Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 6, 2024

Out of Region: The Handsomizer

Pizza the Hut and Hunchback posted at the Handsomizer with F3 Nashville on Friday, December 29th. 93 merkins, lots of bear crawls and gloom kickball occurred. Pizza the Hut also EH’d his FNG cousins Trainor and Couch Potato from Kansas City.


PAX can now enter their downrange posts by submitting a detailed or simple backblast. Choose “Out of Region” as location, include N/A as the Q, and do not include other PAX from out of the region.

Out of Region: Valley of Death

Eh Y’all posted at the Valley of Death w F3Clemson on Wednesday, January 3

PAX can now enter their downrange posts by submitting a detailed or simple backblast. Choose “Out of Region” as location, include N/A as the Q, and do not include other PAX from out of the region.

We did Hip Slappers (and Whoopee missed it!)

I was excited to see several cars at Pelicans as I pulled in for my 2nd-ever appearance at The Labyrinth.  I was thinking the Site-Q swap between Maybelline and me (advertised on Slack as a “mystery guest Q” both here and at The Ricky Bobby, though it was no mystery to anyone paying attention) had generated excitement across the region.  EZ Rider and Winehouse were ready to go, but Flintstone and Whoopee were MIA.

At 0530 the beatdown commenced with a warmup of SSH, Imperial walkers, and Nolan Ryans (10xIC).  In the middle of these, Bullwinkle joined us, so we did 5 burpees (just for the hell of it) and moved on to the main event.

We started on the wall of Pelican’s with Dirty Hookups (10xIC).  Even though the wall felt flimsy and rickety, almost like wet cardboard, we made it through these plus a wall-sit and hip slappers (10xIC).  After that, we moseyed over to the parking lot at Martha’s House for Team Dora.  Team 1 (Winehouse and I) worked while Team 2 (EZ Rider and Bullwinkle) went to the next island and back.  Exercises were:
– Hand-release merkins
– Reverse lunges
– Flutter kicks

We did 3 cycles with the following instead of moseying:
– Round 1:  Nur there, mosey back
– Round 2:  Carioca facing the ball fields
– Round 3:  Carioca facing the parking lot

Next we moseyed to the center of the fields and found walls much sturdier than those at Pelican’s, so we repeated the dirty hookups (10xIC), wall sit, and hip slappers (10xIC).  Then with 17 minutes to go, I explained the instructions for “Boo-yah 11s:”
– Partners Nur to opposite light poles.
– 10 burpees
– Mosey back to middle.
– 1 “Boo-yah” merkin
– Proceed as standard for 11s (9/2, 8/3, etc.)

I thought we could finish these, but I was mistaken unfortunately (or fortunately, according to EZ Rider).   After the round of 5 burpees (or maybe 6, I can’t remember), we moseyed back to Pelicans for COT.

Announcements:  2nd F lunch 1/17 at Whiskey Mill

Prayers:  Pax traveling and on IR

Dungeons, Dice, and Drenched Determination at Relocation of Idiots

Today’s F3 fitness adventure took a wet and wild turn as YHC bravely led 11 PAX through the second half of the GasHouse Relocation of Idiots. Huddled under the First Presbyterian awning, we faced the elements – a relentless 0.07 inches of 37-degree rain, making Tube’s position in the overhang opening a precarious one.

Following a respite from Shortsale’s punishing 30-minute beatdown, YHC unleashed the power of his 2.1’s Dungeons and Dragons’ Dice and 2.0’s Kettle Bell cards. The next 25 minutes became an epic quest, with each PAX rolling a 20-sided and 10-sided die to determine the exercise card number and reps. From coupon swings to merkins, American Hammers, Clean and Jerks, Halos, Shoulder Presses, and an abundance of mumblechatter – we faced the challenge with complaints and determination.

The soundtrack of the day, curated by YHC, featured an epic playlist of cold and ice-related tunes (Foreigner, the Rolling Stones, Tone-Loc) that eventually gave way to some questionable choices (Katy Perry, Rick James, Vanilla Ice). Nevertheless, the eclectic beats fueled our determination, leaving each of us stronger and perhaps a tad dumber than when we started.

Announcements echoed through the rain-soaked air: Whiskey Mill F3 lunch – seek Boudin for directions, and prepare for Pushing Rocks in February.

As we wrapped up, we lifted our intentions to the heavens: Prayer Requests for Turtle Man, Campos founder’s family, and special intentions.





