Qsource with the topic of “The Law of Intuition ” from John Maxwell’s book, the “21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership ”


Announcements: Gashouse annihilation this Saturday and F3 Kids next Saturday


Turtleman’s family

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

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