Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 18, 2021

Bow Wow Wow, Yippy Yo!

Nearly perfect weather morning plus just a touch of muggy.  Overall, a very nice morning to get out of the fartsack and move around  bit.  A decent turnout for this mornings edition of The Bulldog.  We see that Balljoint has been doing some EHing as he brings 3″ to his 2nd overall post.  He fit right in and did great.  Very nice to meet 3″.  It was as always great to see the rest of you old crustys too.

5:30…let’s get busy

Some quick stretching for a warmup

50 SSH’s

20 squats

20 monkey humpers

20 mountain climbers

20 plank jax

30 LBC’s

20 heels to heaven

20 flutter kicks

All x 2 (2nd time 30 SSH’s)


Alabama shuffle.  This is lunge, lunge, squat, burpee down to the pole (approx 50′).

Nur rest of way to cones and back to flag.


Pair up

P1 completes a lap around parking lot stopping at parked school bus for 10 merkins.

P2 stays for AMRAP of called exercise.

Flapjack x 3

Exercise 1 was the squat.

10 count from 3″

Exercise 2 was the curl

Finished up by circling up for mary.

Each PAX calls a 20 count of an ab exercise.

  • American hammers
  • crunchy frogs
  • LBC’s
  • dying cockroaches
  • crabby cakes
  • Michael Phelps
  • 1 min plank

Ended right on 6:15.



It was a great morning at the Bulldog.  Lots of chatter about the apparent beatdown extravaganza psycho buttermilk session the HIPAA poured out on the group last week.  It sounds like it was awful.   Hate I missed it.

The music for today brought to us by AC/DC, Tool, Sweet Vine, Metallica, and the Beastie Boys.

It was an absolute honor to begin to day with such a great group.



Pick a card

Warm Up:
GoofBalls, Nolan Ryans, Mo Rockin Night Clubs, Fire Hydrants,
Lets Mosey to the Triangle.
20 Twen, Twen, the goal was to not count the reps just time 20seconds and go as hard as you can.
run in place, mountain climbers, Freddy Mercury. side step to each station and NUR the hill.
Route 66 with Bobby Hurleys.

Moseyed back to the tennis courts and I had my Bedpan full of the Deck of death cards. Each pax pulled a card.
That person would mosey three tennis courts, then sprint 3 courts. mosey back then sprint the last 3.
All while the rest of the pax performed said exercise.
After a few rounds it was time. We finished with 22 for the vets.

Prayer request:
SA and family, Big Pappy and family, Mental health awareness month, teachers, kids taking EOG’s, each other.

Amoeba Ruck coming up 5/22/21

The BedPan is Full!

Tax Man

At the sword this morning, we ran,moseyed, and Rucked.
The Bible verse I chose was about that little Big Tax man Zacchaeus.
LUKE 19: 1-10
Jesus told Zacchaeus to get out of the tree, so he and Jesus could have Dinner together.
The towns people mumbled and thought how could Jesus associate with such a low life of a person. (think of an old lady grabbing her chest and making a loud exhale and fainting). What he was showing us is that God’s Love does not care if you are the tax man.
He wants to be a part of your life and wants you to share his love with others.
Who can you think of that maybe you have passed by because of their social status/smell/lifestyle. I can think of a lot in my time and hopefully will think twice before I do it again.
God Loves us all.

Prayer request:
SA and his family, Big Papi and his family, kids, each other and our country.

Events: Amoeba Ruck coming up this weekend 5/22/21

The BedPan is full!

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