Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 2, 2020


  1. Warm-up 

25 4-count IC- over head arm claps

25 4-count IC- military press

25 burpees OYO

Jog over to tennis courts


Upper Body circuit: 

Round 1:

20 Mercins

-bear crawl to short corner

20 shoulder touch mercins

-sprint to long corner

20 Mike Tyson’s

-bear crawl to short corner

20 burpees

-sprint to long corner

Round 2:

15 mercins

-bear crawl to short corner

15 shoulder touch mercins

-sprint to long corner

15 Mike Tyson’s

-bear crawl to short corner

15 burpees

-sprint to long corner

Round 3:

10 mercins

-bear crawl to short corner

10 shoulder touch mercins

-sprint to long corner

10 Mike Tyson’s

-bear crawl to short corner

10 burpees

-sprint to long corner

Lower Body Circuit

jog from tennis courts to parking long with small pond and gazebos.

Round 1

20 squats

-run down hill to opposite side of parking lot

20 lunges (10 each leg)

-run up hill to opposite side of parking lot

20 imperial walkers (10 each leg)

-run down hill to opposite side of parking lot

20 jump squats

-run up hill to opposite side of parking lot

Round 2

15 squats

-run down hill to opposite side of parking lot

16 lunges (8 each leg)

-run up hill to opposite side of parking lot

16 imperial walkers (8 each leg)

-run down hill to opposite side of parking lot

15 jump squats

-run up hill to opposite side of parking lot

Round 3

10 squats

-run down hill to opposite side of parking lot

10 lunges (5 each leg)

-run up hill to opposite side of parking lot

10 imperial walkers

-run down hill to opposite side of parking lot

10 jump squats

-run up hill to opposite side of parking lot



20 Big boys

20 LDCs

20 bicycle crunches 4 count IC

20 flutter kicks IC

Great workout. Had a fun time leading all these guys in a beat down. Looking forward to my net Q!




  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Don Qs
  • Merkins
  • Stretches
  • Burpess x 5

The Thang

Mosey down to lower parking lot for a Figure 8 workout;

Merkins x 8, run a figure 8 route around lower parking lot, each time you cross center, 2 burpees. That is round one. We will intensify each round adding a new exercise until we reach 8 different exercises.

Round 2

  • Merkins x 8
  • Plank Jack x 8
  • Run the figure eight route with 2x burpees each time you cross center

Round 3

  • Merkins x 8
  • Plank Jacks x 8
  • American Hammers x 8
  • Run the figure eight route with 2x burpees each time you cross center

Round 4

  • Merkins x 8
  • Plank Jacks x 8
  • American Hammers x 8
  • Mountain Climbers x 8
  • Run the figure eight route with 2x burpees each time you cross center

Round 5

  • Merkins x 8
  • Plank Jacks x 8
  • American Hammers x 8
  • Mountain Climbers x 8
  • Dips x 8
  • Run the figure eight route with 2x burpees each time you cross center

Round 6

  • Merkins x 8
  • Plank Jacks x 8
  • American Hammers x 8
  • Mountain Climbers x 8
  • Dips x 8
  • SSH x 8
  • Run the figure eight route with 2x burpees each time you cross center

Round 7

  • Merkins x 8
  • Plank Jacks x 8
  • American Hammers x 8
  • Mountain Climbers x 8
  • Dips x 8
  • SSH x 8
  • Big Boys x 8
  • Run the figure eight route with 2x burpees each time you cross center

Round 8

  • Merkins x 8
  • Plank Jacks x 8
  • American Hammers x 8
  • Mountain Climbers x 8
  • Dips x 8
  • SSH x 8
  • Big Boys x 8
  • Rockette, Squat, Jump x 8
  • Run the figure eight route with 2x burpees each time you cross center

Now for a Triple Nickle

  • Burpees x 5
  • run to back of circle
  • LBC x5

Mosey back to shovel flag for some Mary, but before we do, 5 burpees for the train.

