Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 29, 2024


Warm up

Mosey to the new Self Storage to the virgin parking lot for the full work out

Partner up- we completed many rounds which consisted of running, Merkins, LBC, Mike Tysons, Flutter kicks, lunges, bear crawls, imperial walkers, and burpees

Finished with an Indian run back to start with 30 seconds to spare for the pledge


Prayer request:  Turtleman’s family,  Maybelline’s mom, Stroganoff’s mother in law

Praise report: Clavin’s M getting back to normal living

Prayed us out

EZ out!!

The Reverse Roscoe Route that is actually 5 miles…

Beautiful morning for a nice meetup and run with some other fitness bros.  We started with the pledge, followed by the description of the route.  We did the reverse Roscoe, that was not actually the Roscoe route– it’s the route that is all downhill, yet it starts and ends at the same place.  It was picked because along the way the Lord opened up the sky and showed us a beautiful sunrise just as we came down one of the hills.  Some men along the way thought we were certainly going to be longer than 5 miles, but I assured them, they were all wrong.  The final mileage total was 5.4, and in every mathematics class I’ve ever taken results in a rounded value of 5 miles.  Just like I said… 5 miles!

Announcements:  June1 PT test, the other announcements have already slipped by us before I put in this timely backblast.

Prayer Requests:  Gavel’s family, Turtleman, Graduates, and a few others.

That’s a Waste of Weinke

8 PAX posted on Tuesday at Midoriyama in temps that reminded us of what summer is like out there. We weren’t playing ultimate frisbee so a lot of people didn’t show up(meow).


Some stretches then a mosey to the far soccer field.

The Thang:

Today we are going to keep it super simple and see how far we can go. 5 exercises starting with 5 reps each then run a lap. Next round we will go up by 5 and rinse and repeat. The exercises were Merkins, WWIIs, Squats, CDDs, and Lunges. We made it to 30 or 6 rounds or 105 reps of each then took the long way back. Simple and effective. Blart couldn’t believe I actually wasted paper and wrote this done.



Announcements-PT test this Saturday

Prayer Request-Turtleman’s family, The Guffey family

Old School 5/18

4 HIM’s came out for a beat down hosted by YHC, this is what happened.




  • 10 SSH IC
  • Squats x10 IC
  • Moroccans x 20 IC
  • Hillbillies x 20 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Run around 3 island to warm up
  • RoL LoR 15 sec each
  • R & L leg up (quads) 20 sec each
  • On your 6 – inward toe touch, outward, straight on 15 each
  • Count off

Counting down to 1 below:

10 x Blockies

10 x curls

10 x swings

10 x OH press

Rifle carry across lot

10 x big boys

10 x obliques both sides

10 x PPM’s

20 x LBC’s

After each round, do 10 lunges-walks(5 each side)


Bonus Round

10 x Bulgarian Split Squats

10 x CDD’s

10 x Nolan Ryan’s each side

15 dips

50 step ups

15 x derkins

20 x calf raise



  • Praise for my M graduation
  • Family
  • Turtleman
  • Extinction run today
  • Memorial Day murph
  • Labyrinth

thanks for the opportunity to lead!

  • Maybelline

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