Fitness, Fellowship, Faith


  • Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 11/18/2021
  • AO: Midoriyama
  • QIC: Termite
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Freight, Purple Haze, Bedpan, Gumby, Montross, Blart, Tiger, Def Leppard, Slaw

Thought it only appropriate to start the workout with I’m back and holding out the superman until it hurt…. anyway here’s how it went.

9 pax started out … and then the legend came in hot… the Leppard ( more on that). We started out with some mountain climbers to get the heart rate up over 170 ish…  then superman hold it in reverance of Cam Newton ( cough, cough) anyway.  I forgot Tiger was in timeout and stayed behind and did a block workout and nap while we were doing all this other stuff…

Let’s mosey down the road across the street. Leppard and two or three others he was influencing lagged behind pretty heavy. I believe he was still working from home and hindering other pax. Finally they got across the road we went around the circle and I keep looking back NO Leppard and a few others he was hindering. So me the old guy has to let them know the office meeting is over and we will run out of time if you don’t pick up the pace.  Across the road to the pier we all meet up again and form groups of 3 for some Dorie… I decided that since everyone was being influenced by the Leppard we would run up the wheel chair ramp… you know with the handicaps we were facing. Anyway 100 plank jacks one hand out ( whah) 200 something.. can’t remember alzheimers  and 300 american hammers… Slaw said he was having minstrel cramps on these not sure what that was about. Ner up the hill lot of crying and business meetings on the way… did a count down Purple haze started at a 100 instead of 10… then mosey away at every light post stopped and did different painful exercises  with 25 in each set such as diamond merkins, werkins, CDD, big boys, lunges, skipped, kareokee, monkey humpers, chest slappers… you get the picture it was time to walk a ways back with some other exercise I forgot the name of… old people damn!

Anyway thanks for the opportunity for the old guy to embarrass you all ! First time at the legendary Midoriyama so I got all I could done.

Prayer request:

Montross sister to give birth, Broke’s mother, people battling addiction, domestic violence up, Mayor’s M , Tiger’s M and stepsons, people going into the holiday season with family and loved ones..


Christmas town 5K 11-27, Christmas party 12-11, Service project meets 11-19 at 15:30 at salvation army main street Gastonia,  Clown car to Mooresville on 11-20 05:30 am leaving from Rose’s in Belmont, Tiger looking into possible trip to Rice and Beans next week before thanksgiving will need more volunteer’s


1 Comment

  1. Brandon Farris Hastings

    100 Merkins, 200 of the one-arm plank Jack’s, 300 hammers 😉

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