Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: April 30, 2023 (Page 2 of 2)

Convergence at Midoriyama 4/29/23

It was a beautiful day for a convergence. The rain subsided and the temperature was cool. YHC arrives at 0615 to see some PAX getting some EC before the workout. The first of numerous flags are planted, and the PAX begin to roll in. They keep rolling in. It was an awesome sight to behold. The Midoriyama misfits gather and quickly rehearse their plan for the workout. We decide to move the herd to a large empty parking lot where the warmup would be held. We went into this knowing that a convergence is attempting to herd cats for an hour, so we tried to keep the group together as best as we could.

Pockets lead us off with some stretching and the core principles of F3. He handed it over to Broke who got the heart rate up with a 10 to 1 countdown of 4 exercises: SSH (IC), LBC’s (IC), Squats and Merkins.

With the warmup complete, Broke hands it off to Purple Haze. All PAX grab a coupon and rifle carry to the wettest, sketchiest hill behind field #4’s outfield fence. The instructions were simple – 1) rifle carry your coupon down the wet, sketchy  hill without dropping it on your head, 2) murder bunny back up the hill and perform one squat. We rinsed and repeated what seemed like an eternity. He instructs the PAX to partner up and alternate farmer carrying the coupons back towards the turd shack. YHC decides to Omaha and gather the PAX in the parking lot beside the batting cages.

Circle up for some block work. 10 to 1 block curls and overhead presses.  If a PAX set their block down it was 5 burpee penalty. Some intentionally set their blocks down to incur the 5 burpee penalty. They believed the whole group would perform the burpees. Negative, ghost rider. Only the PAX that set their blocks down performed the burpees. Thanks to Balljoint, Tesla and Roscoe for giving the others a break while you performed burpees! We then escalated 1 to 10 the same exercises.

We moved on to a quick round of core work. YHC remembers Big Boys, Flutter kicks, Heels to Heaven, Dying Cockroaches, Corkscrews and Freddie Mercs being called.

Back to the blocks for 10 to 1 with squats and block swings. We got down to 5 reps when YHC Omaha’d for the last 10 minutes. 100 Burpees in 10 minutes. With a EMOM timer set for 10 minutes, Burpees are performed in an ascending/descending order:

  • Minutes 1 and 10 – 8 Burpees
  • Minutes 2 and 9 – 9 Burpees
  • Minutes 3 and 8 – 10 Burpees
  • Minutes 4 and 7 – 11 Burpees
  • Minutes 5 and 6 – 12 Burpees

Time was up and coupons returned. We circled back up for the Pushing Rocks Challenge Awards. Flintstone and Roscoe handed out patches for the PAX who posted at least 20 times a month. The Midoriyama Misfits were given their awards for winning the Pushing Rocks challenge. YHC had the honor of receiving the F3 Gastonia regional championship belt. He must admit, that was freaking awesome! Even the baseball players taking batting practice were amazed as Flintstone held the belt high for everyone to see! Kudos to SLT for coming up with such an awesome award!

We said the pledge of allegiance, and some of the baseball players joined in with us! #Impact


  • Young Life Golf Tournament on 5/15 headed up by Buckshot. We are wanting to reach full sponsorship with a goal of $250. Chip in a few bucks if you can.
  • Annihilation workouts are resuming on 5/13 at Gashouse. JJ will be Qing the beatdown.
  • Memorial Day Murph at Martha Rivers Park. 0700 start time.
  • Purple Haze is Qing a Forest City bike ride/ arcade visit. More to come on that.
  • Stogie reminded all PAX in attendance to update their In Case of Emergency info on Slack.
  • Whoopee brought up the fact that someone in the group should be carrying a phone if/ when a PAX get injured. If no one else has a phone, it’s the Q’s responsibility to carry a phone.

Prayer Requests:

  • Jackson Hall (Ratchet’s 2.0)
  • Turtleman
  • Huckleberry
  • Mayor and Sargento with healing limbs
  • Tiger and his family
  • Radar’s sister

Kotter Recognition:

  • Dirt
  • Clavin
  • Hushpuppy

YHC took us out in prayer.


Kudos to Flintstone for initiating the Pushing Rocks Challenge. The number of posts for the first 3 months was higher than last year (and probably any other previous year). Having a goal and being part of a team to achieve that goal motivates men to push harder. He and Gearwrench have been crunching a lot of numbers to keep the challenge going smoothly.  Thank you for the hard work behind the scenes, men!

YHC also wants to re-emphasize the importance of picking up the six. Whether you’re picking up the FNG about to splash merlot (as Roscoe did for YHC when he first posted) or getting one of our other brothers, try to pay attention and pick them up. They may going through some rough times with family, their job may be crushing them, anything could be going on. They will appreciate it when their brother(s) come back to get them. YHC has been the six plenty of times and it was always awesome when one of the guys (usually Sister Act or Freight) that would come back and get YHC. That’s a big part of F3 that makes it more than a workout. It’s friendship, camaraderie and lasting relationships that matter. Remember that we are out there for the guys around us more than we are for ourselves.