GasHouse Relocation of Idiots

Core Principle #3: Held Outdoors: Rain or Shine, Hot or Cold. F3 is easy when the temperatures are comfortable, say the 50’s to about 70 and without precipitation. In the winter months when it gets into the 20’s and 30’s, maybe add a layer or two to survive past the warm-up, but mix in the rain and the cold? F3 quickly turns into “F-that!” Such was the case this morning with the temperature cooling in the mid-thirty’s and a front delivering a steady deluge of rain. Hunchback and I agreed to swap workouts this morning but there is minimal shelter near to the Schiele Museum parking lot, so we discussed our best options to deliver a steady beat-down to any idiot willing to escape the fartsack (#leading). The contingency location of the First Presbyterian Church Portico would become the spot for the workout. I took the first half and Hunchback the second. Here is how the morning began.


IC x 10: Toy Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Arrows (missed you SA), Monkey Humpers aimed at the Ruckers arriving late. Now that Whoopee was there, time for Gravel Pickers. Since Whoopee and Roscoe disdain for the “warm-up” and opted for merkins, I extended the reps to 16. Next up on the warm-up list was Merkins (don’t f with the Q). No mosey, let’s get to work; split into partners:

Partner 1 grabs a jump rope; Partner 2 performs the exercise. 30 seconds on, 12 seconds to switch for 3 rounds of:

  • HR Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Apollo Ohno

Heartrate is now elevated, let’s hit the cardio with a Every Minute On the Minute (EMOM):

  • 10 Squats
  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Merkins

This is a grind of steady work with limited rest before the next round begins. Scheduled for 10 rounds I had to Omaha after 8.

Next was the strength and core portion of the workout. There were 10 stations and a number of dumbbells, kettlebells, blocks, or bands to use. Timer was set for 40 seconds of AMRAP work with 20 seconds of rest to recover and prepare for the next station:

  • 21’s – use a stretch band: 7 curls to halfway, 7 curls half to shoulder, 7 full arm curls
  • Bent over flies
  • Romanian Deadlift: 5 right, 5 left, continue rotating for the time
  • American Hammer – use the medicine ball or weight
  • Single Arm Shoulder Press x 5 while opposite arm does a static hold of a dumbbell/kb; switch after 5, continue until time
  • Tricep chop – lie flat on ground, chop left, center, then right side AMRAP
  • Reverse crunch w/ block or weight
  • Hammer curl to Shoulder Press
  • Palm up Renegade Rows
  • Squat to Press (i.e. Thruster)

That was my time, giving way to Hunchback who’s playlist was not really Pain-Labish. He claimed the theme was cold or rainy – but slinging steel to Katy Perry is not really the vibe – even Whoopee agreed!

So I owe Hunchback a Q. I’ll scout for improved weather and look forward to seeing the Pain Lab regulars so I can test them for a full hour.

Thanks to the 10 other HIMS that posted in the miserable conditions. It certainly made the time go by in a much better way than if I had been solo.

The Rainy Day Stay Dry WOD

Well it was me and Purple Haze at Old School this morning. As  soon as the clock rang 0700 we immediately moved ourselves vehicles and all to the Old Courthouse so that we could put in a little work under the gazebo. I said we’d stay as dry as possible and that’s what we did. We both grabbed a couple of sandbells each and I snatched up my handy dandy Monster Torch speaker and off to the gazebo we ran. Once inside I cranked up my Classic Rock Workout Playlist and we got started. We did a nice long warmup and a lot of functional stretching afterwards to make sure the  body was ready given the weather conditions this morning. Once finished with the warmup we completed several rounds of strength exercises followed by recovery exercises. The first round started with 15/45 work to rest ratio. The second was 30/30. The third was 45/15. The final round was 1 min. work no rest between exercises. The exercises were Front Rack Squats, Curls, Overhead Press, Bent Over Rows, and Deficit Merkins – hands on the bags chest to the ground Merkins. The recovery cycle at the end of each round was 20 SSH, 20 Arm Circles Front and Back, 20 Slow Butt Kickers, 20 Slow High Knees, and a couple of stretches. This cycle was done between rounds to keep the body moving while giving it a little recovery. This workout was by no means a lung buster but the heart rate was elevated and most importantly the muscles were very fatigued by the last two rounds. After the final round we put everything back in my truck and there was about 10min. left so we decided to get in a quick little Fellowship Mosey and by the time we got back we had in a mile. We said the Pledge at the Courthouse Flag then headed back to the vehicles for the COT and that was time.


2nd F Whisky Mill in Gastonia 1/17


TurtleMan, Huckleberry, Ball Joint, My Family, Broke’s Mom, Hall Family, Gumby’s Mom, and many more I’m sure

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