Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 20, 2024

The Sword 5/20

Small group of HIMS today but we put in some good work.After I shared some scripture from Acts 4 and talked about some things we can learn and apply from Peter and John in this chapter. We pledged prayed and headed out.

Serving is Selfish

10 Pax posted to Crossroads Sunday morning. I believe most ran even after running some extra miles at the Extinction run on Saturday. It was good to have Roundup out. Keep coming around. We are better for it. Afterwards we covered Live Right from Q Source. Living right is about impacting and serving others. While doing that we also receive so much that it can really be viewed as a selfish act. As flawed people we all are a little selfish so it should be appealing to serve.



Announcements-Memorial day Murph

Prayer Request-Turtleman, Anchorman, various family members

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