3 rounds, 15, 10, 5

  • Flutter Kicks
  • American Hammers
  • LBC

The Pledge



  • See Montross’ post for all the details
  • Gaston County Young Life’s Golf Tournament – October 5th

Prayer Requests

  • Sister Acts daughter
  • Sargento’s upcoming exam
  • Students and teachers
  • Our Nation

YHC closed us out with prayer.


Hard work by all, thanks for the opportunity to lead you this morning!


Breaker Breaker


Tied 3-3!

So, I remember on a Saturday, about this time last year, Swimmer lead a Cotter-Q where we played Frisbee Football for about an hour. At the end of it we had basically ran a 5K (just over 3.1 miles). No one has done that for a workout at Folsom since. Monday was my 38th birthday and I wanted to have some fun (even though I hate running).

The lights have been out for a large part of Folsom. Plus, the lights for the soccer field haven’t been installed yet. No biggie… I rolled into Folsom a few minutes early and just left my truck running with the lights on – shining out on the field. The rules were simple… you can’t run with the frisbee. You have to throw it to someone else- above all else… run and have fun. Oh, and the team who is scored upon has to do 5 burpees.

We started out with some mountain man poopers, but I really should have demoed. Instead, I called them in cadence and started to count, but stopped when I realized 3-4 of our newer guys had never done the warm up. It threw me off and Montross was quick to call me out on the Q-fail. So, when he jokingly stopped at 10, I said – “Let’s mosey!”.

I don’t know too many who actually caught the frisbee (including YHC – who didn’t drop it once the prior time). It came down to – “you can’t catch what you can’t see” (if you think about that for more than a couple of seconds you can probably turn that into an object lesson or find a biblical truth that supports that statement). I honestly don’t know that you could be much more “in the gloom” than on a soccer field after it has rain the night before, in the dark – where the bright lights from a truck do little to aid your sight (in many cases the blind you).

In summation, we ran around in the wet grass, barely able to see, for around 25 minutes straight. We all did some running (according to my “F-armin” (Fake Garmin) it said I ran 1.6 miles), we all did at least 15 burpees. Before I had to leave at 6am my team was able to even the score and tie it all up. A rematch may have to take place in the near future. The pax all seemed to have a good time while working out and it was an easy Q for me. Oh, and no one took it too seriously – so, no one got seriously injured (other than West Side and Wichita running into each other – like running into a brick wall).

Wichita took over for me at 6am with some dora near the COT.

Thanks for allowing me to lead (even though I didn’t do very much of it this time – other than calling the game and making up rules as we went (for what was a touchdown and what was in and out of bounds).



The Ricky Bobby 9/2/2020

12 men at The Ricky Bobby this morning!  No FNG, not much of a disclaimer, time to start!!


Grass Pickers x 10(ic)


The Thang:

First exercise called here:

5 Rounds

10 Burpees

10 Jump Lunges

10 Hand Release Merkins

10 Big Boys

10 Smurf Jacks

Lap around track

After a quick 10 count from ole Buttermilk, we moseyed to the back parking lot behind the school.  Pax line up on the first parking space line for some Route 66.  Start with 1 Mike Tyson, Bear Crawl to 2nd line for 2 Mike Tyson’s. Bear Crawl to 3rd line for 3 Mike Tyson’s.  Continue this until you finish with 11 Mike Tyson’s.


Time for some core work.

Round 1:

LBCs x 20(ic)

Flutter Kicks x 20(ic)

American Hammer x 20(ic)

Freddie Mercury’s x 20(ic)

Round 2

LBCs x 10(ic)

Flutter Kicks x 10(ic)

American Hammer x 10(ic)

Freddie Mercury’s x 10(ic)


Still with plenty of time remaining.  Time for some 11’s!  Start on the side of the parking lot with 10 Imperial Walker Squats, mosey across for 1 CDD, then mosey back.  Then 9 IW Squats and 2 CDD.  Continue until you finish with 1 IW Squat and 10 CDD.


Time to start heading back to the COT.  However, we still needed to knock out some more reps on the way back.  Stopped at 5 light poles on the way back.  Started with 1 Burpee at the first, and then increase the rep by 1 at the next pole.  Finished with 5 Burpees at the 5th pole.  There were plenty more light poles, but ran out of time.  Quick mosey back to the flag!  Time!!