Finally, YHC wants to give round of applause to the rest of the Midoriyama Misfits. All of these men gave it all they had and held each other accountable. Thanks to you for letting YHC be a member of the team that has set the bar for all other Pushing Rocks Challenges to beat. With that being said, cue “We are the champions” by Queen-


The Midoriyama Misfits



Six Q

The forecast for this morning’s running of the Coconut Horse was ominous. Fortunately the temperature was a pleasant 61 degrees at game time and the rain was barely falling, if at all. The rare occurrence that I was 7 minutes early I observed Stroganoff stretching and Gavel getting an early start out of the gate. The rest of the Sum-britches gang arrived right on time. Apparently everyone got the hidden memo to wear neon tops. In this case, “seeing to be seen” is a positive and not just a social media post. At 0630, Stroganoff gets the itch to head out – I shove their bat-flipping boat off the dock as Flintstone’s pre-warm up routine required more muscle rolling.

I roll out of the parking lot with Flintstone – I share that Gavel is already on the course to which he replies “let’s go catch him…” That was not the challenge I was seeking this fine morning. I manage to stick with the svelt First F Q, discussing a variety of topics including the Convergence and Slaw appropriately winning the Belt! (BTW – NC State v. Va Tech is in Blacksburg on November 18th). We hit the bridge entering the greenway and Flintstone hits a stride that he begins gliding over the trail. After the Convergence, I spread 50 bails of pine needles yesterday afternoon and had nothing to offer at that point except watch the vapor trail (not that I would have kept up had I been fully rested and drank rocket fuel either).

Flintstone accomplished his mission to not only catch the neon Sum-britches gang, but Gavel as well. He then circled back for the slow Q and guided me home. Leading from the Six still counts I guess.

QSource – Dichotomy of Leadership which is a great discussion as we have learned through 4 chapters what is the answer? “it depends.” What Jocko and Leif outline are situations where hard decisions must be contemplated. No one enjoys the pressure of difficult decision, especially one that shapes your life. In Ramadi, the SEAL members of Task Unit Bruiser were faced with those pressure situations on a daily basis. In our personal and work lives, the challenges we face are not typically life threatening, but they can still be difficult and unique where one response may be different than the next. Today’s chapter on “When to Mentor, When to Fire” deals with personnel issues of when training or mentorship is not working, and the person is struggling. Jocko shares “most underperformers don’t need to be fired; they need to be led.” How much time do you invest on that person? (a: ‘it depends’) Are they trainable? Is there a different role they should be doing? Or is the Black Tahoe best for all involved? This chapter resembles QSource on Accountability – Team (Q4.8). Today’s group agreed documenting low performance is a necessary tool to cover a leader. Make sure the person understands the “why” and the consequences. We all shared some thoughts and questions, including the true source of “FNG” (Whoopee swears DREDD got it from Forest Gump…).

Prayer requests: Huck, Jane Fonda, the Long family traveling; Announcements: look for pre-blast from Purple Haze about 2nd F bike trip; 5/13 – JJ leads Annihilation at GasHouse – JJ promised a burner – I expect a combination of SA’s physical beatdown with Linus’ mental trickery – should be special.

Happy Birthday Whoopee

The Sword 4/24

Philippians 4

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

When we pray are we just throwing a list of needs at God or do we also pray thankfully for the things he has already given us?  Better yet do we even recognize when our prayers have been answered?  Living in a world of instant gratification it can be easy to lose sight of something you’ve been asking for that has happened, then it just seems to get lost in the mess. God works in his own time and for his reasons.  These verses just help me to remember to pray thankfully and look closer at the obstacles that have been put in my way to get where I am.  I look at things that have happened for me and think about all it took to get there.


Convergence 29th Midoriyama

Pony boy VQ

Prayer requests

Ratchets son Jackson

Chubbs friend getting a heart biopsy



All the traveling PAX

F3 Labyrinth – April 26, 2023

Six PAX this morning at The Labyrinth.  Seeing no FNG’s I gave a brief disclaimer and we circled up for the warm up.

SSH x 20 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 15 IC
Merkin x 10 IC

After the warm up we took off toward Martha Rivers Park for the first beat down.

The limit was 5 trees as you enter the parking lot.

TREE #1 = 5 burpees
TREE #2 = 5 burpees, 10 diamond merkins
TREE #3 = 5 burpees, 10 diamond merkins, 15 squats
TREE #4 = 5 burpees, 10 diamond merkins, 15 squats, 20 American hammers (count one side only)
TREE #5 = 5 burpees, 10 diamond merkins, 15 squats, 20 American hammers, 25 SSH.

We then took a long mosey around the parking lot and ran toward the picnic shelters for 11’s.
10 derkins, then run toward the street and one big boy sit up.

After 11’s we headed toward the diamond and performed 7 of diamonds.
Round 1 – 7 hand release merkins at each base for a total of 28 reps.
Round 2 – 14 squats at each base for a total of 56 reps.
Round 3 – 21 Freddy mercury at each base for a total of 84 reps.

Seeing no time left we did a mosey toward COT and did a minute worth of ab exercises.

Convergence is Saturday April 29 at Poston Park beginning at 7 a.m.
Time Laps relay is the weekend of May 19.

Continue prayers for my sister Mackenzie.
EZ Rider asked for prayers for his son.
We also asked everyone to make a conscious effort to check the prayer channel daily and lift those people up.


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