Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 8, 2020

Stunt Cycle

A cooler morning in the Gloom with lots of cars already in the lot by 0615.  I know Dirt got some EC running in before the workout.

At 0630, the disclaimer was given and we got to work.

Warm Up:  SSH, Merkins, LBC’s

Mosey to the first speed bump on the main drag.

20 Jump Squats then run 130 yds downhill to the next speed bump for 5 burpees.  Run uphill to the speed bump where you started and do 18 jump squats, decreasing by two each round with the burpees staying at 5 at the bottom.  This took a few minutes but the PAX did a great job being consistent and doing the work.

Mosey  for a group Lunge walk of 60 yds.

Mosey to main parking lot for Evil Knievel’s.  The PAX showed their age when the description was given.  Four rows of PAX do 15 Plank Jacks and then launch into a full 25-30 yard sprint, mosey back and get in line to repeat.  We learned that Buckshot has the plank jack and sprinting speed.  He was consistently blazing the path ahead of everyone else.  The visual was the Evil Knievel stunt cycle toy that you “docked” in the base and turned the crank before launching the motorcycle out at max speed, sometimes getting a wheelie.  The younger PAX had no idea.


After multiple rounds of this we gathered round and counted off 1,2,3, and 4 and grouped in a quadrant around a light pole.  The 1’s do a burpee, then the 2’s do a burpee, then the 3’s, then the four’s count “one”.  Repeat.  The 4’s count up each time.  The speed increased and the accountability became suspect as some PAX where standing around counting their number without doing the burpee.  Sister Act and Pillager showed their displeasure with the exercise by exhibiting extreme flatulence, almost being offensive.  When we talk about being intentional, this was a choice.  Think Monty Python “I fart in your general direction”)  Most of group 4 was exposed to the gas as the wind was wafting in our direction from Group 3.  The accountable PAX made it to 50 before we moseyed back to start for a two minute plank of gratitude before the clock struck 0615.

A very good morning for a workout.  Thanks to Dirt for allowing me to lead.

Prayer requests:  SA’s Daughter, A friend of LT. Grade with a recent ALS diagnosis, the family of Marc Rausch, Clavin on the recent passing of his mother, A friend of Termite with Cirrhosis (from drinking diet soda’s.)

The seventeen PAX showed up in the Gloom. No one told them to get up and post.  They were leading themselves.  Great work this morning.  Being intentional and leading is a decision.  Great choice!






Labor Day Crowd

Two for a Labor Day workout.  The bank time and temp tells me it is 61 degrees.  In the middle of the workout I could not get over how quiet and peaceful it was inside of Martha’s house.  Perfect morning.  Guess it’s time to work on some perfect form.

Leave Pelican’s, mosey to Martha’s.  About midway in parking lot we lunge.  Trying our best to get in a perfect lunge, knee’s straight and nearly touching the ground.

Down to edge of playground, working on some more perfection.

Merkins:  15 merkins, hand shoulder width, all the way down, extend all the way up.  Mosey to island and back.  Rinse and repeat, 20 and 25.

Since IPC Week 1 hand release stuck in my mind as being particularly awful, let’s try some of these.

Hand Release Merkins:  15 and mosey around the island.  Rinse and repeat 20 and you can forget the 25.

IPC Week 2 modified:  The Week 2 IPC looks something like this.  Center position, 10 thrusters (with block), walk block out to first station (block overhead) and perform 25 count at each station.  After 25 count, walk block overhead back to center station, 10 more thrusters and out to station 2.  Etc. etc.  Before start and after start is a 400M run.  The IPC stations (remember with the block) is:  Decline Merkins, Blockee’s, Weighted Squats, Kettle Bell swing, Vertical block presses, and Alpos.  Modified for this we:

400M run:

Center:  Jump Squats x 10 each return

Station 1:  Decline Merkins

Station 2:  Burpees using curb

Station 3:  Squats

Station 4:  Overhead Claps

Station 5:  CDD’s

Station 6:  Dips

400M run:

We got through one round and I think two stations of round 2.  Note, for IPC purposes the event is timed to 43 minutes.

Slow mosey for a hot minute to save Linus back to Pelicans and with breath in hand we strong moseyed back.



One on one times like this are great times to bond with your brothers.  I had a great time working out with Defib and trying to keep up with him even as I was the Q.  Happy Labor Day to all.  Hope you have a great week.

Concerns:  Defib, family and son

IPC1 at Midoriyama

Some were prepared, others were less so, for the pain that was the Week 1 edition of the 2020 Iron Pax Challenge. Everyone gave it their all and some improved their already strong times on a second attempt later in the week. Can’t imagine doing that one again. As Tiger put it: “I’m glad that shit is done.”

Until next time,


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