Shooting & BBQ 9/12

CSAUP 9/19 at Folsom

JJ5K 9/26 – Trail run Common Ground in Stanley

Mt Mitchell hike 9/27

Prayer Request

SA daughter & family, Stroganoff family, kids & teachers, all pax



Honor to lead today men.  Appreciate you men, everyone pushed hard today!!

Sister Act




Hot Mosey

September is the time of year when all runners and runnerets, kick the dust off the ole running shoes. But not F3 we been training and getting stronger since, well all the time. As men I feel like we live for this, not running not bootcamp but the strong bond and friendships ” my M just said rectal prolapse while charting notes” Gotta love Covid life all working under one roof. I find myself missing being around the pax if I’m fartsacking or other obligations. But fortunately I was able to make it out and get a run in with two men I have not run with before. Wichita and Sarlacc, two great Men both have been excelling tremendously, as a matter of fact Sarlacc could be a secret ultimate Frisbee champion. I am still amazed how we get older and thanks to F3 rekindle friendships from the past. Wichita and me go back from being kids in various churches to riding around with the windows down late at night cause I farted and stunk up the car back in the day! Thanks to F3 I have grown to know Wichita as an adult follower of Christ and true HIM!

Thank you for the opportunity to serve.

Shooting and BBQ 9/12
CSAUP 9/19
JJ 5k 9/26
Mount Mitchell Hike 9/27
Iron Pax challenge every Saturday this Month at the Gas House AO.
Prayer Request:
SA’s Daughter, Broke’s Mom, Wire Nuts Mom, Stogies Dad, Pray for Huck that he will have a great interview and make a lot of Money!

The Bed Pan is Full!

Tearin’ Down The Smoke Shop

As YHC arrived at roughly 5:15 this am it was noticed that Whoopee and Roscoe were doing an EC workout that involved lots of lunges and burpees.  It looked intense.  Gastone was out running some EC.  There may have been more but that’s just what I noticed.

The “gloom” was in full swing on this muggy, thick, and warm morning complemented perfectly by a big full moon.

With that being said, 12 of Gastonia’s finest HIM’s were gathering and in good spirits.  All looked eager and ready to rock n’ roll.

5:30…let’s get going.

Warm up:

20 x SSH (double count)

Mosey to the appliance/smoke shop in the Food Lion parking lot.

The Walls of Jericho story was said.

The Thang:

Walls of Jericho was as follows:

7 x each exercise on each wall of smoke shop.  Each time around is 7 x 4 = 28 each exercise per time around.

7 x around. Exercises were:

Toy Soldiers


Monkey Humpers

Mountain Climbers



Flutter Kicks

Some made all 7 revolutions.  More made 6 before we ran out of time.  All pushed hard, were encouraging, and generally awesome as we’ve all come to expect from this amazing group of guys.  A perfect way to start the day.

Defib ran 5+ miles from Snoballs to the Pub and back as he had to modify the workout.


Shooting event 9/12

CSAUP 9/19

JJ5K 9/26

Mt Mitchell 9/27

1 Mile Run with cancer surviver has been changed and is now by Zoom.  See Gastone about this.


Outhouse had 150 coworkers lost everything during recent hurricane.  Company lost 6 stores.

Gastone’s Father in Law

Defib’s son returning to school

JK2’s Pastor with family stuff

EZ Rider’s friends family with 2 recent suicides

Roscoe’s coworker recently passed away.  Services are today.



First Responders

Thank you to Clavin for allowing YHC the opportunity to be a part.  The honor is mine.






New Bartender

A dozen HIM came out to witness history this morning not by simply running to Marthas and back but to watch the rare changing of the guard at the Pub.  It is with great delight and honor that I am able to assume the role of site Q from JJ at Gastonia’s premiere running AO.  JJ has served as site Q for over 2 years (ever since Monk left) and has grown the AO.  He has led us in the rain, the snow and the swampy humidity of summer.  He has beaten back challenges from the purse carrying ruckers and served the AO with honor and dignity.  My only hope is to not screw it up.  SYITG

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