Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: May 2024 (Page 12 of 12)

A Foggy Ricky Bobby

Six PAX emerged from the gloom and fog at The Ricky Bobby.

Warmup: SSH (IC), Imperial Walkers (IC), Abe Vigodas (IC), stretches

Thing 1: Mosey to the back parking lot for 4 Corners, stacking in each corner, and using the diagonal of the parking lot to keep the sides even!

10 Jump Squats

20 Merkins

30 Mountain Climbers

40 American Hammers

Unstack them in reverse order at the starting corner


Intermission: AMRAP pullups for 1 minute at the playground


Thing 2: Perform the called exercise OYO (Freddie Mercuries, Nolan Ryans, Plank Jacks, etc) until the Q calls “sprint” (or the local rooster crows) and then sprint the length of the side road to the crosswalk. Return to the starting point doing the called exercise: lunge walk, bear crawl, karaokes, high knees, butt kicks.


Thing 3: Partner up for Dora 123

100 tricep dips

200 squats (the “easy” version with your feet flat on the ground instead of heels on the curb!)

300 LBCs


Thing 4: A round of Mary in the Donut Circle in the back parking lot


Mosey to the front for COT


Goonie this Saturday


Tesla house closing today

Jackson Curti and bone marrow transplant




Tennis Blocks

We had 10 out this morning at Folsom

Warm up was basic: SSH, Hilbillys, Windmills, Gravel Pickers, and Imperial walkers

We headed up the hill to grab some blocks then made our way to the tennis court for some stacking block work after a rifle carry to each “corner” of the court (we actually had 5 stops):

We started with 5 tricep extensions, the stacked 10 “Lawnmowers” (each side), then 15 Curls, then 20 Swings, then 25 Rocky Balboas, and lastly 30 presses, but of course you have to unstack what you stack so we did!

We did a little ab work before leaving the court to tune of: 10 WW3 sit ups, 10 American Hammers, and 10 Windshield wipers.

We had enough time to return the blocks and mosey to the picnic shelter to do 3 rounds of: Step Ups, Squats, and Bulgarian Split Squats.

Time to head back to COT!


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